MTL - Fanatic Martial God-Chapter 2080 Xiao Chen wins

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The innumerable powerhouses of the battle, at this moment, look at the devastating energy of the two high-altitude collisions with a horror to the extreme, and the fear of the face is completely solidified.



In a flash, the two huge ruins of the ruin collided and exploded in vain. The huge bombings rang through the holy space, and the explosive energy swept through the violent, shocking Xiao Chen and the hollowing out. Flying out.

"The hollowing out is hurt!" God Tianhu suddenly shouted.

"Xiao Chen! Kill him!" The ghost slaughtered and then roared.

Under the fierce hard touch, Xiao Chen’s injury was somewhat serious, but the short-selling was only slightly injured. The figure flew out and the kilometer was stopped.

"Xiao Chen, you have the power to destroy, this young master also has the power of innateness. The repair of this master is above you. Even if you do your best, there is only one result, and the loser is you." The blood of the mouth of the mouth, the sneak sneer, do not put this injury on the heart.

"The Emperor of Heaven"! The Yellow Steps! The Devil's Wings! The Ghosts!"

At the same time, the heart suddenly screamed and sacrificed the gods. At the same time, Xiao Chen also displayed the holy decision. The back quickly extended a pair of black wings of two feet in size, immediately ignoring the explosive energy of destruction, and the crazy straight line burst out, compared with the previous speed. At this moment, it is many times faster.

With the explosive energy of the gods to resist the destruction, Xiao Chen is completely unaffected!

"Empty children!" I noticed the action of Xiao Chen, and my heart was also a little shocked.

At the moment of hearing the words, the hollowing out was also noticed that Xiao Chen exploded at a horrible speed, and his face suddenly changed.

"The speed of Xiao Chen can actually be improved! This guy actually ignores the power of this destruction!" The heart shook the earthquake, the eyelids magnified the extreme, and the hollow head shook.

"Heavenly God! The Eternal Spirit!"

The heart screamed, Xiao Chen lightning approached, and the fierce palm ruthlessly smashed up.



I can’t believe that Xiao Chen is so crazy, and Xiao Chen’s speed is terrible. The hollowing out is too late to avoid, and immediately burst into a blow, the chest is hit by a hand of Xiao Chen’s, overbearing. The power of the stunned air spit out blood, and the figure flew like a shell.


When I saw Xiao Chen, I ignored the madness of the devastating energy, and the countless strongmen who watched the battle were shocked and took a sigh of relief.

"Is this kid not to be killed?" Even if the president of the general meeting is broken, it is also a cold sweat that is scared by Xiao Chen's madness.

"It is the armor of the artifact! The armor has completely withstood the power of destruction!" The elders of the sorrow were shocked, and the old face was full of horror.

"The strength of this stinky boy is so terrible!" The horrified swallowing of the water, Jinyuan elders heart panic, at this moment to Xiao Chen can be described as extremely jealous, he does not have such terrible power.

It was hit by a slap in the face of Xiao Chen, and the injury that was hollowed out was also somewhat serious.

At the moment, Xiao Chen has once again burst out with lightning, and he will not give up the opportunity to breathe.

"Bastard!" Chest pain in the chest, a slightly pale face squatting down, screaming and screaming, the power of destruction broke out, and screamed out loud: "The order of the Holy Promise! Promise flash!"

"call out!"

The tyrannical body is displayed, and the hollow body is turned into a blue light to fly out. Compared with the previous speed, it is also several times faster.

The hollowed out anger came out, and the dust of Xiao Chen was urging again, and his hands quickly made a mark.

"Not good! Everyone quickly blocked the hearing!" Seeing Xiao Chen’s familiar mark, Shen Tianhu’s face changed slightly and hurriedly shouted. Although he didn’t know what was going on, everyone was acting according to words and quickly. Seal hearing.

"Xian Ding! Nine Heavens!"

The heart suddenly screamed, and the sound wave method was displayed, and then a huge roar of noise blew out from Xiao Chen’s mouth.

"This is... the sound wave method is decided!"

"Not good! Ah!" The smashing out of the hollow, suddenly the huge incomparable roar, shocked his eardrum sore, his face suddenly changed, his head was dizzy, and the pain almost burst open Come.

The strong people who sat down in the temple of the Kui Kui, as well as the strong ones who watched the battle in the distance, were swept by the destroyed sound energy, and they could not help but scream.




The moment of the huge roaring madness, Xiao Chen was once again exploding, and his heart screamed, and immediately blinked, a fist hit the hollowed out abdomen, and the power of overbearing destruction shook the mouth again and spit blood. The shape is inverted.

"Space transfer!"

The heart burst into a burst again, and the shadow of Xiao Chen disappeared.



When it reappeared, it was already in front of the empty body. At this moment, the hollowing out still could not gather the central god. Xiao Chen was already attacking with madness, punching and fleshing, and the explosion was continuous, and the hollowed out injury was also rapidly increased.

Under the influence of sound energy, the hollowing out has no ability to avoid the fierce attack of Xiao Chen.

"Xiao Chen! Play well!" The more the gods look at it, the more they can't help but scream.

The hollowed out repair was on the top of Xiao Chen, the fierce battle. The people originally thought that Xiao Chen would be easily defeated by the hollow, but it was unexpected that Xiao Chen now has the upper hand and is also smashing the hollow.

"Xiao Chen is really smart, knowing that the power is not enough for the enemy, and it is convenient to use his own advantages to turn passive into active." The face is slightly gloomy, and the hollow head is cold.



Crazy attack, there is no trace of stopping. It seems that Xiao Chen wants to kill the hollowed out, crazy attack, vomiting blood repeatedly, pale face, the injury is now more serious than Xiao Chen.

"Don't do this! Roll!" was violently beaten by Xiao Chen. The moment of emptying was completely recovered. The anger of the sky rushed to the brain, the roar of anger came out, the power of destruction broke out, and the fierce temperament rushed Xiao Xiaozhen.

"Xiao Chen! I killed you!" The face is extremely sturdy, the flesh is violently twitching, and the screaming madness sweeps. ,

"Assassination of the soul knife!" roared, screaming out of the air and grabbing a hand, a large black faint smear appeared out of thin air, the momentum and strength of the hollow, instantly skyrocketed.

"Top product artifact! King of the knife!" The countless strong players watching the battle have already exploded.

"The order of the holy! The silence of Sen Luo!"

Suddenly roaring, the power of terror was poured into the big knife, the black light of the blade blazed, the madness of the ruined madness swept through, the space of the sacred space violently vibrated, and the numerous powerful people who watched the war in the distance followed.

"call out!"


The eyelids flashed fiercely and murderously, and the hollowed out slammed the big knife. A black knife smashed out and instantly expanded to a huge 100,000 feet, containing the power of destruction, and the momentum was soaring.

"Chaos Excalibur!" The heart screamed, and with a wave of hands, the Excalibur flashed out. At the same time, the thirteen swords in the storage ring also appeared instantly.

"Chaos Excalibur! God in the sword!" Countless strongmen watching the battle, once again blasted the pot.

"Destroy the sword! Destroy the sword!"

The heart screamed and the sword was destroyed. The fourteen swords were filled with the ruined swordsman energy, and the space was like a dreamy roll.



Xiao Chen’s big hand waved, fourteen swords, headed by the Excalibur, and burst out like a lightning bolt. The harsh sound of the sound of the sound seemed to tear the void, and finally it became a line, and the swordsmanship on each sword was Injected into the Excalibur at the fastest speed, the energy of the Excalibur is also more and more horrible.

The arm-sized sword is on the surface of the sword, but it is a hundred thousand feet of swordsmanship halo!

"What is this sword? The swordsman of the Chaos Excalibur is getting more and more terrible!" Numerous powerful people have sensed the energy of the rapid increase of the Excalibur, and everyone stared at the Excalibur with horror.




In the eyes of countless powerful fears, the two devastating energies collided with each other, and a blast of earth-shattering sounds, the two annihilation energies burst open, and Xiao Chen and the hollowed out also spurted a blood at this moment. Once again, the earthquake was flying out, and the energy that was destroyed was destroyed, and the space was destroyed into a virtual zone.

The whole person was hard to touch, and the injuries of the two were very serious.

" is it possible... Xiao Chen is a bastard..." The severely wounded hollow, my heart was shocked and shocked, I couldn’t believe that Xiao Chen had such terrible Sword.

The severely injured hollow, flying out of the figure, is unable to support, is falling to the bottom.

The seriously injured Xiao Chen insisted on it, but the power is almost exhausted and the breathing is intense.

This battle is undoubtedly Xiao Chen wins, everyone can see.

"Xiao Chen won!"

"Xiao Chen defeated the hollow!"

The gods and the ghosts are all ecstatic, and it seems that they have forgotten that they are still in desperation.

"The power of the Lord's lord is running out. The injury is so serious that it is no longer possible to fight. Even if it is the power of the peak, it is no match for the squad. Our ending is still the same." The helpless shook his head, and the cold sighed. Road.

The words of the cold emperor are like a basin of cold water splashing on the gods and tigers.

"It's not simple, the strength is strong, it's really admirable." Gently smiled, and he faintly sneered, and a beckoning, a serious injury flew over.

"湮魁! I killed you to revenge for the Master!" The fierce **** red eyes stared at the squad, Xiao Chen screamed, bloodthirsty murderous gas broke out again.

"You are not qualified." Desperate sneer, look at Jin Yuan, 湮 Kui faintly said: "Great elders, go to absorb the power of the Holy Spirit, and then wait for this seat to absorb his destructive power, and then They seal together in the artifact and let them fend for themselves."

It is said that the Jinyuan elders are ecstatic and rushing out, it is like staring at the prey-like eyes, full of greed, Jin Yuan sneer: "Xiao Chen, the power of the Holy Spirit in your body and the holy soul The power of the soul, the old man accepted."

Read The Duke's Passion