MTL - Fanatic Martial God-Chapter 2061 Mysterious power of terror

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"Hey! Xiao Chen, don't be too proud! It's not so easy to kill me! I thought you could get rid of me with this mysterious power? Don't underestimate me!" The heart is angry, the man is angry, the horror The power is all urging in an instant.


The power of terror exploded, and the space collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye. In a few seconds, the space was already dim, and the man’s body flashed blue, covering the surrounding space.

The power of men's horror broke out in front of Xiao Chen. The extremely horrible temperament, carrying the tsunami-like momentum swept, but it was impossible to shake Xiao Chen.

"The power of the end of the Holy Emperor is indeed terrible." The light gaze is not in the slightest fear, Xiao Chen faintly smiled.

"You can block the power of my nine successes, indicating that your mysterious power is not simple, but what can you do after exhaustion?" The original cold face, now it is smashing, a root of blue muscles soaring, The murderous murder is even more crazy.

When the voice fell, the man reached out and his palm was facing Xiao Chen. He smiled and said: "Let you try my full strength!"

A horrible temperament erupted like a volcanic eruption from the palm of a man, and it was locked in the dust and swept out like a 12-level storm.



In the twinkling of an eye, the mountains behind Xiao Chen suddenly turned to an earth-shattering explosion, the smoke was rolling, the sky was almost completely covered by thick smoke and dust, and the vibration was as strong as the entire southern region was shaking.

"Hey!" seems to be quite confident about his strength, and the man's face smirked with a smug smile.

After a few minutes, the smoke dissipated and I saw a huge passageway through the vast mountain range. It was like building a tens of thousands of huge roads in the mountains. The scene was shocking and spectacular.

However, at the moment when the smoke dissipated, the smirk on the man's face was suddenly stiffened, and then the eyelids quickly zoomed in.

In front of the man, Xiao Chen was glaring at his brilliant smile, but it was unscathed and was not hurt by the horrible temper.

"Your strength is just that, now it is my turn, I will let you try my strength, I want to know." The bright smile is a bit more, Xiao Chen evil laughs, the power of terror is motivated, A devastating temperament erupted with Xiao Chen’s palm.

"How is this possible..." Although the sense of strength is not felt, but the ruin of the smoldering force is scared, the man is pale and terrified.



At the moment of the devastating spurt, the man’s eyes flashed desperately, and a slamming sound screamed. On the spot, the man vomited blood and his body shape flew like a shell.

"The power of the peak of the late Emperor of the Holy Emperor!" The heart once again shook the earthquake, the man was terrified, and the figure flew out tens of thousands of meters before it stopped.

It’s just a sigh of relief. The man’s injury is already a bit serious. It’s so powerful that it can cause so much damage to the man. It shows how terrible the power of Xiao Chen is.

"Oh? Is it powerless to have this power alone? Even I can't believe it." The face was slightly surprised, Xiao Chen smiled faintly, and his face was somewhat proud.

The man in the distance, a slightly pale face, horrible, slightly stunned eyes, fierce murder is more intense.

"What power is this? Why is it so terrible? It has helped Xiao Chen to improve so much in a flash! This mixed boy is stronger than me, but this power is not his own, exhausted and gone!" Furious, men are difficult to set the channel.

When I think of this, the man waved his hand and the Chinese product was presented as a blue axe. It exudes a strong scent. When the fairy is out, the strength and momentum of the man are greatly improved.

When I saw the man offering a fairy, slowly extending his arm and hooking the man, Xiao Chen said coldly: "To make your powerful law, but I can say that in front, you only have one chance, miss this opportunity." The consequences you should know."

It is said that the man’s face is even more sloppy. He still wants to consume the power of Xiao Chen, but Xiao Chen gives him a chance.

"If this is the case, then see who is more powerful." The fierce anger of the heart, the power of terror is fully motivated, and injected into the giant axe, the cyan axe shines, and a devastating energy permeates. Suffocating.


The energy of horror is diffused from the giant axe. At the same time, the more horrible the power injected by the man, the more horrible the energy that is diffused, the more intense the space vibration, and the dimly lit space is completely shrouded in blue light.

"Heavenly God! Desperate!"

The man suddenly screamed, his hands clasped with a giant axe, seemingly heavy axe, in the hands of men, but as light as a feather, flying for a moment, and finally burst into the air.

"call out!"


At the moment when the giant axe fell, a 20,000-foot huge cyan energy axe exploded like a lightning bolt. The sharp sound of the broken air was deafening, the majestic momentum, and the passing of it were all the enthusiasm of a stock. .

The fierce momentum, the surrounding strong people, were scared and scared, and repaired to reach the strong of the Holy Emperor, but also the fear of the heart to come to watch the war.

Even Yiyang is returning again at this moment. He can't believe it. Xiao Chen can still support the present, and he is still recovering from the strange, and has the power of extreme horror.

Looking at the devastating energy axe flying, Xiao Chen’s face is still calm, without any worries and fears, but on the palm of his hand, it is also a horrible force. The palm of the hand flips, the power of terror condenses on the index finger. The tip of the fingertips exudes a golden glow.

The devastating energy axe quickly approached, even if it was a hundred meters away from Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen was still indifferent, and seemed to be quite confident about this mysterious power.

Xiao Chen’s careless attitude made the man angry and stared at Xiao Chen. The man’s heart angered: “This stinky boy simply doesn’t put me in the eye! I dare to look down on my strength!”

When the huge and terrifying energy giant axe is still a few meters away from Xiao Chen, I saw Xiao Chen quickly shot, a little bit on the huge energy axe.

Xiao Chen’s lightness, no sound, and the huge energy axe that came out with fierce momentum, seemed to be pulled by something for a moment, and completely stopped. At this moment, it seems that time is also followed. Still, the space is dead.



A dead space suddenly sounded a tearing sound, and the sound came from Xiao Du’s index finger. I saw a huge energy axe, and the position of Xiao Chen’s point was tearing through numerous cracks and tears. The sound is getting louder and louder. In the end, it is a slamming sound. The huge energy axe suddenly bursts open and turns into countless pieces.

Seeing this scene, the man was completely stunned, stunned and looked at the broken energy giant axe, his eyes flashing with fear, and the whole face of fear was completely solidified.

"Is this your strongest law? The power is just a slap in the face." The fingers slowly recovered, and the face showed a sly smile, Xiao Chensen asked coldly.

"Master, not his power is so sloppy, but your mysterious power is terrible!"

The man was terrified for a long time, and he rushed back to the gods. He swallowed his throat first. His face was pale and pale. He seemed to have lost his soul. He panicked and said: "This is impossible! Xiao Chen can't have such terrible power."

"I just said, you only have one chance, but you have already missed it. Now it is my turn." The man came back, and Xiao Chen was sneer in time.

"I almost die in your hands! How much do I have to come back? But the price you have to pay is death!" Lightning burst out, Xiao Chensen cold, and finally, every word contains Spicy murderous.



Just for a moment, the man did not respond. Xiao Chen’s fist was already on the man’s chest. The power of terror shocked the man’s mouth and spit blood. His body shape flew like a shell.

If there are obstacles at the moment, all obstacles will be destroyed by the power of stock terror.



Suddenly, Xiao Chen, like a beast, launched a crazy attack. Every punch is solid, and the speed of horror is invisible. It is like a ghost, but the sound of the air coming from the sky is amazing. The heart was scared and trembled. I only saw the man vomiting blood.

The strong man in the late period of the Holy Emperor, at this moment in front of Xiao Chen, there is no power to fight back.

"How did Xiao Chen's hard work become so terrible?" The horrified swallowing, the distant view of the Yangyang, has been scared and scared.

In just a few seconds, under the mad attack of Xiao Chen, the man was already swollen and bruised. He was seriously injured and looked very embarrassed.

"How do you feel now, is it very regrettable? Is it a special fear?" Under a series of attacks, Xiao Chen's figure once again appeared strangely on the side of the man, Xiao Chensen sneered.

A slight pause, the index finger pointed to the brain of a seriously injured man, the power of terror condensed, Xiao Chensen sneered: "But I have to thank you, without you, I am afraid I do not know that this mysterious force in my body, though Not mine, at least kill you!"

"call out!"

When the voice falls, there is no chance for the man to leave a last word. The energy of the horror is piercing the man’s brain, and the blood is rushing out. The **** is instantly shattered.

"The people in the temple are really cold-blooded, no one is coming to save you." Looking at the man's falling body, Xiao Chen faintly sneered, glanced at the man, his cold eyes followed by sweeping into the distance. Yang.

In the horror of the yang, when she noticed the cold eyes of Xiao Chen, she suddenly trembled.

Read The Duke's Passion