MTL - Fairy Tail: The Nameless Grim Reaper-Chapter 300 The family of the monster...

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"Well, how should I put it, I really can't afford to hurt us..." On the rostrum, looking at the destroyed mess below~ even opened a huge mouth in the audience, directly erasing a quarter Poor Fra Bird of the arena building, Chabati really wants to cry, although the maintenance funds are not paid by him, but by the organizers (they also want Fairy Tail to be the culprit Come to be responsible for the maintenance funds~ But the key is not to dare,! Didn’t you see that the **** of death over there acted like ‘I didn’t see anything’...), but this huge funding gap, just think about it , he will feel heartbroken for the organizer. . .

It is estimated that now, no matter how rich the organizer is, they should bleed completely, right? And the repair time this time, God knows how long it will take if the defense is increased again? !

This time it wasn't the hundreds of 'craters' that Angel created when he destroyed it! Just fill it up, and then directly reinforce the ground of the arena~ This time, even a quarter of the entire arena was completely wiped out——

The good thing is, although I don't know what's going on, it accidentally caused no casualties (they don't know who made such a big deal, and transferred everyone over there at once~ ), this is probably the only thing worthy of a little luck, right? Although it is a bit suspected of having fun in bitterness...

This is probably the most dangerous martial arts performance in history, right? Looking at the tragic state of the arena, everyone couldn't help but say this in their hearts. Of course, this is also the most difficult time for the organizer to hold...

"Ahem, er, that, the Fra Bird Arena has become like this, I think everyone has seen it~ Unfortunately, it is going to be repaired again now, two consecutive damages in one day, two consecutive times require large-scale Maintenance, this is the first time since the Damo Dou Yanwu was held, ha, ha ha ha..." A pumpkin man acting as a referee jumped out of nowhere, and said with a dry smile, "If any inconvenience is caused, please forgive me. Thank you everyone~ I believe you all have seen it, it was a force majeure accident..." After finishing speaking, he couldn't help but sneak a glance in the direction of Fairy Tail.

"But don't worry! After the unanimous discussion of our organizers just now, in order not to affect everyone's interest in watching the game! Therefore, it has been decided that from now on, Dome Fora Bird will activate the unreal scene mode—"

"Unreal scene mode?" Hearing this, there was naturally a curious muttering discussion in the field.

"Presumably everyone is also very confused, what is the unreal scene mode, right? Then let me explain a little bit now!" I guessed that the reaction of everyone would be like this, so the pumpkin man cleared his throat After that, he continued to explain, "The so-called unreal scene mode, in fact, is to switch the battle venue from the current real scene venue to a concrete virtual scene! It's just like yesterday when the first competitive game was hidden." That's almost the same, the difference is that last time it was only a concrete city street, but this time it is going to materialize the entire dome, Fra Bird—"

"Wow—" As soon as the voice fell, there was an uproar in the audience! Even Achill couldn't help frowning slightly.

It is not a joke to know the mana it takes to concretize such a huge thing! Just based on what the Pumpkin Man said just now, if the organizer really wants to concretize the Flair Bird Arena, then at least it has to consume a huge amount of magic power equivalent to half a step of the Holy Ten!

The same is true of the maze in the sky before, the same is true of the hidden street, and the figurative fra bird that will come out now. Thinking of all these, Achill's brows can't help but become more and more wrinkled.

Kingdom, where did so much magical power come from?

While thinking about it, the Pumpkin Man explained loudly again: "Because everyone has seen it just now, facing some powerful magic attacks, even the strengthened arena is still completely useless~ For example, a certain Fairy Tail, and A certain Fairy Tail and a certain Fairy Tail and the like~! I can only say one thing, their destructive power is a bit 'slightly amazing'~~~" The last four words are obviously accented by gritted teeth, but they are The group of Fairy Tail members who were looking up at the sky and whistling were completely ignored.

"Is this really useful, First Generation?" In the Fairy Tail area, Makarov surreptitiously asked a certain unscrupulous person next to him while blowing an ugly whistle.

"Listen to me, that's right! Three generations, ah, no, it's the sixth generation~! Well, it could be the seventh generation—" A certain unscrupulous person sat on the guardrail shaking his two little feet, and made a look of "I I didn’t see anything, I don’t know anything’ cute appearance (by the way, others can’t see you at all..), Hearing this, he couldn’t help showing off triumphantly, “Hmph, you know, I relied on this With one trick, I managed to escape the guilt of accidentally blowing up an entire town while developing magic~ Well, I’m not clumsy!” Halfway through the words, Mebis, who came to his senses, immediately covered his mouth and peeked at After looking around, I finally breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that (I thought) I didn't attract anyone's attention. . . .

Of course, I didn’t forget to deny it, and then I continued to look up to the sky at a 45-degree angle, pretending to be stupid and whistling~

It seems that I heard something very important just now. . . Makarov complained wildly in his heart, saying that your behavior of trying to cover up is not more suspicious...

Thinking of this, Makarov took a sneak peek at the members of Fairy Tail with pricked ears and dazed faces. He didn't know whether it was an illusion or something, but he seemed to see from the eyes of everyone, "Oh~~~So This is how our guild's tradition of being good at doing all kinds of destruction came about~' or 'soga~ so our destructive factors really have traces to follow? ? ! ’ and so on. . .

"Oh~" Little Angel blinked her big eyes, holding her white thumb in her little hand, and looked straight at Makarov.

"What the **** are you doing!" Makarov was completely mad, next to him, what made him vomit blood the most was that Achill gave him a thoughtful look, as if he had heard the phrase "So that's it." 'These four words.

"And don't add your family's self-contained super destructive factors to us casually! You bastard—"

Ignoring Makarov, who has been completely shadowed here, the pumpkin man continued to explain: "It is precisely to avoid the situation that the venue will always be destroyed, so~ After some rigorous After the discussion, the organizer decided not to hesitate to consume a lot of mana, but also to convert the venue into a fully visualized virtual scene mode! In this way, there is no need to stop and spend time to repair the venue every time, and there is no need to worry every time Worry about whether an overly strong competition might affect the audience! Of course, if you don’t switch, the total cost of repairing the real arena every time is actually far more than using a virtual one. The fact that there are many more concrete scenes also accounts for some of the reasons~!"

In other words, this is actually the main reason. . . Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but make a fuss in their hearts, because they really wanted to make a fuss! Now I can't make complaints about it at all! I can only complain, under the forceful demolition and destructive power of the True Death family, even the organizers have begun to behave unscrupulously...

But having said that, all the people in that family who were labeled as "true death" seemed to be really not human! Completely belong to the non-human race ah there is wood ~! It has completely surpassed the limit of human common sense understanding, is there any? ? ! The combat power is completely exploded, and it has exploded, is there anything there!

Have you ever seen a normal human being who can fight head-to-head with the natural disaster black dragon Akunorollia? ?

Don't worry, there are~

Have you ever seen a super magician who became an S-rank at the age of four? Not only can it completely crush the famous S-class! And is it a child who can't even speak clearly? ? !

Don't worry, you can find it here~

Last you've seen! Completely blown up to accept magic - did it directly overturn the entire arena of ordinary human women that could be used to resist the two holy ten demons? ! It seems that there is also one here. . . .

To put it simply, this family is all BT monsters, isn’t it—

"Finally, if everyone has no objections, then I will announce now—" Seeing that the various discussions in the field finally subsided, the Pumpkin Man cleared his throat, and then continued, "The Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts! The fourth duel The venue for the game—”

"Unreal scene mode! The 'Virtual Battlefield' is activated—"

As soon as the words fell, a powerful magical power surged up from the sky! Instantly, it erupted wildly from all over the Fra Bird Arena! Completely wrapping and covering the entire arena of the Dama Dou Yanwu——

(ps: It seems to be a water chapter. Looking at the number of words, you can tell that it was written before to paste the task~ Of course, it can also be understood as a buffer chapter, because next, the later stage is about to start! Do you want to ignite it with me? Crazy for recommendation tickets, everyone!)

Read The Duke's Passion