MTL - Farming Together wIth Interstellar People-Chapter 251

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In addition to the two limited-edition exchange items, the island title deed and the pet love nest, the most discussed item is the vegetable exchange coupon worth 50 points.

Some players posted their journey of exchanging activity points for various props on the game forum. First work hard with the goal of [Land Deed-Island], and after the land deed belonging to your own village is exchanged, turn your attention to [Pet Love Nest]. At that time, this prop hadn't been exchanged too much. After all, most people were working towards the former, and only after the former was exchanged were they robbed.

However, there are only 25,000 love nests, and there are only 5 villages in an average of 5,000 villages. The number is not too large, so they were quickly robbed. For example, in those villages that changed their island titles very late, no one even got a love nest.

Then it was the turn of the remaining high-point limited items. Tree houses, pet eggs, mount eggs, pet/mount evolution fluid, bicycles, fairy flower seedlings...these are all old faces, whether you are an old player or a new player, you have already understood their respective functions, and carefully choose according to your own needs , and strive to maximize the use of points.

After redeeming these, players with enough "wallets" can still have a few hundred points left. They breathed a sigh of relief, and directly selected the [vegetable lottery ticket], only 50 points per ticket, and directly exchanged for the maximum amount that can be exchanged.

There will also be some players who will save one or two cards from the above amount to exchange for [Tricky Item Gift Pack] of the same price. They are more fun-loving players, keen to create all kinds of interesting things and jokes in the village, and the game life of flying dogs and dogs is their goal.

Change here, and the remaining points are below 50 points. For novice players who have just entered the game for half a month, they can also pull the exchange list to the bottom to see what they need, such as the [Duck Feather Cap] worth 5 points, probably It can be done with one person, after all, it is an event-limited item.

After confirming that nothing needs to be exchanged, you can use all the remaining points to exchange for [Seed Gift Pack], each only needs 1 point, you can’t buy it at a loss, you can’t be fooled, and if you’re lucky, you can even get super rare seeds. !

The player who posted the post was one of the lucky ones. He only redeemed seven seed packs in total, and he just opened an ancient seed from it.

At the end of the post, he did not forget to remind all the players not to forget to open the souvenir gift bag obtained by signing in. He opened three different souvenirs from it, each of which is super cute!

It's okay if he doesn't mention this, but when he mentions it... the rest of the players will find out, hey, aren't there too many types of souvenirs from the souvenir gift bag? There are 5,000 people in the village, and all three of them repeat that it does not exist at all.

Players who are idle and bored specially made a post to make statistics, and posted all the pictures of souvenirs that have appeared, and the players who own them can check in under the corresponding pictures. Although this is not an activity that all players will participate in, a general result was reached in the end.

It is said that three souvenir gift bags will be given out for three days after signing in, but Li Li never told them that there are as many as 100 souvenirs in it.

And these 100 souvenirs are divided into rarities. Among them, 70 types are the most numerous and are counted as ordinary models, and 20 types are much less than the former and are counted as high-end models.

The last 10 kinds are the rarest ones. Some players turned the post from beginning to end and didn’t find the one they opened. They posted screenshots specially. Every village has one of these 10 kinds of souvenirs. The number is very small. And less, they are a well-deserved hidden money.

The statistics calculated by the players are completely consistent with Bai Li's settings.

Netizens and players were shocked together.

"God **** it, is this a souvenir of the event, or another way to collect illustrations? It's okay if you don't read this post. After reading it, I have an inexplicable urge to collect them all..."

"Ahh! I knew it was this kind of blind box draw, I should have been more formal when I opened the gift bag, at least washing my hands is necessary, hey!"

"If I had known that opening a gift bag would be such a big unknown, I would not have opened it myself. If I sold it in the market, someone would definitely want to buy it."

"What kind of devil is Li Li?? There are 100 kinds, a total of 100 kinds! And I only have 3 kinds. Tears are about to fall when I know the truth. I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep tonight. I hope When I was dreaming, I could dream that I had collected all 100 souvenirs..."

"Those who have no money are still dreaming here, and those who have money have already contacted players in the same village who have high-end and hidden souvenirs in private. As far as I know, during the construction of this post, there is a star soldier in our village who has collected progress has reached 80%”

"Ah... it will cost a lot of money, right? Brother in front, I have a friend who wants to see this boss's souvenir display stand. I wonder if it is possible...?"

"Hmmmm, I'll go and ask for you, let me tell you that the boss may not agree with you!"

Afterwards, the topic turned to guessing how much money this unknown tycoon spent on souvenir collection.

After all, Bai Li and his group left the "Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs Star" for the "Hope Star" a few days later than expected.

The event time in the game is from April 15th to April 17th, and the point redemption has been postponed for three days to April 20th. Because the item to be exchanged contains [Vegetable Lottery Ticket], which needs to be drawn after the point exchange is closed. After the result comes out, Bai Li will also be responsible for the delivery of 10 portions of vegetables weighing 50 kilograms, so he decided to wait until the vegetables are sent out. Start again.

The vegetables in the yard have grown to a large part under his careful cultivation, and they are just ready to be harvested and given to the players who have always supported him and "Leisurely Living in the Field".

Bai Li still has some regrets. The yard where he lives now is not too big. I hope that when he goes to "Hope Star", he can quickly find a suitable place for farming, and then sow a large amount of seeds. When he harvests, he can give More players, share the joy of harvest with them.

On the afternoon of the 20th, together with other people in his family, he harvested all the ripe vegetables in the yard and packed them randomly into 10 portions, each weighing more than 50 kilograms. There are a lot of varieties inside, Chinese cabbage, potatoes, carrots, green vegetables, pumpkins, cauliflower... There are more than a dozen kinds.

It can be said that such a large bag of vegetables is given to the players as a gift, which can be said to be full of sincerity.

While packing the vegetables, Tang Ying showed extreme reluctance. He was crying all the time, but he dared not express anything weakly. Zhu Moling also told Bai Li that Tang Ying sneaked to the bathroom after packing, soaped his hands several times, and muttered that he wished his luck would be better tonight.

Bai Li covered his mouth and snickered, especially wanting to remind Tang Ying that the seeds he brought back to the military headquarters will only grow more vegetables in the future than today, and he will eat them in one bite.

On the contrary, the two deans, Du Jiayin and Fan Yunping, quickly accepted Bai Li's arrangements for the vegetables after a short period of stupefaction, and even helped him find a reason for themselves.

"Xiaobai said before that the vegetables grown by us will have a little taste. Although the taste is definitely different from that of the ancient blue star, it is also much better than those grown by farming robots. Sending out the vegetables to other people to taste now should also deepen everyone’s impression of hand-planted vegetables, which will be beneficial to the promotion that may come in the future.”

"That's right, that's the reason. Xiaobai really cares about the whole StarCraft. I didn't expect to find a solution to the problem of genetic collapse and the decrease in the taste of vegetables and food. Old Fan , we must help Xiaobai well, and strive to resolve these two matters smoothly!"

Bai Li: "..." I said that I was just sharing, and I didn't think about it. Do you believe it?

Time soon reached zero o'clock on April 21st, and the lottery drawing program that had been set up ran automatically. Soon the ten winning numbers were announced, and the winning players also received a system message within one minute, congratulating them on winning.

With 25 million players and hundreds of millions of vegetable lottery tickets, there are only ten winners, which shows how low the probability is. And the ten players who were lucky enough to be drawn were all dancing with excitement, wishing to go out and run a few laps to celebrate.

They didn't hesitate to spend a huge sum of 500 stars to buy a prop [Golden Horn] that was newly released in the game mall but not many people bought it, and made their first speech on the game's world channel.

"People are not grass and trees: Hahahaha! Please allow me to scream for 30 seconds, I won the lottery! I planted a gift bag of vegetables provided by Li Liyou! 50 kilograms, a full 50 kilograms, I have already begun to fantasize about waiting to receive it How to use them in this big gift bag! Tell everyone to be happy, hee hee hee~~"

"Xiaer: I'm actually on the list! As an insulator who won the lottery, I actually had a day when I won the lottery. This is probably because all my luck in the past 20 years was concentrated on this day! Everyone pay attention to the forum tomorrow, and wait for it When I get the prize, I will live broadcast the unboxing on the forum~ I will also cheer everyone up!"

"Marshmallow Tiger: You can buy one vegetable seed for 10 copper coins in the game, and one plant can mature in more than ten hours. In reality, vegetables often take several months to mature, and each plant can be sold With a high price of hundreds of thousands, this hundred catties of vegetables may be worth tens of thousands of star dollars, what a **** profit! It's so beautiful~"


The other players who didn't win the lottery were so sour. While envious of these 10 people, they also tried their best to put on an arrogant look, showing that they were not at all moved. Hmph, aren't they vegetables in reality? Just wait, when the sun rises, they will buy seeds and grow them by themselves, so they can still eat fresh fruits and vegetables!

The ten lucky winners waited excitedly all night, and received a big vegetable gift package from Bai Li early the next morning. I couldn't wait to open the package of the courier, and the sleepy people were woken up by the excitement of the juicy vegetables inside.

Fuck! These vegetables can't be from the time travel in the game, why do they grow so big and full? It's impossible to grow into this shape without four bottles of magical spring water and two kinds of special fertilizers, right?

A fresh scent of fresh vegetables floated out of the express box. They are all players who have worked hard in the game to farm. Who is not familiar with this scent?

A player stupidly stood beside the delivery box and looked at it for a while, stretched out his fingers, and carefully picked off a crisp and tender vegetable leaf, without even bothering to wash it, he put it in his mouth.

Crunchy, vegetable flavor. That's right, this is a real vegetable, not a model of a vegetable that can be faked.

This discovery was even more terrifying. Could it be that... when they were addicted to the game, their farming level in reality also made great progress?

But is it possible? Apart from playing games, they swim around in the ocean of the Internet. How could there be no news about such a big news on the Internet?

It has been rumored before that someone planted it at home in a whimsical way, and the taste of the plants grown is better than those bought from outside. But the photos posted by those people on the star network, the vegetables are not as fresh and beautiful as the batch in front of them.

The difference between buyer show and seller show should not be too obvious.

Then there is only one possibility, these vegetables are also grown by a certain person, and this person also has special vegetable growing skills.

This is in reality, with such vegetable growing skills, it shouldn't be too much to say that he is the light of the stars, right? ?

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