MTL - Evil-Natured Husband, Don’t Tease!-Chapter 1503 番外31-独孤泽南

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However, to be honest, he did not agree with her to find the dragon spirit, some things, he did not want her to know, he stared at her deeply, after a long time, only to pull the thin lips, "you find the dragon spirit beads Just to improve the repair?"

"Yeah, you are not saying that I don't have a dragon spirit in my body. Isn't it your opponent?" Mo Qingfeng looked at the solitary south, and said with a face: "I want to find the dragon spirit, I want to let I am strong!"

She can't tell the truth to him, just to find a way to go back to her world.

If he is known, he should not let her find it. She feels that he will not let her leave.

"Improvement is not necessarily to find the dragon spirit."

This point is clear, there is only one dragon in the dragon, but there is more than one person with a high cultivation. He is right. If you want to improve your cultivation, you don’t have to get this dragon spirit. But since she knew where it was hiding, she got the iron and blood, so why not get it back?

"I must go to the Yuding Mountain." Mo Qingfeng looked at the solitary south, and the beauty was all firm: "You can not accompany me, but you can't stop me."

Not only is Solitary Zegna unable to stop her, even if the road is difficult, she can't stop her!

Du Gu Zenan's face changed slightly, his chest shook slightly, and Yan Hua looked at her deeply. "When are you going to start?"

Mo Qingfeng thought about it and said: "As soon as possible, I have already left the Eight Kings. I can't do nothing. It's time to find something to do."

Purple altar took a pastry and walked into the bedroom of Duolzenan. Duolzen stood in front of the window and stood up with his hands. He heard the footsteps. He turned and looked at the purple altar.

The purple altar put the pastry on the table, and then poured a cup of tea into the solitary south, and said respectfully: "The son, please use the meal."

"Yeah!" Du Guennan should have a voice, walked to the table and sat down, first took a sip of tea.

The purple altar stood on one side, his lips moved, and he looked at Duo Zengnan with a sigh of relief. He sipped his tea in a long way, and stretched out his fingers like a white jade and took a piece of cake before putting it in his mouth. Seeing the purple altar did not go out, he looked up, looked at her coldly, and saw her look like a word, he raised his eyebrows and looked at the dish on the dish. "Is there something to say?"

"Gongzi, do you really want to accompany the ink girl to the Yuding Mountain?" The Purple Altar finally asked the question of a long time in the heart.

Duo Zenan raised his eyebrows and his cold face was slightly cold. The purple altar never asked him where he was, nor did he have the courage to ask him where he was. Why did he ask him today?

"What about it?" The tone was faint, with a hint of ice.

The purple altar licks her mouth, and she clearly perceives that even if the son is in front of the wind, he will not reveal a smile. In other people's presence, he is always a pair of indifferent and hazy expressions. The cold atmosphere of the stock always makes people feel depressed, but in front of the ink girl, his perfect face will appear from time to time, if there is a smile, the body's breath will also become mild.

Is he tempted by the ink girl who has a face that is full of the country?

The purple altar saw the solitary south of the face, and he hesitated a little. He said softly: "The son, the king of the dynasty is located in the north, the castle is located in the south, and the wind has made the master call the son to the castle many times. If the son wants to accompany the girl. Yu Ding Shen Beast Hill, known by the wind, the little master, I am afraid... I am afraid..."

Duo Zengnan suddenly frowned, "What are you afraid of?"

"Wind the little master will be unhappy."

Wen Yan, the face of the solitary Ze Nan suddenly suddenly haze, the cold cold eyes swept over the purple altar, the purple altar trembled, the legs were almost soft to kneel down.

"When did you become so concerned about the wind? Is the deity your master or the wind is your master? Do you care if she is happy and never thought about whether the deity is happy? If you want to follow her, go back to the castle. The deity does not need you!"

"The son of the son should not hurry to the purple altar!" The purple altar heard, the delicate little face suddenly white, and slammed into the ground: "The subordinates are willing to be faithful to the son of life! The subordinates are wrong! Please forgive the sins!"

Du Gueren’s face is still cloudy and cold, and the cakes in his hands are put back on the plate. He said coldly: “Retreat!”

The purple altar did not rise on the ground, looked up at the handsome face of the solitary south of the solitude, and she bit his teeth and said: "The son, the king of the dynasty is far away, the chaos in the mountains is chaotic, you..."

"Retreat!" Du Guen Nan Jun face cold and a few minutes, the hands in the sleeves tightly picked up.

The purple altar was pale and looked at the eyes of Du Gu Zenan, but she did not dare to speak again and silently retreated.

Mo Qingfeng practiced in the space, and Duolzen said that it was far away to go to the Yuding Mountain. It was even more difficult than going to the Nine Heavens. She must now hurry to practice.

She found that every time she entered the space to practice, and then she took a shower, and there was a slight improvement in her cultivation.

She is planning to go to the Yuding Mountain, to hurry in the daytime, to enter the space to rest and practice at night, so that the danger can be reduced.

After Mo Qingfeng meditated, he soaked in Lingquan and closed his eyes to rest, suddenly slamming his eyes, and there was movement outside!

She flew from Lingquan Lake, light body like a swallow, dressed, and quickly made room.

Mo Qingfeng appeared in the inn's room out of thin air, and looked dull, disturbing her bubble spring is actually this **** black python!

The huge body of the python slowly moved in the room, his head was lifted high, and two green-green eyes swept four times, seemingly looking for something.

As soon as the Qingqing wind appeared, the long tail of the python swiftly swept past her. It was very fast. The ink wind just evaded, and then the table was cracked and the sound of the table was cracked. The whole table was in the air. It was abolished in an instant.

Mo Qingfeng jumped up and stood in the beam of the house. He looked at the python that quickly came to her with a cold look. She swung a sleeve of white powder and scattered it from her hands and sprinkled it into the ugly mouth of her robe.

The action of Mo Qingfeng seems to anger the python. The green light emitted by the two eyes is like a fire. The speed of attacking her is astonishing. The ink wind is only dodging, and there is no way to shoot.

In less than a moment, the python swept all the things in the room. The window, the bed, the table and the chair were all smashed. The whole building was shaken and shaken. In order not to damage the inn, and the room was too small, it affected her to hide. She flew out of the window and fell on a tree.

The body of the robes is huge, and the tail is shaken and can only break through the wall. The ink wind keeps attacking her, but she sends out the palm of her hand and does not move.

How could this be?

I just gave it a beastly drug, how can it become more and more brave, and there is no such thing as being lost?

The python slammed into the wind and attacked the wind. The speed of the flight was as rapid as the blast. The ink wind leaped into the air and fought fiercely with the python. The air suddenly burst into flames.

The fight of one person and one snake soon caused the guests and passers-by of the inn. In order not to hurt the innocent people, the air of the Qing Dynasty was flying higher and higher, and there was a illusion of breaking through, and the skill of the python was much stronger than her. Flying in the air is like a big eagle, agile and fast.

The ink wind can only hide, and the skill she sent out hits it, and it does not affect its attack on her.

In the air, one person and one snake fight, and the people on the ground look up and watch, and they are talking and secretly surprised.

Chu Muchen came out of the palace and was preparing to go to the carriage. The light that was crossed from time to time caught his gaze. He looked up and looked at him. The familiar white shadow in the air shocked him.

"Master?" Du Wenjun saw his movements live, and did not cross the carriage for a long time, could not help remind him, see his handsome face across the trace of surprise, and then look at him, there is a snake in the air.

There are also many people on the street watching and talking on the sky. Everyone is asking what is going on?

Seeing this scene, Du Wenjun secretly surprised, that white shadow, is not Wang Hao?

"Wen Jun, is she the king of the king?" It seems that I am not sure. Chu Muchen looked at the sky and asked Du Wenjun. Du Wenjun nodded: "She is Wang Hao, but... I didn’t expect it, Wang Hao’s skill is so High strength."

Chu Muchen smiled: "The king did not expect it." Then he raised his eyebrows: "This python has practiced for more than five hundred years. Do you say she is its opponent?"

From the current point of view, Mo Qingfeng is in a downwind, she attacks the python, the python is not painful, and the python's attack on her is fatal. Even if it is not repaired, people who do not understand martial arts see this scene, they all use ink. Qing Feng wiped the cold sweat, Du Wenjun is no exception.

"Wang Hao seems to be unable to do anything." Du Wenjun replied, and then tentatively looked at Chu Muchen: "The master, want to help Wang Hao?"

Chu Muchen's indifferent Jun face finally showed a touch of smile, and instantly bloomed.

In the air, Mo Qingfeng madly confronted the python. The python's flesh was too hard and too thick. No matter how much strength she had, she couldn't hurt it. She hit her forehead and sweated, and her face was pale. The snake is more and more brave.

True TMD, can't drag it anymore!

Mo Qingfeng flipped over the volley and came behind the python, and the python snake head jerked and opened the blood bowl, and it was going to bite her down!

Mo Qingfeng flashed, his figure was like a haze, a few seconds faster than the python, quickly moved to the other side, and then rotated around, her body flew around the belly of the python, and then flew as if swallowing Grabbing, falling on the roof below, there was a "beep" sound behind her, waiting for her to stand still, look up, the whole huge python was struggling in the air, the open mouth made a low hum, two green The eyes are extremely embarrassing, the blood of the abdomen is poured down by the rain, and it is sprinkled on the people on the ground.

PS: Finishing tonight, baby good night ~ ~ ask for a monthly ticket, recommend tickets ~~~

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