MTL - Fairy Tail: The Nameless Grim Reaper-Chapter 326 Photon 183: Refactoring

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"Dangdang~ the game is over! It's unimaginable! It's really unimaginable—" the pumpkin man shouted in a tone full of shock, "Facing all the crow tails who played together with despicable methods! Fairy-tail~Luck of team b Sass player! ~ He defeated the entire Crow's Tail Guild with his own strength—"

"This is really unimaginable!"

"Wow—" Accompanied by the loud cheers erupting from the audience, Laxus bent down and picked up the fur coat that was thrown on the ground, and put it on his shoulders.

"Laxus, you will know sooner or later, ahem..." Ivan sat limply on the sunken and broken wall at the edge of the field, and let the aggressive law enforcement officers from the kingdom who were in charge of maintaining the security of the conference enter the field He set himself up, dragged him off the field, and before he left, he turned his head and shouted at Laxus with difficulty, "Photon reconstruction! It's the darkness of Fairy Tail—"

"Cut, who knows~" curled his lips, ignoring his father's howls, Laxus put on his coat, and walked back to Fairy Tail without looking back under the eager eyes and cheers of the audience. In the viewing area.

"Good job." Achill nodded slightly at Laxus, and said lightly.

"Probably." Shrugging indifferently, Laxus returned to his seat with a nonchalant expression.

"That's amazing, Laxus! You actually defeated everyone in that abominable guild by yourself—" As soon as they sat down, Natsu, Gray and others surrounded him with excited faces, asking questions.

Glancing at the grandson surrounded by the crowd, a trace of relief flashed in Makarov's eyes, and then he turned his head to Achill who was still holding his little Angel and teasing him, and asked rather helplessly: "You Did you already know, Achill?"

"Mmm!" The little guy nodded seriously!

"I'm not asking you..." Makarov was helpless at first, but then he shook his head and said in disbelief, "Wait! Could it be that you can see it, little guy?!"

"Hmph!" Hearing this, the little guy tried to sit up from Achill's arms, and patted his chest proudly with his little hands.

"I forgot, you are Achill's 'branch'..." Patting his forehead, Makarov said helplessly to himself, "It is inevitable to be able to tell at a glance~ Since Achill If you can see it..."

"But since we knew it earlier, why didn't we say it earlier~ Let us all worry for nothing." When he came back to his senses, the little old man complained dissatisfied.

"It's not necessary, as long as you believe it." Archer touched the raised head of the little guy in his arms, and replied lightly, "As long as you believe it, there is no need to worry too much, just like me I believe that he can handle this little matter very well."

"Alright." Makarov said helplessly.

"Besides, if you know it..." At this point, Achill stretched out his hand and grabbed the head of a certain unscrupulous man who was about to run away, ignoring the protests and struggles of the silly loli in his hand, Achill said lightly, " This one seems to have been known from the beginning, the first generation."


"Okay..." Seeing this, Makarov became more and more helpless, and he didn't want to complain anymore... When he told Wo Lian to make the people who secretly watched the crow's tail be more vigilant, the first generation suddenly said Did the laughter originally refer to this? . Thinking of this, he still couldn't help complaining in his heart~

"Okay, now I'm announcing the organizer's punishment for Crow's Tail's behavior—" The venue suddenly fell silent, and the live commentator Chabati on the rostrum held the document he just got and announced loudly, "Because the Crow's Tail Guild has no Abiding by the relevant regulations of Damo Dou Yanwu, many players were sent to participate in the battle secretly! This did not interfere with the normal progress of the competition, and even completely surpassed the prohibition of the guild president from participating in the competition, which was expressly prohibited by the competition! The combination of the two points can be said to have seriously violated the rules of the Damo Dou Yanwu! ~ In order to calm the anger in everyone’s hearts, and to emphasize once again the strictness of the relevant rules of the Damo Dou Yanwu - after discussion, the organizer decided! ~ Now announce the crow’s tail The guild will be disqualified from this competition! And in the next three years, they will be deprived of the right to participate in the Great Demon Fighting Exercise—”

Chabati's words spread to everyone's ears with the effect of the amplification magic on the microphone, and the court returned to calm after a short period of noise. It can be seen that the punishment announced by the organizer Everyone felt quite relieved. Although the feat of Laxus picking out the entire guild is indeed very beautiful and exciting, everyone still understands the most basic concept of right and wrong. At least a guild leader like Crow Tail It is very shameful for all the members to go on stage together and beat one person.

"Okay, now that we've finished announcing the punishment for Crow's Tail, let's put this regrettable result aside. Now, let's continue to focus on the next game!" The pumpkin man jumped out at the right time, loudly He said, "Next, let us continue to appreciate today's fourth duel match! Similarly, it is also the last match on the third day of the Demon Fighting Exercise—"

"Wendy, the new player from Fairy Tail Team A, and Shelia, who is fighting Snake Scale—"

"Roar—" Hearing this, the arena was once again ebulliently enthusiastic~ They couldn't help being unhappy~! Look, I just finished enjoying a Fairy Tail member's match, and I'm still full of intentions, and now there's another head-to-head duel match with Fairy Tail members participating! Undoubtedly, this ignited the atmosphere in the arena again to an extremely high level—

"Eh? I'm actually going to play this one—" Hearing this, little Wendy was taken aback for a moment, then clenched her fists and said firmly in a high-spirited voice, "It's just right! I'm ready, and I won't let the guild Everyone is disappointed!"

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the venue below under the encouraging eyes of Aqier and everyone else.

Opposite her, another Rolixelia, who also greeted Jura, Leo and the others, also came to the venue with a serious face.

Well, I have to say that in the face of this competition, the two loli from the two guilds are very serious and serious! However, if you can...

Please, can you not fall to the ground embarrassingly when you enter the arena and just put on such an imposing expression——

"..." Looking at the two lolis who fell to the ground in the field, the corners of Aqier and Jura's mouths couldn't help but twitch at the same time, they were relatively speechless. . . .

There is nothing to talk about in the next game. The two lolitas are unexpectedly sky mages, but one is the sky dragon slayer, and the other is the sky **** slayer! As a result, Achill already knew it from the moment the two had just exchanged hands~...

Although Little Wendy is slightly inferior in terms of magic power, Xue Liya is also not comparable to Wendy who has experienced many battles in terms of combat experience! From the very beginning, the battle has become an exhibition of the beliefs of the two lolis. While each is swaying its magic and ideas that it is good at, it is also sticking to all its beliefs!

Whether it's a duel of magic, or a collision of beliefs! This has inherited the two guilds and the two holy ten magic ways, and it is a duel that looks forward to the future! While touching people's heartstrings from time to time, it also confirms the firmness and unyieldingness of each of the two little fists...

When the bell rang for the end of the match, the two fell down at the same time. The two girls who were evenly matched exhausted all their physical strength and magic power...

Although this unimaginably fierce match ended in a draw, the two girls who fought made an agreement to be friends~ This is probably the so-called sympathy for each other's beliefs.

At this point, the third day of the Damo Dou Yanwu competition has also come to an end. Although all the guilds have been catching up, the top two in the total score are still two teams belonging to the powerful goblins——

After the conclusion of the organizer and the maintenance of order by the kingdom's troops, the people who gathered in the 'war' Fra Bird also left slowly, and of course, they were also very much looking forward to tomorrow's fourth day of the competition ~At the same time, everyone in Fairy Tail, with cheers and joy of victory, went to a big tavern in the city of Kulokas below to celebrate to their heart's content, celebrating the harvest of today's game~!

Of course, some people are happy and some are sad. When the vast majority of people are immersed in the warm atmosphere of the Great Demon Fighting and Martial Arts, people with different thoughts in their hearts also secretly gather in certain places.

"Tomorrow is the time when our Demon Sword Tiger will stand on the top again—" In an unobtrusive small hotel, Minerba glanced at the four people in front of her, and whispered in a low voice with a cold face, "It will make you a little bit worse." Those stupid people in the world know...whether it is the fairy-tail who is temporarily in the front, or the invincible true death! They are all just short-lived clowns—"

"Only our saber-toothed tiger—" Sting, Rogge, Rufus, and Oluga all burst out with a powerful aura of cold magic power, and at the same time they shouted in a gloomy voice, "That is Always the strongest!"

"Speaking of the old man, what exactly is Photon Reconstruction~" In the backstreet garden of the tavern where the goblin was celebrating, Laxus looked at Makarov in confusion and said, "Why does that guy want to get it so much..."

"Did you hear that from Ivan?" With a sigh, Makarov looked up at the sky.

"Ah, yes, what are you talking about about the darkness of our Fairy Tail?" Laxus propped his chin with his hands, and said indifferently, "I really don't know what that guy is thinking~"

"Photon Reconstruction is not the 'darkness' of our guild—" Mebis, the first generation, suddenly appeared in front of the two of them with dumbfounded hair, and said with a serious expression like never before, "On the contrary, it is an important part of our guild. The 'light'!"

"Impossible, the first generation!" Seeing this, Makarov suddenly turned pale with shock.

"What's wrong?" Achill's figure also appeared in the garden in an instant, looking at the few people looking towards him, he said lightly, "Since it is 'light', there is nothing to hide necessary."

"Although it is true to say so, it is a secret that only each generation of presidents can know." Makarov spread his hands and explained helplessly.

"Is that so?" Hearing this, Achill didn't care, nodded, and said lightly, "Forget it, I just want to say that the celebration banquet has already begun, and those who are the president and today's heroes can't help it." I'm here~ I was sent to find you for such a reason—" The last sentence is obviously helpless~

In other words, he was overexcited and drunk by Erza and the others, who urged them helplessly to 'capture' the missing persons~~~

"Anyway, come here quickly, I'll take Laxus there first." After finishing speaking, before the little old man and Laxus could react, he snapped his fingers and disappeared on the spot , and took Laxus back to the wine field in front of him in an instant.

"..." The little old man looked at the direction where Achill disappeared in embarrassment and speechless, and said in his heart that I also want to be a bouncing car, ahem, it's an instant express! Subtle two more words~

In the end, he could only helplessly say to a certain unscrupulous animal that was also left on the spot: "Then let's go too, first generation..."

"Ah? Oh! Alright—" Hearing this, Mebis, who came back from the state of trance, nodded with a light smile, and walked into the tavern in front with Makarov.

"The Myth of Light..." Staring at the man in the bar who was drinking with Angel in his arms, UU Reading stared deeply, Mebis clenched his fists, silently in his heart The Tao "is the important 'light'..."

"Strange—" outside the city of Kurokas, Gerald, Urrutia, and Merti, who had already returned here, all looked at the direction of the city in the distance with puzzled faces, "Why? This time..."

"That magical power hasn't appeared yet?!"

Confusion and bewilderment are the true reflections of the moment in the hearts of several people.

(ps: I finally arrived at the school~~~ Hahaha, please ask for two recommendation tickets! Oh, by the way, let me emphasize again here that the later plot has nothing to do with the comics, so no matter how it is drawn in the comics, the content of this book The later development is based on borrowing certain comic materials and processing according to the development method of this book, such as photon reconstruction, such as the magic power of fans, such as Xia Lulu's prophecy, and such as the emerald The princess's 'solar eclipse' plan and so on, although these things are available, they are completely different from the comics, remember!)

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