MTL - Fanatic Martial God-Chapter 2042 Deterrent

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The four strong emperors of the Holy Emperor, even if they gave strength to Liu Kan, did not help, and did not pose any threat to Xiao Chen.

In just a few breaths, the four strong emperors were seriously injured by Xiao Chen one by one, and even did not respond.

Of course, the so-called serious injury has also become weak and has not lost its fighting ability.

"The speed of this **** is terrible. We can't see it at all. It should be said that it is invisible." The pale face picked up and wiped the blood on the corner of the mouth.

The gloomy gaze glanced at the other injured three. Liu Kan’s face was violently pumped, and his heart angered: “Xiao Chen’s speed is more horrible than the black wind command, I am afraid it is enough to compete with the Holy Emperor in the middle, and he has not The power of chaos is motivated. The four of us alone are not his opponents. If we fight again, there will be only one dead end."

Thinking of this, since the eyelids are bright, Liu Kan suddenly said: "Yang Xu, Wang Yang, our purpose is to kill the monster, do not need to touch hard with Xiao Chen, we are not his opponent, three people dragged He wants to kill the monster by himself."

"Liu Kan said yes, the monster is only the realm of the late Saints, we can kill it by one person." Another person agreed with the voice.

"Yang Xu, you go to kill the monster, the three of us dragged Xiao Chen!" The eyes flashed, and Liu Kan said.

The four people have no objection to the temporary decision, and they will start immediately!


The power of horror in the body is spurred out, the blue light flashes, the hands are quickly printed, and finally the tenth, Liu Kan’s heart shouted: “The order of the gods! The Promise Thunder Lock!”


The thundering thunder attribute power burst, the hands linger around the wire, Liu Kan's gestures change rapidly, and around the dust, suddenly there are several thunder locks, quickly bundled Xiao dust.

At the same time, another holy emperor named Wang Yang, quickly mobilized the power of water, condensed into a water rope, tied Xiao Chen's hands and feet!


The other person followed a big shout, and the horrible ice attribute power swept through the waves. When it passed, the space was frozen, and a layer of glaciers of several meters thick was formed. At the same time, Xiao Chen was frozen.

The triple power blockade, Xiao Chen is unable to move.

At the moment, Yang Xu was flashing toward the tree of God, and Xiao Chen was trapped. His face could not help but reveal a sneer.

"The Lord of the Temple is careful!" He noticed that Yang Xu had no disability in the distance.

At the top of the tree, Xiao Chen’s avatar has already been aware that the corner of his mouth evokes a sullen smile of gloating, and he is not in a hurry.

"The order of the gods! Moonlight flash!"

The heart suddenly slammed and the power of terror spurred out. Yang Xu’s arm, suddenly shining white light, filled with the power of terror.

"Yellow-level holy decision! God's wrath is destroyed!"

The whispering and cold singer sings in the back of Yang Xu, suddenly scared the latter's face changed, becoming extremely fearful and trembling.

"Yellow steps... holy decision..." The heart is full of fear, Yang Xu, who just wanted to cast a law, is not afraid to have any action at the moment.

"call out!"


A bully and terrifying golden light suddenly burst out from Xiao Chen's fingertips. The sound of the air was extremely sharp. He blinked through Yang Xu's chest and sprayed a blood.

" is this possible..." The fear looked at his chest, and he turned his head to look behind him. Xiao Chen was strangely behind him.

"Yang Xu!" Three people in the distance, Liu Kan, all screamed at the gods, and immediately yelled in horror.

Wang Yang looked incredulously and looked back at the place where Xiao Chen was blocked. Xiao Chen had disappeared. The trembling trembled: "Is Xiao Chen not trapped by us? He...when did he escape? Come out? How is this possible?"

"Three people are trapping me, you have to kill the tree of God, do you think I can't guess it?" The face sneered a sneer, Xiao Chensen cold.

"I" The eyes were full of despair, and Yang Xu wanted to say something, but he couldn’t say it, and his body slowly slowed down.


"call out!"

Slowly lifted the palms, slammed the claws, and the squeaking sound of the slamming, a black flame condensed out, Xiao dust waved his hand, and the black flame swooped down and wrapped Yang Xu’s body, only a moment, it turned into ashes. .

The cold eyes immediately swept to Liu Kan, and Xiao Chensen said coldly: "I am afraid that no one will support you now. Others seem to be very busy. What powerful gods are there, even if they are made out."

"Oh, there is such a reason, he was ran away!" The face of the cockroach, violently twitching, Liu Kan gnawed his teeth, and his lungs were almost blown up.

Originally thought that the plan was still perfect, but did not want to be easily destroyed by Xiao Chen, the three hearts are crazy, angry.

Xiao Chen is not in a hurry, delaying time is also beneficial to them, so that the tree can kill more people, nearly tens of thousands of troops, now thousands of people have been slaughtered, the lower Beidou Temple mountain range, everywhere The body is still growing.

With the passage of the war, the fierce battles of the great emperors have also reached the stage of white-hot, all of which have made their own housekeeping skills and sacrificed various powerful magic weapons.

Under the fierce battle, the injuries on both sides are different, and the consumption of power is also huge.

Even with the **** and turbid winds, both of them are now hurt by the strength of the other side, and their faces are pale.

"If you don't do it, I'm welcome!" Seeing the three people for a long time, there was no movement, and Xiao Chen sneered.

"call out!"

When the voice fell, Xiao Chen’s body shape once again disappeared strangely, and Liu Kan’s three faces suddenly changed. They all retired and their eyes were full of fear.

"The more fear, the more flaws there are, the more stubborn resistance, the death is also fast!" The ignorant sneer passed into the ears of Liu Kan, and they suddenly trembled.

"Eternal spirits!"



Xiao Chen’s body shape is strange and silent, and it still appears in front of Wang Yang. The latter is already scared and lost. The face is full of fear and stagnation. Xiao Chen’s palm has no mercy and thunder. After the muffled sound spread, Wang Yang followed the mouth to vomit blood, and the Yuanshen was shattered by Xiao Chen.




The figure once again disappeared strangely. When Xiao Chen appeared again, another strong man of the Holy Emperor was also unaware of it. He was slammed by Xiao Chen’s fierce, and the power of hegemony was multiplied instantly. It was just a punch and it was possessed. Shake the horrible power of the latter god.

It’s just a blink of an eye to kill two people. At the moment, Xiao Chen is already in front of Liu Kan. The latter is extremely worried about Xiao Chen. It seems that there is an impulse to beg for mercy.

Looking at Xiao Chen’s eyes, like watching the devil, the heart is completely occupied by fear.

Looking at the extreme of fear, Liu Kan shook his head slightly. Xiao Chen sneered and said: "I can't help you if I come to die."



When the voice fell, Xiao Chen was a ruthless bombardment. It seemed to be a simple palm, but it was also a force of terror. Liu Can, who was not hurt, could not bear it. In the end, it was difficult to escape Xiao Xiao. God's end.

The four emperors of the Holy Emperor joined hands and did not fight back in front of Xiao Chen. These horrible forces once again deeply shocked everyone in the whole place.

Everyone is looking at Xiao Chen, who can't believe that Xiao Chen has such a terrible strength. First, he has killed the black wind commander. Now he is fighting against the four emperors, and he is still overwhelmingly killing his opponent!

The strength of terror can be described as a deterrent.

At this moment, not to mention the early days of the Holy Emperor, even in the middle of the Holy Emperor and the late Emperor, I am afraid that I will not easily fight with Xiao Chen. As far as their experience is concerned, Xiao Chen has not done his best.

Liu Kan four people, this is not a small injury, and Xiao Chen's strength is above them, not to mention the speed of terror and the extremely terrible physical strength, one by one, for Xiao Chen, there is no threat at all.

"The strength of the four emperors is not weak. How do you feel that they are not as good as the holy king?"

"Not that their strength is too weak, but the strength of Xiao Chen is terrible!"

"This is not the most terrible. Xiao Chen has not yet made every effort to promote the power of chaos, and his strength can be improved."

The fierce battle was once again stopped, and the audience once again fell into a short silence, but only for a moment, a series of exclamations swept like a sea of ​​mountains.

"Little Lord! Little Lord!"

As the whole blasted the pot, followed by a sudden shout of excitement, even the Beidou Temple and the Xuan Ming Temple, all shouted, one by one, excited and flushed. .

Huge cheers and shouts swept through the entire mountain range occupied by the Beidou Temple, and they continued to reverberate in the mountains for a long time.

"The idiot of Lishui Dianzhu! With the strength of Xiao Chen, how could the four wastes be his opponent?" The gloomy face was pumped, and the turbid wind angered, and I couldn’t wait for a slap in the face.

"How? We are not good enough for the Lord's lord? Are you more and more scared?" The cold eyes looked at the turbid wind, and the face evoked a smug smile, **** cold asked.

"Hey! Bloody, you don't feel too early, but now it's just beginning!" The fierce cold screams, the turbid wind is sullen, and the eyes are cold and sorrowful.

At high altitude, Xiao Chen did not become complacent because of the excited cheers underneath, and his face was only a touch of faint smile.

Looking at the downward wind, a king-like domineering is born, Xiao Chen Yang said: "You, you will fight side by side with my **** tree. All along, only my good brothers have been fighting with me, conquering each A person who wants to destroy us has their presence on the tree of God. I believe that soon after, their figure will appear again on the tree of God. It is a kind of trust and unyielding belief. You can also be good. Enjoy, let them come to witness today! Let them experience the taste of fear!"