MTL - Fast Crossing Strategy Villain Male God-Chapter 520 Hello Miss Mermaid (4)

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   Chapter 520 Hello, Miss Mermaid (4)

  Although he is penniless, for the current Mu Yunge, there is no such thing as a penny stumbling a hero.

  Because of her special situation now, she doesn't care about morality, she just secretly embezzled 10,000 yuan from the bank, and plans to return it later.

In this information age, the original owner didn't even have an elderly phone, so Mu Yunge first went to the mobile phone store to buy a new mobile phone and applied for a mobile phone card, then bought a meal on the roadside, downloaded a taxi software and went to Yan Chen The city swimming pool where it is located.

   The two were about 70 kilometers apart and arrived in less than an hour.

   But when we arrived, it was already past 8pm.

Yan Chen's current identity is Xiao Muyu, and he should still be a member of the provincial swimming team, but in a recent competition, his urine test was positive, and he was suspected to have won the championship after taking banned drugs. Suspended, and was kicked out of the provincial team, losing the opportunity to enter the national team.

  In the original plot, although this matter was later clarified, public opinion no longer believed in Xiao Muyu.

   Therefore, Xiao Muyu went to the beach for a walk in depression, and then met Yun Feifei who committed suicide.

   It was also later that he discovered Yun Feifei's talent in swimming, which made Xiao Muyu cheer up in frustration. While helping her cheer up, he also told him to see his own position - coach.


   After waiting in front of the swimming pool for a while, Mu Yunge went straight into the swimming pool without seeing anyone coming out.

  Because the management of the city swimming pool is relatively strict, you need to swipe a card to enter, so after Mu Yunge arrived, he transferred a small software in his brain and put it on his mobile phone, and then swiped his mobile phone to enter.

  According to the system positioning, Mu Yunge soon reached the fifth floor of the swimming pool.

   At this time, the hall on the fifth floor was still brightly lit, and there were still team members in swimsuits either training or talking in twos and threes.

   But most people are ready to leave the swimming pool and go back.

  Mu Yunge hid behind the cabinet like a thief. After the team members were almost gone, he walked towards the swimming pool.

   There was only one boy in the swimming pool at this time.


On the shore, there was a girl in cute clothes, "Brother Mu Yu, I really didn't mean it, can you forgive me? I just wanted to make up your body, but I didn't expect you to get a positive urine test result. "

  Xiao Muyu is 24 years old this year. Not to mention his family background is very good. He is still a top student in one of the top universities in China and has a bright future. However, he likes swimming and likes to combine mechanics and swimming to study, so he chose to become a swimmer.

   But athletes' bodies are all at their peak, and because he entered the industry too late, he is almost a veteran player on the national team side.

   The last tournament was about whether he could make it to the national team, and he cared a lot.

   If he can get the first place in the national team, he can compete with players from all over the world and participate in the Olympic Games!

   But the bad thing is that this girl, Cheng Xin, gave him a bowl of soup that day.

  Because the two families are neighbors, he has no doubts.

   But in the end he was too careless.

   That bowl of soup was "kindly" added with nutritional supplements by Cheng Xin, but the nutritional supplements contained banned drugs.

   The result is self-explanatory.


   Floating in the swimming pool, Xiao Muyu looked at Cheng Xin coldly and said, "It's getting late, you should go back, don't forget that the access control of your house is at nine o'clock, I have to continue training, so I won't send you."

   Hearing this, Cheng Xin's eyes could not help but burst into tears.

   Seeing this, Xiao Muyu was just indifferent. Dive into the water and snorkel.

  Cheng Xin bit her lip and finally left.

   After Cheng Xin left, there was only the sound of Xiao Muyu paddling in the silent swimming pool.

   At this moment, Mu Yunge came out from behind the cabinet, and sat on the bank to admire Xiao Muyu's swimming.


   Xiao Muyu was still concentrating on training with swimming goggles on, but did not notice that there was one more person on the shore.

   After a while, Mu Yunge's eyes squinted slightly under the thick glasses, and then she took off her eyes, then took off her top, and plunged into the pool.

After    "thumping" a splash of water, Mu Yunge's body just dived into the water, and then he chased after Chao Xiao Muyu with a graceful posture.

   When Xiao Muyu was breathing, he vaguely heard the sound of falling water, but he didn't think much about it.

   At this moment, he suddenly found himself beside him, and he didn't know when a figure suddenly appeared.

   The opponent's speed is not slower than him, and even as if he is deliberately competing with him, he is still accelerating forward.

   Seeing this, Xiao Muyu didn't have time to see who she was, but the ghosts and gods also sped up the speed.

   After a back and forth, Xiao Muyu was about to turn around and compare again, but heard a light girl in his ear, "No way, I'm exhausted."

   Yun Feifei's body is so poor that she felt exhausted after only two laps.


   Hearing the unfamiliar girl, Xiao Muyu was taken aback for a moment, and then she couldn't help but surface.

   The next moment, she saw a picture of a girl who was as delicate and beautiful as an elf.

There are still drops of water on her face, and her skin seems to be a little pale, but her dark eyes are extraordinarily bright and beautiful, and her facial contour is extraordinarily small, and her facial features look like the golden section. Proportion.

   Such a face, many big stars can't match it now!

   "You're not a member of the swimming team, who are you?" Xiao Muyu was stunned for a moment, then quickly recovered.

   Seeing Xiao Muyu's expression, Mu Yunge was finally sure that Yan Chen really didn't remember her.

  Although she didn't know what happened to the accident, she hadn't seen Yan Chen who got along with her with a different personality for a long time.

   Thinking of this, Mu Yunge's lips suddenly evoked a playful smile.

   That seems to be interesting too?


   "My name is Yun Feifei." Mu Yunge said.

   Hearing this, Xiao Muyu nodded, then looked at her and continued to ask, "Why are you here?"

   After the words were finished, Xiao Muyu's eyes were directed towards Mu Yunge.

   It was only when he realized that the girl in front of him was actually wearing a vest to compare with him.

   The next moment, two lines of nosebleeds flowed from his nose.

  The nosebleed quickly dropped to the water's surface. Seeing this, Xiao Muyu immediately looked embarrassed, and then hurriedly turned his back, "Go up and get dressed first."

  Although the swimsuits they wear show their thighs, professional swimsuits are very tight, and even **** can be flattened, so he usually hardly sees pictures tonight.

   (end of this chapter)