MTL - Fairy Tail: The Nameless Grim Reaper-Chapter 329 Accidental contestant?

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"Good morning, everyone! Today is another sunny day~" The Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts, the virtual embodiment arena in the sky - the 'war' Fala Bird! When the golden color of the early morning of the new day fills the entire huge and spacious arena in the sky, on the rostrum, looking at the crowds of people in the spectator seats around, they have long been looking forward to the countless spectators that filled the entire arena Those who! Chabati, who had changed into a brand new wig, couldn't help but raised the loudspeaker microphone and shouted energetically, "After a whole night of excitement and anticipation last night! Today, we finally ushered in the fourth episode of the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts Competition!" game of the day—”

"Let us cheer with our enthusiasm and applause!!"

"Roar—" Chabati's voice just fell, and there was a huge cheer from the Shanmeng tsunami in the audience!

Sound waves, straight to the sky—

"Hmph, is it about to start again?" In the viewing area of ​​Fairy Tail, Achill stared indifferently at the distant place where the saber-toothed tiger was with his arms folded, completely ignoring the loud cheers around him, and said He said indifferently, "It seems that today will be another boring day..."

"I think they should launch a full-scale counterattack today, right Achill?" Meera leaned against Achill with the little loli Angel in her arms, and said with a smile, "After all, if the situation is not reversed as soon as possible , maybe there will be no chance to overtake our guild in an all-round way in the future.”

Because now the score of Saber Tooth Tiger is getting bigger and bigger with the two Fairy Tail teams.

The above is not only what Mira thinks in his heart, including the pumpkin referee and all the audience watching the game, basically think this way in his heart!

"First of all, let's take a look back at the ranking of the total scores of the Damo Dou performances in the past three days!" Seeing that the atmosphere in the field was brewing and agitated, Chabati nodded in satisfaction, and then stretched out his hand, Pointing to the gigantic illusory magic image stele that appeared out of thin air and condensed in the sky above the venue, he said loudly, "After three days of fierce competition and fighting! The rankings are as follows—the ones who won the first and second places are without a doubt , are still the two powerful teams from the returning fairies! Followed by the Snake Scale team led by Saint Ten Jura!"

"The ones behind Snake Scale are the cyan Pegasus who is currently tied for fourth and the strongest, uh...saber-toothed tiger!" Chabati obviously hesitated for a moment when he mentioned the word strongest, However, he quickly covered it up and continued to say loudly nonchalantly, "Then behind them are Mermaid Bell and Four Hounds! There are a total of the above seven guild teams—"

"Because Crow's Tail, who was originally ranked eighth, that is, the bottom one, was disqualified in yesterday's match! As a result, the teams in the match became an odd number of seven, and it was very difficult for the organizer to arrange the following duel match. Anxiety—" Holding the document he just got, Chabati announced loudly, "So in order to allow the game to proceed as usual! The organizer decided that after today's competitive game! Fairy Tail, which has two participating teams, will Re-integrate in the duel match~! Merge into a brand new team—”

"What?! Actually merged into one??!"

"Hiss... this is not a joke! You know it's already so scary to separate—"

"The organizer is trying to completely cut off the hope of other guilds! It's hard to imagine—if Fairy Tail's weirdest family is arranged to compete together, what a terrible scene it will be?!" The person who said these words My dear friend, I couldn't help thinking about this possibility in my mind for a while, and I couldn't help shivering with the people around me~

"Hiss... so scary!! Just thinking about it makes me feel super scary—"

"What do you think of the organizer's sudden action, Aqier?" Regardless of the various discussions and exclamations of the audience, Makarov turned his head and looked at the standing behind him. Aqier asked, "I always feel that things are not as simple as explained..." While speaking, the old eyes flashed a dazzling light that did not match the age!

"Of course it can't be that simple, but there's no need to pay special attention to it." Hearing this, Achill, with his arms folded across his chest, said indifferently, "It's nothing more than the ridiculous behavior of some ridiculous people. Don't worry about it at all." ..."

"Hehe, that's exactly what you said." Shaking his head with a smile, Makarov dispelled the concern in his heart at will, because he knew that no matter what tricks the organizers played, under absolute strength, everything would be defeated. Can only become empty! Undoubtedly, Achill, the most prestigious of their fairy-tail family! It is this person who holds absolute power—

"Then who will play today's competition?" Erza asked a question that everyone was very concerned about. Hearing that, including Makarov and a certain unscrupulous first generation, the eyes of everyone in Fairy Tail were all on Achill's body.

"As I said, the last competitive competition is for everyone to play." The corner of his mouth slightly curled up, and he glanced around the crowd, Achill said flatly, "Tomorrow's last day of competition is a collective competition, just right At the beginning of today's duel match, the two teams can only be combined into one team to play, so this is the last two-team match, the last competitive match—"

"It's up to you to play, Juvia." Looking at Juvia, as if he could see the astonishment in the other party's eyes, Achill explained lightly, "In our team, there seems to be only You and Gejir have not participated in any competitions yet." Indeed, in the strongest Fairy Tail team headed by Achill, that is, Team B, he himself needless to say, it can be said that he is the leader of the Demon Fighting Martial Arts Team. The most games played among all the contestants! The 'Secret' competition on the first day, the duel match against Jura, the 'Chariot' competition on the second day, and yesterday's 'Fu Mo Temple' competition all add up! Achill has participated in four consecutive Damo Dou martial arts competitions! ~

It can be said that it is truly sweeping the audience—

Among the remaining few, Mira won the duel match on the second day, defeating Jenny of the blue pegasus, and Laxus also completed the duel process of challenging his father and the entire guild yesterday!

Therefore, among the five members of Team B, Juvia and Gejir have not yet participated in any sense of the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts Competition~

"For Gejir, I think the organizer will not let go of the opportunity to absorb the magic power of the dragon slayer wizard in an open and honest way." After glancing at Gejir, and then turning his attention to Juvia again, Achill He said lightly, "Dragon Slayer is famous for his ability to generate a lot of magic power when he fights, so don't worry about his competition. Today's competition is up to you."

"I see." Hearing this, like everyone else, Juvia finally nodded suddenly, then clenched his fists and said firmly, "Juvia will definitely work hard! I won't embarrass Fairy Tail! Of course it's—"

"It's also to show my figure in front of Lord Gray~~" Juvia instantly turned into a **** and leaned in front of Gray, lowered her head and blushed, and said shyly, "Come on for Juvia Oh~ Lord Gray~~ For the sake of Lord Gray, Juvia, I will definitely do my best to win!~" While speaking, the eyes obviously turned into two big shining red hearts~

"The last few sentences are the most important thing..." Hearing this, everyone in Fairy Tail, whose heads were full of black lines, couldn't help complaining, "Obviously this is the true voice of your motivation..."

"Evil... stay away from me, idiot—" the above are the words of Gray who was frightened by Juvia's tweaking and enthusiasm. It can be seen that he expresses himself unnaturally for the blatant pursuit of an extreme **** girl Tremendous stress. .

"Okay, now that the contestants of our b team have been selected, what about Erza-chan?" Mira looked at Juvia and Gray with a funny look, and then asked Erza with a smile "Then what about you? Who is your Team A planning to send out~ In this competition..."

"Why don't you just let Lord Gray play!" At this time, Juvia, who was obsessed with Gray, suddenly interjected, "It just so happens that there is only Lord Gray left in Team A who hasn't played a good game~~ because Gray Your Excellency's match was the first 'Secret' competition, unfortunately, you encountered Lord Achill participating in the battle, so you had to abstain and give up..."

Hearing this, Erza and the others felt reasonable, and even Gray himself was a little moved.

"Hey, and today I will play this last competitive match with Juvia and I!~" Seeing that everyone seems to be very moved by his proposal, Juvia finally couldn't hold back his excitement anymore He covered his face with his hands, with stars shining in his eyes and a **** on his face, full of anticipation, "Wow~ it's so romantic..." The corners of his mouth almost overflowed with saliva.

"Yeah, it makes sense! How about it!~" Hearing this, Erza nodded, and opened her mouth to say, "Then today's competition will be—" However, Erza hasn't finished speaking~

"I object!!"

It was interrupted hurriedly by Gray as if he was hopping~! Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Gray didn't even think about it, he grabbed Xue Nai who was closest to him and stood in front of him: "I think it's the last time for Miss Xue Nai to appear! After all, Miss Xue Nai has just joined our guild. In order to show that our guild recognizes her and treats her equally! We should send her on the stage, shouldn't we-"

As soon as Gray's voice was silent for a moment, and all eyes were fixed on Yukino, who was held in front of her by Gray and was obviously at a loss and hadn't reacted yet.

"Interesting." However, to everyone's surprise, after hearing this, Achill stretched out his hand and touched his chin slightly, glanced at Yukino, who was still in a state of astonishment, and then turned his head to Elsa indifferently. Said, "Then, let her play Ersha, just in time, let others see it too! The strength of our new Fairy Tail member, Yukino—"

Note that Aqier used the term 'Fairy Tail new member Yukino'! In other words, he agrees with Gray's amazing reason, which is obviously a random thought made by a temporary brain-turn, just to escape the entanglement of Juvia's nympho! The meaning is also very obvious, and everyone suddenly understood...

He is using this method to prove to everyone that the current wizard of the Protoss, Yukino! Already part of their Fairy Tail—

"Eh? Eh?! Eh—" It seems that by this time, Yukino who was named on stage~! Just now, from the huge shock of Aqier's approval of her playing just now, he came back to his senses in astonishment—

(ps: Oh shit, the computer crashed, and it was hard to fix it, so depressed.)

Read The Duke's Passion