MTL - Farming Together wIth Interstellar People-Chapter 225

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Time: 2 am on April 6.

Location: The first treasure island discovered in "Leisurely Living in the Field".

At this time, the sky was dark, and there was a round of bright moon hanging in the night sky, and the stars flickered on and off, twinkling as another embellishment in the night sky. There is a bleak wind blowing on Treasure Island, and the sound of waves hitting the reefs on the shore has become the background sound of fish-loving fish and others screaming.

"Ahhh! I made a wrong move again. Don't be discouraged. Let's switch to the other side and keep going. Time waits for no one! Hold on, we should be reaching the finish line soon!"

"Huh, huh—I never thought that I would run so embarrassingly in the game. By the way, isn't we an easy farming game? Why are we living so hard??"

"I'm dying, why have I been running to a dead end these few times, did we run out of luck when we discovered this island QAQ!"

"Come on, hold on, victory is ahead! Think about our hardships along the way, and think about the treasures in the treasures. Don't you envy other people who have exchanged for pet evolution fluids? Maybe there is one in the treasures you find. ~"

The four of them ran in the maze at a medium speed in a planned manner. Although the ten-minute countdown was like a sharp sword hanging over everyone's heads, the audience also held their breath for them, but the magic is that the fish-loving Yu and the others did not give up or panic because of this, but chose to respond calmly and positively. When the countdown was still five minutes away, they had actually walked through most of the maze.

If there are no accidents, the treasures on this island should be in their pockets.

This was supposed to be an extremely positive scene that touched "Leisurely Living" and the entire empire. However, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but want to laugh out loud while silently cheering for these four people.

I can still hold back my smile, but the hand that took the screenshot is already ready to move.

Occasionally, strange speeches drifted across the barrage.

"Pfft, Pisces girl's expression looks so ferocious, it's just a collapse in capital letters, she won't mind if I take a screenshot as an emoticon package, right?" say.

"Hey, I couldn't resist taking a screenshot of each of them, it always feels like a miracle when put together. [Four-faced.jpg]"

"Static pictures can't satisfy me anymore. I made a moving picture. You can help me choose a suitable text. It's good to call it 'slip away', or it's good to call it 'Chong Duck, let's go dry', or Do you have any better suggestions? [Gift of the four turning and running]"


As a qualified anchor, Fish who loves to eat fish has already developed the habit of taking time to glance at the barrage every once in a while no matter what she does. However, this time, she regrets why she has developed such a habit. During the discussion on how to make emoticons for the four of them on the barrage, she staggered and almost hit the wall in front of her.

It doesn't matter if people get hurt or not, but if she loses the chance to get the treasure because of this, she might cast a shadow on the audience.

What emoticons, black history, proper black history!

In order not to affect the performance of the other three, the fish-loving fish kept silent with tears in his eyes.

Let's talk about everything after they run out of the maze!

The coming big wave of emoji black history has become a sudden pressure, and the pressure has turned into motivation. In the next five minutes, the fish who loves to eat fish not only speeds up the running speed, but also chooses the road at the fork several times in succession. In the right direction, finally, with 30 seconds left in the countdown, I saw an exit 20 meters away.

The four of them ran out almost weeping with joy, and when everyone ran out of the maze, the system's third reminder also came.

[Congratulations to players like Fish, eocaudo, Yang Yeyue, who successfully cleared the Treasure Island maze from next semester. The rewards for customs clearance have been issued, please check them in your backpack! ]

The customs clearance reward is a small pocket treasure box, lying quietly in everyone's backpack, which makes the fish who love to eat fish subconsciously relieved. Fortunately, it is not the kind of ready-made big treasure box placed at the customs clearance place. Going up to open the treasure chest has to be pushed back.

Now everyone has a treasure chest, each of them opens their own, and a lot of contradictions are virtually reduced. What's more, the treasure chest that could only be opened once has been changed to four times, which doubles the happiness!

The audience in the live broadcast room was very realistic. They put away the previous screenshots of Mao Mao Shousong, without saying a word, and directly urged the four people to open the treasure chest on the spot?

In this situation, the atmosphere is indeed just right. The fish-loving fish turned around and asked his little friend, "I plan to open the treasure chest later, what do you think?"

"I'll drive too! Before the European spirit dissipates!" He hastily stated his position from the next semester, for fear that it would be too late and the former would not take her to play together.

Eocaudo and Yang Yeyue looked at each other and nodded. It was a surprise that they got the treasure box and opened it by themselves. Since the two girls said they were going to open it, it would be a bit of a disappointment if they didn't participate.

Audience: "Go, go, go! Go fast, go fast!"

So, the four of them found a huge reef by the beach, climbed up to sit on it, and then took out their treasure boxes and placed them in front of them.

"Who will come first?" Yu, who loves to eat fish, raised his head and asked, his eyes sweeping over the faces of the three from time to time.

"I'll come first!" Yang Yeyue spoke out first, and said with a smile, "I've heard an old saying, 'One effort, then decline, three exhaustion', it's like this in combat, and it's the same when you open a box. Maybe the master of the system will give me a good prop for the sake of my bravery!"

After finishing speaking, he grabbed the lock of the treasure box with both hands, and with a "snap", the treasure box opened in response, and the props inside also revealed their true colors.

[Mysterious Soil: Acting on a piece of land, it can turn ordinary land into black soil, and the plants growing on this land will grow taller, stronger, and bigger. 】

【Ancient Seeds: Mysterious plants can be grown. Please explore the specific planting methods by yourself. 】

[Treasure map: There are still unknown treasures buried on this island, please follow the prompts on the map to find them yourself. 】

None of the three props is tasteless, but it is said to be quite rewarding. Yang Yeyue held a treasure map made of parchment in one hand, while pinching the ancient seeds and the mysterious soil, her face was dumbfounded, and she muttered: "The treasure chest opened from Treasure Island is still the treasure on Treasure Island." Tu, Li Li is really good at nesting dolls..."

The audience laughed to death at his reaction, but they also understood the surprise of a sudden pie falling from the sky and good luck, but their hearts were still sour, and they urged others to open it quickly.

Maybe Yang Yeyue's harvest is just a very rare case of good luck, and others are not as lucky as him. Only such a result can barely soothe the hurt hearts of the audience.

The fish-loving fish trio were also greedy, and they took the initiative to open their own treasure chest without the audience urging them.

Fish who loves to eat fish: "Ah, I also got a piece of mysterious soil and a turtle pet egg! Oh my god, I made a lot of money. I didn't expect to get a pet egg for nothing when I went out to sea. There is still a vacancy for a pet, and I will hatch it when I go back!"

From the next semester: "I'll go, there really is a pet evolution liquid, Lao Yang, you must have opened your mouth, what are you talking about, it's so cool, I love you! In addition to the pet evolution liquid, I also got it A [Seafood Big Cafe], this seems to be something to eat, when you go back to my house, we will have a good table together!"

eocaudo: "I got a costume, um... a mermaid costume??? It sounds like women's clothing, how can I wear it??? Hey? I also have a treasure map, which can only be found in this It's used on the island, let's go treasure hunting together later..."

Eocaudo's voice became weaker and weaker, because he found that the two female players present did not seem to be listening to him, and their eyes seemed to be shining, staring at him, or staring at the fabric of the clothes in his hand. look.

"Mermaid costume? Hurry up, shake it out and let us see!"

"Wow, there is such a hidden appearance in the game. The game store can't sell it, and it shouldn't be available in the [Clothes Surprise Box]. Li Li is too good at it!"

Yuhe, who loves to eat fish, surrounded eocaudo from left to right, squeezing him in the middle.

Fearing that the two of them would do something unexpected again, Eocaudo quickly shook off the clothes in his hands, and a gorgeous skirt was displayed in front of everyone. This is a light blue skirt with less fabric on the upper body. It is conceivable that the player will reveal a slender waist and delicate collarbone after wearing it. The skirt on the lower body is in the shape of a fish tail, and the fabric is dotted with Boling Boling The broken diamonds and fish-scale decorations directly hit the beauty-loving hearts of female players.

In addition to the skirt, this costume also has matching tiaras, necklaces, waist chains and bracelets, which are armed to the bottom and bottom of the body.

Yuhe, who loves to eat fish, opened his mouth in an "O" shape from the next semester, and raised his hands unconsciously. He wanted to touch it but didn't dare to touch it casually, for fear that the decoration on it would be accidentally touched by them.

There were also quite a few female viewers in the live broadcast room, and when the mermaid skirt appeared in front of them, they let out a cry of "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"

"Oh my god, this dress is too beautiful. You can transform into a mermaid princess if you put it on, right? By the way, did Li Li design the dress according to the fairy tale "The Little Mermaid" in the ancient blue star era? It's a good idea!"

"I'm also from Xinshou Village No. 133. This dress is simply the dress of my dreams. Host, please help me and ask your friends if you would like to sell the dress to me. You can trade it with star dollars!"

"Same request, I also want to buy, sisters in front, draw your sword!"

"I'm different, I want to see this little brother in a skirt, hehe~"

"There's something wrong with you in front! It's over, once you have this kind of thought in your mind, you can't take it back... Or, brother, try it on first and then sell the skirt? Anyway, it's in the game, I also I don't mind if the dress is second-hand..."

Seeing that some impatient players began to quote in the live broadcast room, and the price was getting higher and higher, Yu, who loves fish, quickly regained his senses, grabbed one of eocaudo's hands, and said loudly: "Brother, you are my real brother!" , can you sell me the skirt?!"

At the same time, the person sitting on the other side of the eocaudo made the same movement and said the same words.

Well, there is a strong competitor on the scene.