MTL - Fatal Shot-Chapter 1337 God's Poker

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"This is the Egyptian Pharaoh!"

"No, it seems to be an Egyptian god, including some common features of Egyptian gods such as Lama and Amon..."

When the wind saw the golden mask on the face of this person, the initial reaction was "Pharaoh."

However, it was later discovered that it was not Pharaoh, but more like a **** in Egyptian mythology.

Thanks to the sneak into the underground pyramid mission before crossing, the so-called top archaeologists who teach at Harvard and Oxford schools are lingering along the way.

The wind fell a lot to understand the myth of Egypt.

On the card that originally had the name "Great King", the one wearing the golden mask now shows the characteristics of many gods in the Egyptian legend.

Is the Protoss, according to the ancient myths and legends of Egypt, the image of such a golden mask created by the people?

If you understand the true background of the "War" and the "inheritance" of your own body, the wind is estimated to think so.

However, now, his heart is more inclined to another judgment.

It is very likely that Egypt, the oldest civilization of the Earth, is also the image of many gods in the ancient country on the continent where the whole mankind originated. It is actually based on this person from the top of this poker.

This is a golden masked man who is guarded by the "sun" that the Egyptians most admire.

Perhaps it is the "true god" in the eyes of the ancient Egyptian people!

Additional skills [God of Soul? ? ? 】

"With the energy of solitude, through the bond between the souls, we call for the inheritance of the gods that are free in another universe."

From the description of the "God's Soul" skill that is directly displayed by this card, the wind has not seen the identity of the golden masker. The three question marks obviously represent his name and need to pass the identification.

"Oh, wait, if there is no guessing. The location of this ‘true god’ should actually be a black hole...”

The wind fell in my head and thought of a little more information.

In theory, it is only in the vicinity of black holes that it is possible to pull stars of such high density and form.

This also explains why these stars seem to be guarding the golden mask.

In fact, it is not really powerful. With a human power, a bunch of stars are all bowed.

However, even so, it still makes people feel shocked.

Even the most terrible black hole engulfing power in the universe can resist. What is the level of this golden mask?

Also, what is the rest of the poker?

The wind fell by the spirit and quickly opened the second poker.

The original card of this playing card should be the "red peach k" that he got from the old snow scorpion.

However, the name of the card is now changed to "the dragon of the day."

The above pattern is a dragon, an obvious westernized image, but a bronze dragon with six wings.

However, there is something strange that its mouth is like the dragon of the oriental legend, carrying an extremely bright "Dragon Ball".

"Wait a minute, this is not a dragon ball at all."

There was some surprise in the wind, and this dragon's mouth was actually a "white dwarf star" that was transformed from a small star in the old age!

The white dwarf star is either too bulky, but the temperature is much higher than ordinary stars, and it has extremely terrible gravity and amazing quality and density.

And this Western dragon can directly put a white dwarf in his mouth, although it is not as good as a person wearing a golden mask standing in a black hole.

But obviously it is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people and even scientists!

"The dragon of the day, this name... is not a modifier."

And the most amazing thing about the wind is.

This terrible bronze dragon's head was actually opened directly by a golden axe that was wrapped around the wire like a fine rune chain.

Obviously, it has been killed!

Then, the spirit of the wind quickly opened the third poker.

"The name of the holy angel!"

It was nailed to the ground by a gold spear, which was also wrapped around the rune black gas chain. A pair of lost eyes squinted like a star-shaped angel-like creature shining like a star.

Her size is not as great as the dragon that devours the first neutron star, but it is still hugely amazing.

Because the tip of the golden spear pinning her directly penetrated the whole planet, and a feather that fell from the angel to the ground after dying, immediately fell down and collapsed a huge snowy mountain. Mountain peaks!

The fourth piece of poker is called "The Star of the Comet", and the picture is a vine with no leaves.

But the background of this vine is quite amazing, because the body of this vine has wrapped the whole planet, and the rhizome directly ties into the core of the planet. This is a huge plant-like creature that feeds the whole planet.

However, the entire planet was sealed by the gold-colored material, directly killing this behemoth, like a giant golden ball.

The fifth piece of poker is a space warship, but it is obviously bigger than the biggest battleship of the Star River Empire in the game, and should be a metal life unit. The sixth piece of poker is a drop of blood that falls on a planet and directly forms a huge octopus-like creature in the vast ocean. Seventh...

A piece of playing cards face, flipping quickly under the spirit of the wind.

The pictures on these pokers are all creatures that are powerful and extreme, making the wind unimaginable.

However, all the creatures have been killed, and the means to kill them should obviously come from one person.

Because, all have the black gas that represents the solitude of the Terran, and the weapon made of gold-like material!

"Could it be that……"

Can it be said that the rest of the poker represents the strong, all killed by this man wearing a golden mask? !

A thought appeared in the wind.

If this is the case, then the inheritance I have acquired is really like "Jasmine", and in another world it is "top"!

The wind is not excited at this time.

But there are some sorrows, just like the news that I have already won the prize, so my heart was originally dreamed of five million.

However, when I received the award, I was told that the reward in my life was the reaction of the entire galaxy.

"The leaves of the wind, why don't you still move, do you mean to refuse to fight with me?"

However, some people obviously do not want him to really stand on the ground.

The world is full of fire and some angry and ruined voices are coming out of the setting sun. If the wind is really standing still.

Then, even if he put the video that defeated the wind down on the forum, he would never have been recognized by other players. He even suspected that he had made a fake person acting.


With the sound of the world's angry and angry, the magma in the crater has basically condensed the shape of the "God of Fire".

It was a time when the wind fell on the armor of the demon god. The shape was similar, about 15 meters high. However, the battle with the demon **** was dominated by black life protozoa, and the red magma Mars was the opposite. .

This "God of Fire and Remnant" is entirely based on the red-hot magma, but it comes with a black smoke "special effect" that rises ragingly.

Even though it is only a preliminary shape, but the body exudes a constant impact on the surrounding atmosphere, it is completely inferior or even surpassed the previous 79-class boss-level eight-headed snake.

In fact, in the hidden attribute that even reconnaissance can't get, the attribute of this "God of Vulcan and Remnant" is already "70 level super boss"!

“So, can I also use the ‘God of the Soul’ to summon the ‘Golden Masked Man’ to fight this **** of fire?”

"Is this going to happen, is there some killing chicken with a knife?"

The sound of the world is accompanied by the pressure of the "Soul of the Flame".

It also succeeded in calling back the wind, and it is rare to really lose the wisdom.

Then, the wind fell to look up into the sky, it is estimated that the world is all in order to shoot video, especially made out of the volcanic black smoke composed of the "God of Fire" picture.

The **** of fire, from this background picture, is indeed very shocking.

However, I am afraid that the goods are better than the goods!

This one-spray flame can only cover the "god" of the small half of the planet, compared to the golden mask that wanders around the black hole and lets the stars surround it.

The gap between the two is definitely greater than the gap between ordinary monsters and super bosses on this planet.