MTL - Female President’s Bodyguard-Chapter 3972 volunteer

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"Hehe, Brother Tan, ask the old man?"

Xiao Chen answered the phone and asked with a smile.

"Yeah, did you go back?"

Tan Yimin asked.

"Well, I'm back, don't worry."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"With me, you don't need to worry."

"The old man is a'national treasure', so I have to be careful."

Tan Yimin smiled bitterly.

"Where did you go shopping today? Did the old man say anything?"

"Brother Tan, I just realized that this is the main purpose, right?"

Xiao Chen lights a cigarette.

"No, I ask questions, mainly because I care about the old man... But ah, his old man's opinion is also very important."

Tan Yimin hurriedly said.

"The old man said, this prosperous age is as he wishes...I am very satisfied with the development of Longhai."

Xiao Chen said, smoking a cigarette.


Tan Yimin was obviously relieved.

"What else did the old man say?"

"It's nothing, he just wandered around...oh, we went to the Martyrs Cemetery."

Xiao Chen said again.

"Huh? The old man is going..."

Tan Yimin was a little surprised.

"Well, go visit an old friend."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Brother Tan, the old man is still very sure about your work...Tell me, you are a person who does things, capable and responsible..."


Tan Yimin was a little flattered.

"The old man really praised me?"

"Of course, why don't you ask him?"

Xiao Chen smiled.

"No, no, I was just a little surprised."

Tan Yimin hurriedly said.

"I will definitely not disappoint my father's expectations."

"Hehe, if the old man heard it, he would probably say, ‘not to live up to my expectations, but to live up to the expectations of the people’."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Yes, whether it is the expectations of the old man or the expectations of the people... I will not fail, and I will do what I should do."

Tan Yimin said seriously.

"Hehe, Brother Tan, don't have to tell me this... I believe in Brother Tan."

Xiao Chen threw up a smoke ring, and after a few more conversations with Tan Yimin, he hung up the phone.

As he was leaning on the sofa, Hua Yixuan came in from outside.

"Yixuan, when did you come back? Didn't you mean that you should be busy this afternoon?"

Xiao Chen looked at Hua Yixuan, a little surprised.

"It's already evening, so naturally I have to come back."

Hua Yixuan sat down.


Xiao Chen also sat up straight.

"Well, there is something that may need your help."

Hua Yixuan nodded.

"Haha, are we still so polite? If you have anything, just say it."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"It's not my business, it's Dean Li's business...or rather, it's the hospital's business, not just the second hospital."

Hua Yixuan looked at Xiao Chen and said.

"What do you mean?"

Xiao Chen was startled.

"Don't tell me, what's wrong with the CVK enzyme."

"No, it's a lot of people who surrounded the Second Court..."

Hua Yixuan shook her head.

"The CVK enzyme is only available to hospitals for the time being, so many people go to the hospital and want to be tested... There are many more people than I thought."

"how many?"

Xiao Chen breathed a sigh of relief first, then asked again.

"Hundreds of people..."

Hua Yixuan said slowly.

"Not only the second hospital, but all hospitals with CVK enzymes are overcrowded...This situation has severely affected the normal operation of the hospital, and even the surrounding traffic has been paralyzed."


Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed. In this case, the problem is indeed serious.

"When I came back, I almost didn't come out..."

Hua Yixuan felt her scalp tingling thinking of the scene.

"What did Li Sheng say?"

Xiao Chen frowned. It was a good thing for CVK enzyme to go on the market, but if it does this way, things will go wrong sooner or later.

"Dean Li said that more volunteers are needed to maintain order... He thought a lot, and finally thought of Longmen."

Hua Yixuan looked at Xiao Chen and said.


Xiao Chen was startled, and then his eyes lit up.

"But I'm a little worried, can Longmen members be good volunteers?"

Hua Yixuan frowned.

"At that time, there will be even greater disturbances, and it will be troublesome."

"There is no problem here in Longhai, but elsewhere...Does Laoguan know about this matter?"

Xiao Chen lit his cigarette again.

"Chief Guan should know by now."

Hua Yixuan nodded.

"Okay, since Laoguan knows it, then we don't have to worry...Long Hai, I will solve it."

Xiao Chen took out his cell phone and called Huang Xing.

"Brother Chen..."

Huang Xing's voice came from the earpiece.

"Lao Huang, in the shortest time possible, find me one thousand, no, two thousand volunteers."

Xiao Chen said.


Huang Xing was a little dazed.

"Brother Chen, you told me to find two thousand bastards. It may not take ten minutes... Volunteer? Where can I find?"

"Well, I didn't explain to you..."

Xiao Chen said things briefly.

"Be sure to find someone who looks like a good person, don't be full of flesh, piercing dragons and painting tigers..."

"Understood, Brother Chen, I am here as soon as possible."

Huang Xingying said.

Xiao Chen hung up the phone and called Li Sheng and Guan Dashan respectively.

"nailed it……"

After finishing the call, Xiao Chen said to Hua Yixuan.

"Lao Guan said that this situation is temporary, and will tell through various channels that CVK enzyme is a long-term supply, so there is no need to rush in these two days..."

"That's good."

Hua Yixuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Haha, Yixuan, now that CVK enzyme is on the market, you can also take a good rest... Give yourself a vacation."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Why don't you go to Naga with me in a few days?"

"Let's talk about it, see if I can finish it..."

Hua Yixuan got up.

"I go first……"

"Why? Go busy again? I'm going to eat soon."

Xiao Chen stood up and took Hua Yixuan's hand.

"How is your arm injury?"

Seeing him like this, Hua Yixuan didn't worry about leaving.

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt anymore."

Xiao Chen said, hugging Hua Yixuan.

"Yixuan, tonight... to your place?"


Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Hua Yixuan glanced at him and nodded gently.

"Ha ha."

Xiao Chen smiled, and speaking of it, he has ignored this beautiful doctor recently.

After the two chatted for a few more words, they went to the restaurant together.

During the meal, Huang Xing called to indicate that all arrangements were in order.

"Remember, conflicts are not allowed... If anyone causes a conflict, you know what to do."

Xiao Chen said seriously.


Huang Xing answered.

Xiao Chen hung up the phone. For the time being, there was no problem.

"Why, what's the problem?"

Father Han asked.

"Oh, a little thing, it's already settled."

Xiao Chen smiled and talked briefly.

"This is neglected. Fortunately, we should react in time, otherwise there must be trouble."

Old man Han nodded.

"In a few days, it will be much better..."

After dinner, Old Man Han and others went to chat and play chess.

Did not bring Xiao Chen.

This made Xiao Chen a little hurt, and it seemed that Old Man Han was really unwilling to play with him.

"Little Meng, are you taking the exam the day after tomorrow?"

Xiao Chen asked.

"Yes, but I have to go back to school tomorrow..."

Su Xiaomeng nodded.

"Where is the examination room? Still with you?"

Xiao Chen asked again.

"Well, Xiao Ning and I are both here, but it's not an examination room."

Su Xiaomeng said, looking at Xiao Chen.

"Brother Chen, will you accompany me back to school tomorrow?"

"Me? What am I going to do?"

Xiao Chen shook his head.

"I still have things."

"What can you do, you just accompany me back? Don't you all say, the exam is the biggest? At this time, what should I say, you just listen to it?"

Su Xiaomeng frowned.

"I even gave you a gift at a loss."

"Thank you, I thank you for your gift..."

Xiao Chen curled his lips and was embarrassed to bring a gift. I gave you the opportunity last night, don't you cherish it!

"Why are you going to school tomorrow?"

"It's nothing, it's just that Sister Yi encouraged the way, we reminisce about the past and imagine the future."

Su Xiaomeng said.

When Xiao Chen's heart moved, Yiyu also went?

"Heh, a group of little **** kids, still remembering that year..."

Xiao Chen remained calm.

"All right, since you have to let me go, then I will go with you."

"Yeah, it's so great for you to feel the campus."

Su Xiaomeng nodded.

"After all, you never went to school..."


Xiao Chen was speechless and wanted to refute, but couldn't refute.

"Okay, I'm going back, I have to video with Xiao Ning."

Su Xiaomeng finished speaking and left.


Xiao Chen looked at Su Xiaomeng's back, this girl...gave up? Still not interested?

"I used to be too cruel to her?"

Xiao Chen muttered so much that now he gave a chance, this girl was unaware of it.

But thinking of Yiyu again, he smiled again, beautiful teacher.

Although he doesn't have a lot of thoughts about Yiyu, he still knows him, be regarded as a friend... It is still necessary to see you.

He checked the time, it was too early to find Hua Yixuan, and he entered the bone ring, prepared to practice for a while, and by the way healed the injury on his arm.

"The feeling of strangeness is even more obvious...The aura is still very strong, but it feels mixed with other things."

Xiao Chen's eyes fell on the three beads and narrowed his eyes.

But soon, he looked away and didn't understand, so he didn't think about it for the time being, just watch it quietly.

After walking around in the bone ring, he sat cross-legged on the ground, pierced the Jiuyanxuan needle on his arm, knocked two more pills by the way, ran the'Chaotic Jue', and began to heal the injury.

A little week later, Xiao Chen opened his eyes, took the bone ring, and went to Hua Yixuan's residence.

Hua Yixuan’s residence, UU reading www. is on the edge of the residential area. In addition to the villa, there is a small medicine garden.

When Xiao Chen arrived, she saw Hua Yixuan playing with flowers and plants.

"My mother brought it."

Hua Yixuan said when Xiao Chen was coming.

"Yeah, Yixuan, there's something... It's okay to play with flowers and plants, plant some medicinal materials, even if it's poison, it's nothing.

Xiao Chen nodded and looked at Hua Yixuan.

"Let's never learn from my mother-in-law, raising so many snakes, centipedes, etc., know? Let's play something girls should do!"

"Hehe, I'm not interested in those."

Hua Yixuan smiled.

"That's good."

Xiao Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

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