MTL - Fatal Shot-Chapter 7 BUG-like damage!

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In any game, the battle between players is inevitable.

In the "freedom of war" online game, the battle between players is more intuitively represented as PK and killing.

Like this kind of highly sci-fi online games, human nature is very susceptible to emotions, PK or killing, is undoubtedly a means of venting emotions.

As for the reasons for PK, depressed, robbed, smashed by my girlfriend, seeing your hair is not good... There are many reasons, and you can always find out a lot.

Of course, there is only one attack on the wind at this time, that is, the rare ore on the ground that emits fluorescence.

The monster belongings in the "War" is determined according to the contribution (system calculation). Only the individuals or groups whose contribution to killing the monster reaches a certain level can pick up the items dropped by the monster.

But this does not mean that there is no way to rob the monster. The easiest way is to kill the monster owner of the equipment. Then the item will instantly become unowned and anyone can pick it up.

The market value of a "Yingbing Mine" is almost 2000 credits, which is almost two hundred days of stars, which is enough for ordinary players to feel the heart.

But for the wind, his first-level experience is much more precious than the two thousand credits.

So after hearing the system reminder, there was no hesitation. The wind immediately gave up the Yingying mine, which was close at hand. The body slammed down and the person rolled a circle.

This action made him avoid the follow-up attacks that followed the bullet.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

In his original standing position, three light-blue energy blades descended from the sky, and three gravel dents were drawn from the gravel floor, accompanied by sand and dust.

Wind energy controller!


Another shot was fired, and the second bullet of the opposite sniper hit the ground behind him, splashing a three-foot-high dust.

However, at this time, the wind has slammed a few steps, jumped on the rock of the M110, and when he reached for the sniper rifle, he immediately slammed his body and hooked his head.

"Hey, hey..."

A bullet and two wind blades flew over, but they were all blocked by hard rock.

This rock, but he carefully selected for the blame, as long as he squats, the long-range attack in front is difficult to hit him.

However, there are three people on the other side, and there is a light armor warrior in addition to the gunman and the wind controller.

The light armor is the best at close combat, and if he is close to him, he may lose 90%.

"So, you must attack!"

The mind made a decision immediately, so after another round of harassment attacks by the sniper gunner and the wind energyist.

The wind immediately raised his hand and set up the M110. With the gunshots heard, the eye was locked in the target within one second.

At a position about a hundred meters away from him, a master in an elemental gown and a gunman in a camouflage uniform are preparing for the next attack.

In front of the two, a soldier wearing a lightweight armor, has launched the "charge" skills, rushing to him!

Charge is a level 20 skill of the Warrior's class, capable of increasing the speed several times over a distance. The length of the charge is related to the skill level. As long as it reaches the expert level, the distance is almost 100 meters.

In other words, as long as the other party's charge ends, it will almost come to their side!

However, although the fighter's charge skill is fast, it has a fatal flaw. It is that the direction change in the charge process is limited, and the flexibility is insufficient. If the technology is not enough, it is easy for the master to judge the trajectory.

Therefore, the gunshot of the wind is of course aimed at him!


Following the trigger that was buckled, a 7.26 mm armor-piercing projectile that flew out of the air flew out of the hot barrel. In less than a fifth of the time, it accurately hit the helmet of the light armor.


Because of the blocking of the helmet, this gun only caused ordinary damage, and because of the original reason, it reduced the damage by a quarter, so the value was not even six hundred.

"I love Lolita" was shocked. The other party was able to hit his forehead in his high-speed movement. This technique is definitely a master.

But after seeing the system prompts the shot, the damage is only more than 500 points, compared to his nearly eight thousand HP is really not enough to see, then rest assured.

I can't help but think that my new 42-level exquisite suit has a strong defense.

"Hey, the game is a game after all, equipment is the last word, even if your technology is good, it is impossible to offset the equipment disadvantage!"



However, just as his heart was triumphant, another bullet hit his helmet, less than two seconds before the previous shot, and the two bullets fell, almost the same.

"I am, what am I shooting?"

I loved Lori's heart and was shocked. The first shot of his opponent hit his helmet, which made him somewhat unexpected, but he was not very surprised.

Because he knows that the sniper has a "precision blow" skill, he can improve the hit rate to some extent when the first shot, the other party is likely to train this skill very high, plus its own technology is good, so He was able to hit his helmet from the start.

But now he doesn't think so, because "precision strike" can only be used once, and the cooling time is longer than ten minutes.

The other party fired his helmet again so quickly, which is enough to show that the other party is the real sniper master, who can do things that others can't do without skill!

If the distance between the two sides is four hundred meters away, and there are no two companions behind me, I love Loli and will definitely turn around without saying anything.

Because there is no tree around, the attack damage of a sniper is terrible. Even if his helmet is exquisite equipment, he can’t resist it. Once it is broken, it is likely to be shot by others. head shot.

But at this time he is only 30 meters away from the other side, with the speed of his advanced assault skills, the opponent can only open a shot at most.

And with the opponent's two shots before, with him leaving more than 6,000 blood, even if it is a deadly attack, it is impossible to be shot down.

"And, I am not alone in the battle!" I love Loli.

Sure enough, he saw a more than six hundred white damage numbers on the top of the opponent's head. This was the damage caused by the wind blade hit by his companion.

However, another armor-piercing projectile did not hit, but it hit the rock in front of the other side, splashing a very obvious pit, and the deviation of the bullet point reached half a meter.

"Rely, this shot is a contrast. It is really an opponent who is not afraid of God, and is afraid of a teammate like a pig."

There is some egg pain on my face, but I still feel very calm in my heart.

Because he has already rushed to the front of the opponent ten meters at this time, only need to take two more steps before, you can use the skills of the warrior "Thunder and Leap" directly near the gunman's body.

The sniper who is close to the light armor with more than half of the blood is absolutely no different from the mortal, even if the other is a sniper master!

It’s just strange that the other side’s expression is nothing to panic about? Still holding a sniper rifle, did not change the close weapon like the average person?

"No matter! Thunder jumps..."

As soon as I entered the skill range, I loved Loli to immediately display the Warrior's 30-level skill [Thunder Flea], and the body holding the alloy long sword jumped up, with a strong wind, and smashed the gunman ten meters away.



Above the helmet with a hole in the forehead, there was a blood-red injury number, almost 10 times the horror of the previous two shots, which made my love of Loli's HP fall to the end.

People are still jumping in the air, the body has already flashed a dead white light, and I love Lolly's eyes with an unbelievable look.

"I am, what hurts, it must be a BUG!"

This is the last thought when he was headshot.

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