MTL - Farming Together wIth Interstellar People-Chapter 194

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Tang Wan is an ordinary player of "Leisurely Living in the Fields".

He only entered the game this month, and he is addicted to farming and fishing every day. For this reason, he even chose the residential area closest to the fishing spot outside the village for his residence.

He also participated in the event in March with all the players, but found that he was really not the one to grab food. His hand speed is not fast and his strength is not strong, so the vegetables he finally grows are often taken away by others. And he can't grab it back from others, which leads to him always being at the bottom of the points in **** mode and hard mode.

It wasn't until I found players in similar situations to form a 25-person team to enter the copy of the simple mode, and they were far away from each other and developed indecently. Only then did they barely get 8 or 90 points in each round of competition. Although the earning is much less than that of the other two dungeons, in Tang Wan's view, this is the best he can do.

Players like them jokingly refer to the simple mode as a "sacred place for scoring points".

The fewer points obtained in each round means that the total number of points in the end will not be too high. Tang Wan no longer thinks about those popular limited items. When the list of items that could be exchanged for points came out that day, he glanced around from the beginning to the end, and found that the only limited-edition items he could win were fairy flower seedlings worth 1,000 points each, and "weigu food" worth 200 points in a set. Exclusive nutrient solution.

It only adds up to 2000 points, there is no reason to hesitate, hurry up!

After the redemption started, Tang Wan took out her hand speed of being single for 30 years, and she worked hard to get these two items successfully in the end. As for the remaining points, he also exchanged a lot of his favorite props piecemeal, and used up all of them.

The fairy flower seedlings came with a small flower pot with a simple and simple style, which he placed on the edge of the window sill in the house, which not only protected the left and right sides, but also basked in the sun occasionally.

As for the nutrient solution...

Looking at the five sets of nutrient solutions with a total of 35 different flavors in front of her eyes, Tang Wan regretted her impulse at that time. Why did she come with one set of each flavor? She was also curious about these nutrient solutions Taste, is it really like what Li Li said on Xingbo, the taste data all come from the game, and the interstellar people can eat the same taste as the food in the game in reality.

This is not the 30% taste synchronization in the game live broadcast, but the 100% restored true taste.

Gamers can still bear it, but those netizens who haven't entered the game are almost dying of curiosity.

It was just a few players that Tang Wan knew who also exchanged the nutrient solution. They successfully exchanged it one minute, and sold it to those curious netizens at a price of 200 star yuan per group the next minute.

200 star yuan for a group, which is already considered an extremely high price, and now there are still people collecting it everywhere on the star network. In fact, Tang Wan was already a little moved, but his curiosity was also very heavy.

"Forget it, I'll try it myself first. If the taste is not right, I'll sell the rest. This will not only make money, but also satisfy my curiosity." Tang Wan said to herself, Then start picking your favorite flavor.

Seeing the light red watermelon-flavored packaging, Tang Wan remembered the live broadcast of eating melons that Bai Li and Mo Song collaborated with. The villagers of "Mushroom Village" really took advantage of it, and they could eat melons on the spot. Unlike players from the next-door village like them, watching live broadcasts with only 30% taste synchronization to satisfy their hunger.

Watermelon seeds can only be unlocked at level 19, and new players who have only played for more than half a month have not yet reached this level. Now, with the watermelon-flavored nutrient solution in front of you, how can you not make your imagination run wild and your mouth water?

Tang Wan directly picked up the watermelon-flavored nutrient solution, tore open a thin slit with eager gestures, and "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"."

The sweet watermelon juice gurgled, and the watermelon flavor that was several times stronger than he had imagined instantly filled his mouth. The sweetness left behind is not that kind of sweetness, but a faint sweetness that can be firmly welded into people's hearts.

Everyone in Tang Wan is stupid. Is it so delicious? Does the watermelon in the game taste like this? He's OK again! After a while, he will go online to the liver character level!

Isn't it just to work hard to farm? In order to eat watermelon as soon as possible, he will do his best!

After drying two nutrient solutions in one go, which made him feel that he would not feel hungry for two or three days, Tang Wan went to the Taotao special store of "Weigu Food" and looked around, and found that there was only a mysterious Notifications about new products, what are they, and when will they be released?

Looking back at the remaining four flavors of nutrient solution on the table, he felt a little bit reluctant. I don't know when the new nutrient solution will be officially launched. If he sells his own, the official website will start selling it after ten days and a half months. Too hungry to think about food and tea.

So, just don't sell it!

Although he can still make a fortune by selling the nutrient solution now, Tang Wan believes that appetite is more important at this time. This is the food and drink that has been accumulated for thirty years!

After making this decision, Tang Wan felt much more relaxed. Instead of following the usual habit of drinking a large glass of boiled water to wash away the strange taste in his mouth after eating the nutrient solution, he sat on the sofa with his feet up, opened the game forum, and searched for information related to the "nutrient solution". post.

He still couldn't believe it, no one would taste the nutrient solution out of curiosity like him after it was sent. And as long as they have tried the taste of these nutrient solutions, these people will definitely have the desire to tell everyone.

Sure enough, he quickly found his goal.

Like him, the landlord opened one and tasted it directly after receiving the nutrient solution. What he got in exchange was a "cucumber-flavored" nutrient solution, which had a unique cucumber flavor, and it spread throughout the room before it officially entered his mouth.

The landlord opened the package in front of all the family members. When he finished eating one nutrient solution and wanted to eat another one, he found that the remaining six had been divided into two by his father, mother and sister. And when he was enjoying the nutrient solution, the three of them also ate a full two at the fastest speed.

? ? ?

Is this something real family members can do? At that moment, the landlord said that he really doubted whether he picked it up from the garbage dump.

"Hey! This nutrient solution tastes great! This should be the real taste of cucumber? From now on, our family will buy nutrient solution with this taste!" This is the host's parents.

"Brother, I want more!" This is Xiaozhu's ten-year-old sister.

The host was about to cry, and told his family that the nutrient solution was obtained by exchanging points for playing games. Now that there is no place to buy it, he came to the game forum to share his sadness.

He used his own experience to tell everyone that it is not correct to take two nutrient solutions in a row on the same day! Overeating is not advisable, QAQ!

However, the netizens who hang out in the game forums all day long don't have much sympathy. After the "hahahaha" hilarious, they are directly curious about the taste of the nutrient solution, and Aite and the others know that there are players who have exchanged the nutrient solution. answer this question.

Afterwards, a scene that Tang Wan liked to see appeared.

"Nutrition solution? I exchanged for three sets, and sold it immediately, earning 600 stars. The delivery address was provided by the buyer, and I haven't even seen the shadow of the nutrient solution. See The content shared by the landlord can only be said to be in a complicated mood..."

"Holy shit! Are you telling the truth? The nutrient solution is so delicious? I sold it too, so I'm losing money? Now contact the buyer and ask him to give me one without knowing it. Will the other party agree to..."

"Hahahaha! I bought the nutrient solution from someone else. After receiving the goods, my parents scolded me for spending my money carelessly and paying for my wife. Now it's all over. They are really delicious. I kept a handful of five, and they took the rest to the room and put them in the safe. Maomaowcries bitterly.jpg”

"The nutrient solution received was well received by my grandpa. He was angry with me because he didn't want to enter the game. Then I told him that there are more delicacies in the game. Now he has been addicted to the game for several hours and has not logged out. "

"Damn it! It's Versailles upstairs! We're discussing the nutrient solution, why are you involved in the game quota? I cried, the kind that can't get up without giving a new nutrient solution..."

"Haha! Fortunately, I kept an eye out and didn't sell the nutrient solution. The watermelon taste is really refreshing. It is clearly the original watermelon juice! I went to the official website of 'Weigu Food' to check it out. They didn't even say when the sale will start, and now they have decided to keep all the five sets they exchanged for, and they will wait until they start selling it!"

Tang Wan commented on the post with a sense of superiority, and within a few minutes, he received a lot of comments on the post, and some netizens sent him crazy private messages, asking him if he would like to sell the inventory in his hand, without using a group , just sell one of them, the price is still 200 star yuan.

That's right, after this time's love for Amway, the new taste nutrient solution produced by "Weigu Food" is no longer the original price. Their prices have skyrocketed seven times, but they are still priceless.

People who have these kinds of flavors of nutrient solution in their hands now, who would like to sell them out, it’s not enough to eat by themselves!

Lei Bao, who has been paying attention to the follow-up of the nutrient solution, saw the news in the forum and was so happy that he almost went to heaven. Immediately waved his hand to let the people around him arrange it. From now on, the factory under the company's name will go all out to produce these five flavors of nutrient solution, non-stop from morning to night, and make full preparations for the launch of new products at the end of the month.

If employees need to work overtime, the overtime pay will be settled at ten times. In addition, if the sales volume of nutrient solution after the sale is much higher than before, everyone's salary this month will be doubled. If the sales far exceed their expectations, he is willing to pay three times!

As Leibao's most capable subordinate, Mr. Secretary should have assumed the responsibility of reminding the boss in time when he made a nonsensical decision, but this time, not only did he not speak out to raise objections, he also felt that the boss's first arrangement Maybe it's still too late, and I'll try my best to produce it from now on, and I don't know if I can stop the enthusiasm of the interstellar people.

"Okay boss, I'll make arrangements now." Mr. Secretary said, and quickly stepped back to give orders.

At the end of the month, their entire company will have a tough battle to fight.

Ever since the game "Leisurely Living in the Fields" was released, the forum has become more lively every day than during Chinese New Year.

A day passed in the midst of the mixed emotions of joy and regret among many players. On the morning of the 19th, Bai Li fell into silence once again facing the familiar face of another person lying on the bed.

How could he have believed the weird reason of "accepting his bed" at that time?

His bed is so soft and comfortable, making people want to sleep after sleeping?

What's more, when Wen Xingyao came to his room, he really came to sleep, and the two of them just chatted under the quilt, which was the most deadly thing.

Just as he was about to sit up from the bed, he met Wen Xingyao's forbearing eyes without any preparation.

"Good morning." He greeted him with a hoarse voice than yesterday.

Bai Li resisted the urge to peer under the quilt, and replied the same three words.

Well, it's all right now.

After washing up together and walking out of the room, the two of them met Tang Ying's surprised eyes who came upstairs to find someone. Although he was still a little embarrassed in his heart, Bai Li still looked over calmly.

As long as I don't feel embarrassed, it's someone else who is embarrassed.

Tang Ying: "..."

Damn it! I was about to leave, and I actually ate the biggest pot of dog food!

What he didn't realize while still depressed was that Wen Xingyao's expression was not as satisfying as he had imagined, but instead revealed a strong sense of loss and frustration. Who would have thought that the dignified general of the empire would also be a timid coward in front of the person he likes.

Except for a lot of physical contact, he and Bai Li didn't even kiss each other! In the supreme state when he was in his infancy, he got much more than this deity!

This kind of emotion didn't last long in Wen Xingyao's heart, he always firmly believed that what should come will come back, as long as he has enough patience, no matter what he can wait.

Several people finished their last breakfast before parting, and after confirming that nothing was left behind, Bai Li took out the space button that he had prepared earlier and handed it to Wen Xingyao.

"I put some natural ingredients and various seasonings in this space button. The vegetables are the most, and the meat is relatively small. You can look at the arrangement after you go back, and don't wrong your stomach."

After hearing Bai Li's words, Wen Xingyao subconsciously poked his consciousness into the space button to check, and found that what Bai Li said was still too modest. This is not a "point", it almost fills up more than half of the space, okay? There are just too many of them.

"What about you?" Wen Xingyao inexplicably had the illusion that he was eating soft food.

"Me? I still have a lot here. And you have made a lot of finished products for me these days, maybe I haven't eaten them all when you come back." If you eat them all, Bai Li I had to do it myself.

Because of what Bai Li said, Tang Ying had already become ecstatic in his imagination. Where did such a good man come from, he actually took all aspects into consideration, and only assigned Wen Xingyao to him, and felt that Bai Li had suffered a great loss.

"By the way, do you need potted vegetables or seeds? It would be fun to take them home and try to grow them yourself. If you want them, I'll go to the yard and dig a few for you to take away with you." Bai Li thought again. He suggested his previous plan enthusiastically.

For Saturn, there is nothing more attractive than farming.

Wen Xingyao was excluded, the two could probably be equated.

"Okay, okay, let's take some food home and leave a memory for Xingyao." Before Wen Xingyao could speak, Tang Ying responded directly, and then asked Bai Li with a shy face if he could ask for more. Give some vegetable seeds, "There are still many soldiers in the military department who haven't grabbed the game quota. I think they are idle every day, so they should just plant the land in reality. It just so happens that the stars are famous. There are several agricultural planets below, and we don’t have to worry about not having enough soil.”

He knew that all the commodities related to farming on were in short supply. And the instigator of this phenomenon was Bai Li, who stood in front of him and made the farm game "Leisurely Living in the Farm".

I don't know if I was dazzled by myself. Wen Xingyao found that when Tang Ying mentioned the agricultural planet under his name, Bai Li's eyes were obviously brightened, as if they were covered with countless stars, amazingly dazzling .

Well, those who can make farming games should have a far-reaching obsession with farming, right? When he comes back, do you want to find a reason to take Bai Li to visit his agricultural planets?

Bai Li naturally agreed to Tang Ying's request, and took out a large bag of seeds from the space in front of him, telling him that as long as these seeds are taken care of properly, they can grow a large variety of vegetables Come. Tang Ying took it excitedly, and blew a series of rainbow farts to Bai Li.

While Tang Ying went to the yard to pick vegetables that were growing well, Bai Li quietly dragged Wen Xingyao to a corner of the room, acting suspiciously and a little mysterious.

"Has your body recovered? Can you maintain your human form?" Bai Li has actually asked this question no less than three times. The last time he asked, Wen Xingyao gave him an accurate answer.

But he was still worried that when he couldn't see it, Wen Xingyao's genetic collapse, which he had managed to stabilize, relapsed again, and he turned back into the state of a big lion or a kitten. Then their hard work these days, isn't it? Going to waste again?

Wen Xingyao didn't think Bai Li was wordy at all, instead he felt sweet in his heart. This was a sign that the other party cared about him. So I answered again very patiently: "Don't worry, it has stabilized. If I feel any signs of relapse later, as long as I stay in the game for a while, I will be able to get over it."

Although the effect of staying in the game was far less intense than Bai Li directly giving him a sip, it was much better than the holographic games he had played before.

Bai Li rolled his eyes, looking at Wen Xingyao who was explaining to him in a serious manner, but couldn't restrain the thought of wanting to tease him. So he shook his head slowly and said, "Really, I don't believe it."

Wen Xingyao: "???" What's going on, why don't you believe it, obviously you have always believed it the first two times.

He opened his mouth, wanting to explain in more detail, but the words he wanted to say were blocked by his lips that suddenly pressed over.

"Unless, I will ferry you a few more times to keep it stable."

Just a short sentence, uttered stickily from the intertwined lips of the two.

Wen Xingyao was so dazed that he almost couldn't understand what Bai Li said, but he just nodded subconsciously, thinking that no matter what Bai Li said, he was right.

Afterwards, he felt a cool breath flow into his mouth, and then turned into an invisible breeze, blowing through his limbs and bones, taking away the dryness and heat all over his body.

Afterwards, he heard an angry "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" behind the two of them, just as he was about to take a step back to end the journey that dazzled him, but Bai Li grabbed his arm forcefully fixed in place. At this moment, it is not an exaggeration to say that his face was blushing and his heart was beating.

"Don't give up, why don't you take advantage of this rare opportunity?" Bai Li's tone sounded like he was teasing someone.

Just one sentence filled Wen Xingyao's whole body with energy. That's right, how could he be cowardly at a time like this? So he quickly turned to the customer and took the initiative to deepen the kiss.

As for the kicks coming from his calf, he excluded them from his senses. Now even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu is here, he still wants to draw a perfect end to the first intimate contact between the two.

After the kiss, the two parted with reddened faces and gasping for breath. Looking down, they found the black fox cub who had been exhausted from kicking. It was him just now, who expressed strong resistance to the behavior of the two, but was completely forgotten after being noticed for a few seconds at the beginning.

The limp body was spread flat on the smooth floor like a black carpet, the gaze that looked up at Bai Li was full of sorrow, but the gaze at Wen Xingyao was full of hatred!

Wen Xingyao gradually calmed down, met that hateful gaze, suddenly felt blessed, and realized that Zhu Moling was also the same as him before, this was the awakening of human consciousness in his childhood.

Thinking of what he said to himself when tearing up the nameplate in the ancient city, he quickly realized why he was so angry.

Kissing his boyfriend in front of his brother-in-law, he is so cowardly!

But he has no regrets.

In the face of her boyfriend's "temptation", the brother-in-law also had to make a detour.

But soon he became unhappy and offended his future brother-in-law. Will the other party trip him up after he leaves?

In order to please his brother-in-law, he had to think of a solution.

Noticing that Bai Li had squatted down to pick up the fox cub, he thought for a while and said, "He is the patriarch of the Tianhu clan, so staying in the infancy is not an option. If possible, it is best to let him recover as soon as possible. Humanoid?"

Future brother-in-law (probably), I can only help you so far. If you want to recognize Bai Li, or find your real brother, then you have to work **** your own...