MTL - Evil-Natured Husband, Don’t Tease!-Chapter 1498 Fanwai 26- has the deity, don't let you die

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For a time, the box was a mess, and it was also in the next door. Many guests on the second floor ran in a short time, except for a few martial artists who stayed aside to watch the fun.

The person who came is not good, recruits hot and murderous, and looks martial arts.

Obviously, the target of their attack was Mo Qingfeng. Although they were blocked by Solitary, they had a chance to attack her.

Mo Qingfeng, who was guarded behind him, looked calmly at Duolzen, and fights and fights. Even the fights are so handsome, it is terrible.

For a moment, several black people were picked up by Duolzen, and the body was lying on the ground.

"Who are they?" Mo Qingfeng came over and looked at the bodies and asked, was Chu Muchen sent?

"The killer of the house can be cleared." said Duo Zenan.

Mo Qingfeng was shocked. "It is the killer of Qinglou. Who wants me to die?"

People in Mofu? Or the people of the Eight Kings House?

Du Gueren Nan Yuhua looked at her deeply, "Zhang Guilan, the great lady of Mofu."

"Isn't she crazy?" Mo Qing was shocked and then sneered: "I'm not letting me go crazy, do I have such a big hatred with her?"

Du Gu Zenan looked around and saw more and more people watching. When he was not talking, he took out a bag of golden leaves and threw it at the store where he stood by and wanted to go to him to ask for compensation and dare not go forward. Then I took the hand of Mo Qingfeng and left the scene to return to the room.

"There is a rule in Qinglou. The tasks received must be completed. After the failure of the first batch of killers sent out, the second batch of killers will be sent to continue the mission. Even if Zhang Guilan is crazy, you are already in the Qingqing Building. In the record, the last time the killer did not complete the task, this is the second batch of killers to perform the task, the second batch failed, I believe that there will be a third killer to assassinate you soon."

Back to the room, Du Gu Zenan explained the doubts of Mo Qingfeng to her. After listening to Mo Qingfeng, if she thought thoughtfully, she blinked, like the flapping eyelashes tremble, thick and dark, the wind The window blew in, scorning her black hair, looking soft and well-behaved, but her eyes were cold and amazing.

"When will the third batch be sent?"

"I don't know, I will send it out at any time." Solitary Zenan looked at her deeply, and suddenly smiled warmly. "The deity will protect you, you don't have to worry."

"You are worried!" Mo Qing glanced at him, even without him, those killers may not be able to achieve her life.

"So they can't kill me, will there be a killer to continue to assassinate me? I will leave the emperor, will they let me go?" Mo Qingfeng looked at Duolzen, her space wanted to leave here, with him Go to the solitary castle, so can people who can clear the building give up and chase her?

Du Gu Zenan looked at her deeply, and laughed and laughed. "Can Qinglou is a huge dark organization. There is a den in any place in the entire Rosen continent. Even if you go to the ends of the earth, you can't. Escape their assassination."

Mo Qingfeng gave him a blank eye. When he discussed such a serious question, can he laugh? Still laughing so beautiful, isn't this making her fall in love with his rhythm?

"After hiding in the castle, they can also kill it?"

Du Gu Zenan reached out and touched her head, and the bottom of the skull contained a smile of happiness. "Don't you stay in the castle alone?"

Mo Qingfeng frowned, she hated other people to touch her head, but when she was touched by her, she didn't have a trace of hate, but the irritated heart gradually calmed down under his touch.

"So how can we let the Qinglou take back the order to kill me? Scams?" Mo Qingfeng looked up at Duolzen, and she was greeted with purple clothes.

"You can go to the challenge." Du Guennan said warmly: "The challenge won, how do you think."

"Are you lost?" Mo Qing asked.

Solitary Zee deeply stares at her beautiful face. At this time, she is beautiful, her lips are full of dan, and her throat is tight. He gathers and swears and says: "The only way to fail is to die. However, if you have the deity, you will not let you die."

"So, I only have challenges, there is no other choice?" Mo Qingfeng said quietly, she likes to challenge, and she must let her disappear.

The night is deep, the sky is clouded, and there is no starlight.

Inside the space, the ink wind lying on the soft couch slammed open his eyes, and there was movement outside the space! .

Before entering the space, she lived in the inn's room, so she entered the space, and there was something moving around the inn that she could feel.

There are people on the roof!

Mo Qingfeng got up, put on shoes, and made room.

In the room, she felt a strong murderousness. This murderousness condensed from all directions, and the air also spread **** taste.

There are many killers!

These killers killed too many people in their lives, and the **** murderousness that penetrated into the bone marrow could not be concealed. They appeared, and her keenness would soon be noticeable.

Mo Qingfeng looked around the room, here is the place to sleep, not the place to kill, the body jumped, flew out from the window, and flew like a bird on the roof.

Just standing on the roof, a black shadow appeared in front of me and stopped in her one meter.

Even at night, the eyes of Mo Qingfeng were not obstructed by a single trace. It was clear that the man standing in front of him was very tall, and his eyes were like a torch, staring at her.

"Don't look at it, do it." Mo Qing said coldly, since he came, he will hurry and finish, she will go back to sleep.

"You will die! Today I am here to take your life!" The black man said sullenly, and then took out a long knife, and the figure flew like a lightning to the ink, and the sharp knife was scattered in the night sky. A sultry cold light.

Mo Qingfeng stood there, tall black shadows, and knives that radiated cold light, like a net to cover her, so that she had no way to escape.


The sharp big knife squatted from the top of Mo Qingfeng's head, but the body of Mo Qingfeng was not split in half, and there was no blood spurting out.

The black man squinted and looked like a solidified figure gradually disappeared from his eyes.

what happened?

The black man still hadn't figured out what was going on. Suddenly his body trembled and slammed. The big knife fell from his hand, broke a few tiles, then slid down the roof and fell to the ground.


A heartache, the black man squirted a blood, he looked down at the painful chest, a slender bun pricked through the back, the hairpins flashed blood.

The black man's legs were soft and slammed down, then slowly fell down. At the moment of death, the black man could not believe that he was killed so easily.

Mo Qingfeng stood still behind him, and the scattered blue silk fluttered with the wind. The purple long skirt swayed in the night wind, and looked indifferent, like a beautiful and deadly killing Shura.

"Oh, then I will die soon, I really don't fight." Mo Qing winded up the hair in his ear, and said indifferent and arrogant: "The people who often yell at death are always the first to die." ”

The death of a black man does not mean that it is calm. The murderousness still comes from all directions. Mo Qingfeng knows that in the dark, there are still many killers hidden somewhere. They come out one by one and let her consume. Force, and then come up to attack her.

"Will you kill the bright and killing, what is the top killer hidden in the dark?" Mo Qingfeng said loudly to the void. When she finished, she suddenly heard the sound of "squeaky" around, which made people listen to the scalp. The sound of tingling is from far to near.

Soon, she saw the dark red roof quickly replaced by various colors, snake? !

It seems to be a snake from the four sides, a multi-colored snake!

The snakes stretched out their tongues, spit the snakes, and smelled of bad smells from their mouths. They crawled like snakes, but they looked like snakes and dragons, and they had sharp corners on their heads.

Mo Qingfeng wanted to fly away from the roof. At this time, the sound of "嗡嗡嗡" came from the top of his head. When he looked up, he didn't know when to gather a lot of flying insects. These flying insects can attack her at any time, and these flying insects poisonous.

Oh, isn't this a dilemma for her? There are disgusting snakes and disgusting flying insects. She really wants to enter the space, but when she thinks about entering the space, she has to face these disgusting things. It is better to pack them as soon as possible.

The palm gathers a cyclone. When the snakes are about to climb to the heel, the force is sent out. The flame-like cyclone burns the snake that is climbing, and the smell of the charred snake is even more unpleasant. The toxin is more intense.

The rebellion of Mo Qingfeng angered more snakes, and even the flying insects above the head attacked her together.

The smell is unpleasant, the smell is poisonous, the poison is poisonous, and the ink is not so much. She repels the flying insects and quickly flies into the air.


More flying insects in the air flew over, and the ink wind kept fighting to repel them.

There are too many flying insects, so small, her shots are fierce, and they can't hit them completely. There are still a few bites in their hands. The pain suddenly comes, and her strength is slowed down. It is.

The bitten place, not only fever, but swollen quickly, bleeding out of black blood, pain is extremely incomparable.

If she could resist the poison, she would drink a lot of Lingquan before she came out of space. I am afraid it has now fallen.

Under the foot of the lack of exercise, but also to fight against these flying insects, gradually, the ink wind feels weak, physical strength is consumed, flying insects are more and more.

The snake that had been crawling on the roof also flew over.

Damn, what are these monsters?

Is this defeated to these disgusting snakes?

Just as the ink winds tried to fight against these evil snakes, the sky suddenly sounded a few screams of heartbreaking, and then a thick **** smell spread in the air, and spread to her with a foul smell. In the nose.

The screams stopped, and the snake worm, which was violently attacking the ink wind, suddenly retreated and quickly flew back around.

what happened?

Su Qing, who was standing in the air, looked at the snakes that swiftly returned, and they were repelled.