MTL - Fast Crossing Strategy Villain Male God-Chapter 482 God, forgive me! (27)

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   Chapter 482 Great God, spare me! (27)

   Fortunately, Yan Chen's skills were excellent. After seeing Zhang Tingting driving towards the two, Yan Chen immediately dodged.

   The next moment, Zhang Tingting didn't have time to brake, and the car hit the concrete pillar in the parking lot directly.


   After a violent crash, Zhang Tingting screamed, and her body almost flew out of the car because she was not wearing a seat belt.

   At this time, the other CVs who came outside heard the violent crash in the parking lot, and then rushed in with their faces changed.

After    came in, they just saw Zhang Tingting's car crashing into the concrete pillar, while Mu Yunge and Yan Chen were on the other side with ugly faces.

  The crowd rushed over.


   "What's going on?!" The gentleman said with a serious look.

   "That lunatic wants to kill us!? This time I will make her sit in jail!" Yan Chen said fiercely.

   Hearing this, Junzi Haoqi and the others were stunned.

what! ? Zhang Tingting is actually crazy to this point? !

   Next, Yan Chen called the police directly.

   And soon, Zhou Yang also rushed over.

   After hearing that Zhang Tingting was going to kill two people with a car, Zhou Yang's expression turned pale, then he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "Have you called the police?"

   I never imagined that Zhang Tingting was so cruel!


   Hearing Zhou Yang's words, the gentleman nodded his head.

   Soon, there will be police. Come and deal with this.

  Zhang Tingting was sent to the hospital and suffered a concussion because of the strong blow to the forehead.

   But now no one cares whether Zhang Tingting's injury is serious or not.

   Everyone is worried about the safety of Mu Yunge and Yan Chen.

   And when Father Chen and Mother Chen learned about this, they were all worried. If they had known, they should not have been allowed to go to any party!

   After comforting the second old man for a while, the two hung up the phone and went to record the statement.

  Because there is also surveillance in the parking lot, the footage at that time was quickly collected.

   Now, Zhang Tingting's two attempted murder charges cannot be escaped.

   However, Mu Yunge and Yan Chen still underestimated Zhang Tingting's shamelessness.

   After Zhang Tingting woke up, she actually pretended to be crazy.

   After her parents passed, the family of three decided that Zhang Tingting had been mentally ill since she was a child, and she did such a thing now because she had a mental attack.

In China, there is immunity for mentally ill people to commit murder and commit crimes, so many second-generation X and the like hit people to death, commit crimes, etc., the family will find a relationship to give them a history of mental illness Proof, in order to escape legal sanctions.

   And this time, Zhang Tingting obviously wanted to do this.


   Mu Yunge and Yan Chen laughed coldly when they found out.

   Pretend to be crazy? Have a history of mental illness?

Ah! That being the case, then we will fulfill you!

  The two did not withdraw the case. After continuing to sue Zhang Tingting, they requested that Zhang Tingting be locked in a famous mental hospital for treatment, otherwise they would question that Zhang Tingting's mental history was false.

   Zhang's family panicked.

   Mental hospital, is that a place where people can go?

   If normal people go, I’m afraid they will also become lunatic, right?

   However, it is useless for the Zhang family to leave all the connections, and last week, Yang not only did not help Zhang Tingting, but instead used the connections to lock her in a mental hospital, so it is too late for the Zhang family to regret the original decision.


Afterwards, Zhou Yang apologized to Mu Yunge and Yan Chen repeatedly.

  The two were too lazy to pay attention to him, and went straight home after finishing the case.

   Years later, Mu Yunge established a dubbing club as originally planned, specializing in making video clips online.

Because the video clips of the dubbing agency are humorous and funny, they quickly attracted a large number of fans. In addition, their advertising methods are innovative and humorous, so not only did they not arouse the disgust of the fans, but they urged them in the comments every day. Hurry up and post the ad.

  Three years later, because Zhang Tingting couldn't stand the environment in the mental hospital, the whole person was tortured to the verge of nerves.

   And one morning, when the nurse came to check as usual, she found that Zhang Tingting had hit a wall and died.


   At the moment of Zhang Tingting's death, Mu Yunge, Yan Chen and Cui Qian all left the mission world at the same time.

   But at this moment, Feng Han's sneer suddenly came from Mu Yunge's ear, "As expected, it was you who did it, Cat!"

   The next moment, a string of data rushed towards Mu Yunge.

   Seeing this, Mu Yunge, who had expected this day to come, immediately started a fight with Feng Han.

   "Zizzi la la!"

   At this time, as the two continued to use viruses to invade each other and destroy each other, a small area of ​​snowflakes appeared on the screen of Fengshenhao Super Intelligent Brain.

   Upon seeing this, the researchers of the Fengshen number were all shocked, "What's going on!? What's wrong with the Fengshen number?"

   They don't dare to leave the Fengshenhao for a moment, for fear that it will lose control and continue to invade the star network.


   And after Yan Chen returned to the real world, he immediately opened his own system and wanted to see Mu Yunge.

   However, this time, Mu Yunge did not appear.

  In an instant, Yan Chen's heart sank, and then he tried his best to restrain his unease, and used the software to contact Mu Yunge.

   But Mu Yunge still didn't reply to her.

   For a while, Yan Chen's body trembled slightly.

unusual! This is not normal!

   Something must have happened, baby.

   The next moment, Yan Chen just restarted the second generation of the villain and wanted to enter the mission world again.

   But this time, he was denied entry!

   Seeing this, Yan Chen desperately calmed himself down, and called Lucas a moment later.

When    received Yan Chen's call, Lucas, Lin Sheng and others were working together to break through the miraculous defense network.

   "Hey, Admiral Yan, do you have anything to do with me?" Over the video call, Lucas's attention was still on the screen, so he didn't see Yan Chen's ugly expression at this time.


   "Cat didn't come back." Yan Shen said coldly.

   As soon as these words came out, Lucas stopped for a moment, "What did you say? Cat didn't come back?"

   "She must have had an accident, and I can't enter the virtual world now. Is there any way you can find her?" Yan Chen asked.

   Hearing this, Lucas said apologetically: "Admiral Yan, I really want to help you, but my technology can't do it yet."

   Yan Chen's heart sank after hearing this, then nodded and said, "I see, thank you."

   "You're welcome, the miraculous defense net is about to be breached. That's all I can do," Lucas said.

   Yan Shen nodded, then hung up the video call.

   After Yan Chen hung up the video call, the words "Invasion Success" appeared on Lucas's computer screen.

   Seeing this, Lucaston was shocked, and then said to Lin Sheng: "Lin Sensen! Hurry up! Immediately tamper with the code and prohibit all players from logging in!"

   Two more! PS: Because the blocked ones were released again, I wrote the finale according to the original plan, alright!



   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion