MTL - Female President’s Bodyguard-Chapter 7 Arrogant occupation

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Xiao Chen and Ding Li returned to the office of the security department, and the mood of the latter was still a little excited.

"Morning brother, have you just said it really?"

"Of course it is true. Don't be afraid of them in the future. If you bully you, tell me."

"Yeah!" Ding Li nodded and said seriously: "Chen brother, from today, you are my big brother of Ding Li!"

"Oh, then you let the strong brother do?" Xiao Chen made a joke.

Ding Li scratched his head: "Morning brother, I don't know Qiangqiang. From now on, I only recognize you as a morning brother!"

"Well, as long as I am in Longhai for a day, then I will cover you for a day!" Xiao Chen took a shot of Ding Li's shoulder: "But your kid is too courageous, and I have to find a chance to practice it." ”

Ding Li shook his head and seemed to be embarrassed for his timidity: "My dad said that I am weak, naturally timid and afraid of things... Morning brother, can I really grow bigger?"

"Oh, I can't give you a big egg, but there is a way to be timid..." Xiao Chen said with a smirk.

"Then I will listen to my morning brother later, and my morning brother will let me do it, then I will do it!"

"Okay, don't discuss this first, where is my office?"

Ding Li heard this, his look was a bit weird, pointing to a door: "That."

Xiao Chen didn't notice Ding Li's expression. When he opened the door, his face immediately became dark: "Is this my office?"

In the eye, it is a casually stacked table bench with a layer of gray...

On the ground, all kinds of ragged, piled up with beer bottles, beverage bottles and the like, in addition to these, there are still a few pairs of stinky shoes, standing at the door, Xiao Chen can smell that taste...

"Cough, this is the miscellaneous room of the Ministry of Security, Liu said that I will do the office for you..." Ding Li said weakly.

Xiao Chen’s face was a little darker: “What else did he say?”

"He, he also said that when you came, you will be sent to the hospital, this miscellaneous room can not be used..." Ding Li said this, see Xiao Chen face more and more black, busy said: "Morning brother, you Rest assured, I will clean up you right away!"

"No need to worry, where is Liu Dakui's office?" Xiao Chen's face sank, Liu Dakui ah Liu Dakui, are you really a good persimmon soft persimmon?

"That one."

Xiao Chen fell into the door of the utility room and walked into Liu Dakui’s office. He looked at the eye and said with arrogance: "I used this office in the future!"

"Ah?" Ding Li scared his legs to be soft, occupying the office of Liu's supervisor? Then when he comes back, can't you go to heaven?

Just as Ding Li was shocked, Liu Dakui came back with a few young people.

"Liu supervisor, you, you are back..." Ding Li is full of heart.

"Hey!" Liu Dakui snorted, "Xiao Chen?"

“Liu supervisor is looking for me?” Waiting for Ding Li to speak, Xiao Chen’s voice came from the office.

Liu Dakui sneaked a few steps forward. When he saw Xiao Chen sitting in his office chair, he couldn't help but widen his eyes: "How are you in my office?!"

"Liu supervisor, I have requisitioned this office... You take the time to clean up your personal belongings."

"What? You requisition?!" Liu Dakui heard furious: "This is my office, your office is..."

"Where is the garbage room next to it?" Xiao Chen sneered: "Is that the office that General Su has arranged for me, or is it arranged by Qin Assistant? If they let them know, what do you think they think?"

When Liu Dakui heard this, his face changed: "Then you robbed my office, where did I work?"

"That's the miscellaneous thing, do you have to pack it up, don't you have it?" Xiao Chen said lightly.


"How, Liu’s supervisor has opinions? Then you want to go to the assistants of General Manager Su and Qin and say, or do you want to compare with me?” Xiao Chen finished, very arrogantly raised his fist.

Liu Dakui looked at Xiao Chen’s arrogant appearance and almost didn’t come up to death!

I want him to be Liu Dakui. Since he entered the security department, it is a hegemon. Who dares to play with him? But now, I won’t say it first, even the office is occupied, don’t mention more fire!

However, he has no way to fight, but he can't beat it. He is not satisfied with the assistants of General Manager Su and Qin. This tone can only be swallowed first!

"Okay, very good, Xiao Chen, you have to be right with me?"

Liu Dakui glared at Xiao Chen and said with a bite.

"I don't want to be right with you, don't you just do it right with me?" Xiao Chen asked one.


"Give you five minutes to move out your personal belongings... or else, I will throw you in the trash!" Xiao Chen said unceremoniously.

Liu Dakui’s face changed a few times. After all, he did not dare to provoke Xiao Chen again. He bit his teeth: “Some of you, give me personal belongings!”

"Yes!" Several young people nodded and began to move things out.

Looking at the hand and moving things out, Liu Dakui’s face is even more ugly. Every time he moves a thing, it seems that there is a slap in his face. This slap in the face is squeaky, but he can’t hide. !

Next, Xiao Chen tilted his legs and sat on the chair that originally belonged to Liu Dakui. He looked at his dead face and sneered in his heart. Mom, I don’t want to see you in general, but also on my nose. Now Is it a pain?

After a few minutes, Liu Dakui’s things were removed.

I haven't waited for him to take a few more words, just listen to Xiao Chen's opening: "Ding Li, you found that there is no, Liu's supervisor has moved outside, the entire office air is fresh, and the grades have gone up..."

Ding Li’s mouth twitched a few times and didn’t dare to talk.

"You..." Liu Dakui is furious, is this too special to bully people? !

"Liu supervisor, nothing to do with the door! Slowly go, don't send it!"

"Hey!" Liu Dakui screamed and slammed the door.

Ding Li looked at Liu Dakui's back and looked worried: "Morning brother, you are offended by Liu, and he is careful to retaliate."

"Revenge? Hehe, if he does not feel bad, despite revenge!" Xiao Chen smiled lightly, he did not put Liu Dakui in his eyes, this is a jump clown!

"I heard that Liu is very familiar with the people on the road..."

"Okay, don't worry, come, help me clean up and clean up the office."


Here is cleaning up the office, and Liu Dakui and others are busy cleaning the utility room.

Five or six people, after cleaning up for half an hour, were cleaned up, and then simply arranged, Liu Dakui moved in.

"Liu Ge, that kid is too arrogant, we are so tolerant of this matter?"

"Forbearance?" Liu Dakui's face is cloudy: "I will let him pay the price sooner or later!"

"Liu Ge, I heard Xiao Li said that Ren Kun had been to the company yesterday, and he also had a conflict with Xiao Chen..." Suddenly, there was a young man next to him.

"Oh? What happened?" Liu Dakui's eyes lit up.

The young man said the news from the colleagues on duty yesterday.

After listening to Liu Dakui, I was overjoyed: "Haha, Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen, I have offended me, and I have offended Ren Kun? I see how you die! Who, you tell the brothers on duty, if Ren Kun is here. , tell me right now!"

"it is good!"


After the office was packed, Xiao Chen left Ding Li with the security department.

"Morning brother, you are the bodyguard of Su, not the security of the company. Why are you patrolling the company?"

Today, Ding Li has regarded Xiao Chen as his idol. Not to mention that he can become the bodyguard of Su, he is mad at Liu Dakui, and it is enough to make this guy who has been bullied by Liu Dakui crazy!

"Oh, anyway, it’s okay to be idle, just strolling around."

Xiao Chen smiled and didn't tell Ding Li the real reason, casually said.


After some strolling, Xiao Chen has done a good job. There are a total of seven buildings around, which can cover the company with slamming!

In addition, the security strength of the company's back door is also insufficient. If there is any unexpected situation, the response is too late. It seems that we have to remind Su Qing to let her pay attention to the security of the back door!

and also……

Suddenly, Xiao Chen couldn't help but patted his own brain and shook his head and smiled. Isn't that a threatening letter? As for making it so nervous?

Here is Huaxia, not foreign, and it is very rare to be covered by several snipers to cover the whole company!

Besides, is it true that the threatening letter is not necessarily true, in case someone is pranking or scaring Su Qing?

Even if it is true, the soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. He is a handsome man, but he is afraid that a few bandits will not be made?

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen relaxed a lot, with Ding Li went to the building and turned around.

Subsequently, Ding Li went to the door to watch the duty, and Xiao Chen said hello to Su Qing and drove away from the company.

Half an hour later, Maserati stopped at the door of a bar called ‘Lonely’, and the door was half hidden, apparently still not open.

Haven't waited for Xiao Chen to get off, a limping young man from the bar came out: "Chen You are here."

"Well, let's go in and say!"

The thin young man nodded and came to his office with Xiao Chen.

After a few simple words, the knife took out a folder from the drawer: "Morning brother, this is the three graveyards that were initially selected. Look at it."

Xiao Chen took it over and didn't open it: "What about Lao Su?"

"next door."

"Take me to see him first."

"it is good."

The two came to the next room. Xiao Chen saw the casket on the table at a glance, and there was a photo in the middle. It was a handsome young man.

Xiao Chen silently watched the young people in the photo. He is the big brother of the Su family sisters, Su Yunfei!

The knife sighed and gently quit the room.

After ten minutes, Xiao Chen returned to the office: "The knife, which cemetery is the most expensive?"

The knife took a few pieces of information from the folder: "This is the most expensive, and the people buried around are also the heads of Longhai who have faces!"

Xiao Chen took it over and looked at it carefully. He nodded with satisfaction: "It’s it."



Xiao Chen pointed out a propaganda map with his hand, showing a smile: "I think, Lao Su will like it here... facing the sea, spring blossoms!"

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

Read The Duke's Passion