MTL - Fairy Tail: The Nameless Grim Reaper-Chapter 2 Tower of Paradise (Part 1)

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"Oh, it's getting worse and worse in this world now." Standing under the eaves of a shop, looking at the continuous pouring rain in the sky, a man in black couldn't help but sigh slightly.

"Okay, don't sigh here." A burly man in a black robe next to him patted the former's shoulder and comforted him with a smile, "As long as that thing is built, then we can Do whatever you want in this magical world! Hahahaha, I’m afraid it’s no longer a dream to rule the world!” As he spoke, the man’s eyes shot out with extreme fanaticism, and he couldn’t help but burst out laughing , immediately attracted the different eyes of some pedestrians around.

"Yes, as long as..." Hearing this, the eyes of the black-robed man from before couldn't help showing a look of fascination, which was also mixed with a trace of longing, "The construction of that thing is completed!"

"Okay, the rain is already a lot lighter, let's hurry up and complete the tasks assigned by the higher-ups." Looking up at the sky, seeing that the rain has been a lot lighter, he suggested with a smile, "After all, want to It still needs a lot of labor to successfully build that thing!"

"That's right." The black-robed man nodded slightly when he heard the words, obviously agreeing with his companion's words, and immediately put a long and wide bowler hat like a bamboo hat on his head, and looked at Zhuang. Shuo's companion glanced at him, and said softly, "Then let's go..." After finishing speaking, he walked into the depths of the night in the rain without looking back.

Seeing this, the burly man smiled slightly, and after putting on his large top, he quickly followed.

At the same time, on the bank of an unknown river.

"Ah? Ah! Cough, cough, cough—" Chen Wuming felt that he seemed to be very unlucky recently, maybe it was because he had peed in front of his ancestor's grave some time ago, and now it might be the revenge of the bad god. Let's not talk about the fact that I almost choked myself to death after drinking liquor before, but now it's even more exaggerated! By the way, what's the situation now? Why is it that when I woke up, I was in a hanging water? ! Well, it looks like this is a river, and I—just happen to be in this river? say-

"Which **** threw me into the river?!"

Chen Wuming felt so depressed now, thinking that I just drank a little wine, as for throwing me directly into the river? What if you accidentally drowned? ! What a **** landlord...

Obviously, Chen Wuming attributed the fact that he was in the river to his landlord, saying that the old fat woman is really hateful! Didn't I just peek at her daughter taking a shower last time? As for taking revenge on me now...

Chen Wuming gritted his teeth in his heart and thought, your daughter is not right looking, and she will not lose a piece of meat after a look!

Besides, with the appearance of your daughter, tsk tsk, I can't say anything about you, even if your old genes are not good, don't just force your primitive, suspected mutated genes on your daughter body! What kind of mutation are you doing with a good piece of gene? ! You deliberately want to scare people to death! You didn't just ruin your daughter, you **** almost ruined me by the way! Speaking of my poor bright eyeballs, brother, I am sorry for you, brother here to assure you, brother, even if I am so hungry and thirsty that I really can’t stand it anymore, I will definitely not peek like last time. That mammoth woman in the shower! After all, peeking at ordinary women taking a bath will only result in death, but peeking at a mammoth-level girl taking a bath is more than just death! Good guy! That definitely wants to completely destroy us in the soul! Out of my mind, this is...

Wait, it seems that this is a bit far away. Speaking of which, the current situation-it seems that I forgot something?

"Cough cough cough, puff, gululong gululong—help!!" After swallowing a few mouthfuls of river water, Chen Wuming finally remembered what he had forgotten, and immediately splashed desperately on the surface of the water, yelling. He yelled loudly, "Mamma Mia! Is there anyone?! Hurry up, hurry up and breathe! Help, help... Gululong Gululong" It may be because of the intense struggle, Chen Wuming licked his stomach again. It swallowed several mouthfuls of river water.

By the way, I can't swim, my lord... Chen Wuming thought in his heart, wanting to cry without tears, but he didn't dare to struggle indiscriminately any more. He suffered a lot just now, but now he is honest and nervous! After all, he knew very well that if he can't swim, it's better not to move around in the end, because it will only make him die faster! The density of the human body is less than water, so if he doesn't move around, he will eventually be floated up by the buoyancy of the water, which will be safer!

Of course, truth is one thing and reality is another. In fact, there are many people who know this truth, but very few can do it in the end! The reason - or because of personal psychological reasons, few people can be truly calm in this situation!

Chen Wuming was naturally the same, feeling his body sinking more and more, although he knew in his heart that he would definitely float up, but he still couldn't help but panic a bit, because he didn't know when he would actually float up. Start floating up! If he floated up after an hour or two, wouldn't he have already been drowned in the fart? ! At that time, even if it floats up, the word "float" can no longer be used, but should be used-'float', it floated up...

It was precisely because of these considerations that Chen Wuming felt even more flustered! Although he forced himself to calm down again in his heart, it couldn't last long after all, because he didn't know how long he could last in this forced calm state? One minute, ten minutes? Or maybe even less than a minute.

So the most important thing now is that someone can rescue him during the period of his persistence! Otherwise, even if he can persist for a long time, it will be useless...

Thinking of this, Zi En couldn't help praying eagerly in his heart, Mamma Mia! Hurry up and come and rescue me! I'm still a virgin, I don't want to just drown in vain like this! Well, the best person to come is a woman! Well, preferably a big beauty! Well, it's best to be a super beautiful woman who fell in love with me at first sight and is willing to break virginity with me! ! Quack quack ~

I have to say that the nerves of otaku are really strong! This **** is about to die, but he still has the heart to think about these flirtatious things? ! I'm going...

In this way, Chen Wuming's consciousness began to become more and more blurred in the rationality and YY, and finally, it turned into a long darkness...

And his last thought before he fell into a coma was, what a fool! ! It's okay if an ugly man comes to save me...

"Huh?" The continuous raindrops in the sky finally stopped, and he helped the big hat on his head, and the burly man suddenly stopped walking, staring at the distant river with a surprised expression.

"What's the matter?" Seeing this, the black-robed man stopped in doubt, and asked, "Did you find anything? Did someone know about our existence?" When he said the last sentence, a frightened look flashed in his eyes in vain. His murderous intent and solemnity, he knew very well in his heart that if people really found out, especially if the guys from the Magic Council knew what they were doing at this time, then they would be in trouble ! Big trouble!

"No." The burly man shook his head immediately when he heard the words, and seemed to realize that his words just now might have aroused his companion's uneasiness, so he explained with a smile, "It's just that our harvest may be a little bigger. "

"Oh?" Hearing this, UU read www. The doubt in the eyes of the black-robed man deepened as he thought about it, obviously he couldn't figure out what his companion meant by his words.

"Hehe, hold it for me." The burly man didn't explain anything, but smiled and handed the two unconscious children under his armpits to the man in black robe.

The black-robed man suspiciously took the two children handed over by his companion. He already had two children under his left armpit, but now he took two more and put them under his right armpit. That's four! I really don't know why they arrested so many children? But from the looks of it, it is obvious that these children were definitely not obtained through normal channels! Thinking about what the black-robed man said before, it is not difficult to guess that these children should be captured by them through some illegal and invisible means!

Could it be that this is the so-called harvest they said?

Watching his companion strolling to the river bank, looking carefully at the man in black robe through his traveling route, he has already seen the one that caught his companion's attention—a drowning boy!

That's how it turned out. After the joints were fixed, the black-robed man couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief with a smile. It turned out that his companion didn't discover any danger, but to gain extra gains! It's just that I never thought that such a wonderful thing would happen in such a remote place! Hehe, are we extra lucky?

The man in the black robe thought to himself with a smile, probably God has already recognized our cause! So take extra care of us! The Tower of Paradise, the R system, and the whole world! you-

It will be ours in the end! !

Thinking of this, the eyes of the black-robed man suddenly burst into a frenzied scorching light.

Read The Duke's Passion