MTL - Fast Crossing Strategy Villain Male God-Chapter 533 Hello, Miss Mermaid (17)

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   Chapter 533 Hello, Miss Mermaid (17)

   While Mu Yunge and Yan Chen were staying in the swimming team, Wen Ziqing also saw the news on the Internet and Mu Yunge's long explanation.

  When he saw Mu Yunge's suicide by jumping into the sea, he immediately asked the system, "System, when did Yun Feifei jump into the sea? Didn't you find out?"

   Hearing this, the Luck Plundering System said in a rare tone of unease: "I don't know either, I didn't detect Yun Feifei jumping into the sea."

   After the words were finished, the luck plundering system continued: "Could there be something wrong with this world? Why don't we give up this world and go to the next world to plunder luck?"

   It feels that the world is a bit out of control, so it is better to go to the new mission world to plunder the protagonist's luck.

However, Wen Ziqing was unwilling, "No way! Even without you, I must get what I want. Next, you can help me monitor Xiao Muyu's sister. If they are together, I will pass the test. Xiao Qiuyu has come to approach the hero and heroine!"

   Hearing this, the system immediately said: "Well, Xiao Qiuyu's movements can still be monitored."


   And a few days later, the principal of No. 1 Middle School was dismissed, and Teacher Li was dismissed because of bad conduct.

   As for Anxi, he reluctantly recorded an apology video.

   However, anyone with a discerning eye can see how reluctant Anxi's expression is.

   For a while, her apology video also became a hot search, but the hot search titles were "Refused to forgive", "Why should I tolerate you" and other titles.

   Netizens even sprayed Anxi into a sieve.

"Anxi's apology reminds me of last year's popular idol drama You Are From Aliens. The heroine in You From Aliens mentioned that the entertainment industry's apology is standard, black clothes, slightly whitish plain makeup, slightly red tearful eyes, tsk tsk, The costumes and makeup are complete, but unfortunately, there is no sign of repentance on Anxi's face, such an insincere apology, who are you responding to?"

   "Yun Feifei must be careful, Anxi has no intention of repentance at all, and after the turmoil subsides, she will definitely retaliate against Yun Feifei!"

"Anchen International's stock plummeted because of the violence on campus. I want to say that Anxi must have recorded the apology video because of her father's request. Unfortunately, this kind of apology is more and more disgusting to watch. It is better not to record the video and write it directly. I'm sorry! Hahaha!"

   "I would never forgive such a person! Why should I forgive?"

   "If an apology is useful, why do you need the law?! People like Anxi should go to prison to repent!"

   "The most sincere apology this year! Don't say Yun Feifei doesn't accept it, our netizens don't accept it!"


   When Anxi saw the comments on the Internet, he was angry and smashed things in the house.

   "Yun Feifei, I should have killed you in the first place! Ma Dan, I will never let go of your little bitch!" Anxi roared angrily.

   Hearing the movement from Anxi's room, Dad An hurried upstairs to knock on the door.

   "Xiaoxi, open the door quickly, don't be angry, Dad will definitely avenge you for this matter." Dad An said.

   He has committed too many sins in the first half of his life, so he finally got such a daughter as Anxi, and naturally he was holding it dearly.

   And Xiaoxi's temper is like when he was young, so he naturally likes this daughter more.

When Anxi heard Dad An's voice, he immediately opened the door and rushed out, then threw himself into Dad An's arms and cried bitterly, "Dad, I'm so wronged! It was Yun Feifei who seduced Xuebin in the swimming pool on purpose, I'll teach you a lesson. Isn't she supposed to!? I'm not wrong, if Yun Feifei obediently got out of No. 1 Middle School, wouldn't there be nothing? Before that little **** left, she said that I would never get Xuebin's heart in my life. , and said that Xuebin will always remember her! She was clearly against me on purpose!"

Hearing this, Dad An gently patted Anxi's back and said softly: "Dad knows that you are wronged! Don't be afraid, Dad will definitely avenge you! Offend my daughter, I will I won't let her go!"


   But no matter what the outside world was like, Mu Yunge and Yan Chen were not affected in any way at this time.

  After the two of them finished training, they went back to cook.

  After the sweet meal, the two started to pay attention to Wen Ziqing.

   At this time, in a high-end western restaurant in the city, Wen Ziqing looked at Xiao Qiuyu in front of him with affection.

  Xiao Qiuyu is the type of strong woman, and because of this, after Xiao Muyu's leg is broken, the Xiao family will hand over the Xiao Group to her, because she has that ability.

   This is also the reason why Xiao Muyu can study the majors he wants to study and do what he wants to do.


   The two met in a cafe three days ago.

   At that time, Wen Ziqing used the system's fascination effect, so Xiao Qiuyu almost fell in love with Wen Ziqing at a glance, and Wen Ziqing deliberately left his wallet at that time, so the two naturally had a second contact afterward.

   When we met for the second time, Xiao Qiuyu had a better impression of Wen Ziqing, and his love value also rose to 80, and he began to fall in love with Wen Ziqing.

   Today is the third time the two have met, and when he saw Wen Ziqing again, Xiao Qiuyu almost brought his own filter to look at him. All in all, the man in front of him was perfectly suited to her appetite!

   After a meal, Wen Ziqing timely expressed his affection for Xiao Qiuyu, explaining the meaning of pursuit.

  Xiao Qiuyu is also a resolute and cheerful person, plus Wen Ziqing's whole body is in line with his appetite, so he agreed without hesitation.

   She is no longer a hypocritical little girl. People she likes will naturally be held tightly. There is no need for messy tests and the like.

   And after the meal, Wen Ziqing sent Xiao Qiuyu home in a very gentlemanly manner.

   Xiao Qiuyu was in a better mood today and ordered a drink. After getting out of the car, he looked at Wen Ziqing with seductive eyes, full of suggestion.

   When Wen Ziqing saw this, he naturally got out of the car and kissed her together, and then followed Xiao Qiuyu to her room, where the dry wood and fire burned all night.


   The next morning, Wen Ziqing also thoughtfully made breakfast for Xiao Qiuyu, which made Xiao Qiuyu love him more and more after waking up, and the love score also soared to 98 points.

   In short, with the help of the system, it took Wen Ziqing less than a week to make Xiao Qiuyu unable to extricate himself from his love for him.

   Mu Yunge and Yan Chen only saw the part of Wen Ziqing holding Xiao Qiuyu's thigh and going upstairs, and the plot behind them can be thought of without watching them.

   "I didn't expect your sister to be so enthusiastic." Mu Yunge teased after turning off the screen.

   Hearing this, Yan Chen immediately kissed Mu Yunge's lips, and then said with a smile: "After all, she's a woman who is about to run for three!"

   (end of this chapter)