MTL - Female President’s Bodyguard-Chapter 3964 This country is getting better and better

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"Thank you Uncle Su."

Hua Yixuan looked at Su Shiming and thanked.

She now knows that all the things Xiao Chen said to her came from the notebook left by Su Shiming.

It is not an exaggeration to say that she is standing on the shoulders of this giant Su Shiming.

Had it not been for the notebook left by Su Shiming, she would have been unable to conduct experiments to study the CVK enzyme.

"What are you polite? You did a good job."

Su Shiming waved his hand.

"There are still some things. You and Xiaoqing can study together. If the study is completed, it will benefit the people."

Hearing Su Shiming's words, not only Hua Yixuan's eyes brightened, but even the old fortune teller and Old Man Han also looked over.

What else is in his hand?

"Hehe, some immature things need to be studied."

Su Shiming noticed everyone's gaze, and said with a chuckle.

"It's no wonder that those people say'Guo Shi Wushuang', that's true."

Old man Han looked at Su Shiming and sighed.

"Master, don't praise me."

Su Shiming smiled.

"I will do things that are good for this country and the people of this country."


Father Han nodded vigorously.

"Back then, this country had us... now, this country has you, fortunate for the country and for the people."

"Hehe, this country will get better and better."

Xiao Chen also smiled and said.


Old man Han smiled.

"This trip, it's really the right time to see Shi Ming, and see the flower girl..."

"Father, when I go to the capital next time, I will definitely visit you."

Su Shiming said.

"Aren't you in the capital a while ago? Why didn't you go?"

Father Han asked.

"At that time... wasn't it unfamiliar."

Su Shiming helped the gold wire glasses and said.

"Definitely go next time."

"Okay, then I can remember."

Old man Han nodded.

After a few more conversations, Hua Yixuan returned to her table, and everyone sat down.

Wines and vegetables will be served one after another.

Inevitably, Xiao Chen, the master, had to come on stage and say a few words.

"Today, it is this opportunity to meet old friends, get together... eat, drink, and chat."

Xiao Chen glanced across the audience and said with a smile.

"I've also introduced it just now. The old fortune-teller is back, and Mr. Han is also here...and our Mayor Tan, he is also here."

Tan Yimin smiled when he heard Xiao Chen's words. People like him and Long Hai are definitely old acquaintances.

"Come on, don't say anything extra, everyone raise their glasses..."

Xiao Chen picked up a glass of wine, raised his head and killed it.

Everyone at the scene also picked up their wine glasses and drank all the wine with a smile.

After everyone put down their cups, Xiao Chen also stepped off the stage and returned to his table.

At this table, there are big guys... just like the white tycoons, they just barely sat on it.

Tan Yimin is also at this table. Although he is not very old, his identity is there.

The youngest is naturally Xiao Chen.

Except for him, no one at this age is qualified to sit at this table.

Even Han Jianguo, Han Youwei and others are on the table next to them.

"Xiao Chen, you should pay more attention to the CVK enzyme matter."

Father Han looked at Xiao Chen and reminded him.

"This is a big deal."

"Master, don't worry, I will be staring at it these two days."

Xiao Chen nodded, then looked at Tan Yimin.

"Isn't Laoguan caring about this matter before, why did he leave at this time?"

"The Chief Guan is going to deal with some things, and he will come back when that time comes."

Tan Yimin replied.

"Go...understand, go to work if you have something to do, and then come back, not today."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Hehe, Chief Guan didn't mean that."

Tan Yimin smiled.

"Fine, come and drink."

Xiao Chen picked up the cup.

"Brother Tan, you won't be drunk or go home tonight... By the way, why didn't you bring sister-in-law and Mu Yao over?"

"Their wife went out yesterday."

Tan Yimin said.

"There will be opportunities in the future."

"Went out? I said, Xiaobai, why did you run to me yesterday...If Mu Yao was there, he would definitely not have time to come over."

Xiao Chen was stunned.

"Haha, young people, it's all like this."

Tan Yimin smiled, now he is more and more satisfied with this future son-in-law.

The white tycoon at the table was also smiling, and he was also very satisfied with Tan Muyao.

"Mayor Tan, Lao Bai, don't know when you can drink your wedding wine?"

Old Man Su asked with a smile.

"It's still early, let them decide what matters to young people."

White Tycoon waved his hand.

"Yes, no hurry."

Tan Yimin also nodded.

"It's Elder Su, I think, your wedding wine should be faster, right?"

"Hey, my old man wants to have a wedding drink soon, but young people... don't listen to us."

As Grandpa Su said, he glanced at Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen smiled bitterly, why did he get involved with him again?

"Father, don't worry."

Su Shiming looked at Xiao Chen and said with a smile.

"Young people, there is still a lot to do..."


Elder Su nodded and didn't say more.

After all, this is not only the matter of Xiao Chen and Su Qing, it also involves a lot...

In front of Old Man Han, he mentioned that it was okay, but if he said too much, it would be bad.

"Come on, drink."

Xiao Chen picked up the wine glass and turned the subject off.

"Never get drunk tonight."

"Hehe, we old men can't compare with you young people."

Old man Han smiled.

"If you are thirty years younger, you can have a good drink with you."

"Then I will do it, you are free."

Xiao Chen raised his head to kill.

After drinking for a while with the big guys at this table, Xiao Chen went to the table to toast again.

They are all old friends, so I can't neglect.

"Brother Chen, to you."

When they reached the table of young people, they all smiled smirkly.

"Hehe, it looks like this is already waiting for me."

Xiao Chen looked at them and said with a smile.

"What is disrespectful, just let it go!"

"In that case, let me do it first."

Sun Wugong said with a smile.

"I'll fight ahead."

"Goku, forgot how I drank you down, right?"

Xiao Chen looked at Sun Wugong with a playful look.

"I haven't forgotten, isn't this a shame to come to you."

As Sun Wugong said, he opened several bottles of liquor in a row.

"Brother Chen, don't use cups for the two of us. Let's blow the bottle."

"Haha, stay with you to the end."

Xiao Chen smiled and took the bottle.

"I'll do it first."


As Sun Wugong said, he also picked up the bottle, raised his head and drank it.


Bai Ye they yelled, blowing the bottle to fight the wine, that's interesting.

Following the shouts of Bai Ye and their applause, Old Man Han also watched them.

"Hehe, it's nice to be young."

Father Han looked at Xiao Chen and the others, with memories flashing in his eyes.

"Back then, I drank like this with my comrades...I won a big victory, so happy."

"Old Han, tell us something?"

White Tycoon smiled.

"Although I know a lot, it's still different when people who have experienced it say it."

"Yes, old Han, tell us about it."

Su Shiming also said.

"Okay, let's talk about..."

Old man Han nodded, more memories on his face.

On the other side, Xiao Chen and Sun Wugong have already finished three bottles in a row, and are about to drink the fourth bottle.

"Wukong, are you okay? If it doesn't work, let's get on... we fight on wheels."

Bai Ye said.

"The amount of at least one bottle per person, no one can take less."

"Yes, Goku, or you take a break and continue later."

The knife also said.

"I've really discussed it. I have to get me drunk? If that's the case, I have to say something."

Xiao Chen held the wine bottle and glanced across the young people.

"On spelling wine, it seems to guys are all rubbish."

"Damn, brothers, can you bear this insult?"

"Can't stand it!"

"Drink, be sure to get Brother Chen drunk."

"Brothers, go!"

They were all on fire in the white night, yelled.

"Old fortune teller, I must be drunk tonight."

Xiao Chen turned his head and shouted at the old fortune teller.

"I'm here, drink it."

The old fortune teller replied.


Xiao Chen nodded and opened a few more bottles of wine.

"Come on, drink..."

"Brother Chen drinks so much wine, can it work?"

Tong Yan was a little worried.

"Don't worry, Xiao Chen knows it."

Qin Lan smiled.

"With his strength, alcohol will not harm his body."

Hearing this, Tong Yan relaxed.

"I'm going to have a look. I'm going to watch Brother Chen cut them under the horse and let them lie under the table to count the bottle caps."

Su Xiaomeng stopped eating and ran over.

"Brother Chen, come on... I support you mentally!"

"Why are you here?"

Xiao Chen looked at Su Xiaomeng and asked.

"I'll cheer you on, **** them."

Su Xiaomeng yelled.

"haha okay."

Xiao Chen smiled, and drank a few more bottles with Sun Wugong, the latter was defeated.

Although he drinks a lot, he can't bear to drink so much at once.

Besides... there is still a good show to watch behind, and I can't really drink myself under the table.

Therefore, he has to slow down.

"It can be seen that Xiao Chen is very happy."

At this moment, Old Man Han had finished telling a ‘story’, looked at this side, and smiled.

"Well, not only I am very happy, but I also want to take this opportunity to relax."

The old fortune teller nodded.

"Just now he told me that he also gave me everything...he is drunk and he is not afraid."

"I can feel that Xiao Chen is under a lot of pressure."

Su Shiming looked at the old fortune teller and said.

"Can I help him?"

"It's nothing for the time being. UU reading may have a chance in the future."

The old fortune teller shook his head.

Bai Daheng is okay, he has learned something from his grandson.

But Old Man Su, Old Man Tang and others were dumbfounded. What is this talking about?

Where does Xiao Chen's pressure come from?

He is now the first person in Longhai!

Even Father Han and Mayor Tan came to join in, who can bring pressure to him?

"Brother's not easy."

Tan Yimin looked at Xiao Chen and said something slowly.

He is also one of the insiders. Latest URL:

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