MTL - Exploiting Hollywood 1980-Chapter 942 Daydream Productions Video

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   Cameron ate a Japanese-style barbecue that is very different from American-style barbecue, and his mood improved a lot. Ronald asked him how the technical preparations for the new film "The Abyss" were going. Cameron showed Ronald the script and storyboards he carried with him.

  Ronald took a look, there was a large water tank on the top, and the location map of the underwater camera below. Can't help but look up at Cameron.

"The traditional underwater shooting method is to put very thick smoke on the scene to simulate the underwater scene. After I did the shooting experiment in the studio, I felt that the actors' movements in the air and in the water were completely impossible to be exactly the same. Convincing, I decided to build a water tank to actually shoot some scenes." Cameron pointed to the large water tank in the picture.

"I have found a suitable place for this water tank. It is 55 feet high and 240 feet in diameter, and the main structure is well done, and the cost is not high." Cameron was very interested, and pointed to the large water tank to Ronald Look at the size.

   "This kind of large water tank that accommodates many actors and the set of a sunken nuclear submarine (the plot is that the divers on the drilling platform rescued the nuclear submarine after it sank) is hard to find."

"Where did you find it?" Ronald turned a page. It was a photo of the scene. He saw a huge pit on the ground, like a giant eating bowl. The bottom of the bowl was paved with reinforced concrete, which looked very solid. It looks like it will not leak after water is poured.”

   "What is this place? Where did you find it?" Ronald wondered how there was such a ready-made place.

   "This is where Gale asked me to do the report, in South Carolina, at the Cherokee Nuclear Power Station, ten miles outside of Gaffney."

   "Nuclear power plant?" Ronald glanced at Cameron, dare to make a film? Are you not afraid of radiation?

"Hey, everyone heard this place is your reaction." Cameron laughed, "Because of the opposition of environmentalists, they are worried that Cherokee will become America's Chernobyl. So in the continuous After protesting, Duke decided to abandon the construction plan, which is a nuclear power plant that has not yet been built."

  What Ronald saw was the containment vessel of the power plant, which can hold 7.5 million gallons of water, and can accommodate any setting. Originally, Fox planned to rent the pit where the turbine was installed to shoot. Unexpectedly, after Cameron went to the scene to see it, he decided to ask for the big pit.

  Fox executives were convinced by Cameron's previous sci-fi movies, so they agreed to follow his own ideas without much consideration.

   "Isn't Cherokee the name of Jeep? It sounds similar to Chernobyl." Ronald also looked forward to what Cameron could shoot in this big puddle.

   "That's a tribal name of Native Americans, Cherokee, Apache, haven't you learned it in high school? Why don't you teach as much high school education in America as in Canada?"

   "Hahaha...", Ronald saw that Cameron was able to joke, and he let go of his worries a lot.

  However, after saying goodbye to Cameron, he still felt that his old friend's divorce this time was different from the last time.

  Gail Hurd is his partner on the road to his movie dream. Unlike the ex-wife of the restaurant waiter, Gail and Cameron are business partners. She now also owns the copyright of Cameron's debut work "Terminator".

  In addition to the combination of interests, Gail and Cameron also have a deep relationship. Ronald had read the script, and the main character was a captain on an oil rig, and his wife, also a diving expert, was in the process of divorcing when the movie opened.

  In the end, the hero died in the deep sea in order to rescue everyone, and the message sent to the deep submersible was to say hello to his wife. But in the end, Cameron introduced the concept of more advanced creatures who rescued the suffocating actor, and the movie ended with him and his wife kissing.

   This is obviously a love letter to Gail, and the final happy ending is Cameron's gesture of goodwill to Gail.

  But Gail Hurd still didn't accept it, and treated Cameron with a businesslike attitude. Ronald didn't know what to do for the two friends either. Outsiders can't see clearly the problems between husband and wife. Coupled with Hollywood, which has too many temptations, it can only depend on the two of them.


  There are many awards celebration parties in Hollywood, but Ronald didn't win the Oscar, so he couldn't get up the energy to participate, so he hid in Palm Springs to take a rest in a hot spring. After the new mayor, Cher's ex-husband Sonny Bono sorted out some messy yoga clubs, the business atmosphere and service standards were much better than last year.

  Mayor Bono is preparing to hold the first Palm Springs International Film Festival next year, and Ronald and him have booked the participation qualification of Huaguo Films.

  However, the quiet days of rest did not last long, and the daydreaming kung fu movie "Boxer" is about to be released.

"With the release time of four weeks, the videotape will be released soon, isn't it a little faster? At that time, our movie was still showing in theaters, will it affect the box office." The actor Jean-Claude Van Damme also participated in the release marketing meeting. Interested in all aspects of film production and distribution, in learning anything related.

   "It's not too soon, the pirated video tape can be released in two weeks in Xiangjiang." Based on Xiangjiang's experience, director Corey Yeun felt that this time seems to be a bit late.

"America is very strict about piracy. There is also a new technology to track piracy in movie theaters. It can add codes to certain parts of the film, so that it is easy to trace which theater piracy was recorded." Bai Ri Our distribution director, Michelle Cannold, gave two Hollywood newcomers a rundown on the latest advances in anti-piracy.

"Four weeks is the standard time for B-level movies in the industry. Starting from the 'Lightning Dance' that year, we found that many viewers who had watched the videotape, and went to the cinema to watch the big screen again. If we are concerned about the quality of the movie If you are confident, such an approach can actually increase the box office.”

   Michelle Cannold’s meaning is very simple. If the quality of the film is not good, it will be forced to be released by the theater in about four weeks. In short, it is profitable to quit the video tape at this time.

   "You still have a lot to learn in Hollywood..." Ronald smiled at Jean-Claude Van Damme, this man is very eager to learn.

After seeing off several main creators, Ronald closed the door and communicated with Michelle Cannold privately, "You really don't think much about the box office, and the four weeks are actually not too long for this special type of film. This kind of There are special fans of genre films, maybe it’s good to keep them for a long time..."

   They are all daydreamers, so Ronald said it directly when communicating.

   "But this type of film, the box office in the theaters will not be very good. We and video distribution channels, especially chain rentals like Blockbuster..."

  Ronald understood what Cannold meant. As a producer of videotapes, when supplying channels, it is best to have continuous releases of new films. The Dirty Dancing video has sold out for months, and it's time for some new releases.

"Is Brooke back? Let her attend the film's announcement event?" Ronald glanced at Boxing World's announcement plan. In addition to lovers of kung fu movies, Brooke Shields also has some fans, who may Because her role is to see what the former girl idol looks like after graduating from university.

   "She doesn't seem to be having a good time in Dongpu. I invite her to come over, so you can talk to her?" Michelle Cannold seemed to have something to say in front of Ronald.

   "What's the matter?" Ronald frowned, "Then contact her and make an appointment for a chat."


   "Boji, what's wrong with you? Are you not in a good mood? Are you too tired in Japan?" Ronald soon saw Brooke Shields, and Ronald was also surprised by her appearance this time. The whole person was very decadent, as if he had suffered some mental blow.

"I'm done, Ronald, and I'm too angry in Japan. Now I can only make some B-grade movies..." Brooke seemed to have finally found a friend to talk to, and put herself in Japan for a few months. I have said all my experiences.

  When she was filming Boxing World in Xiangjiang, she was invited to perform several commercials on TVB, and the response was very good. This aroused the interest of Dongying's manufacturers, and asked her to go to Dongying to promote their products at a high price.

  At Dongying, she attended many marketing activities of manufacturers, and also shot a few advertisements as required. But she soon discovered that the manufacturer who invited her was not the first-line brand in her mind, but a health care product for middle-aged men and the elderly as the main customers.

Although he made some money and got over the recent financial difficulties, after Bo Ji discovered the truth about this brand, he finally found that not only domestically, but also internationally, it has passed away. The grand occasion of her shooting commercials has inevitably gone forever.

   "What product?" Ronald took the health care product endorsed by Brooke. The Japanese advertisement was incomprehensible.

   "I brought a video tape, just to show you..." Brooke took out a video tape and handed it to Ronald.

  After putting it on the TV, Brooke Shields appeared on the screen to take a glass of water from a machine, and then drank it in one gulp, looking very comfortable.

   "So what is sour element?" Ronald could tell from the limited Chinese characters that this was a so-called "sour element" water machine, drinking it would make you energetic.

   "It's oxygen..." Bo Ji looked at her appearance on the TV, she was still very beautiful, if she could receive a better brand endorsement, she could continue to maintain her image. If you can't get it, you can only be with these bluffing health products after you get it.

"Oxygen? Isn't there hydrogen and oxygen in water?" Ronald glanced at Brooke. At first, he thought she was still popular in Japan, but now it seems that she is some second- and third-rate products, trying to use her last bit of residual value. .

"When I went to Dongying in 1982, I always advertised the best products..." Behind the video is an advertisement shot by Brooke when she was very young. She was tall and thin at that time, looking left and right. own lips, and blow a kiss. The most interesting thing is that on Boji's head, the words "Saint and Maiden" are written in Japanese kanji.

  At that time, Brooke was really red and beautiful... Just when Ronald thought it was a lipstick advertisement, Brooke took out a tissue and wiped off the lipstick. It turned out to be an ad for paper towels! The thinking of Dongying people is really different.

   "What do you want me to do?" Ronald looked at Brooke. She even had the videotape ready, knowing that she must want to help herself.

   "I need an advertisement, preferably a brand with international reputation, as long as one is enough, the model industry is based on the evaluation of others to modify your opportunities."

   "The red is redder, and the black is blacker..." Ronald thought for a while, it is more difficult for models to judge the popularity among the audience than actors, so if a brand fails, her life will be easier.

   "I'll see what I can do..." Ronald called Sony's brand department in America and asked if they were interested in finding Brooke for an endorsement advertisement.

   "They have a new portable TV, are you interested? It's not a hot product, it's an advertisement for a new product..."

   With her eyes wide open and her face full of anticipation, Brooke put her hands on her chest, expressing that she was not picky.

"Well, I'll let them contact your mother." Because Ronald gave advice to Norio Ohga, his daydream also received an active contact from the Sony America branch to invite Ronald's company Shoot some commercials for Sony.

  At this stage, we can only receive marketing orders for some new products, not big ones.

   "Oh, thank you, Ronnie", Brooke came up and hugged Ronald excitedly.

   "The marketing of Boxer World...", Ronald mentioned the movie announcement.

   "I will attend premieres and fan meetings in several big cities..." Brooke was a little embarrassed.

"This is a mid-to-medium-budget movie, and only New York and Los Angeles have meet and greets. It's good if you can attend." Ronald thought to himself, this is not a big production with tens of millions, nor is it a dark horse at the box office, but also a national road show. .

  A star, her foundation is still in film and television works. As long as there are character images constantly appearing, the audience will not forget your existence. Brooke actually suffers from a disadvantage. During college, no works came out. Manufacturers have no confidence in her current popularity.

  In contrast, because Diane has always had roles, although it is not big, the box office has not exploded, but she can always be seen in movie theaters and TV from time to time, so she can maintain her popularity in China, and the popularity of Dongying does not drop too much. She was still able to reach endorsement contracts for diamond rings and cosmetics in Japan.

   Soon, Boxer World premiered in Los Angeles. The small-scale screening in more than 300 theaters won a weekend box office of 2.6 million that exceeded expectations.

Film critics have also noticed this small production. For a certain audience, audiences who like kung fu movies in the 1970s, this is the revival of an old genre. Many people like to watch this kind of slightly exaggerated, every move Old fashioned kung fu flicks played very clearly.

  Boji Shields' appeal is much greater than the brand managers of various mass consumer goods manufacturers imagined. There were also fans holding her previous doll sign to cheer.

  In the box office rankings, it can be compared with Disney's re-screening of "Bambi".

  Disney has always been like this, re-screening classic movies every seven or eight years, so that all generations of children are familiar with Disney's animated images.

  The students who were obsessed with Brooke Shields in the late 1970s and early 1980s have grown up now, either going to college or starting work. Now that they have spending power, maybe Brooke Shields can maintain her fame and status by relying on them. After all, there were too many fans who liked her back then.

   Boxing World also began to be produced in the videotape factory, and Ronald's Daydream Films began to release videotapes made from previous movies one after another.

  After Dirty Dancing, it’s the trendy low-cost hairspray, then boxing, and then it’s the turn of the “Ecstasy Master” cooperating with Roger Coleman.


   "Ronald, there seems to be something wrong with Coleman. He asked if he could have an interview with you."

  Having finished his vacation, Ronald, who entered the editing room, received a call from Michelle Cannold.

   "Ecstasy" is a comedy horror genre film jointly shot and released by Ronald and Coleman. Coleman may not be able to find Ronald who spends every day in the editing room, so he can only pass on the news through Cannold.

   "Mr. Coleman is looking for me, I'll go to his place." Ronald looked at Walter Murch on the editing stage, handed over the work to him, and then asked for leave to meet with Coleman.

   "I'm sorry to have you come over during editing, I have some things I want to talk to you in person." Roger Coleman was waiting for Ronald in the office, as if he was a little embarrassed.

   "Is it about the ecstasy master?" Ronald cut his hair, and Roger asked him for an interview, and he also guessed three points.

   Sure enough, Roger Coleman still expressed his request, hoping that Ronald can adjust the investment ratio of announcements, and he hopes to reduce some of his company's investment quota.

   Could it be that Roger Corman has not recovered from the stock market crash? Ronald thought to himself, and then asked him, "The test screening of the movie is not bad, is it? My manager told me that they are very confident in the box office performance of Ecstasy. If you reduce the share now, it is tantamount to leaving chips on the table." Did not take it away."

   Ronald couldn’t afford the money, but he and Roger Coleman have always had a good relationship. If the other party’s position is inconvenient, he doesn’t mind using other methods to help him solve it.

"Hey, you're right." Roger Coleman thought for a long time, but decided to stick to the principle, "I'll postpone the release of that movie. The Ecstasy Master will return to the book soon, and I will release it again at that time That movie."

   "Is it your company's movie?" Ronald knew that Coleman was short of funds and couldn't release movies continuously. The car theater chain he relied on before is now less and less capable of prepaying.

"Actually, it's not a movie that my company plans to release, but a movie from my old company New World. They are now encountering great difficulties. The director of the movie is my subordinate many years ago, and his name is Michael Lehman. , previously worked for Coppola.

   This is his first directorial work, I had fun watching this movie, and I didn't want it to be unreleased because of the New World problem. "

   "Really? What movie is it called? You can show it and let me see it. If I feel good, I can release it in a joint venture with you."

  Compared with Roger Coleman's ordinary directing ability, he has chosen other people's movies to act in very well, and Ronald became interested when he heard this. Anyway, this kind of low-cost movie, if the effect is good, can also become the next work of the video tape production line.

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