MTL - Fatal Shot-Chapter 1303 The "Pharaoh's Stone"

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In the battlefield, the wind was blurry and heard a sound that was very familiar in his battle.

However, at this time, the head that suffered from the high-intensity mental impact, but all the perceptions have become chaotic.

Even, there is no ability to turn around and see who is in the end!

However, based on the mental resistance of the four people on the field, in fact, the wind fell to guess who it is.

Although the digital cat does not awaken the ecstasy, but with her high intelligence and unforgettable ability, the mental power is obviously very powerful, and after awakening the spirit, it is definitely far beyond the average person.

Now that she is killed, it obviously means that on the entire game map, those players who have awakened their spirits should be as "headshot" as they are!


What followed was the surge in mental attack.

Even if the wind fell, the hands of the hands could not help but the head, the sweat of the beans quickly wet the hair, the helmet, and even the combat suits that have their own sweat-absorbing function!


And after only less than ten seconds, another explosion came out.

The ghost can't stand it anymore, although his secluded ability has almost the ability to "immune" for mental attacks.

However, he only woke up for a month or two.

Moreover, it is only in the "primary" stage, and after the previous struggle with the "space" life and death, the remaining solitude, able to support such a long time under such a large spiritual attack is extremely powerful.


The ghosts are dead, and the last two of the rest of the game, the strength of the mental strength of the game has increased again!

"My God, what the **** is this?"

"Headshots, all headshots, is this a trigger?"

"Obviously, this should be a clearance! You think, normal pk games will have a setting that will increase blood loss over time. It is obviously not possible to continue this kind of pk game. Moreover, this can also be punished to not participate in machinery. City battle, but want to secretly smash cheap players!"

"You see, the speed of death is roughly from the periphery to the mechanical city, and the four people in the mechanical city finally died. It must be npc designed!"

In the battle channel, it has already exploded.

After all, this full-scale range of headshots, the visual above is almost comparable to the "spiritual impact"!

Many people, awakened, this should be the npc or system setup, so it was very exciting after the initial surprise.

"But, in this case, it is not too sudden."

"I still want to see the battle between Fengshen and the ghosts. As a result, the ghosts are so dead!"

"There is nothing in the ghost, I want to know, Fengshen and the Phoenix goddess, who is the last one to die?"

"It must be Fengshen, he is the first place, and the resistance of men facing mental stress is stronger than that of women!"

"Cut, who said, I think we women are stronger!"

Watching the players, the center of attention at this time, is naturally the "headshot sequence" of the wind and the Phoenix.

Based on the points of both sides, there is still the absolute strength of the show in this pk game. Most people tend to be able to stick to the end.


The blood that emerged from the corner of the eye is completely blurred and the vision turns red.

The teeth of the wind are biting, and the mouth can't help but scream and scream.

The wind did not know that the spirit of both themselves and the Phoenix was stronger.

However, Phoenix, as a beta player, has already awakened the ecstasy. Even the manufacturing methods of the secluded artifacts know that even if both sides are also in the middle of the ecstasy, the phoenix’s mental strength is also It is taller than him.

Therefore, the next big head burst, the absolute big chance is him!

No, for this order, the wind does not care.

Because, before the reason for participating in too few kills, Phoenix's current points are not even one-half of him.

Even though he died before the phoenix, let half of the actual points go to the Phoenix, but because the game ranking is based on the highest points.

So, the first place will be him!


However, it has been half-squatting on the ground, but the heart of the head is full of unwillingness.

This is the only battle of grievances before, the enemy did not show up at all, but it has already made him have to bow his head.

The most important thing is that there is no counterattack at all!

In the eyes of most of the spectators, the power of the wind should definitely be derived from his deadly talent and destruction.

However, in fact, in the secret agent group of the agent, as well as the secret evaluation of the hound dog, the most powerful wind is his head and heart!

The ability to remain calm, with minimal volatility, and with the most powerful observations, these two things, combined with strong strength, are the reasons for the wind.

In fact, the wind has always been believed.

In the game, nothing can be solved with the head and the gun in his hand.

However, today, it is true that the "head" will be weak.

Under the impact of strong mental power, his head has no way to think about anything. At this time, even if the boss behind the scenes that should be hidden is standing in front of him, he is already unable to pull the hand. Shoot the other side!


Blood began to flow from the eyes, ears, and mouth of the wind to the outside!

The wind has been pushed to the extreme, and the spiritual “reservoir” has been filled with only a trace of it, but the spiritual network composed of hundreds of millions of players is still pouring in like a tide.

The next moment... is the time of the headshot.

["You are attacked by high-intensity mentality, your 'evolution' talent is activated... your corresponding mental resistance grows, and the upper limit of mental power grows..."

However, at this time, a very familiar prompt message was swept out in the visual field interface that could not be seen at all.

The wind has fallen out of the pupils of the eyes of the two blood-stained eyes, and a very clear columnar green light emerges.


It has reached the limit of the "reservoir", but under the impact of the huge spiritual power, with the continuous expansion of green light.

Let the wind fall on the edge of the "headshot", but it is always on the line!

Although the wind has fallen into consciousness at this time, the upper limit of the mental power in the hidden attribute of the character is a speed increase that is fully capable of using the spirit of the player who awakens the primary level.

"A primary solitude mental power... two primary secluded energy... five primary secluded energy..."

In just a few seconds, the spirit of the wind has increased by a factor of two.

Unexpected changes allow the wind to survive under constant mental impact.

According to this situation, no accidents, as long as the spirit of the wind can reach the original two or three times, you can definitely win this "no solution" mental attack!

Jedi, sewing?

Just, that is to say that the situation has continued.

However, how could one line be like this.


The familiar voice sounded again, but the phoenix finally couldn’t stand it. The body that was barely supported by the fiery red sword that was holding the fingerprints was blooming, and the death white light bloomed after a sound.

Even with the narrow phoenix phoenix, it is followed by the black light to dissipate!


In the next moment, all the mental pressures are naturally concentrated on the wind.


Although the "reservoir" has expanded a lot, but not to mention this passive expansion, the water in the reservoir is always almost full.

Moreover, the "evolutionary" talent can support the intensity of the original local spirit, and does not mean that it can support the enhanced mental strength.

The most important thing is that after the death of the Phoenix, the mental impact of the wind fell, not only doubled, but definitely reached several times!


In the blink of an eye, the blood is again shot, and in the brain, the cells in the slice die continuously!

In this case, even the life protozoa cannot be remedied. In fact, because of the "symbiotic" relationship with the wind, when the mental strength reaches a certain level, the life protozoa has already died!


Life and death line, the wind fell to the whole head and released a green light to the outside!

The "reservoir" in the brain suddenly seems to open a huge "gate", and the enormous mental power gathered by hundreds of millions of players suddenly spills out in a certain direction.

The reservoir seems to have become a "river" in the blink of an eye, and the spiritual strength that can withstand is much higher than ten times!


At this time, in the outer game compartment, the green spar has already produced an unprecedented intense green light, so that the entire body of the wind has turned into a translucent green. .

With the green light, the mysterious gem obtained from the pharaoh's tomb in the earth, it gradually merged into the chest position of the wind like water.


And after the green gemstones are completely integrated into the body.

In the arena, that is a collection of countless players, and the powerful spirit is also abrupt.

"The mental network is broken!"

"Fast, immediately turn off the mental link program, notify all the adventurers, and leave the virtual cabin immediately!"

Death Desert, the experimental center of the dungeon.

At the moment when the server saw the disappearance of the "spiritual net" of hundreds of millions of players, the young and middle-aged npc researchers and npc soldiers all showed a happy face and shouted in action.

"Is the god-making plan successful?"

Only the yellow man npc professor old man did not care about the lives and deaths of other players, a pair of days did not sleep well, gray and red eyes were full of eagerness, staring at the big screen and falling in the ground.


It was placed on the big screen of the nearest angle, and the eyelids of the wind moved, and the tip of the finger was slightly bent.

"Wake up, wake up, stand up and experiment..."

"Damn, what's going on!"

The old man of the yellow race is excited.

However, in half of the words, I reached out and grabbed my chest, like a heart attack.

Because, at this time, the big screen that is linked to the arena of the arena, suddenly the whole black is gone.

"what happened?"

"Why not!"

"God, what happened?"

It's not just the lab. In fact, all the players watched the game and disappeared.

Let yourself see the strange situation of the wind, or curious, perhaps anxious, or violently different players, protesting in unison.

At the critical time, it’s too pitted!

Read The Duke's Passion