MTL - Exploiting Hollywood 1980-Chapter 10 Dancing Chapteres and Exploiting Movie Tycoons

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   Chapter 10 Dancing Beauties and Exploiting Movie Tycoons

   "Chrissy Sommer, and Marla Rosenfeld."

   Dance finger Siana, raised her hand and called for two students to perform in a group.

   is indeed a **** bomb, Ronald marveled. In the group performance of the crew, there are still beautiful women with such a powerful body?

  Chrissy has big wavy blonde hair and green eyes. Mara has shawl brunette hair and blue eyes. Body is very good.

   There is no problem with the image, "How do they dance?"

  Maishi Siana turned on the portable recorder, and a familiar music flowed out.

   "I'm all electrified

   This current is accumulating

   I'm losing control

  Because you called me

  I was "electrically shocked" by your eyes


   is exactly the theme song of the hit movie "Grease": "You are the one I want".

   The two beauties danced very hard, with their long hair flying up and down. The dance moves with a strong sense of strength, matched with the rhythm, made people want to dance together.

  Chris and Mara, one left and one right, hooked Ronald's arms and pulled him to dance together.

  The smell of shampoo on the beauty's hair rushed into Ronald's brain, mixed with the feeling from his arm, Ronald couldn't help but jump up. He imitated the "Grease" male protagonist John Travolta to a 360-degree spin, and Chrissy and Mara applauded beside him.

   Seeing that everyone next to him was looking over, Ronald stopped with a gesture, and said to Siana, "Okay, I'll give them a separate shot."

   Dance finger Siana is very happy, the suggestion is accepted, the dance will be very likely to be outstanding, and she can also add the previous line to her own resume for extra points.

  The dream image that Ronald can copy has been filmed. Now we can only humbly listen to the advice of the professionals in the crew. As long as this suggestion makes him feel feasible, he will accept it. If you accept it, everyone will be happy, and if you are happy, you will shoot quickly.

   "Thank you, Ronald, thank you" The two beauties brightened their eyes and took Ronald's arms from left to right, thanking them.

   "Hohohoho..." Ronald grinned with joy, the treatment of being a director was really good.

   "You should thank Siana, who recommended you and said that your dance moves are very photogenic."

   Ronald knew that he was only a temporary substitute. As soon as the boss arrives, he'll be back at his day job - making coffee. Don't talk to the beauties too much, turn around and discuss the scene with the director of photography.

   "Oh, Siana, what moves will you make me dance? How many shots will you give me?" "Siana, you see I practiced ballet when I was a kid."

   Ronald heard the cheering voices of the beauties behind him, and he couldn't help feeling that movie is really a fascinating industry, and many handsome men and beauties are willing to put in a lot of effort in exchange for a chance to appear on the screen.


  The two beauties, Chris and Mara, changed their clothes and appeared. Ronald's eyes lit up. Chris was wearing a yellow tube top and Marla was wearing a red lace-up T-shirt.


   There is no live radio for this scene, because the music to be played has not yet been determined, and it will be matched later. The recording group still played "You are the one I want"

   "You better get ready,

   Because I need a reliable man.

   My heart is already tied to you,

  You better understand,

  You must be sincere to me,

  You must love me unreservedly


   The two beauties twisted effortlessly, and the camera stared at them to take a close-up shot of their upper body.


   "This one is over, the extras will rest for 10 minutes, and the props team will start preparing..."

   But this time everyone didn't obey Ronald's order to disband. Instead, they looked at Ronald without speaking.

  It was a little strange when Ronald heard the applause from behind: "Crack...crack...crack..."

   Looking back, a man and a woman are standing not far behind. It was the boss of New World Productions, Roger Coleman, and his assistant, Miss Gale, who smiled and congratulated him.

   "It was filmed very well, the shot design was very good, and the actors were well chosen."

   Roger Coleman was a tall man with well-combed hair, gold-rimmed glasses, soft-spoken and logical. Those who do not know will think he is a university professor, teaching elegant subjects such as English literature.

   But his films are the exact opposite of his own image. Horror, sci-fi, youthful rebellion, then add some beauty and explode. There is no storyline, there are just some elements that teenagers love to watch, and they are shot hard.

  His films are called exploitative films in the industry, meaning to exploit the residual value of certain elements, regardless of the storyline of the B-movie. It is usually shown in older movie theaters in cities, movie theaters in rural towns, or drive-in movie theaters.

   Assistant to the president, Gail, stood beside him, with short black Sassoon hair and airy bangs, like a doll.

   "You dance well too." Gal quipped to him.

"Hello, Mr. Coleman, Gail. We just finished filming the morning scene. The camera crew is checking the mirror doors. You can talk to Mr. Candy about how my assignment is going and whether the film will work. "

"My dear Ronald, you don't have to be overly modest. Gail and I have been standing here for a long time, watching you direct this scene. I'm very satisfied, and I have to admit, it's a little bit more surprising than I thought. Yes, much better, much faster," said Roger Coleman, coming over and shaking Ronald's hand.

  Director of Photography Dean Candy, directing the red-haired assistant to collect film. 1000 feet (11 minutes in length) of large reels, two reels in the morning. The red-haired assistant removed the lens again and checked the camera door for dust and hair. The most fearful thing when shooting a film with film is that the film is scratched. This kind of accident is not known in advance, and it will only be discovered when it is developed, so it can only be re-shot.

   Dean Candy came over to say hello to Roger Coleman.

   "Roger, you saw it all, Ronald did a great job."

   "Are all lenses available?"

  "I think it's ok, I'm going to develop the samples tonight anyway, you can take a look tomorrow"

"I will."

  Roger greeted everyone, called Ronald, Jim, director of photography Candy, and assistant Gail, and the five went to the high school building.

   Several people walked into the principal's office, Gail pulled Jim to prepare coffee for everyone, and took the door by the way.

Roger Coleman paused and said, "Only the three of us know that Aaron Akush had too much fun and needed to stay in the hospital for a day. Joe Dante went to the Hollywood Police Station for questioning. Today they It's impossible to be a director."

   Ronald and Dean Candy were stunned. After a few seconds, Ronald tried to confirm: "Joe to the police station?..."

"Don't worry, I just came from the hospital and Joe was just being questioned. Last night the Ramones were playing 'Hi' at a party and bassist Didi Ramone got into a fight in the street The hospital. The victim called the police, and the police found out that Didi Raymond was with Allen and Joe when he had an accident last night, so the police took Joe away for questioning. As for Allen, it's not a big problem this time, it can be done tomorrow Discharge." Roger Coleman looked at Ronald as he tapped his fingers on the table.

   "I'll tell you in a moment that Ellen is overworked and collapsed. As for Joe Dante, I'll say he went to the police station to bail Didi Raymond."

   Having said this, Roger Coleman kept his eyes on Ronald, "This matter has been known to the entertainment reporters in Los Angeles, and I will find a way to make them report according to this caliber.

   The reason why I tell you is because: First, you are the person who arranged for Allen to go to the hospital, and you need to be consistent. Second, I have seen your directing work, the quality is good and the speed is fast enough, so I still want you to shoot the scenes in the next afternoon. "

  "I'm going to shoot again?..." Ronald was a little guilty, and he had finished filming what he dreamed about last night, "Mr. Coleman, can't you stay and direct the filming?"

   "Hey, kid, I'm the president of New World Productions. Do you know how many dramas our company is currently working on? There are 12 in total, and 5 are in the filming stage. I'm very busy."

  "Okay", Ronald smiled, "I shot the scene in the morning based on the storyboard, and in the afternoon I have Mr. Candy's help, I think it's fine."

"Very good, I know you are a gifted kid and have a sense of responsibility. Generally, it takes us 2-3 years to develop a director. You know that both Alan and Joe were in the new world before they became directors Does the company cut the trailer?"

   "After 4 years of editing, that is, in 1976, they approached me and said that as long as a few additional shots were taken, a movie could be cut out of the company's old movies, and I was convinced."

Roger Coleman said slowly: "This movie cost only $60,000, and I sold 200,000 copies alone. With this foundation, they can be directors. Joe directed "Piranha" last year, This time I invested 300,000 for Allen's "Rock High School"."

   It turns out that the two of them are really good friends and have a good relationship with colleagues. Joe is here to help. Ronald thought.

   "I'm saying this, I want to tell you: I always give talented directors a chance. But you have the opportunity to be a director not long after you came to work, and it only happened twice before."

  "Thank you for your trust", Ronald did not expect that he was so valued by his boss.

   "Although you are only a temporary director for one day, I will still give you corresponding respect and treatment."

"Da da da"

   There was a knock on the door, "Come in," Roger Coleman called.

   It's Gal and Jim coming in with instant coffee.

"Just in time, you guys have coffee first, Gail will help Dean Candy to announce to the crew later. Alan and Joe will return to the crew the day after tomorrow. Ronald will still handle the scenes this afternoon." said Roger Coleman picked up the coffee and motioned Ronald to follow him, "Ronald and I have something to talk about. Let's go next door."

   "Oh, by the way, don't forget to turn off the lights when you leave." Roger Coleman pointed to the fluorescent light switch on the wall before going out. His assistant Gail rolled his eyes and was caught by Ronald, who was walking behind. Gail also made a mouth shape to Jim: "Old man!"

   (end of this chapter)