MTL - Fanatic Martial God-Chapter 2056 Zhan Fuqing

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"Sure enough, it is very important to pay attention to. This kind of person can't be deeply involved. Once someone else gives more benefits, they will not hesitate to sell you!" Looking at the broken marks, several people became so because of alchemy. Shocked, Xiao Chen’s heart secretly sneered.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen then smiled and said: "The president will be broken, the elders of Tianyou, I don't have to say it, you can also estimate the value of this alchemy."

"Xiao Chen, such a powerful alchemy, do you really want to exchange eight Pindan?" Shocked watching Xiao Chen, as the auctioneer's Caiyun, very clear about the value of this powerful alchemy, she could not believe it.

What Caiyun didn't know was that Xiao Chen took out a reel of alchemy, and it was definitely stronger than the alchemy that the two elders practiced, and Xiao Chen gave it just a general alchemy.

Looking at the colorful clouds, Xiao Chen smiled and said: "Of course."

"Like the water, I immediately took the two eight Pindans." After returning to God, Tianyou elders quickly opened the door.

The great old elder is the eight-in-one alchemy teacher, and the two eight-pindans are exchanged for more powerful alchemy. This is a big profit for him, as long as it is not a fool, absolutely change.

Eight Pindan days old elders can refine at any time, powerful alchemy is not so easy to encounter, miss this opportunity, I am afraid there is no such opportunity in the future.

If you are worried about the elders, you will be a bit sloppy, but after the election, you will be helpless.

"Oh, the young masters are very popular and admire." The shocked face was replaced by a bright smile, and the elders were happy and laughed.

"The old elders are laughing." Xiao Chen smiled faintly, and the reel of the hand was handed over.

The ecstasy looked at the scrolls that Xiao Chen handed over, and the elders of the worries were rushed to pick them up. When they thought of the alchemy that was developed by the tyrants, his heart could not help but be excited. The two elders and the cliffs were also busy playing.

"Xiao Chen this kid is not simple, the hope of the soul of the soul is pinned on him?" The deep old eyes have been looking at Xiao Chen, the heart of the broken traces secretly praised.

Xiao Chen’s words were rare, and he did not take the initiative to speak. He knew that Fang Zhishui would take two pieces of Ba Pin Dan. Xiao Chen simply said a word of departure and left the Chamber of Commerce.

"Oh, this kid has some grievances in his heart." Shakelessly shook his head, and smiled with a broken trace.

"Resentment? What grievances?" A look at the face, asked like water.

"Jinyuan elders shot, but we did not stop, and it is still in the Chamber of Commerce, do you say that he can have no grievances?" Looked at the square like water, the broken traces faint.

Helpless smiled, Tianyou nodded: "The president said yes, this Xiao Chen can not be provoked, even the Jinyuan elders were caught by him."

"Hey! Isn't it the Lord of the Patriarchal Temple? Is there any good spirit? Is it not a bully?" He slammed his mouth and looked like a water staller.

"Xiao Chen is not as simple as you think, but it is a pity." Sighed, and the broken traces shook his head.

"Before the war, if no one can stop the sacred sacred sage, the sacred temple may not be able to stand in the sacred world. When the sacred world will have a large number of strong deeds, Xiao Chen is no exception. Sui Kui Shengzun is a big one." Wrinkled, three elders white.

After leaving the general meeting, on the way back, Xiao Chen thought again and again, and there is already an answer in his heart.

The eyes immediately turned to Caiyun, Xiao Chen said: "Caiyun girl, remember what you said to me before?"

"The main hall of the temple refers to the president who broke the meeting?" Liu Mei slightly asked, Caiyun guessed.

Gently nodded, Xiao Chen said seriously: "Well, they are exactly what you said. Everything is based on interests. In the face of huge interests, they can sell anyone, so I hope that you will consider letting your father go." The general meeting, after today, I will not go to the general meeting again."

Hearing words, a pretty face showed a helpless smile, Caiyun sighed: "Actually, I am the same as you think, but I am not willing to be jealous."

Wrinkled, it seems to have heard the meaning of the words in the clouds, Xiao Chen curiously asked: "Is it related to the people in the General Assembly?"

"Well, my grandfather was originally the second elder of the General Assembly. Since my grandfather died, my father thought he could stay in the general meeting, but he was kicked into the club. His father was very dissatisfied with their decision, but there was no way. The reason why I want you to help is to complete my wish." Caiyun smiled bitterly.

"It turns out that." Xiao Chen nodded gently.

"In fact, it is very good now, I will go back and persuade me, I really don't have to go to the general meeting. I don't want to regret it at the end." The pretty face showed a smile, and the clouds smiled lightly.

"It’s the best not to go." Xiao Chen smiled, but when he just wanted to say something, his brow was suddenly wrinkled and his body shape stopped.

"Small temple master, what's wrong?" A slight glimpse, Caiyun asked.

"Caiyun girl, you go back first." The face appeared a little dignified, Xiao Chen said seriously.

"Amount... well, the Lord of the Temple must be careful." The heart seems to have guessed something, Caiyun nodded, and immediately flew away while looking back at Xiao Chen.

"Come out, don't hide." The eyes flashed cold, Xiao Chen was cold and cold, and the cold air was chilling.

"Oh, it is an alchemy teacher, a powerful and powerful sensibility, and it is not a lord of the sacred temple. The vigilance is so high." The emptiness suddenly turned a faint sneer, followed by a blue robe. The man appeared.

The cold eyes swept to the source of the sound, and the man who appeared in front of him looked at the man’s breath and reached the peak of the mid-century Emperor.

The man also looked at Xiao Chen. After a while, the man sneered a little and sneered: "In the case of paying Qing Han, it is the Jinyuan elders who sent me. I believe that I don't have to say it, you know what is going on."

The corner of the mouth sneered a sneer, Xiao Chen said faintly: "I guess that is the old thing, I have never thought that I will leave the middleland so smoothly, I know that the old things will not be good."

In the face of the threat of many people in the Chamber of Commerce, the face of Jin Yuanda’s elders can be said to have been exhausted. Can you easily spare Xiao Chen?

The cold eyes glanced around, and Xiao Chen faintly said: "I must be old things still nearby? He didn't dare to shoot himself, was he worried about being killed?"

"It’s enough for me to shoot. Without the power of chaos, you in the early days of the Holy Emperor, the strength is also average. Now you have no use value." The face reveals a cold arrogance, Fu Qinghan sneer, no Put Xiao Chen in his eyes.


When the voice fell, the soles of the feet slammed into the void, and the bang of the sound blew, the power of violent horror shook the void and smashed a huge spider-like crack. The shape of Fu Qinghan was bursting out with lightning, and the blink of an eye was already Approaching Xiao Chen.

"Xiao Chen, let you see our gap!" Leng Ao smiled, Fu Qing Hansen cold road, the power of terror condensed on the palm of his hand, fiercely screaming to Xiao Chen, bringing a sharp and harsh sound, the space is fierce The vibration collapsed.

"I am afraid that you will be disappointed!" The face appeared a sneer sneer, Xiao Chensen cold, the power of the body overbearing suddenly spurred out, not to be outdone to meet a palm.



In the blink of an eye, the two palms fiercely slammed, the thunderous explosion turned away, the power of terror was even more mad, and the surrounding peaks were destroyed even in a blink of an eye.

The fierce confrontation of the palm, Xiao Chen's strength is not enough, was shocked by the opponent hundreds of meters, but because of the strong relationship between the body, it was not injured.

"Oh? Mid-Septeor? No wonder you are so confident, actually broke through the middle of the Holy Emperor so quickly. I have heard that your cultivation speed is terrible. It is terrible to see it today." The face was a bit surprised, Fu Qinghan Some people can't believe that Xiao Chen has broken through the middle of the Holy Emperor.

"You regret it is too late!" The fist was tight, and the gaze of his eyes swept to Fu Qinghan. Xiao Chen was cold and cold, and the corner of his mouth evoked a dangerous arc.

"Repent? Haha! Xiao Chen, who are you swearing? Just because you still want to kill me?" First, he bowed, and immediately burst into laughter, Fu Qinghan disdain, the figure is once again bursting out with lightning.

"The Yellow Steps of the Holy Ghost! The Ghosts of the Devil! The Ghosts of God!"

The heart suddenly screamed, and the two powerful laws were followed by the exhibition. Under the dust, there were two black mysterious wings that were strangely extended. Under the golden light, Xiao Chen’s figure disappeared and the speed was terrifying.

"What was it just now? Is it a wing? I didn't see it clearly, but the speed of this guy has improved so much, absolutely not under me!" The heart shook and the face was a bit stunned, and Fu Qinghan was shocked.

Although there is no strong power, the speed of Xiao Chen is still there!

"Moving is fast! The eyes can't keep up. Even if it is a god, there is something that can't keep up!" The heart is dignified, and Fu Qinghan's eyes are moving up and down quickly.

"Where!" Concentrated pursuit of Xiao Chen, at a certain moment, Fu Qinghan suddenly screamed, suddenly slammed out of the air, the power of terror suddenly swept out, the space violently shakes.



The power of horror swept out and burst out, just hitting Xiao Chen, who appeared in the flash, and the rumbling sound of the rumbling, the power of terror was actually shocked into a myriad of pieces!

"No! It's an illusion! A little boy!" frowned, and Fu Qinghan shouted, his face dignified again.


The next moment, Xiao Chen has been strangely appearing behind Fu Qinghan, his heart snorting, his eyes flashing bloodthirsty and murderous, the power of horror and arrogance condensed on his fist, ruthlessly banged out.

"Behind me!" Suddenly felt the power of terror turned, his face suddenly changed, and Fu Qinghan was scared.

The moment I turned around, I saw Xiao Chen’s fist smashed over.

The corner of the mouth evoked a sneer sneer, and Xiao Chen said faintly: "The mid-level of the Holy Emperor is just like this."

Read The Duke's Passion