MTL - Fanatic Martial God-Chapter 2077 Trampled

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"Do the elders betray the Temple of the Souls?" Frowning, Mori’s cold eyes stared at Lin Xiaotian, and the soul of the soul was cold, and the bloodthirsty murder suddenly broke out.

"Lin Xiaotian, you old bastards, actually betrayed the ghetto soul temple! You have this reason! This seat must let you know the consequences of betrayal!" The old face, stunned, the flesh and blood violently twitched, the violent roar of the tyrant, the face was Lost it.

"The elders of Lin actually helped them!" The people of the Bawang Temple, who looked at Lin Xiaotian, could not believe it was true.

"There is no reason to betrayed at a crucial moment!" The ancient medicine gods and others were full of anger.

It’s hard to deal with it alone. It can be said that it can’t be dealt with. Now, Lin Xiaotian’s betrayal is actually a blow to the high-ranking high-spirited temple.

"Don't tell the old man about these nonsense, we have helped each other in the past to help you lay down the river, but you have handed this Jiangshan to a stinky boy who is not stinking, and the main hall of the temple is the Lin Xuan. Rather than Xiao Chen, hegemony, if you are not eccentric to your love, we will make such a situation?" The old face is not the slightest color, Lin Xiaotian cold and cold.

"Bully soul, when do you take us as a thing? If you don't care, leave it to Xiao Chen, what are we three elders to do?" Fan Yun coldly cold.

"Mixed! There is no seat, can you have today? The soul! Give me to kill them! This seat is really blind!" The heart is more and more angry, the tyrants roar, and the eyes are stunned.

"Yes!" Responsibly responded, the soul of Mori's cold eyes stared at Lin Xiaotian, and the terrible murderousness spread.

"The soul of the emperor? In the middle of the holy deity, it seems that there is some strength. It is better to play with you than the young master. It is not your opponent to defend their youth." The gaze of the opera glances at the soul of the emperor. Sneer, the figure is already swaying to the body of Lin Xiaotian.

"The soul of the emperor, I am going to deal with Lin Xiaotian, you deal with the hollow, the hollow has the power of congenital, don't care." The thousand souls behind him are cold.

However, just as they wanted to do it, the voice of the squad was turned up at high altitude.

"Empty, all of you have retired." Looking at the squad and the two big guardians, 湮 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡How strong is it.

"Father of the Father..."

"The Lord..."

At the moment of hearing the words, Qi Kui and the two great guardians and elders, their faces were slightly changed, and they all looked worried.

Gently waved his hand, and Kui Kui interrupted: "Retreat."

"Yes!" Although some did not dare, but did not dare to defy the command of the squad, the two law-abiding and the elders and the sages stopped fighting and retreated to a distant place.

The soul of the soul and the wind and the soul of the emperor are slightly embarrassed. It seems that they can't believe that the squad is so arrogant, and they want to rely on the power of one person to fight so many strong people.

"Big soul, breaking the wind, don't say that this seat does not give you the opportunity, this seat has the ability to kill you, and now you can kill you, come on, come on, you want to try this seat now. How powerful is the power." Looking at the soul of the soul, everyone sneer and sneer, his face is full of arrogance.

If you dare to say such arrogant words, you can see how confident he is with the power of today.

"This old **** is too arrogant? Actually let us go together! So look down on us!" The face was gloomy, and the ghosts gnawed his teeth.

"The strength of the old things is terrible. The predecessors of the tyrants and the predecessors of the winds are against them. He certainly looks down on us." Xuanyuan said that he was cold.

Can not be nodded, nodded, happy illusion feathers: "The strength of the old **** is really terrible, but so many of us, if the power is integrated, he should not be able to hold it?"

"Hey! Since he is so confident, we can also try it. If it hurts him seriously, they will die." The cold sneer, the battle was cold and cold.

"The war is right, the cold emperor, let the predecessors of the hegemony prepare, we pass on the power to them!" The eyes immediately looked at the cold emperor in the distance, God Tianhu agreed.

Looking at the soul of the bully, the other people did not speak, it seems to be waiting for the soul and the wind.

To achieve the level of cultivation of the soul and the wind, and to have a certain prestige in the sacred world, now the two are even together, if they are hand in hand with the people to deal with a squad, perhaps they can not afford this face .

How to say that the soul of the soul and the wind are the strongest of the sacred world. The more you have the status and status, the more you value the face, no exception.

The ancient medicine gods, they are silent, they also thought of this problem, everyone knows that God and the ghosts and they also seem to realize this, one by one, you look at me, I look at you, then I haven't said anything yet.

After a few moments of sorrow and sorrow, I didn’t know what I thought in my mind, but after a few minutes, my face was a bit of a distressing color. The tyrant soul smiled and said: "Hey, you are not in this position?" Everything is embarrassing."

"It doesn't matter, nothing embarrassed." Slowly open his hands, and he smirked and laughed.

I smiled slightly, and the tyrants faintly said: "Really, like this request, this seat will be seen for the first time in this life. Actually, we ask us to join hands. This seat does not want to be bullied less. Countless strong people in the sanctuary are watching."

Speaking of this, on the old face, the color of the embarrassment is more than a few points. Immediately, the soul of the tyrant is followed: "You can be the strongest sacred sage of the Holy Land. If this requirement is not agreed, this seat is really unsatisfactory." ""

"If you don't say anything, this family has never seen such a request in this life. It is the same, and we will promise you the hardships." Hearing the meaning of the tyrants, the wind broke his heart and secretly followed, and immediately followed Road.

In the moment of hearing the words, they all had a glimpse of the ancient drug gods, and they couldn’t help but smile with their mouths.

"The soul of the predecessor is really old-fashioned! Haha! This is clearly to find a step for yourself, at the same time to give the embarrassed old man eight embarrassed." A moment of sorrow, ghosts screamed and smiled.

"This move is very high." Yin Yang and Tian Tian praised.

However, they are happy, but they are full of sullen faces, and all of them are almost spurting fire.

"Hey! Old fox!" The face was pumped and smashed.

"Give your strength to your seat!" The face of embarrassment, instantly became fierce, and the soul of the bully suddenly shouted.

The wind broke down and the body was shaken to the back of the soul. The strength of the whole body was suddenly injected into it. At the same time, the ancient medicine gods, as well as the soul and the cold emperor and the ghosts slaughtered them, all of them went out one after another, urging the whole body. Power, delivered to the body of the tyrant.


The forces of extreme horror swept through, and the space of the Holy Space was once again devastated and the space shook violently.

Hundreds of people's terrorist powers are madly input into the body of the hegemony. The breath of the soul is soaring at a horrible speed, and the power is more and more horrible.

"You are all back!" Two minutes later, I learned the power of everyone. The breath of the soul is terrible, and I immediately began to speak.

The ancient medicine gods did not dare to hesitate a little, all of them were struggling with a strenuous body, and their faces were pale, and the other side of the air was also worried about the power that would be destroyed. At the moment, Retreat to a farther place.

"Bullying soul, the old man is holding you!" The wind behind the wind is dignified, and immediately the sacrifice of the life magic weapon is the top artifact jade!

"Destroy the gods!" whispered and snorted, the soul of the soul also sacrificed the top artifacts, the momentum and strength were greatly improved again, and the momentum of destruction, so many courageous soldiers watched the courage to break.

"The order of the holy decision! Heaven penalty! Destroy the soul!"

Suddenly bursting out, his hands flashed fast, the power of terror spurred out, the energy of destruction sprang up, and quickly condensed over the head of the tyrant, filled with a breath of suffocating scent.

Only a moment, the 100,000-foot huge golden energy sword condensed out, and the energy of the horror was so violent, with the horror of enthusiasm.

"call out!"


The domineering spirit decisively waved, and the huge horror energy sword of 100,000 feet burst out with lightning, with a harsh sound and the unstoppable horror energy.

Ten thousand feet are huge, and it contains immeasurable destructive power. Some people in the whole place are already fearful to the extreme. Many of the great emperors who watched the war in the distance have been scared to fall.

"Hey! Don't be self-sufficient! Let you see and see the power of the heavenly sacred sacred battle!" Looking at the horrible energy sword, the fierce screaming, the squad is also full of force to force the Scorpio, fast hands Finished, and finally yelled: "Heavenly Order! Sacrifice to God!"

"Days of the heavens?" The words of the squad, suddenly let everyone in the room suddenly change, even if it is the soul and the wind, it is also terrified.

"call out!"


When the sound of the drink fell, the squad suddenly slammed into the air, and a purple-like energy light column with a bucket of barrels exploded like lightning. The power of the ruined scorpion exerted the heavenly sacred decision. The horrible power and strength were actually better than the tyrant. The energy sword is even more terrible!

"How is this possible..." The eyelids instantly magnified the extreme, the soul of the soul and the trepidation of the wind and horror.



The speed is fast, the blink of an eye, the moment collides with the energy sword, the bang blows, the deafening, everyone is instinctively covering the ears, at the same time, the two souls and the broken wind spit blood, the face is awkward Pale as paper.

Just the moment of the collision, the two were seriously injured!

The power of destruction was unscrupulously opened, and the numerous powerful people in the distance were all blasted out of the devastating temper.

Seeing this scene, the face of the ancient medicine gods changed again and again, and they couldn't believe that the soul of the fighters had the power of so many powerful people, and they could not compete with the squad.

Read The Duke's Passion