MTL - Fanatic Martial God-Chapter 2003 Then to the holy wind city

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"It's been a month and a half. Didn't the main lord still have a customs clearance?" On the square of the main hall, the gaze looked at the main palace, slightly frowning, and the wind whispered.

"Will it be that you want to break through the late Ghost?" The moon shadow next to him is also frowning and guessing.

"Do you think too much? The young master has just broken through the saints in the middle of the short period. How can there be such a quick breakthrough?" He shook his head helplessly, and glanced at the two people. The cold emperor said: "The Lord of the Temple is not practicing. But practicing the holy decision."

"Cultivating the holy decision?" The two men glimpsed each other and looked at each other. They all saw the enthusiasm and ecstasy from the other's eyes. The shadow of the moon immediately curiously asked: "The cold king, the lesser temple master practice what holy? ”

"The sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred souls." The indifferent gaze glanced at the two frenzy, the cold faint smile.

"What? The sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred soul?" The moment of the news, the moon shadow and the wind emperor's face suddenly changed, the heart shook and shocked, completely scared.

Seeing the shocking look of the two men, the cold emperor secretly sneaked a sneak peek, and then smiled and said: "This is the tribute to the Lord of the Winds."

"Meet the ceremony?"

"No? Seeing the ceremony is the order of the holy decision? Breaking the wind and respecting the great master." The faces of the two men changed again, and the shock of their hearts was more.

"If we can also cultivate the order of the Holy Sepulchre, it is good." Both of them are full of envy and expectation.

It is a pity that the order of the Holy Sepulchre can not be cultivated casually. Even the Holy Spirit protector, nowadays, except for the cold emperor who cultivated a kind of holy order, they are only the Yellow Steps.

The order of the holy world is extremely rare. Even if it is a domineering soul and a broken wind, I am afraid that it can only come up with two parts. There is absolutely no more. As for the heavenly order, we will look at the holy world and have no one to see.

"What are you talking about?" Just as the moon shadow and the emperor envied, the palace turned to Xiao Chen's faint laughter.

"The Lord of the Lord!" The face of the cold emperor changed slightly, and his eyes were swiftly swept toward the palace. The three were respectful: "Welcome to the Lord."

I smiled slightly, looked at the cold emperor and slowly walked down the ladder. Xiao Chen wondered: "What about Lei Wang? What are you doing?"

"Return to the Lord, they are practicing." Cold Emperor respectfully said.

Gently nodded, one under the sway, it was an instant to come to the front of the cold king, Xiao Chen then asked: "Can someone fly in the world?"

"Not yet." Cold Emperor shook his head.

"It seems that I have to wait for a month." Helpless grinning, Xiao dust shook his head and smiled.

For a moment of silence, the cold emperor suddenly said: "The Lord of the Temples, Lin Xiaotian, they have brought Lin Zifan and Fan Tian back to the Bawang Temple, and they are brought back by the bright and honest."

"Oh? Bring it back?" The face was slightly stunned. Xiao Chen was a little surprised: "I know that I will marry them, but I dare to bring it back, and I still dare to bring it back. What does Lin Xiaotian want to do? He does this clearly. Tell me that he is not afraid of me looking for trouble."

"The subordinates are also very strange big elders, but they will not understand if they are subordinate." Shaking his head slightly, the cold emperor said.

"Is it difficult for them to think that the fish is dead?" Deep frowning, the moon shadow guess asked.

Shaking his head again, the cold king said: "It should be impossible. They still have no courage to rebel. Lin Xiaotian also knows that the lord will recover and recover. Even if it is only 90%, it is easy to deal with them."

The brow was slightly wrinkled, and the finger touched the chin. Xiao Chen wondered: "The cold emperor said that it is correct, but Lin Xiaotian did this, isn’t it right to confront us? I can’t guess what the old thing wants to do, However, I feel that he has a well-thought-out feeling."

"The Lord of the Temple, do you want to investigate under the cover?" Moon Shadow asked respectfully.

Hearing his words, he shook his head slightly, and his mouth sneered a sneer. Xiao Chen said faintly: "No, this old thing is so weird. I want to know what he wants to do. Now I will check it, I will definitely make a surprise, or wait for him to reveal himself. The original shape."

"When Lin Zifan and Fan Tian, ​​how do the Lord's Lord plan to deal with it?" Cold Emperor asked.

"The temple must not provide any medicinal herbs and spirits. Others will be by them. They will be settled with them in the future." Lazy stalled the hand, Xiao Chen smiled faintly, and the corner of his mouth screamed. Smile.

Seeing the dusty smile of Xiao Chen, the moon shadow and the wind emperor are secretly trembled, and they are some fierce means of fearing Xiao Chen.

"Lin Xiaotian did this, and it just gave me a good opportunity. I and my mother were all settled in the temple when they arrived. I will see what they have to say when they arrive." A faint smile, Xiao Chen added. .

"Yeah, the Lord of the Temples don't care now. When the time comes, the Lord's lord and the brothers are soaring and settled in the temple. They don't dare to have any opinions. The little lord is really brilliant." Moon Shadow smiled happily.

"What is the progress of the Lord of the Temples, where is the Forgotten Valley?" asked the cold emperor on the side.

Shaking his head slightly, Xiao Chen frowned: "There is not yet, but it is the old man of the three strong, the elders of the temple, but even the nine great and three elders, more than a month The ancient seals did not change at all, but only consumed a small part of the seal."

Going a few steps forward, looking down the void, Xiao Chen continued: "The tyrannical seal array, I am afraid that the ancient strongman who set the seal, the repair is even more powerful than the squad, otherwise, the squad has already Found the seal of the Forgotten Valley, why not break the seal early?"

"Well, the little lord said very much, so I am afraid it will take a lot of time to break the seal." Nodded in agreement, the cold faint.

"Things of the Forgotten Valley can be put aside for a while." While walking away, Xiao Chen said: "Well, I have to go out to practice, and the temple is handed over to you."

"Yes! Little Lord." The Cold Emperor respectfully said.

The next moment, Xiao Chen has disappeared and disappeared, and he is completely unable to sense his breath.

"The eyes of the Lord's lord are not the same as one before August." After Xiao Chen left, the cold emperor began.

The moon shadow nodded a little, and smiled faintly: "It is indeed different. The eyes of the young master are full of confidence and firmness."

"It seems that the lord of the temple has already refined the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sect." The wind empire was slightly excited and laughed, and the enthusiasm and envy of the eyes were more intense.


Quietly leaving the Bawang Temple, when Xiao Chen appeared again, it was already in the ancient city, and was walking towards the portal.

The exhibition space was transferred, and Xiao Chen was relieved. At least no one knew his whereabouts, and he could not track him. This also saved a lot of trouble.

"I haven't been to see the flower mother-in-law for so long, Hualing will not blame me?" The light face reveals a smile, Xiao Chen said to himself, it is intended to go to the Eastern Windsor City to see the flower mother and flower spirit .

"Master, they are in the holy wind city, there is a Chamber of Commerce to help, nothing will happen, the owner has more consideration." Shen Jian said.

"Shenjian, no matter what you do, you must have a grateful heart, no flower mother-in-law, do you think you can restore the top artifact? You are recovering, but I have to thank you, you are not too worried about them, you too No conscience?" Turned over his eyes, Xiao Chen reluctantly.

"Amount... I just talked casually, the master should not rest assured." The sword sent a sly laughter and felt that he was somewhat selfish.

After successfully arriving in Taiming City, Xiao Chen flew to Shengfeng City without stopping.

However, on the flight, Xiao Chen heard a big news, so Xiao Chen was a little surprised and could not believe it.

In order to compete for the autonomy of the Eastern Region, the Eastern Powers have been somewhat eager to move. Some of the powerful forces have also made a big fight. In the end, the two forces have fought, and the power of one side is the Taiyi Temple!

Even with the Beidou Temple and the Taiyi Temple, today's relationship is a bit nervous, but because of the relationship between Yang Tianzhe and Lin Biaoer, there is no friction.

"Competing for the autonomy of the Eastern Regions? Isn't the power of the entire Eastern Region the strongest in the Taiyi Temple? Moreover, the Taiyi Temple also knows the strongest of the Shengkui Temple, and other forces dare to resist? It is not afraid of being the Taiyi Temple. Is it gone?" Wrinkled, Xiao Chen was puzzled during the flight.

"Master, although the Taiyi Temple is the strongest, but if the other major forces in the East are connected, plus some scattered strongmen, it is not impossible to deal with the Taiyi Temple."

Slightly addicted, Xiao Chen wondered: "Well, why did this happen suddenly?"

"When you go to Holy Wind City, you should know." Shen Jian said.

Nothing can be nodded, followed by Xiao Chen is to speed up, lightning to the holy wind city.

Upon arriving at Shengfeng City, Xiao Chen first went to see the flower mother-in-law and Hua Ling. After a happy talk, Xiao Chen rushed to the Chamber of Commerce.

"It turned out that I was strange before, the East is a good end, why all major forces have to fight for the hegemon, it is because of this." In the Chamber of Commerce, after listening to Dong Yunshuang's remarks, Xiao Chen fully understood what was going on.

The specific reason must be said from the day of the birthday of the Taiyi Temple, as the strongest priest of the Eastern Region, the great powers of the East, and the high-level training, they all received invitations.

On the day of the big life, naturally, I was very happy to congratulate. Unexpectedly, the life of the Taiyi Temple was raised.

The words of the temple of the Taiyi Temple undoubtedly made the leaders of the major forces extremely dissatisfied. The Taiyi Temple was stronger and they did not want to surrender.

Have your own emperor to be a man, who will be the subordinates of others?

Because of this incident, the relationship between the Taiyi Temple and the major forces in the Eastern Region has become increasingly tense, and it has also put pressure on the major forces. Finally, some powerful powers have been intolerable and they have been shot. Now there is a big force. Destroyed by the Taiyi Temple.

Read The Duke's Passion