MTL - Fairy Tail: The Nameless Grim Reaper-Chapter 354 1 source of all hatred

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"You are dead, but I can't save you...Die because of my uniqueness, and will eventually live because of my uniqueness..."

"Since you want to get close to me so much, I will give you a chance to kill Gerald, kill him... Only by killing him can you get close to everything you want~ You can also understand it as preventing It is Geral who is walking the road ahead of you."

The shadow on the throne murmured, and the sadness covering the whole body could not be dispelled.

"If you want to touch me, then help me pass the long time. Before the last time comes, this loneliness can only be borne by myself."

"All you can do is to do some useless pastimes to pass the time on the script I have already written~ Other than that..."

"It's all meaningless..."

You are my everything, the whole of my life,! From the moment you were willing to give me this power, you have been the whole color of my world! Kagura silently clenched the sword in his hand, so I hate, I hate everything, everything that may prevent me from reaching your figure!

No matter who it is, if someone hinders me from getting close to you, then, even if there is no grievance or enmity...

Raising his head, he pulled out the unknown resentment knife in his hand, and the human knife merged into one, and the killing intent and hatred in his body were completely condensed to the peak of vigorousness! Kagura's eyes instantly became extremely indifferent and cold.

But not together -

Geral, since he said that you are the one who prevents me from approaching him, then you who prevent me from touching his back and from pursuing the meaning of my own world! The man who tried to take everything from me—

"Kagura, Kagura? Kagura..."

A few cries of concern gradually awakened the person who was immersed in the dream, blinked his eyes twice, Kagura slowly opened his slightly confused eyes, and looked around.

At this time, she was lying on a white and clean bed, surrounded by a few girls, who were her guild companions, and it was obvious that they were the ones who woke her up just now.

Looking at his companion who looked at him with concern, Kagura felt a warm current in his heart.

"This is, what's wrong?" She straightened her body with difficulty, as if she wanted to stand up, but the fatigue and soreness from all over her body made her barely able to sit up. After thinking about it, her mind seemed to be still stuck in the past The shocking scene where one's all-out blow was blocked by that person's finger.

Thinking of this, Kagura's eyes could not help but condense slightly, she had already remembered, and then she lost consciousness instantly under the super gravity magic cast by the other party.

"Huh, it's good to wake up, the president said, that person didn't mean to target you specifically." Seeing that Kagura finally regained consciousness, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief, Beth held Kagura's left hand and said happily, " And it's also fortunate that Milianna sauce is there, so that person just showed his strength a little bit, didn't take it too seriously, and just beat you as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, it would be someone else like Kagura-chan, who still refuses to admit defeat and dares to challenge him head-on even though he knows that there is an insurmountable gap in strength between the two sides." Alanya also said after a while of fear. , "Maybe I was seriously injured by that impatient moment! You must know that the dignity of a strong man is not so easy to challenge, especially a strong man like True Death who only cares about his own people..."

It wasn't just her, after Alanya finished speaking, everyone could not help feeling lingering fear, except Kagura who was still in a daze.

They have heard many legends about that person, but the most alarming and creepy point in the legend is that! For the important person I care about is my own person, the one who doesn't care about anything and dares to do anything—

Haven't you seen that even the inhuman existence of Akunorollia, who is not humanly able to contend, dares to fight and resist with all his might? ! Everything is in everything, just to defend your own protection! That is, people who only care about themselves—

As for other insignificant people, what will happen to him if he is provoked? Just thinking about this possibility is enough to make people shudder! No one wants to delve into it, but they also know that at least this is not something that Kagura can compete with—although Kagura is their strongest trump card in Mermaid Bell.

But fortunately, this is just a competition, and Kagura is just a simple challenge to him. With Milianna as a partner in the guild, that person is not too embarrassing for Kagura, but simply defeated her. And it didn't use too much force.

But Kagura didn't think that way, or what she thought was completely different from what Bei Si and others thought.

No, too serious... Hearing this, Kagura couldn't help clenching her other hand tightly, my strength is actually so weak! In that case, what right do I have to touch the corner of his clothes? ! What qualifications do you have to get close to that existence—

If I want to kill Geral, my sword must first cut down a more powerful obstacle! Is this the test you gave me...

The figure of that person flashed in his mind, and Kagura's eyes couldn't help becoming more determined! I have understood that although Gerald is strong, but stronger, he is still the one who protects him all the time! That, what a **** of death!

The so-called killing of Gerald is just a test subject you gave me, and the real purpose of the test is-whether I have the strength to continue to approach you! Do you have the right to touch the corner of your clothes—

If I can't even surpass that kind of existence, then what right do I have to approach you, what right do I have to touch your existence...

A man who knows Geral well and protects Geral! anyway! A trace of hatred and determination flashed in his eyes! I will surpass you!

Betting everything, killing Gerald is my only chance, the only one given to me—a chance to get closer to the existence of that person! In any case, since he said that he can get close to him by killing you, then I will definitely cut Gerald under the sword! Bet everything on—

Taking a deep breath, Kagura forced himself to stand up regardless of other people's obstruction, ignored the hands of his companions who wanted to support him, stubbornly walked out of the hospital bed by himself, and wobbled to the window.

Looking at the dark sky in the distance, Kagura remained silent, only the whitish knuckles of the hand holding the railing could express the unrest in her heart.

He is my everything, everything in my life and world~! It is in my heart, all the meanings of existence up to now! If you lose, you will lose everything—

It was so hard to get everything given...

I... don't want to lose, don't want to lose... No matter what, I will never allow—

Whether it's Gerald, or you're the **** of death, for him,. Kagura's heart is full of indifference, you are all people who are trying to take everything from me—

The hatred that seizes everything... The palms that hold the railing are tightly clenched, and the solid railing can't help being twisted and deformed by the power that surged up in vain. Although there is no hatred or enmity, but it is irreconcilable!

Overtake you, kill Gerald, and approach his existence!

Slightly sending the palm away, looking into the distance, the color in Kagura's eyes became unyielding and firm like never before!

Because he is my whole world—

"Kagura-chan..." Outside the door, looking at the figure standing in front of the window sill in the house, feeling the firm killing intent emanating from the other person, Milianna, who just came back from buying food, couldn't help but her eyes darkened Darkness, why, why do you insist on killing Gerald Kagura, why, say that he is the man who took everything from you...Even though you and I are best friends and partners...your hatred , source, what is it?

What should I do, nameless brother? What should I do, Erza-chan? I know, I know, she is Brother Simon's younger sister, but it is precisely because I know that I have nothing to do...

A bitter smile appeared on her face, and Milianna fell into incomparable sadness and self-blame.

Why, why am I so useless, why can't I use my own strength to eliminate the pain and hatred of my companions like the nameless brother?

Kagura is my important partner and Simon's important sister! And Simon, like us, has eliminated his hatred for Gerald with the efforts of the nameless brother. Gerald is a partner, it is me, the nameless brother, little Erza, Xiu, and Wally. He is also an important relative and partner of Simon!

However, if Kagura’s hatred for Gerald—this unknown source is not eliminated, then it’s not just me who suffers, and even Brother Simon will feel embarrassed in the end!

Thinking of Simon, who is still traveling in mainland China with Xiu and Wally, a trace of panic flashed in Milianna's eyes, no! In any case, even without knowing the source of this hatred!

I must also get rid of this hatred in Kagura-chan's heart—

Everything, for partners! No matter what, you can't just watch this happiness be destroyed again!

"However, what will you do, Achill..." The throne of history, the man of uncontrollable grief, the man above everything~! What it represents is the 'history' and 'fate' of this world itself—

"If it was you what would you do...."

"If existence itself has no meaning, if the existence of this world itself does not have the meaning you want, what will you do? Or, will you write the king's script like me..."

"Create history, let the world rotate only by your own will, and everything is only for that... the one that is more important than all..."

"Looking only thing is looking forward to..."

"If even this last wish cannot be fulfilled, then there is no need for this world to continue to exist~"

"No, there is no need to continue to exist..."

(ps: The remedy was successful! The hatred of Kagura, who was tricked, was finally filled in. I complained that Simon did not die in this book. Is this the hatred caused by a bento? It is worthy of being a pit island, which can Leading out a bunch of hate values ​​really blinded my expectations -)

Read The Duke's Passion