MTL - Fanatic Martial God-Chapter 2049 driven to distraction

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In the hall, watching Xiao Chen's dull and unbelievable appearance, everyone's heart is not very tasteful, but they do not know how to comfort Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen possesses the body of chaos, and indeed can cultivate the power of chaos, but it takes the cost of time, I am afraid that Xiao Chen can't afford it.

"Hey, I know that the blow to Xiao Chen is very big. I know that I don't want to say it." The helpless flick, the seven souls whispered.

"Xiao Chen is going to know sooner or later. It is the same to say that it is said early." The shoulders of the seven souls were taken, and Lin Mutian was helpless.

"Yunshan, what can I do? If Xiao Chen is hit hard, if it doesn't hurt, then it is not..." Looking at Mu Yunshan, the ghost was eager to ask.

"Don't say it! Close your crow's mouth!" He glanced at the ghost, and Mu Yunshan shouted.

"Xiao Chen is not so fragile, maybe it is just unacceptable for a while." Xiaoyao phantom whispered, and my heart was also sorry for Xiao Chen.

The power of horror chaos was forcibly taken away by the squad.

Deep gaze looked at the dull Xiao Chen, the soul of the soul is also a sad sigh, and immediately comforted: "Xiao Chen, you should not be too sad, some things, as long as you are, will never disappear, believe for the teacher The power of chaos will definitely return to your body."

Hearing his words, his gaze gaze at the soul of the bully, and Xiao Chen’s voice trembled and asked: “The power of the power of chaos has been swallowed up, is this possible?”

"..." Xiao Chen’s words suddenly silenced the hegemony, and he did not dare to guarantee.

The power of chaos is the power that Xiao Chen is proud of. He can have powerful power, and it is also because of the power of chaos. Now the power of chaos is forcibly taken away. The strength of Xiao Chen is not as strong as before. .

And the power of the blood of the gods and the power of the **** of water also merged with the power of chaos, and now there is no, and the strength of Xiao Chen naturally decreases.

Because of this, Xiao Chen did not dare to accept this fact, even more can not believe.

"Xiao Chen's brother..." Seeing Xiao Chen's feelings of loss and sadness, Mu Qing did not know what to say to comfort, but only to be anxious.

"Dust, the power of chaos is gone, you should not be too upset, you must hold on!" Feng Ningxiang is also busy, and my heart is very worried that Xiao Chen will continue to fall.

"Yes! Xiao Chen, the predecessor of the soul, also said, the power of chaos can still be cultivated, just need some time, I believe you..." End Yan is also comforted.

"I went out for a walk." stood up with a tremor, his face was depressed and lost, Xiao Chen was weak and powerless, and immediately walked toward the hall, his back looked a bit bleak.

"Xiao Chen brother!" quickly shouted Xiao Chen, Mu Qing wanted to say something, but the words went to the mouth but swallowed.

"I want to be alone." Light and with lost words, Xiao Chen is out of the hall.

"This result is too much for Xiao Chen's attack. Unfortunately, we have to go a step later. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the old man to be a good man." He shook his head helplessly, breaking the wind and blaming himself. In the end, he also took it with him. A raging anger.

"Lord, do you want to go down and see?" He held a fist and asked the cold emperor.

Putting his hand, the soul of the soul shook his head and said: "Forget it, let Xiao Chen calm down. During this time, Xiao Chen may be in a very low mood. You should not bother him. Maybe he will figure it out quickly."

"I hope that the dust can cheer up as soon as possible." The face shed two lines of tears, the wind is fragrant and painful, and it is really unwilling to see Xiao Chen's lost soul.

"Condensed, dust will certainly cheer up, don't worry, the dust is stronger than we think." Gently condensed the wind in the arms, Xiao Changfeng comforted, my heart is also a bit sad.

"A coma for a month, Xiao Chen's repair is improving quickly, and now it seems that there is nothing wrong with Xiao Chen. What is the reason?" Wrinkled, broken wind and doubts.

The old face appeared a little dignified, slightly indulgent, and the soul of the soul: "The old man is also very strange, but nothing can be seen, can help Xiao Chen improve in the coma, this force is certainly terrible."

“Don't Xiao Xiao get any mysterious power?” The wind suddenly asked.

"Impossible, if Xiao Chen gains other strengths, the old man will be able to sense it, but in his body, now only the power of the Holy Yuan." Shaking his head, the tyrants immediately vetoed.

"Right, the predecessor of the soul, the predecessor of the wind, the power of chaos, is not only the body of chaos to control? Qi Kui is not the body of chaos, how does he control the power of chaos?" The yin and yang of the side, followed by curiosity Asked.

Hearing the words, gently touched the white beard, breaking the wind and solemnly saying: "The power of chaos is one of the most powerful forces of the ancient times, followed by the power of destruction, and then the blood of the soul of the soul. Force, every kind of ancient power is very powerful. Although the power of chaos can only be controlled by chaos, but in addition to having a strong cultivation, the power of chaos can force the power of chaos and his strength. Convergence."

"The second is the power of destruction? What kind of power is that?" Feng Tianlie curiously asked, everyone's eyes once again looked at the wind.

It’s a slight pause, and the wind is faint: “The power of destruction is also a very powerful force. Although it ranks second, it is comparable to the power of chaos. The second reason is because the body of chaos is very scary. The speed of cultivation, combined with the power of chaos, the nature of nature needless to say, the power of destruction from ancient times to the present, only one person has, what kind of ability, this seat is not clear, in short, it is terrible."

"If the fusion is successful, isn't that stronger than the power of chaos?" The faces of the people suddenly changed, and the ghosts and horror asked.

"It is true. Because of this, when the old man and the broken wind were desperate to stop the squad, unfortunately he swallowed the chaos of Xiao Chen. Even if there was no refining, the cultivation also improved some, Xiao Chen's chaos. The power of the gods contains the power of the gods and the power of the **** of water, and can help him recover the injury. The old man and the broken wind have not even stopped him." The old face showed a helplessness, and the bully smiled.

Hearing here, everyone's face is full of horror, even the hegemony and the broken wind are not the opponents of the squad. If you let the squad refine the power of chaos, then is it even more impossible to deal with?

I noticed the horrified look of everyone, and the face showed a smile. The domineering faint smile: "You don't have to worry too much. The power of chaos is not so easy to integrate. The power of chaos has the ability to devour all power. It takes a lot of time to combine his own power with the power of chaos, and you can rest assured to practice."

"Under the battle of a month ago, Zhai Kui also suffered a minor injury. It is not so easy to achieve his repair, and it is not so easy to recover the injury, unless you use some kind of evil secret." The wind broke.

It’s said that everyone’s heart has been relieved a lot, and their faces have been alleviated a lot. Previously, they were really afraid of the killing of the army.

During the conversation, everyone went back to practice, and some went into the vain beast.


Somewhere on the foothills of the mountain, Xiao Chen stood straight on a large rock, looking at the majestic peaks in the distance.

If it is changed in peacetime, Xiao Chen will definitely enjoy the air and rich aura here. At this moment, Xiao Chen, his face is languid, his eyes are not in the slightest color, and the whole person is lost.

There is no power of chaos, that is to say, Xiao Chen’s true strength today is at most stronger than the strongest of the early peaks of the Holy Emperor.

The strength suddenly weakened, and Xiao Chen had the feeling of falling from heaven to hell, and the feeling of being hit by the heart was really uncomfortable.

Being strong can bring a sense of excitement that can't be spoken, and suddenly it gets weaker. For a monk, it is simply something more difficult than death.

In Xiao Chen’s mind, there was chaos and anger at the same time. It was impossible to calm down, and the brain was full of chaos.

Xiao Chen’s quiet stop is seven days. The body doesn’t move, and his eyes don’t shift. It’s like petrochemical.

One stop is seven days, and the reincarnation is no longer possible. Suddenly, the voice said: "Master, the more you are, the more time is wasted, the master should try to cultivate with the anger of the heart, and make himself stronger, chaotic. Although the power is gone, the owner has the chaotic body, has the speed of cultivation beyond the ordinary people, and possesses the horrible cultivation talent. During the coma, the cultivation is upgraded to the peak of the early Emperor, which is a good break in the middle of the Holy Emperor. Opportunity! You should not waste time on this matter."

"Reincarnation, when are you? You still say this? Do you want to suffocate the master?" At the moment of the news, the Excalibur suddenly screamed and yelled.

Disregarding the Excalibur completely, the reincarnation followed: "Master, with your horror cultivation talent, better than everyone in the sacred world, only to make yourself stronger, can have the ability to recapture the lost things, lost souls like a family dog ​​Xiao Dust, not the Xiao Chen we know! The more you are hit, the more you have to endure! This way the master can be stronger and stronger."

However, the remarks of the reincarnation seem to have no effect at all. Xiao Chen, who has lost his soul, seems to have not heard the general, and there is still no change.

Xiao dust does not move, reincarnation, and immediately roared: "Master, wake up! You Kui swallowed up your chaos, he will merge as soon as possible, let his power become stronger, now there is time, if The master will not cheer up again. Once the squad has combined the power of chaos, no one will be his opponent at that time. The person who wants to protect the master will be killed by the squad at that time! Do the masters want to watch them die one by one?"

Hearing the words, Xiao Chen, who lost his soul, suddenly changed his face, and his eyes were also instantly magnified. It seemed to be shocked by the resentment of the reincarnation.

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