MTL - Fanatic Martial God-Chapter 2012 The fear of Yang Tianzhan

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"Xiao... Xiao Chen's younger brother... actually can compete with Yang Tianzhan! is this possible..." Lin’s palace, which was already in the beginning At the entrance of the main hall, the horrible strength displayed by Xiao Chen, Lin Biaoer has been scared and pretty.

Lin Yier couldn't believe it. When she met for the first time, Xiao Chen was only the peak of the late King, and she was already in the middle of the Holy King. The strength was not noticeable.

Now Xiao Chen has been promoted to the middle of the sacred king, and Lin Biaoer only raised to the peak of the mid-June, and in a few months, he was chased up by Xiao Chen.

What makes Lin Biaoer shocked is that Xiao Chen can actually improve his strength. It is completely the level of the late Qing Dynasty, and he sacrifices the sword and casts a tyrannical law. He can still compete with Yang Tianzhan of the first genius of the Eastern Region. The strong contrast makes Lin Yier feel like he is dreaming.

Not only Lin Biaoer, the entire Beidou Temple, including the Beidou Dian, if they did not see it, they absolutely did not believe that Xiao Chen had such fierce strength.

Under the fierce full force, Yang Tianzhan was also suffering from a minor injury. Xiao Chen has a strong body and can withstand very strong forces. At present, the injuries of the two are almost the same.

His face was very pale, gasping for a big breath, the blood in his body was soaring, and the gaze of his eyes stared at Xiao Chen. Yang Tianzhe’s heart was horrified. He said: “Do Xiao Chen is a monster? He actually has such a tyrannical power, he Who is it?"

The gaze first looked at Xiao Chen, and immediately looked at the turbid wind. Yang Xiongfeng’s mind guessed: “The repair of the mid-century sage is actually causing such a big harm to the war children. Who is this Xiao Chen? With the **** brothers and brothers, as well as the turbid winds, they seem to have enmity with Xiao Chen. This Xiao Chen is probably not a small one."

Another place in the sky, the pale face with a dampness, the blood pressure of the body toss down, Xiao Chen breathed a deep breath, frowned, said: "a good opponent, try his best, just let him Suffered 50% damage."

"Master, people are the first genius of the East, certainly a bit of strength, I am afraid he has not yet killed a killer." Shenjian voice.

"If the master is desperate, defeating him is definitely not a problem." The reincarnation suddenly said.

"There is no place to advance to the Holy Emperor, the artifact should not be used too much." Shake his head secretly, Xiao Chen said.

"My injury is more serious than him. This guy is too strong. He must first consume his strength, or he will make his injury more serious. Otherwise, even if I use a killer, if I hit it hard, I am afraid it will be both bad and even possible. Lost in his hand." Eyes flashed fiercely, Xiao Chen heart secretly.

At most, the real strength of Xiao Chen is more sturdy than that of the late Saints. However, Yang Tianzhan is the peak of the late Saints. Xiao Chen can fight against it. It is very difficult. It is absolutely impossible to defeat Yang Tianzhan.

In this fierce battle, Xiao Chen's greatest advantage is the power of the water god, the power consumed by the body can be quickly recovered, and other basics have no advantage.

In terms of speed, even if Xiao Chen casts a ghostly demon wing, I am afraid that it will only be comparable to the speed of Yang Tianzhan. It is not an advantage.

Thinking of this, the eyelids suddenly flashed, the momentum changed in vain, Xiao Chen took the initiative to attack, the body shape turned into a golden light lightning-like shot, and the left and right flashing constantly, it is difficult to catch.

"Xiao Chen, your speed is really very good in the same level, but for me, but that's it." Seeing Xiao dust front up, the corner of the mouth smirked a touch of sneer, Yang Tian strategy slightly disdain.


When the voice fell, the soles of the feet slammed into the void, and the slamming sounds, Yang Tianzhan was also unwilling to show off the blast, and the speed was fast, and it was not under the dust.

Yang Tianzhan seems to have locked Xiaochen's position. No matter how Xiaofeng moves around, he can correspond to Xiaochen's position!

"Can't be too close!" Frowned slightly, Xiao Chen secretly, and immediately sighed in the heart: "Space illusion! Space transfer!"

"Hey! Your speed is too slow!" Just a blink of an eye, Yang Tianzhan is approaching Xiao Chen, sneer sneer, the sword in his hand is already a hot slash.

Facing the lightning-like Yang Tianzhan, Xiao Chen’s face suddenly changed, and he wanted to set up Xianjian to arrive.



A sword was fiercely cut down, and Xiao Chen was split into two. It was like a mirror image. It began to spread a crack, and finally it was cracked and completely broken.

"Imperor?" Seeing Xiao Chen broken up, Yang Tianzhan's face suddenly changed, his heart shook, and Xiao Shen's look into the numerous fragments of Xiao Chen, actually some reactions.

"This... what is going on..." In the Beidou Temple, everyone was full of stunned eyes and looked at Xiao Chen, who was broken at high altitude.

"Oh? Xiao Chen can hide the real body in an instant, and even the breath can not be sensed, so magical body." The face of the turbid wind is once again surprised, the gods unfold, can not be sensed The smell of Xiao Chen made him more and more surprised.

Yang Xiongfeng and others, at this moment are also stunned, one by one, looking left and right, but they did not see Xiao Chen's figure, they are also very strange in their hearts.

The next moment, Xiao Chen's figure appeared strangely behind Yang Tian's battle, silent, and the latter was completely unaware.

"War! Be careful behind you!" Yang Tianzhan was not aware of it, but the people watching the battle were all Xiao Xiao who saw the strange appearance after Yang Tianzhan. Yang Xiongfeng was worried about it.

"How is this possible!" The masters of the Beidou Hall all revealed the shocking color, and the strange body method made them feel incredible.

Wen Yan, Yang Tianzhan's face suddenly changed greatly, his eyes were magnified, his body trembled slightly, and suddenly he noticed Xiao Chen's breath, and it was still the kind of strange phenomenon that appeared out of thin air.

"The order of the holy decision! Death annihilates the palm!"

The heart suddenly slammed coldly, Xiao Chen has condensed the terrible power in the palm of his hand, the golden light slammed, the decisive one slammed into Yang Tianzhan, the palm of the hand whistling, the overbearing oppressive feeling, trembled.

"Oh? Is it a holy sacred? This is a powerful sacred sacred sect!" The face was once again surprised, feeling the arrogance of Xiao Chen, and the turbid wind also guessed that Xiao Chen’s display was a holy .

"This kind of fierce and overbearing momentum is definitely a holy decision, I am afraid that it is still a holy order!" The horrified swallowed the water, the main hall of the Beidou Temple trembled, and the eyes were full of sorrow.

The overbearing and fierce power was swept out of the air, and the momentum of the overbearing tyrants made the audience feel terrified, and their faces were somewhat white and stunned.

Of course, Yang Tianzhan is also the same, feeling the horrible power of Xiao Chen, which is extremely overbearing. Yang Tianzhe’s heart is also filled with a cold, strong dangerous breath slamming his heart, thinking that such a hegemonic power is absolutely holy. When the heart panicked, Yang Tianzhan also rushed to push the momentum, turned and slammed up.



The two palms immediately blew, and suddenly a thunderous explosion sounded. The fierce and overbearing power was actually a face-to-face shock. Yang Tian’s mouth spit blood, and his body shape flew like a cannonball. The injury also aggravated a moment and spread out. The overbearing power, the emptiness of the sky constantly tears the dense cracks.

If you want to defeat Yang Tianzhan, you will either consume his strength or let Yang Tianzhan increase his injuries. In contrast, it is easier for Xiao Chen to make Yang Tianzhan feel worse.

Yang Tianzhan, who has been rushing to resist the momentum, has not reached the peak state in strength. Compared with Xiao Chen, who has enough time to gather strength, there is too much difference.

"Master, do a good job! Yang Tianzhan is aggravated, the owner has a chance to win!" The excitement of Shenjian was very timely.

"As the injury worsens, his strength will definitely weaken a lot." The pale face showed a smile, Xiao Chen said.

In the distance, Yang Tianzhan forced himself to stabilize his body shape. The fierce and almost spurting eyes of the flames stared at Xiao Chen. The pale face was flushed with anger. A blood vessel rose and the flesh was non-stop. Twitching, the murderous murder continues to spread.

"Don't do this! I dare to attack me!" The heart was extremely angry, Yang Tianzhan gnawed his teeth and angered, and the violent violent power broke out in madness, and all of them were injected into the sword. The violent and horrible swordsmanpower spread and spread, and the space within a few thousand feet They all violently shake up.

"Heavenly gods! Seven stars are desperately swords! Desperately chasing souls!"

The heart suddenly screamed, and the sword in the hand slammed, and the huge blue swords of hundreds of feet carried the momentum of the bamboo-like momentum. The power was fierce, and the sound of the sound of the piercing sound was magnificent. It was an arm-like thick black crack that torn out.

"You are seriously injured, the strength has been weakened a lot, even if it is a killer, I am afraid I can't win." Xiaoxiao smiled, Xiao Chen faintly smiled.

With a wave of hand, the other twelve swords flashed, and Xiao Chen suddenly provoked the power of chaos in the whole body. According to the method of destroying the swordsmanship, for a time, the thirteen swords and the golden swords were at the same time, and they were filled with the overbearing swordsman. power.

At this moment, including the turbid wind and other people, everyone's face is greatly changed, the eyelids are magnified, shocked and stunned.

"Ten ... three swords!" Seeing Xiao Chen actually made a thirteen swords in one breath, Yang Tianzhan's face suddenly changed, became extremely scared, and trembling.

"Destroy the sword! Destroy the sword!"

The heart suddenly burst into a burst, Xiao Chen waved a hand, thirteen swords at the same time burst out, and finally flew into a line, one after the other, the power of the twelve swords behind were instantly injected into the first.

"Xiao Chen's swordsman strength has actually increased several times!" The heart became more and more fearful, and Yang Tian trembled, and his eyes were flashed with a desperate despair.

PS: The power of the little soul is blackout. Just after the electricity is available, the third chapter is later, and the brothers can't help it.