MTL - Fatal Shot-~ : The certificate of the strongest!

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Another special thing that pk rewards is the badge that engraves his avatar on the chest.

[Proof of the strongest]

[grade] epic



Full attribute +50

Full resistance +50%

Force recovery +100%

You can recover +100%

[Additional attributes, skills]

1. Enhance the combat effectiveness of 5%-50% of friendly units within a certain range.

2. Weaken the combat effectiveness of 5%-50% of enemy units within a range of customers.


1. The degree of weakening and bonusing is determined by the combination of the target species, wisdom, level, etc.

2, can only target the comprehensive combat power is lower than or equal to their own goals, and depending on the number of units to determine consumption (the solitude, mental strength, force, mana).

Requires level: 70

Comprehensive evaluation: perfect

As the most difficult piece of equipment in the game, this perfect evaluation of the epic badge is undoubtedly unique at this stage.

Even the attributes are undoubtedly the "halo" that has never been seen before.

Although it is epic equipment, in some cases, it is no doubt inferior to "artifacts."

In the case of halo addition, some low-grade beetle units are comparable in combat power to the same level of lone creatures!

In conjunction with the "death breath" of the Death Warrior's own armor, it is even possible to achieve the effect that even the boss is hoping to escape.

Of course, in the hands of the super "super-eye of death" with a range of ten kilometers, even a speed boss can hardly escape.

On the ground, the snow in the range of more than ten meters has melted under the attack of the special "death of death" of the a-level.

Even, even the ice layer accumulated in the following hundred years has been dismantled a lot. The body of Snow Wolf King is half bubbled in the pond, and the blood that has poured out has reddened the entire area and condensed at the edge. Into a lot of red ice crystals.

And there are a lot of spoils, supplies, materials, crystal nucleus...

There is even a one-handed shield with an orange glow engraving the wolf's head!

However, the gaze of the wind is not to stay on this legendary equipment whose value has fallen since the pk game, but to quickly lock a playing card that only emits white light.


The wind has a trick.

This mysterious poker vacated from the body of Snow Wolf King and fell into his hands.

The pattern is, block 2!

"It's no wonder that you can't lock it for a long time. You still need to kill the boss?"

The wind looked at the penultimate mysterious poker, and the look showed some joy.

Killing a boss with more than 60 levels can make a card, which is undoubtedly the ultimate for ordinary players.

However, for him now, it is not too difficult at all.

Even if you don't rely on the annihilation of solitude, you can single out the boss of level 70 or above with just the equipment of the present.

And this is not even his own judgment, but the evaluation of the system.

Because, the second day after the end of the pk game, "War" was updated for the third time.

Among them, the most critical content is naturally that the upper limit is open.

Now, the player can break through the 70th level, but it is like the Awakening Force can break through the 50th level.

Want to break through 70, you need to wake up!

The player level after the break of 70 will not be upgraded in the form of experience, but will be determined by the substantial improvement of the basic attributes in the non-equipment state.

Because the basic properties of the game are sufficiently high, the wind level has jumped to level 79 in one fell swoop.

However, in addition to the level, the npc of the player and the human form also obtained a "grade" rating like a wild monster.

For example, the first row of his character panel has now become.

[Feng leaves, 79 grades! King! 】

Level 79 represents his basic attributes, while the "King" represents his comprehensive combat ability.

This "suffix" is determined by equipment, talent, solace, force, skill, etc., and the most important fighting consciousness.

Ordinary, elite, master, master, king...

This was originally the habitual division of combat power on the player forum, which was adopted by the system.

Of course, at present, most of the players can only reach the elite level at most, and the awakening force or mental strength is qualified to be called "master".

The master level player needs at least the top 20 of the combat power of the game, because the master level is almost equivalent to the quasi-boss level, and it is almost certain that you need to wake up.

As for the top kings, this naturally does not need to say more...

In addition to this, there is another point.

It is probably another set of calculation rules that will apply when players are fighting after level 70.

For example, his first two attacks, the first bullet is still relatively normal, the second bullet damage is close to 200,000 points, directly killing this 66-level boss creature.

The value of this damage, to a certain extent, has exceeded the upper limit calculated by the sum of his attributes and attack power.

This is because the last bullet was accurately hit in the critical position, and the range of damage has completely destroyed the brain of the Snow Wolf boss, so this sixty-level boss is directly judged to die.

This change, to a certain extent, obviously means that after the 70th level, the heads-up boss is actually much easier than imagined.

Of course, the boss kills the player, it is far easier than before.

"This change is obviously to prepare the players who are awakened to enter the real "war"."

The real "war"!

The wind fell back to the thought that a month ago, in reality, a bunch of heavily armed black men were specifically placed in a highly confidential base, and then received the information received by the leaders of the "supreme organization".

The real "war" is actually not a virtual game itself, but a special world of solace that may be balanced with the real universe.

If the human race says that it has awakened the solitude, it has the opportunity to enter that world, and the Protoss and the Zerg are actually a powerful race in which the world and human activities overlap.

Even among the information provided by the "supreme organization", the wind has seen many mythological creatures that are familiar to the world.

Phoenix, dragon, angel, demon...

The connection between the Terran and the real "War of War" has been a long time.

However, because the total number of human races is too small, and at the beginning, even unexpectedly entered the real "war".

However, because the civilization itself is too backward, there is no way to understand something deeply, so there are all kinds of "myths and legends".

Until the ability to "balance" the spiritual contract was discovered, the Terran began to rise rapidly, even reaching alliances with the super-ethnics of the Protoss, Zerg, and the world.

It is with their help that the use of the various resources and advantages in the real "War of War" allows the Stars civilization to develop explosively in a short period of time and become a primary civilization of the universe.

However, because of the potential of clones to influence the potential of the solitude, the Stars are still not really rising in the War.

Of course, with the "balance" of solitude, the Terran is destined to become a top race in that world.

Nowadays, this virtual "War of War" is the "potential potential" used to screen and cultivate the human race.

Of course, this virtual "war" not only connects the human world, but also provides a "landing" channel for the real "war" Zerg and Protoss and even some human alliance races.

Those human alliance races will also send some excellent seeds into the virtual "war", and reach a spiritual contract with some people who have detected the potential of awakening.

Therefore, this is a "game" for mutual benefit.

Just because the most important core architecture of the game is actually made by the Protoss.

The main authority is also in the hands of the Zerg and the Protoss. Therefore, the Terran is not enough to control the War.

And because the Terran continues to rise, and recently gathered a large number of old Stars, now there are some vague ideas, and strive to win more status in front of the Protoss and Zerg.

In this case, the inheritor like the wind is very important.

The so-called "inheritor" refers to the person who has continued the "account" of the predecessors!

However, in fact, this "account" is just a metaphorical statement.

Because the people of the highest organization of the Starry Civilization are now entering the real "War of War", they are all entered through a "lander" made by high-tech similar to the game compartment.

Therefore, there is an "account" statement.

However, in fact, according to a more accurate and less scientific term, it should be called "the soul mark."

If one says, one person's "soul" has somehow "resonated" with another person.

Then, in the case of the death of the other party, the time of entering the real war world will directly obtain the inheritance of the other party in another world, and even inherit the strength of the other party (here, the previous setting is re-modified).

It is for this reason that the more top-notch people are, the more they are valued!

In particular, for the Terran, because the total number of people who awaken the ecstasy is small, the number of people who can reach the advanced level is extremely rare.

Like the wind, this human being, which inherits the most powerful races of the Zerg and Protoss, is naturally the focus of protection.

As Jasmine said, the Supreme Organization has no such thing as a memory reading for him.

Several people who are clearly leaders of the organization all show obvious goodwill.

Even when a person at the end of the day, he also revealed the old Stars on other stars, and there are also a lot of players who are awakened.

Although he has the advantage of inheriting the "account" of the strong, but also need to strengthen training as much as possible, and strive to achieve the conditions to open the inheritance, become the "leader" of the old Star!

This makes the wind feel that his own "account" continues to be astonishing.

However, because there is no such condition to activate, even the top of the Terran has no way to let him know which strong he is going to continue.

The jasmine that should be known is always sloppy, saying that he will know soon.

And 24k, okay, the little guy will not hide him, but it really does not know it!

Ps, um, to the last volume.

It does not write the story in the real "War of War", because then, it becomes a fantasy or science fiction.

Read The Duke's Passion