MTL - Farming in the Mountains: Max Level Jiaojiao Is Three Years Old-Chapter 1994 Extra: A Brand New Life 109 (Jiang Yue and Xue Yan

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  Chapter 1994 Extra Story: A New Life 109 (Jiang Yue and Xue Yan)

   She shivered again.

   reacted, if it was really a ghost, how could there be a call record if you called her. So, was it really a nightmare last night? Or is she still not awake at all and having nightmares again?

   For no reason, she felt that the call must have come from Qin Ye, who had been dead for ten years.

   She dare not pick up…

But I wanted to pick it up again, thinking that if it wasn't Qin Ye's call, it happened to be someone else's call, but it didn't show the call. That would mean that last night was a nightmare, and it wasn't Qin Ye or something at all, or she was going to be called tonight. I will definitely not be able to sleep, my mind is full of this...

   Thinking so, she still shook her hands and answered the phone.

   "Yu Xiao—"

   When Qin Ye's voice came, she screamed and hung up the phone. She was trembling and crying.

   is really Qin Ye.

   is a ghost.

  Ahhh, is this a dream or is it real...

   She shivered and hugged her knees and curled up there, while frantically knocking her head, trying to wake herself up and feel like she was in a dream.

   "Miss, are you alright?"

   "Xiao Xiao, are you okay, why..."

  The servant and Yu Yaolan were knocking on the door outside.

   In the end, just like yesterday, he took the spare key to open Yu Xiao's door.

  The lights in the room were turned on, which made it easier to see what Yu Xiao was doing. His whole body was shaking like a sieve, his eyes were full of fear, his face was as white as paper, and there were faint tears.

   "Have a nightmare again?" Yu Yaolan asked.

   "I, am I awake now?"

   "You kid, what nonsense are you talking about, of course you are awake now."

   Yu Xiao's face turned even paler.

   She couldn't fall asleep at all, and she didn't dare to stay in the room alone. She was still with Yu Yaolan. She recovered slowly, but she still seemed to have lost her soul.

  Because Yu Xiao's state was not right, he canceled the announcement, didn't go out, and stayed at home. But Yu Yaolan went to work in the company after having breakfast.

  Yu Xiao sat at the dining table and did not eat two bites of a bowl of porridge for a long time. The more she thought about it, the more scared she became. In the end, she secretly called her father Yan Feiming to tell her about it.

  Yan Feiming was quite annoyed: "What the hell, there is no such thing in this world! Have you been too nervous recently and have hallucinations?"

"I haven't been so busy recently, and I've been too nervous. It's been two times. Dad, it's true, it's true, it's really Qin Ye. I won't hear his voice wrong." At the end, Yu Xiao going to cry.

Yan Feiming still didn't believe it: "Since you're not too nervous and hallucinating, it's really a nightmare. Okay, it's been a long time, just as you said, it's really a call from someone who has been dead for ten years, but why? It's only been called now, it's been so many years, I think someone is going to mess with you, take this to test you, think it has something to do with you, be careful, don't talk nonsense, or we'll all have to play by then."

   "No, Dad, it's really Qin Ye." Yu Xiao still insisted. "Besides, who would know this, so use this to test me? It's Qin Ye's voice..." Speaking of which, Yu Xiao shuddered, as if she was horrified, and Qin Ye was right next to her.

Yan Feiming thought about it, and felt that no one knew about this, so no one took this to test Yu Xiao, but: "Even if this is the case, I don't believe there is any ghost. In short, I just think that you have mental problems now, you can find a time. , go to the doctor, but when you tell the doctor, you have to hide something, don't let it slip, you know?"

   (end of this chapter)