MTL - Fairy Tail: The Nameless Grim Reaper-Chapter 339 Can slay dragons! 4

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For a moment, everyone's eyes were also focused on Alukadios, waiting for his answer.

"Okay, but before that, I want to correct one thing." Hearing this, Arucadios, who hadn't planned to hide too much, said in a very bachelor way, "That's what Akunorollia said before. Therefore, the transformation from Dragon Slayer to Jackie Chan was not due to excessive use of dragon slayer magic, so the Dragon Slayers present can rest assured." The first text was first published

After finishing speaking, he looked at Naz, Gejill and Wendy.

"Huh~ so it won't turn into a dragon, that's really great..." Hearing this, the three of Natsu also heaved a sigh of relief, wiping the cold sweat from their heads, Natsu then said curiously, "But since It wasn't because he used too much dragon slaying magic, so why did he turn into a dragon in the first place??"

Not only him, but everyone else present also looked curious. Only Achill frowned slightly, and he probably already guessed the reason.

If there is no mistake in guessing, then there is no doubt that the only person who could do this four hundred years ago—

A slightly sad figure flashed in his mind, and Achill's eyes froze inadvertently.

"I don't know if you have heard of the devil written by Jeff?" He did not immediately answer the question in everyone's mind, but asked such a question first. After speaking, Alucadios scanned the field calmly. Everyone glanced, especially stopping at Gray, Naz and others.

"You mean, Daliola?" Gray also reacted quickly, and said solemnly.

"That's right, it's Deliola!" Nodding, Arucadios' face became extremely solemn, "Acunorollia is very close to them! And according to our research and speculation, in Four hundred years ago, Akunorollia was transformed from a dragon slayer to a dragon! No one else—"

"It is the most ferocious, terrifying, and strongest and most evil legendary mage in the history of the magic world—" Alucadios said in a deep voice, "Black Mage , Jeff!"

"It's actually him—" After Alucadios finished speaking, everyone was terrified. Although no one except Achill had seen the appearance of Zeref with their own eyes, the light From the descriptions of Achill, and Elfman and Alba Green, who also accidentally encountered Jeff on Sirius Island, we can know how terrifying each other is!

"Sure enough." Achill was not surprised at all, he had already guessed that this might be the case~ or, it could only be the reason!

"And our plan, the solar eclipse plan—" Speaking of this, Alucadios said with a look of excitement and fanaticism, "It is to use twelve zodiac ten The second house key opens this door! Use the power of the celestial magician to travel back and forth in 'time' and go back to 400 years ago! The origin of all crusades is to become the immortal Jeref!"

"This is the first step in conquering Akunorollia! It is also the most important and crucial step—"


"Wear, travel through—"

"Back to four hundred years ago??!"


"Is it possible to do something like this—"

Hearing the frantic laughter resounding throughout the huge space, everyone's expressions changed one after another! Even Achill, who had always been indifferent, couldn't help but froze his pupils for a moment when he heard the words, and his eyes were fixed on the weird 'door' with a strange shape—

"You heard me right, travel through time and space, and then change history! This is the whole picture of the solar eclipse plan—" Arucadios couldn't restrain his excitement, "I think Miss Lucy, you should know? The time in the astral world The way it passes is different from ours!"

Seeing Lucy and others nodding, Alucadios continued: "And we just want to take advantage of the unique dimensional boundary of the astral world, at the special time when the sun and the moon meet on July 7 three days later In the paragraph, using twelve keys of the zodiac and the power of a star magician to accomplish this seemingly unimaginable thing, no! It should be said to be a feat!"

"So, if this plan can be successful!" Speaking of this, Alukadisos roared with a bit of uncontrollable enthusiasm, "then we will be able to eliminate the two biggest dark threats in history! Akunorollia, and the black mage Zeref, who was the original initiator of all the darkness, have all been wiped out—"

"So—this plan! This gate! There is no doubt that it will be a gate that can change the history of the entire world! Hahahahahaha—"

"Enough! Commander Arucadios—"

At this moment, just as everyone was still immersed in the shock brought by Alucadios' words just now, and they hadn't fully recovered yet! A scolding full of thick flames suddenly sounded without warning from outside the closed door of the main hall room—

The laughter stopped abruptly, and everyone, including Arucadios himself, looked in the direction of the sound in astonishment, only to see that under the leadership of a short old man, a group of elite soldiers of the kingdom armed to the teeth broke down the door aggressively And entered, rushed in, and surrounded everyone tightly——

"Minister of Defense, what are you trying to do?!" Before Naz and the others asked, Arucadios said in a deep voice filled with shock and anger, "Have you forgotten the rules of the palace—" Faintly, he had a bad premonition in his heart.

"That's what I want to say! You actually poured out the kingdom's top secrets to outsiders, what kind of intentions do you have!" The short old man known as the Minister of Defense, that is Dutton, was furious when he heard this. He shouted, "It's over here! Colonel Arucadios—"

Looking at this sudden scene, except for Achill's family, the others were at a loss for a while.

"No, no! They are not outsiders. I think you should know this in your heart, Your Highness the Minister of Defense—" Alucard Dioston shouted angrily as if he had understood Dutton's intentions. "You're just someone who opposes this plan?! Please stop this disrespect immediately—"

"Otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!"

"That's enough! It's not up to you to decide what the consequences will be! Besides, if you really want to talk about the real consequences..." Hearing this, Dutton, who had been suppressing his dissatisfaction for a long time, suddenly seemed to explode. Alucadios roared desperately, "You are the one who really cares about all dangers and consequences! You actually want to change history in vain! Do you know the danger of doing this, brat!!"

"I, you—" Alucadios, who was sweating profusely with a terrified face, seemed to want to say something, but was interrupted by the impatient Dutton waving his hand!

"Alucadios is currently under arrest on suspicion of national treason! Similarly—" His eyes shifted to Lucy and Yukino among the crowd, and Dutton ordered in a deep voice without thinking, "The two wizards of Fairy Tail, Lu Si Hadfilia and Xue Nai Agulia are also arrested immediately!"

"What are you **** old man talking about—" As soon as the words fell, before anyone else could react, Natsu took the lead and took a step forward with an angry expression on his face, "You actually involved our guild partners!"

"Unforgivable!" The clenched fist suddenly exploded with an extremely strong dragon-slaying magic power, and Natsu roared, "It's really unforgivable—"

After finishing speaking, he was ready to rush out and beat all the Wangs who surrounded him and others to the ground.

However, Dutton just glanced at him lightly, with a hint of disdain flashing in his eyes.

"Wait, wait!" Seeing this, Alucadios was startled and wanted to stop it, but found that it was too late, because an unimaginably terrible suction force had passed from the huge towering tower. The 'gate' swept out in vain! Almost just in the blink of an eye, the suction force has already used Natsu's right hand that cast the Dragon Slayer Flame as the catharsis point, and along a crazy and turbulent vortex, all the magic power in Natsu's body was pulled away in an instant. Inhaled into the 'door' behind him—

"This is—" Seeing Naz, Gray, and Gejill, who staggered a few steps weakly and almost fell to the ground, being picked up in Lucy's arms, all turned pale with fright!

"Nazgo's magic power—" Wendy covered her mouth and said about Naz's situation in shock, "It's all been sucked away!"

"What?!" For a moment, several people looked at the huge 'door' device behind them in horror.

Only Mira, Erza, and Lucky stood quietly around Achill with a calm expression from the beginning to the end, without a trace of panic.

"Hmph, I'm really overestimated! Didn't you hear him say that the Damo Dou Yanwu originally existed to capture enough magic power for this device of the Eclipse Project." He glanced at Natsu, who was lying in Lucy's arms. , and then his eyes stayed on Aqier, Dutton said in a deep voice, "As the terminal connected to all the destroyed magic-absorbing devices in the city, the ability of the 'Eclipse' system to capture magic power is far better than those simple magic-absorbing devices It's too powerful! If those ordinary magic-absorbing devices can only passively collect the magic power that erupts and walks around, then the 'solar eclipse' can absorb all the magic power from all surrounding magic sources. !"

"Now I understand, it is impossible to cast any magic when you are so close to the 'solar eclipse'! Unless you want to be drained of all the magic power on your body—" Dutton sneered, "and you cannot cast magic Sorcerers, they are no match for our king at all! Even the Holy Ten is the same—”

After finishing speaking, his eyes were fixed on Achill! The warning in the eyes is extremely obvious—

"Is that so—" There was a sneering smile on the corner of his mouth, and Achill looked directly at Dutton without hesitation, "Are you so sure, the so-called Minister of Defense."

"Put away your arrogance! What a **** of death—" Dutton yelled softly without showing any weakness, "This is not a place for you to show off! Although your strength is indeed very strong, it can even be said to be beyond ordinary people's imagination! But so what?! With no way to cast any magic, I don't believe you can defeat all the elite soldiers of the Kingdom here while taking care of and protecting other people!"

He didn't realize that after he finished speaking, the indifference that appeared on Achill's face instantly became extremely calm. Except for the few people in Fairy Tail, the only thing that was so weird was the change that started with Dutton's appearance just now. Arucadios, who was nervously watching Achill's movements, also found out! At that moment, the pupils in his eyes shrank fiercely—

"So, give up! Achill, the **** of death." Dutton said in a solemn tone with a certain chance of winning, "Seeing that you have also taken actions to prevent several key links of the solar eclipse plan, I will not make things difficult for you ! You take the others with you..."

"That's enough! Hurry up and stop—" See Dutton still presumptuously warning Achill with what he considers to be 'facts', and talking to Achill in a vaguely threatening tone? Moreover, he used the most taboo of the other party in the investigation, and it can be said that the man's most intolerable thing was the safety of the people around him to persecute! Trying to make it compromise? !

Seeing this, Alucadios, whose bad feeling had already reached its peak, couldn't bear it anymore! Completely ignoring the difference in identity and status, he exhausted all his strength and roared loudly: "I tell you to stop quickly! Dutton—"

"Shut up traitors!" Dutton's expression changed, and he didn't care what kind of expressions Achill and others might show, he turned around and waved his hands and said, "Okay, that's all for the good words, Mrs. Wang, will Get the three of them!"

"Yes!" Mrs. Wang, who was surrounded by everyone, heard the words and immediately rushed forward in awe-inspiring manner.

"I see." Raising his head, Achill said calmly, "It seems that I'm still acting."

"It's too easy to talk—"

"Puff puff puff puff—" The sound of countless **** arrows gushing out suddenly soared into the sky, ignoring the surrounding kings who were surrounded by him, but at this moment, their throats were crazily spurting blood, their eyes were protruding and their faces were horrified, and they were slowly falling down. The ** team took a step and came directly behind Dalton, with a sharp moon-white long knife in his left hand, and the blade was coldly attached to Dalton's neck from behind.

"You said it was—" Achill said calmly, "So, the Minister of Defense..."

As soon as the words fell, the gradually cooling corpses of the queens fell to the smooth ground neatly with a bang, making a series of dull sounds.

The bright red blood overflowing from the body painted the ground of this hall with a thick layer of blood...


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