MTL - Female Protagonist is a Blackened Villainess-Chapter 70 Zi Ling 珑 龙 龙

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The dragon poetry lost, and Zi Ling was in a crisis. The school immediately took action and entered the enchantment with countless bound magic, but it did not have much effect on Long Aotian and Longhe. This school also knows that they just want to let Zi Linglong have a chance to escape.

However, Ziling Lingxiao has a low head and then a head full of crazy laughter, full of like a madman. Moreover, the brighter the star of her scarlet star in the sky, the more she is surprised.

Soon the entire sky was red and a huge red star shape was fully displayed in front of the people in Fengling. The star is red, as if it were a red giant in the celestial body. This distance is as big as the lid, but there are many red chains tied together, which looks extremely strange.

Everyone was shocked by this phenomenon.

The sky mutates like this, what happens in the end, no one knows. Feelings of panic, nervousness, etc. breed in people's hearts.

Are they really going to finish?

The star suddenly lowered a red light, but was quickly stopped by a big hand, but unfortunately, the red light completely shattered the big hand and continued to drop, and then completely covered the purple exquisite.

Long He was puzzled, and looked at Long Aotian, and Long Aotian’s consciousness became more and more clear, and his face looked horrified as he slowly turned into a black purple exquisite.

"Dead! Die!"

Ziling Ling opened her **** eyes and glanced at Long Aotian coldly, then slowly walked toward them: "You have to pay for your actions!!"

Many school teachers who watched the battle outside were full of surprises and could not understand the form of Zi Linglong. To be amazed, there are also a few people in the Holy Spirit of the students. Zi Ling is violent and can talk. This is something that has never happened before.

Today, they have to hope that Zi Lingling can defeat Long Aotian and then rescue their head. Yes, the dragon poetry in the field, there is no breath.

They originally wanted to go down and try to see if they could save the hope of the school, but the violent violentness of Ziling Ling also made them feel hope.

The exquisite momentum of Zi Ling Ling is not worse than their head, no! Even stronger.

A little girl holding a butterfly net suddenly fell into the crowd, then looked at the scene with a serious face. She wants to save the dragon poetry, but she dare not approach the purple exquisite at this time, not only her, but everyone is retreating to this state of her.

I only hope that she can stay sensible and save the dragon poetry!

In the darkness of loneliness, she only has the glimmer. This smeared gave her the warmth she had never had before, letting her experience the existence of love in the world and let her become a "people" to live well.

But now, the light has been taken away.

She only destroyed them all.

Zi Linglong slowly walked to Long Aotian and Longhe. Longhe saw this and a tail smashed down. Then the purple Linglong actually resisted.

Yes, she actually resisted Long He’s blow with bare hands.

"Get out!"

The purple Linglong even hugged the oversized tail, and then slammed the dragon to the ground. Her eyes swept to the original claws of Long He, where it collapsed and the Long Poetry was completely buried.

Long Aotian suddenly came to her, but she grabbed her neck and twisted it. Then he squatted underground, and then learned how he treated the dragon poetry, sat down and screamed at him.

Her output is much more terrifying than Long Shi.

Long He got up and sent out a few thunder. But Zi Ling Hao Hao ignored it, completely do not care about that kind of small damage, continue to beat Long Aotian, it is obvious that it is not killed and not let go.


Longe screamed in anger and then slammed the tail.

Zi Linglong was finally photographed by him, but he did not suffer any harm at all, but climbed to its body and punched it to its head.

Longhe was dizzy.

Purple exquisitely and violently bombed a few laps, known as the invulnerability of the sword, the magic does not invade the dragon Heron scales scattered, blood burst, lying on the ground is dying. And Long Aotian is almost the same, coma in the ground.

Zi Linglong took care of these two terrible monsters.

However, it was just when everyone cheered. The sky changed again, and several white chains suddenly appeared, and then locked the red star tightly.

The white chain touched the red giant star, and it was also reddish, but the red sky began to slowly disappear. The little girl who took the butterfly net in the hand saw the situation and suddenly flew past the enchantment and then fell into the ground.


I thought that the battlefield that was about to end suddenly sounded countless dragons.

Zi Lingling did not release the violent mode because of the disappearance of the red star. She did not have any awareness at all, and even her own power loss, she did not know.

She only knows that there are a lot of monsters like Longhe, they can make the same sound as Longhe, so they don’t say anything to chase and fight.

There are about fifty or sixty of these dragons, and the sanctuary of the existence of the Sanctuary Dragon disappears, but the human sanctuary is disappearing.

Dragon Island attacked the Holy Spirit Magic School?

Everyone was shocked by what they saw, standing in front of these behemoths, they had no spare power to resist. It’s smashing, and the dragon burns the buildings of the school for thousands of years. Everyone ran to the guided refuge.

The nine-level Longhe and Long Aotian are already very scary. Now there are dozens of dragons, and there are some good sacred dragons. They dare to resist.

Only escape is the best choice.

"Hahaha, your Holy Spirit Magic School is also today!" There was a big laugh in the sky. "My dragons have been humiliating for many years and can finally report a hatred! Children, killing, burning, Don't leave any living mouth."

However, it just just laughed, a figure suddenly flew up, grabbed its tail and pulled it down and fell to the ground. She did not care that this is the dragon king of Long Island. She screamed at the black fist and only stunned the dragon king, and the scales shattered.

She grabbed its dragon's horn and pulled the dragon's horn directly.

A miserable cry spread throughout the school, and all the dragons noticed that their king was being killed by a "monster."

Yes, it is alive.

This is horrible. The dragons have put down their hands and come to help, but when they come, the Dragon King has been beaten by her, extremely fine.

The dragon was angry and yelled at her.

But the result didn't work at all. She climbed the nearest dragon and was arrogant. Because the dragons are too big for the individual, there is no way to help, and some helplessly become a human type, but they are all beaten by her.

It can be said that even if her strength is constantly weakened, she can still abuse the dragon now.

Her unconscious restraint also made everyone relieved. The raging of the dragons can be said to be the end of the world. Many people have lost their young lives. This is not because many students have been evacuated from the beginning, and they are likely to die here.

However, her strength is constantly being weakened, and the dragon who hits the point is not hurting. However, the psychological shadows of the dragons were completely incapable of being cut, and they all stared at her with horror.

The dying dragon king turned into a humanoid, and then was supported by two uncles of the dragon, trying to escape.

Suddenly, there was a handsome man riding a dragon flying over. This man had a bear waist and purple long hair. When he saw them, he said something shocking.

"Afraid of anything!" The man sneered, "I didn't see the monster hitting you more and more painless?" It was a group of uninspired creatures.

He did not say the last sentence.

The weak Dragon King squinted and asked, "Who are you?"

"I?" The man suddenly sneered, "My name is Ling Feng, but from now on, I am the new Dragon Aotian, it is your alliance." He swept his eyes and slammed the dragon and alive, suddenly flew Down, grabbed his hair and screwed it up.

"Hey, what a poor fellow! It was targeted at birth, how unfortunate you are." The man snorted and then suddenly slammed Long Aotian's forehead with his own head.

Unexpectedly, Long Aotian woke up, but he was so weak that he was unable to struggle.

"Waste!" The man sneered. "You have listened to me now. From today, you will be delisted. You know from now on, do you know?"

"What do you want to do?" Long Aotian was extremely weak, just asked this sentence.

"I wanted to kill you, save trouble, but if you don't take away anything in your mind, you should still die, so you can take a trip with me!" He said, put Long Aotian Resist it, then throw a bead, and the bead collects the dragon that seems to have died.

Then, riding and leaving a blue dragon.

Purple Linglong is really not good here. It seems to have restored her original strength. She has been fattened by the dragon, but her defense is much stronger than her original, and her consciousness is slowly recovering.

She remembers what she was doing and knew that she had lost her power now.

The dragon also knows that this person should use the secret skills to enhance the strength, and now it is necessary to return to normal. Then they avenged, no problem at all.

Dragon is a very vengeful creature!

Just when Zi Linglong had no way to resist it, a line of law suddenly appeared at her feet, and then she was passed out. Then, several students happily clap and then quietly leave.

But the dragon is so easy to fool, and immediately a few dragons spit, but it seems to be passed away.

The dragons were angry, and the monster that injured them was rescued by the weak humans. hateful! hateful! hateful! They will continue to abuse and completely destroy this quaint school.


Suddenly the earth shook, and a white light hit the sky. At the same time, countless symbols and elements all gathered, and the dragons around several hundred meters were shaken.

This is the law of heaven and earth.

It is a symbol of the promotion of the god-level powerhouse, but there are elements in the past, and it should not be the **** level, but the pattern of breaking the sanctuary, but it has the law of heaven and earth that can be controlled by the **** level.


The white light faded, and a small figure appeared in the sky.

It is a dragon poem!

"It is the head of the group!"

"She is still alive! She broke through the sanctuary!"

Those members of the Holy Spirit who quietly searched for scattered students outside saw the dragon poetry breaking through the sanctuary, and the face of despair was filled with tears.

Long Shi opened his eyes and saw the broken school and dozens of giants. She heard it and heard the shouts of the students when they died, the helplessness, the pain.

She knows the inner heart of Zi Ling and her actions, and she knows a lot of things.

"Oh, your dragons are really nothing to look for!" She sneered, "Don't think that you are a dragon, I am afraid of you, I am preparing to give you a big gift!"

She threw a piece of jade and sang in a low voice: "Great God of Light! Listen to the call of my god, and come to the world to punish the filth in the world! Contract, call!"

This is the only means that she spends on her when she accepts the flower **** heritage. It can be used to summon the angels of the angelic world to help them fight.

However, this trick is useless for Long Aotian.

According to the plot in the original book, the light **** can not kill Long Aotian, only to wait for Long Aotian to kill him the system, as said.

The author has something to say: the enemy of the enemy is his own friend. The character of the **** of light is generally the number one villain in the Western Magic Dragon Astronomy, unless the light **** is a woman.

In fact, I have never understood why the **** of light is always a bad guy, but the **** of darkness is always good. I always feel that it is half a catty. Long Aotian is inexplicably hateful and bright **** 23333

In fact, this article is not the anti-Long Aotian text. It has also been restored in the character of Long Aotian, not insulting and insulting. The reason why I wrote this is that I found that several articles of Long Aotian actually involved Lily, and then both of them were able to bear the uncle, and then they were born.

Finally, don't go to the Dragon Aotian type of text is better, look at Baidu Long Aotian just fine, then Xiaoxian is not an old wet machine, I have not seen the kind of Ma Wen, the spicy text does not know