MTL - Farming Together wIth Interstellar People-Chapter 232

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Bai Li and Wen Xingyao didn't notice the discussion between Xiaodie and the others, and they had already walked to another big dining table at this time.

It just so happened that the last dish of sauerkraut stewed white meat and blood sausage was also served on the table. But it makes people lose their minds, and I can't wait to take a bite with chopsticks to see how it tastes.

"Okay, all the dishes are ready, let's eat quickly!" After speaking, Song Xinran took out a set of bowls and chopsticks from her backpack and gave them to Bai Li, Wen Xingyao, Wen Chen, Jiang Huaibi, and Mo Song and the others each shared a bowl and a pair of chopsticks, signaling them to eat quickly.

As for the other players, who doesn't have some food guys in their backpacks? Song Xinran doesn't need to say, they hold the dishes and chopsticks and get ready.

Bai Li started with the "pig-killing dish" that he was most interested in, and put a large chopstick full into the bowl, including sauerkraut, white meat and blood sausage. Although the sauerkraut was added and stewed for a while, it did not become soft and rotten because of it. Instead, it maintained the original crisp taste. The sour taste perfectly blended with the soup, forming another unique flavor.

The white meat is moderately fat and thin, and it is not greasy when eaten. The faint oily aroma makes people want to eat another bite after taking a bite. As for the blood sausage, everyone had tasted it before, but it tasted different. The players ate the blood sausage with different flavors into their mouths, froze for a few seconds, and then raised their thumbs to express their love for this dish.

In addition to this finale dish, other dishes also have their own fans.

If you like spicy food, you can sandwich the boiled pork slices in the big soup pot. Your mouth is so spicy that it becomes a sausage mouth, and you don’t want to stop; The thin layer of skin looks like a transparent gelatinous jelly, and it is tender and smooth with a bite, and the taste is also very good.

There is also fried pork belly that is burnt and crispy, and it "clicks and clicks" when biting. Players invented the way to eat them wrapped in lettuce and stuffed into their mouths together.

Soft braised pig's trotters, sweet and sour sweet and sour pork tenderloin, soft and tasty tamales... One after another, the players' atmosphere of tasting was ignited.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Yue, you have been trained like this, is this the charm of delicious food?"

"Yes, yes, I have been watching the live broadcast of these two all the way here. Brother Taozi's cooking skills have improved a lot, and the vocabulary used by Xingchen to evaluate various delicacies has also expanded a lot. He is only in the middle of the night. Live broadcast, no wonder people in the world call it 'the evil old dream'!"

"It's alright now. These two have teamed up. Although we enjoy eating now, there will always be a feeling of loss after the live broadcast. Forget it, forget it, what do you want to do so much, I'll grab a few more bites, I haven't had enough!"


There are about 20 players who are free to watch Wen Xingyao's pigs go to slaughter, and all of them are familiar faces. With the addition of Bai Li and others, the total number of players adds up to less than 30. But with such a number of people, they actually ate up all the dishes that Song Xinran and the others had spent a lot of time cooking in just half an hour.

To be more specific, probably half a pig was eaten.

In front of the camera, the players eat gracefully, but the speed of eating is not slow. As long as their hand speed is slower, the next bite of meat will be picked up by others. After eating all the dishes, they touched their bellies contentedly. They always felt that they were bulging a lot, and they all thanked Bai Li and the others for their hospitality.

As a chef, I like to watch other people eat up all the dishes I made. This is the highest compliment to their craftsmanship.

Song Xinran said that today's sense of accomplishment was really high, and she felt a burst of joy in her heart. She pursed her lips and said regretfully: "It's a pity that brother Xingchen and I didn't find honey, otherwise I could make another 'honey sauce' for you. It’s a sweet dish, everyone should like it too.”

"Yeah, it's really a pity." Wen Chen continued, "We found that honey can make a lot of dishes, such as crispy roasted wings in honey sauce, barbecued pork in honey sauce, honey lemon citron tea...these all need honey .But the mayor’s store didn’t sell honey, and we didn’t find wild bees in the wild, let alone hives…”

He sighed, eyes full of regret. However, he was not too disappointed. The item "Honey" was not listed in this update, which does not mean that it will not be available in the future. As there are more and more players in the game, the needs of the players will also increase. With Li Li's dedication to the game, he will definitely arrange everything they want.

Wen Chen just said a few words casually, and after he finished speaking, he planned to work with Song Xinran to finish the live broadcast this time.

But at this moment, he saw one of the twenty or so players raised his hand weakly, and then he heard a girl's voice: "Uh... do you need honey? I just have some honey here." , shall I give it to you?"

Although the volume is not high, it achieves the effect that the audience is completely silent when the voice falls.

Qingli was originally just an ordinary member of the cooking team, but at this time he got everyone's attention. The two players next to her reacted the most, their eyes stared like copper bells on the spot, and they made a super-exaggerated tactical back. The posture of the three of them was probably like "丨/", and they came directly flowers bloom.

Qingli: "..." These two bastards!

How should I put it, I suddenly regretted making my voice, how good it is to contact Li Li and the others after the dissolution!

It's a pity that it's useless to regret now, she has already been noticed.

Bai Li looked in the direction of the voice, and immediately recognized who the speaker was. Yoho, isn't this Qingli?

After the game's first event "Corn Master", 20 players grabbed the pet eggs. At that time, they came to a live broadcast of the pet egg breaking. This girl's pet egg was still "difficult to deliver".

It can't be said that it is a dystocia, mainly because the individual in the egg is too small, and it is difficult to break the shell independently. But the final result was good, and Qingli got two pet bees.

Now it seems... these two little bees started to produce honey? And it looks like a good output.

Under heavy pressure, Qingli pushed aside the crowd and came forward, rummaged through the backpack for a while, and handed the honey she was talking about to Wen Chen.

The honey is packed in a transparent glass bottle, which is heavy in the hand, and the players can clearly see the golden color inside.

The glass bottle is tightly sealed, just turn the cap on the top when taking it.

Wen Chen shook the glass bottle from side to side, and the honey inside began to flow slowly. The golden color made people's eyes intoxicated.

"Can I open it and have a look?" Wen Chen asked softly.

"Of course!" Qingli has recovered from the initial nervousness, and said with a smile, "I told you before, this honey is for you, you can cook with it!"

Wen Chen hesitated to speak, as if he was too embarrassed to accept her kindness directly. Qingli turned his eyeballs and guessed that the other party might think that honey was hard to come by, so he didn't want to take it, so he summoned his pet little bee, showed it to everyone, and explained: "You just keep it That's right, honey is something that may be difficult for other people to obtain, but it should not be too easy for me. My pets are small bees. They mature within a few days after birth, and then they start to grow Shengshengsheng, there is a huge honeycomb under the eaves of my house, and all the bees they produce live in it."

"The bees usually fly out to collect honey. I thought it was nothing, but I received a system notification two days ago, saying that the bees I raised had finished making honey, so I hurried to collect it. Then I got a whole ten bottles Honey, I was worried about how to use these honeys, and I heard you say that honey can be used to make honey sauce, hehe..."

This smile speaks for itself.

Wen Chen understood in seconds, and immediately said: "Then I will accept your honey with the cheek, and I will make honey sauce pork later, and I will save a special portion for you, is that okay?"

"Yeah! Of course! Thank you!" Qingli nodded in satisfaction, this buddy is really good!

If I knew she would have given away a few more bottles, maybe I could get more customized food, hehehe~

Wen Chen unscrewed the lid of the honey, and a faint sweet fragrance wafted out. The smell was not strong, but it smelled fresh and pleasant.

"Usually, a spoonful of this honey can be taken out and dissolved in water to make honey water to drink, which is used to relieve physical fatigue and replenish energy. If you don't mind the trouble, you can also soak it with lemon, grapefruit and other fruits as a drink Drink, if necessary, I will send you a copy of the relevant information I collected later." While observing the texture of this bottle of honey, Wen Chen told Qingli about the simple usage of honey.

He has already seen that although Qingli has the rare honey, he doesn't know how to use it, which is too wasteful.

There was no reason for Qingli to refuse, she never stopped nodding. Woohoo, these bosses are not as cold as she imagined, but warm and gentle. They really deserve to be the bosses of their "Mushroom Village"!

Taking advantage of the situation, she became game friends with Wen Chen, Song Xinran who came over, Bai Li and Wen Xingyao.

Now that there is honey, the live broadcast can continue for a while. Wen Chen and Song Xinran ran to cook honey-flavored barbecued pork, while Qingli was surrounded by other players who had reacted.

"Oh! My dear A Li, why didn't you tell me about such a good thing when you have such a good thing?" Jiang Huaibi ran up and hugged her arm in a nasty way. The two were already good friends and had already become girlfriends , "Don't you know that I like those strange props the most, tell me that we can study the correct use of honey together!"

"Hey, didn't you forget it before? The game has just been upgraded for a few days, and there are too many games to play. After I collected the honey, I accidentally forgot it." Qingli patted Jiang Huaibi's head apologetically, " If it hadn't been mentioned in the old dream of the stars, I would not have remembered that there are still ten bottles of honey in my backpack."

After finishing speaking, he took out another bottle from his backpack and stuffed it into Jiang Huaibi's hands: "Here, take it, my best friend should have the old dream of the stars, take it back and soak it in water, and come to me after drinking it." want!"

This posture is to contract Jiang Huaibi's honey expenses in this game.

The eyes of the others turned red with envy, Mo Song slid out, rubbed his hands, and asked shyly, "Hey, sister Qingli, do you plan to sell the honey? You can set a price." , I want to buy a bottle..."

He didn't quote directly, which shows that this honey is priceless in the "Mushroom Village".

Seeing that there were competitors so soon, the other players all shouted loudly.

"Yes, yes, sister Qingli, do you sell this honey, I also want to taste what honey tastes like!"

"I can't cook honey sauce, can't I soak honey water? I want a bottle too!"

"Is there anyone who just wants to drink honey water? Brothers, let's make an order together. It's such a big bottle that one person can't finish it..."

"Sell me sell me sell me, I want to buy, I want to buy, I want to buy! Sister Qingli, if you are willing to sell honey water, you will be the flower of our village!"

Hearing these begging words became more and more outrageous, and Qingli directly said "Da Baa", and decisively rejected the title of "Mushroom Village Flower". Afterwards, she quietly discussed with her little sister, and decided to sell five bottles, priced at 50 gold coins each.

The price is neither too high nor too low, and it is easy for everyone to accept it when there is no other source of honey.

Mo Song was the first to take out the money, and after the money and the goods were settled, he happily ran to the corner with the honey and hid it, so as not to be robbed by the blind.

Besides him, Xiaodie's sister group bought a bottle together, Hui Lin bought a bottle alone, Wen Chen quietly sent a message to Qingli to grab a bottle, and Xiong Pili bought the last bottle.

If it hadn't been for Qingli's statement that she would get ten bottles of honey every ten days, she might not be able to walk out of this open space today. The players who didn't get it were full of resentment, and chose to make a reservation with her as the next best thing.

It's too bad for them, eat more pieces of honey sauce later!

The performance of one person caught the attention of Bai Li and Wen Xingyao who had been watching. And that person happened to be a player they were familiar with.

After getting the honey, Xiong Pili didn't put it in the backpack like other people. Instead, he took out a wooden spoon from the backpack, opened the lid of the honey and scooped out a large spoonful. After the honey stopped dripping down, he couldn't wait to stuff a spoonful of honey into his mouth.

Feeling the sweet taste in his mouth, the lubricating taste, the light sweet fragrance, like an elf spinning and jumping on his tongue, Xiong Pili could only feel his DNA moving wildly, couldn't help but reveal Made a foolish smile.

"Well, that's the smell!"

Read The Duke's Passion