MTL - Fast Crossing Strategy Villain Male God-Chapter 551 your love letter

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   Chapter 551 Your Love Letter

   However, both older brothers and sisters have such high IQs, and as a younger brother, Yan Zebao is very stressful.

   Not long after, Baby Yan Ze was just over a year old.

Mu Yunge and Yan Chen tested Baby Yan Ze's IQ, but it turned out that Baby Yan Ze's IQ belongs to the category of ordinary people, which means that Mu Yunge can't teach him something too esoteric like teaching Baby Yan Xu. knowledge, but to spend more time and patience to cultivate him and educate him.

  Baby Yan Ze is still young, so he naturally does not know that although his identity is unusual, his IQ is really average.

   But these are nothing to worry about for him at the moment, because the little baby Yan Ze, who knew that he was clinging to Mama and his elder brothers and sisters, laughed every day.

Moreover, although Baby Yan Ze is a boy, because he is the youngest, and now they know that his IQ is average, Baby Yan Xu and Chu Ci both dote on him more and spend more time on him. play with him.

   All in all, Baby Yan Ze is a real pampered little man.


   In the blink of an eye, three years have passed, and baby Yan Ze is already a four-year-old baby, and baby Yan Xu is also ten years old.

  Because of their high IQ, Yan Xu and Chu Ci also started to skip grades to high school after graduating from elementary school.

   It's not a problem for the two of them to go directly to college, but Mu Yunge and Yan Chen didn't want them to be exposed to the adult world too early, so they didn't allow them to jump to high school.

   However, even though they were only ten years old, they still attracted the attention of the teachers and students of the whole school.

Needless to say   Chu Ci, because she has a gentle smile all day, so she is a big hit at school.

   As for Yan Xu, he is known as a cold little boy because of his superior IQ, and is very popular with school girls.

And because some students in the school like to secretly take pictures of Yan Xu and spread them on the Internet, the majority of netizens also learned more about Yan Xu's daily life. More and more attention, more and more love.

   It can be said that the title of Yan Xu's national son is well-deserved.

this day.

  Chu Ci was stopped by a few girls blushing just after school.

   "Hello, classmate Chuci. I'm Bai Xue from the first and second class of high school." Bai Xue held a pink envelope in her hand.

  Chu Ci is naturally not stupid enough to think that this envelope is for himself.

   guessed that this was the love letter the other party wanted to hand to Yan Xu, Chu Ci smiled lightly: "Hello, do you have anything to do with me?"

   Hearing this, Bai Xue nodded immediately and said, "That's right, this is... This is a letter I wrote to classmate Yan Xu. Please help me give it to him."

  Chu Ci continued to smile without changing his expression: "Why don't you give it to him in person? Doesn't this make you more sincere?"

Bai Xue's face turned even redder after hearing this, and after a while, she quickly shook her head with a shy expression on her face and said, "Student Yan Xu is very hard to study, I'm embarrassed to bother him with such trivial matters, so I can only bother you. Please be sure to Help me, thank you so much."

   Hearing this, Chu Ci just smiled and nodded, and then, under Bai Xue's surprised and grateful gaze, reached out and took the love letter she handed over.

   But in her heart, she was thinking: Since handing out a love letter is just a trivial matter, why do you bother me with such a trivial matter? I am also very busy.

   However, no matter what he was thinking, there was no hesitation on Chu Ci's face.


   Then, Chu Ci said to Bai Xue: "I will pass the letter on for you, my brother is still waiting for me, I will go back first, goodbye."

   Hearing this, Bai Xue and the girls around her all nodded and looked at Chu Ci with admiration.

   I am so envious that Chu Ci can live with Yan Xu every day.

   Soon, Chu Ci walked downstairs to the classroom. At this time, Yan Xu was already waiting in the old place with a blank face.

   Seeing him, Chu Ci immediately stepped forward with a sweet smile, "Brother, can you wait?"

   Hearing this, Yan Xu shook his head slightly, and then asked, "Why did you come down so late today? The teacher delayed the class?"

  Chu Ci immediately shook his head and said: "No, there is a small matter that needs to be dealt with, so it's late, let's go."

   Yan Xu nodded lightly, and then left with Chu Ci.


After the two got into the car, Chu Ci changed his gentle expression at school, sat lazily on the chair, and casually handed out the pink envelope from his schoolbag, "Nuo, take a look at the love letter to you. How is the writing this time?"

   Hearing this, Chu Ci glanced at Chu Ci's lazy expression, and threw the pink envelope directly into the trash can beside him.

   "I'm not interested. Next time, if you don't want to help, don't help. You don't feel tired when you smirk at school every day?" Yan Xu said.

Yan Xu couldn't be more clear about Chu Ci's true face. Don't look at Chu Ci's gentle and cute appearance in school all day long. In fact, when no outsiders were around, she always looked lazy, but When facing them, that smile looked very sincere.

   When Chu Ci heard Yan Xu's words, he shrugged indifferently and said, "It doesn't matter, so I know a lot of talents, and it can be regarded as a means of making connections."

   Hearing this, Yan Xu frowned lightly and said, "You don't need to befriend anyone, you are the only princess in the empire, they should take the initiative to befriend you."

  Chu Ci couldn't help feeling warm when he heard it.

   She knew that Yan Xu really treated her like her own sister, so she would say such a thing.

  Because she was taken for granted as her own circle, so she didn't need to take the initiative to make friends with others.

But it's not enough just like this, not because she doesn't take Yan Xu as her own, but because Yan Xu is not good at making friends, so as a princess, it is necessary for her to know more people with a gentle smile. People, let everyone know how good parents are, and take the initiative to maintain the image of the royal family.


   "I know what you mean, but I like to deal with these people, don't worry, I can tell who is sincere and who is fake." Chu Ci said.

   Hearing this, Yan Xu just nodded lightly, and then said, "Just if you like it."

   At this moment, Chu Ci's intellectual brain rang.

After    was opened, Baby Yan Ze's round and lovely face appeared in front of her and Yan Xu.

   "Sister! I can use communication software! I'm calling you with my own brain!" Yan Zebao said very happily.

   Hearing this, both Chu Ci and Yan Xu couldn't help but look doting on their faces, while Chu Ci praised: "Wow, that Ozawa is really great!"

   Receiving the compliment from his sister, Baby Yan Ze laughed happily.

   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion