MTL - Female President’s Bodyguard-Chapter 3932 Can't build a foundation for the gods?

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One night passed quickly.

As the sky lights up, people wake up one after another.

Many people left Qianlong Mountain.

The dust settled in the battle last night.

The senior year was dead, the Sun Venerable was dead, the teleportation formation was found, and it was beaten to ruins.

However, for them, it is not without gain.

At least witnessed the battle of the strong!

On weekdays, how can I see so many congenital wars!

In addition to the congenital war, they also saw the life and death battle between Xiao Chen and the Sun Venerable.

There is also the legendary old fortune teller, and his strength has become a topic of discussion for everyone.

In addition, how will Dragon Gate and Sun Moon God Sect develop?

Xiao Chen killed Sun Venerable, how would Sun Moon God Sect react?

Will these two behemoths fight?

One night is enough to let the news of Qianlong Mountain spread throughout the rivers and lakes.

Even those who haven't come to Qianlong Mountain are paying attention to the follow-up development.

The Longmen people don't have much thoughts.

Longmen has always been invincible.

What about Sun Moon God Sect?

It's a big deal.

Xiao Yi was also paying attention to the reaction of Sun Moon God Sect.

After all, Sun Moon God Sect was one of the three sects, and also the most mysterious one, he did not dare to be careless.

Fortunately, this time Ling Xiaozong and Qingyanzong were also here, even if they were enemies, Sun Moon God Sect would be a little jealous.

"Not yet awake? This kid slept soundly..."

Xiao Yi curled his lips, but he didn't sleep all night.

"If you hurt your soul, sleeping will also have a healing effect."

The old fortune teller's chuckle.

"When he wakes up, his condition will be much better."

"You said, what will Sun Moon God Sect do?"

Xiao Yi looked at the old fortune teller and asked.

"I'm not a real fairy, so I don't know what they will do."

The old fortune teller shook his head.

"Just wait and see, I think there is a high probability that there will be no conflict with Longmen..."

"Maybe he made his own opinion? This trip has nothing to do with Sun Moon God Sect?"

Xiao Yi asked again.


The old fortune teller nodded.

"It's possible."

"If this is the case, it's okay. Although the Dragon Gate is very strong now, I don't have much confidence in the Sun and Moon Divine Sect."

Xiao Yi said slowly.

"Even if there are Ling Xiaozong and Qingyanzong as allies, it is better not to go to war if you can."

While the old fortune-teller was chatting with Xiao Yi, Xiao Chen in the tent also woke up.

He opened his eyes and looked at the top of the tent, slowly.

My head no longer hurts, but I still feel tingling in my arms and chest.

Then, thinking of something, he suddenly sat up.

"Old fortune teller..."

Xiao Chen got up hurriedly and walked out.

"Brother Chen, you are awake."

Li Hanhou, who had been guarding the door, showed a simple smile when Xiao Chen came out.

"Dahan, where's the old fortune teller?"

Xiao Chen asked hurriedly.

"The old **** is chatting with Old Ancestor Xiao, what's wrong?"

Li Hanhou replied.

"With Old Xiao?"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, I'll go over and take a look, you can be busy with you."


Li Hanhou nodded.

"I have nothing to do."

"Hehe, stay here less guarding me, and accompany Zhuyu more... By the way, this thing is over, we should also return to Longhai. You can invite Zhuyu and let her go to Longhai to play."

Xiao Chen looked at Li Hanhou and said with a smile.

"I have already invited, and she agreed."

Li Hanhou said.

"Huh? You kid can do it."

Xiao Chen was startled, and then gently punched Li Hanhou.

"Haha, you don't need to teach you to pick up girls, it's promising."


Li Hanhou scratched his head and grinned.

"Okay, go to Zhuyu, I'll go to the old fortune teller."

Xiao Chen patted Li Hanhou's shoulder again, and walked to Lao Xiao's tent.

When Xiao Chen came to the tent, he was completely relieved when he saw the old fortune teller.

"I thought you ran away sneakily."

Xiao Chen sat down and said.

"Huh? Hehe, when did I sneak past."

The old fortune-teller was startled and then chuckled.

"Who knows, tell me how much shadow you have brought me."

Xiao Chen took out a cigarette and lit one.

"What are you two talking about?"

"Talking about the Sun and Moon God Sect, the Sun Venerable is dead, we can't help but consider the reaction of the Sun Moon God Sect."

Speaking of this, Xiao Yi complained a bit.

"You kid doesn't worry about anything, till this time... I didn't fall asleep all night."

"Why didn't you fall asleep? It's because of Sun Moon God Sect?"

Xiao Chen was a little surprised.

"Old Xiao, your mental quality is not good, you have to eat and drink, don't put anything in your heart."

"Your kid is easy to say... I shouldn't help you control the dragon gate."

Xiao Yi was out of anger.

"Why, Sun Moon God Sect has a reaction?"

Xiao Chen asked without answering Xiao Yi's words.

"Nothing happened yet."

Xiao Yi shook his head.

"Old fortune teller, what do you think?"

Xiao Chen looked at the old fortune teller again and asked.

"The soldiers are here to cover the water and earth, what's so interesting."

The old fortune teller said lightly.

"Look, Old Xiao, you have to have this mentality too, you know?"

Xiao Chen smiled.

"What is Sun Moon Divine Sect, let alone Sun Moon Divine Sect, even if all the forces in Tianwaitian are now smashed out, we shouldn't blink our eyes."

"Okay, stop bragging."

The old fortune tellers couldn't listen anymore.

"What are you doing with the monster? Go and deal with it as soon as possible. It's time to run out in the afternoon."

"Can it be closed until the afternoon?"

Xiao Chen was startled.

"But I can't beat it like this."

"Will that monster always exist? In what state?"

Xiao Yi asked curiously.

"It's a state of spirit, the monster on the other side of the sky has been refined after death."

The old fortune teller explained.

"There really is such a monster outside the sky?"

Xiao Chen was surprised.

"of course."

The old fortune teller nodded.

"Don't talk about the outer world, it is no man's land, there are also many monsters in it."

"Well, I've heard of it."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Old fortune teller, what did you get when you went to no man's land this time?"

"It's nothing, it just can help you build the foundation for your divine product... I'll talk about it when I return to Longhai, and solve the matter here first."

The old fortune teller said slowly.


While talking, Xiao Chen took out the Jiuyanxuan Needle from the bone ring and pierced it into the acupuncture point on his left arm.

His left arm was smashed by a punch from Venerable Sun last night.

After coming back last night, I had a splitting headache and didn't care about the injury on my arm.

Fortunately, the pill that the old fortune teller gave him can not only treat internal injuries, but also treat external injuries.

"The breastbone is also cracked,'s really ruthless to start."

Xiao Chen touched his chest, grinning with pain.

Afterwards, he took out the blue potion and poured it on some wounds.

"what is this?"

The old fortune teller asked curiously, seeing Xiao Chen's wound receding.

"Xiao Qing has researched it and has no name yet. It has miraculous effects on trauma, and its effect is not weaker than that of the top gold-creative medicine."

Xiao Chen said, handing a bottle of the old fortune teller.

"Yes, good stuff."

The old fortune teller took it over, looked at Xiao Chen's wound, and nodded.

"The top-level Jinchuang medicine requires a lot of precious medicinal materials and cannot be mass-produced, but this blue medicine can be mass-produced...Look, although our strength is not as good as Tianwaitian, but in other respects, it is far superior to them. ."

"Hehe, Lao Guan told me that it makes me unnecessary to be so anxious... He said that no matter how high the kung fu is, he is afraid of choppers. No matter how powerful the sky is, it can't stop the modern weapons of mass destruction."

Xiao Chen laughed too. He knew that the old fortune teller was comforting him by saying this.

"Tianwaitian can break the inheritance of cultivation, but it can't stop the development of this world. As they learn more about this world, the more fearful they will be..."

The old fortune teller said slowly.

"Don't say that the worst time has come, it's really here, and it's not as bad as you think... Huaxia, it's not the previous China, the world, and it's not the previous world."

"I know."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Old fortune teller, you don't need to comfort me, you think I am Old Xiao, with such a bad mental quality..."


Xiao Yi, who was listening next to him, turned dark, and just said, what should I do with him!

"Is Xiaoqing in Longhai?"

The old fortune teller smiled and asked immediately.

"No, she went to the capital with her parents..."

Xiao Chen shook his head.

"When we go back, we should be back too."

"Hehe, judging from the faces of their sisters, the parents are still alive...finally found, and you have fulfilled your promise."

The old fortune teller's chuckle.

"Yeah, last time I talked to her, she said she wanted to thank you. If you didn't say that her parents were still alive and gave her confidence, she might not be able to hold on."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Now that she has found her parents, I can be regarded as letting go of my mind."

"I heard that you went to Siam, did you gain a lot?"

The old fortune teller asked again.

"Huh? Old Xiao said it again?"

Xiao Chen looked at Xiao Yi.

"Old Xiao, don't you ask others for their opinions before you talk about other people's things?"

"Are you someone else?"

Xiao Yi asked back.


Xiao Chen opened his mouth, what's the answer?

"Let’s talk about Siam, Xiao Yi didn’t talk too much."

The old fortune teller smiled.


Xiao Chen nodded and said briefly what had happened in Siam.

Including the mystery of Nava and the things obtained.

"This is the power of life."

Xiao Chen took out the green beads from the bone ring and handed them to the old fortune teller.


The old fortune teller took the green bead and his eyes flashed.

"what's happenin?"

Xiao Chen noticed the abnormality and asked.

"The power of life..."

The old fortune teller shook his head, he could feel the strong vitality on the beads.

He was faintly excited, it was really the force of life.

Even Xiao Yi saw the abnormality of the old fortune teller, which was a bit strange.

Could it be said that UU reading www. is this bead unusual?

"Old fortune teller, what is going on?"

Xiao Chen asked again.

"For the time can't build the foundation for the gods."

The old fortune teller looked at Xiao Chen and said slowly.

"Huh? Why?"

Xiao Chen was taken aback. The old fortune-teller came back this time, isn't it just to build a foundation for his genius?

Why can't the gods build the foundation?

Then, he thought of something and looked at the green bead.

Is it related to this green bead?

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