MTL - Farming Together wIth Interstellar People-Chapter 221

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Half an hour later, the six people who had dispersed rejoined together.

Bai Li held a snow-white fox in his arms. After catching it, he fed it and ate tame grass. Now it has become his pet. One person, one pet get along harmoniously, the little fox's big fluffy tail is flexibly wrapped around Bai Li's wrist, which feels wonderful to the touch.

Wen Xingyao is carrying two rabbits on the left and right. They are also white, but they have two similar black spots on their backs. If the two rabbits are placed side by side, the two spots will form a complete Heart pattern.

In the "Alpaca Scramble Competition", the three contestants each had their own unique tricks, and in the end they gave me a bowl of rice and got the right to own the alpaca.

He is more ruthless than Bai Li, so far he hasn't even tamed a single pet, and when others ask him, he only says it depends on fate. But who would have thought that his natal life was actually a cute-looking alpaca, who occasionally showed contempt for the world, which was very different from his image of a great god.

But the game, just have fun.

Reluctantly, Jiang Huaibi pulled the curly hair on the alpaca's head, turned around and ran after the sika deer. This sika deer was not in the small animal welcome queue. She found it in the depths of the grass by accident. At that time, she only felt something flashed in her eyes. Looking back, she found that it was not someone else who blinded her eyes. things, but the horns of sika deer.

This pair of corners is actually completely transparent, exuding a clear light in the sun, as beautiful and dazzling as ice crystals.

Therefore, Jiang Huaibi quickly empathized with another, and took the sika deer with transparent horns as his first goal.

In the end, she successfully caught the sika deer and tamed it successfully, and the mount got√.

Grayscale easily caught the little hedgehog, successfully subduing it without even taming the grass ball. After it was done, he put the hedgehog on top of the wild boar's iron head. The big and the small got along harmoniously, which made him very happy.

You're missing out on alpaca ownership, but considering you're a pet person, you're still happy for your best friend. He looked around and found that he was not interested in other small animals, so he turned into an expert at capturing Mo De's emotions. After catching two squirrels, a small deer, a rabbit and a red fox, Come to the appointed place to gather.

Facing the surprised gazes of other people, he said calmly: "Didn't some viewers say they wanted to buy pets? If you want them, you can tell me. If you don't need them, I will let them go before you leave."

There are nearly 20 small animals on this small island, each of which has its own characteristics. Generally speaking, they are more beautiful, unlike those small animals outside the village, who have spots and patterns on their bodies. Quite casual, sometimes the pattern grows where it shouldn't be, which can be said to be hot eyes.

After hearing what you said, Wen Xingyao also held up the two rabbits in his hand and said that they were also for sale.

How could the audience refuse, they wish there were more such small animals. After fierce bidding, all seven small animals were sold. Because they were not particularly rare, the average transaction price was around 70 gold.

The most expensive ones were the two in Wen Xingyao's hands. They were sold for a high price of 100 gold each. The reason for this was the two patterns on their backs.

The buyers were a couple, and they took the pair of rabbits as their "token of love". After they decided to tame one, they would think of their other half when they saw the rabbits, and they felt sweet.

Now, the viewers who are not villagers of "Mushroom Village" in the live broadcast room will quit.

"Good guy, I've finally gotten used to the couple of Li Li and the demon star boss, and yet another one shows off their affection! What's the matter, you guys from 'Mushroom Village' are all lucky now??"

"Single for thirty years, may I rub your love?"

"Tutu: We didn't expect that we could still have this role? If you two unfortunately break up, please don't QAQ the innocent Tutu."

"...It seems to have come to the live broadcast of love."

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it, we've finished catching small animals, so it's time to go back? Also, I suddenly remembered, did you take a couple photo of Li Li and the monster star boss?"

As soon as this question came out, the barrage turned into a sea of ​​joy again. While the audience was "hahahaha", they desperately cue Bai Li and Wen Xingyao, and they had to tell a result before they agreed to continue. leave the island.

"It's filmed, don't ask any more." Bai Li's mentality was almost broken by this group of Pippi's audience, so he said a few casual words to prevaricate, and finally agreed to post a picture of them on Xingbo after going back. photo of...

Wen Xingyao looked very calm on the surface, but he was already happy in his heart. This group of audience is really a good assist for the empire, and the posture of knocking CP is simply beautiful!

The fishing boat finally sailed away from the island, and Grayscale sat on the paper pig and followed the boat. However, compared with when he came, he was accompanied by a small pet, and he had been playing staring games with the little hedgehog on the way back.

During the return voyage, based on the principle of not wasting money, Bai Li successively used five high-end fishing nets to catch large yellow croakers, eels, pomfrets, cod, and several brightly colored coral reefs in the last net.

Before the fishing nets were pulled up, no one expected that they could still catch coral reefs. Looking at their colorful appearance, several people looked at each other, and they all read love and appreciation from each other's eyes. Soon there will be a home. There are exactly six plants in total, one for each person is just right.

Regarding the allocation result, the most disappointed players are the players of "Mushroom Village" who have been watching the live broadcast. They thought they could bid again. Even in the game, such items are rare. If they were kept at home As a decoration, I always feel that the house can add a lot of value.

Feeling the reluctance and loss of the audience, Jiang Huaibi held his own white coral reef with a smile and comforted him: "Don't be discouraged, everyone, if you have the opportunity to go to sea by yourself, maybe you can salvage a beautiful coral by yourself! "

"By the way, let me put an advertisement. After that, I plan to go to sea every three days. I will sell boarding tickets from time to time. Please remember to pay attention to the ticket information at any time~"

Hearing the first half of the sentence, the villagers of "Mushroom Village" only felt that their world was slowly brightening up, but when it reached the second half of the sentence, the world suddenly became pitch black again, and their minds were full of huge exclamation and question marks. What is indefinite time and indefinite quantity? There is no specific arrangement, how can they pay attention, it is really difficult for them...

However, even if the conditions are difficult, they will not give up the opportunity to board the ship. At worst, when sister Huaibi comes back, they will find her more to have **** with her!

The ship gradually approached the shore, and the players on the shore gave out long-awaited cheers.

"Wow, Li Li and the others are finally back, I've been waiting here for a long time!"

"Big octopuses, small animals, and all kinds of sea fish, bring them all!"

"Brothers, I have already read the illustrated book. Although all the fish I haven't collected are in the shadow state, through my keen observation, the fish that Li Li and the others caught are all in the illustrated book. So what are you waiting for? They!"

"For some reason, I watched the whole afternoon of going to sea, and I didn't even think about planting the land. I just want to know when the next ferry ticket for Sister Huaibi will go on sale..."

"Haha! Have you forgotten that there is little brother Huilin? He should be able to sit two or three people on his pig, right? I haven't bought a ticket for Sister Huaibi, so we can go find him."

"Hey, why are there so many people on the shore?" Jiang Huaibi looked down, turned around and joked to the others, "Could it be that they want to 'rob' because they saw us returning with a full load?"

She was just talking for fun, but she didn't expect her words to become a prophecy. These players are indeed here to "rob", but they just waved their wallets and bought them by force.

Of the five types of sea fish, except for a small amount left in each person's hands, all the others were bought up by the swarming players, not even the small fish the size of a little finger were spared.

After buying the fish, the villagers consciously left the venue to several players who had successfully bid in the live broadcast room, and watched the entire "handover ceremony" beside them.

The couple who bought the rabbit received a lot of attention, and there were even loyal players shouting in the crowd, telling the man not to betray the woman, otherwise they, as the "mother's family", would settle accounts with him. The male player hurriedly begged for mercy, expressing that he would definitely treat him well, and that he would invite everyone in the village to have a wedding wine when he got married.

"Hahaha, brother, you are refreshing, then we will wait for this wedding banquet!"

"Hey, the wedding banquet for 5,000 people, this row is full! We also have Li Li and the big boss Yaoxing in our village. It's too long to really want to get married~"

"Brother, tell us how you abducted him?" There are still people who are eager to move in their hearts, and they also long for the arrival of spring.

Seeing the players chatting enthusiastically, Bai Li had some new ideas in his mind. Maybe he could organize some festivals in the game, such as Valentine's Day, Qixi Festival or something, which would make the group howl with joy .

But this is not urgent, visually he has a lot of things this month, whether in the game or in reality, let's design it carefully when he has time.

"Octopus octopus octopus, my big octopus~" The male player whose game ID is Yi Nian Qing Cheng sticks to the slippery skin of the big octopus, with both hands still touching it, his face full of intoxication.

After feeling comfortable, he began to take out the "taming grass balls", one by one, stuffing them all into the mouth of the big octopus. And as these grass **** were fed, the attitude of the big octopus towards him became better with the naked eye. Facts have proved that as long as "taming the grass ball" is enough, no matter what kind of animal it is, it can be tamed successfully in the end.

When the system reminded that the big octopus became his pet, Yi Nian Qingcheng yelled "Oh", jumped forward and jumped on the head of the big octopus, and then... was pushed back by the two small axes stuck on top of its head On the ground, I was stunned.

When did these two axes appear? They were obviously not there when I saw them just now! In the live broadcast, Li Li and the monster star did greet the top of the big octopus, but after catching it on the boat, they took the ax and the kitchen knife back, and now they keep it as a pet, and they actually brought it grown by themselves?

This overlord of the sea doesn't talk about martial arts!

Yi Nian Qingcheng stared blankly at the two axes that were only arm length, one left and one right pierced in the center of the big octopus' head in a very symmetrical posture, and couldn't react for a long time.

And the movement on his side quickly attracted the attention of other people. When they heard the sound and looked over, they were indeed blinded by the two small axes and made a questioning sound of doubt.

"What is this? A miniature version of the golden axe. Why are they on the top of the big octopus? You stuck them on yourself, buddy? You... you are somewhat suspected of cruelty to pets!"

One thought Qingcheng: "I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense! I haven't moved anything after I successfully tamed it. It grew out of the big octopus itself. I'm still in a daze. I don't know what's going on. Li Li, you Do you know why?"

Bai Li really knew it, and he gave the answer calmly: "Don't panic, this should grow out to be used as a handrail for you. After all, octopuses are slippery all over, and they can easily fall into the sea if there is nowhere to catch them."

A thought of Qingcheng: "Gah??"

Onlookers: "...Is there such a good thing??"

Read The Duke's Passion