MTL - Evil Dragon Against The Heaven-Chapter 1187 Star Glass and Xiaomeng's new home

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"Brother, I have succeeded!" The space of the long distance crossing does not seem to cause too much consumption for her. In addition to the sweet smile, the face of the star glass has no abnormal traces such as disengagement. She succeeded, and her success also led to a deeper interlacing of the two worlds where Ye Tianxie was. In the past, the intersection of the two worlds only had the dragon power of common progress, and the fate of the moment and the mysterious and strange fruit everywhere. Now, the people who belong to the world of destiny have appeared in front of him for the first time. The world is getting closer and closer.

Before entering the world of destiny, this is completely something that Ye Tianxie could not have imagined. For him at that time, he would not even believe in the existence of "God". The world of destiny has made earth-shaking changes in his cognition, destiny, situation, and life.

"Here, is your brother's other home? It's so small... but it's really fun! Star Glass sister, you are amazing! My sister told me before that people can't come here. , Star Glass sister did it!" Xiaomeng smiled happily. The time when her consciousness exists is less than ten days, so it is not very clear what kind of concept is the leap from the world of destiny to the earth. If this matter is passed out... It is estimated that the root will not cause any sensation, because no one will believe it at all. People in the game world have come to earth! ? See more through the drama!

But this is the truth...

No one knows and believes that there is already a **** on this earth, a true god, a **** who can destroy the whole earth between his hands and feet.

"Great..." In the excitement and extreme shock, Ye Tianxie couldn't easily press the tide, go forward and hold the two girls. Even though I already knew that the world of destiny is a real world named Xi Yao Star, I saw that Star Glass and Xiao Meng have crossed the extremely distant space to the real world where he is. He still has a dreamlike unreality. The heart is even more excited and difficult. That world, after all, is not really the world that belongs to him. They can appear here, and it means that they are completely integrated into his life and life, and there is no barrier.

"This is... the real body of my brother... so warm." Starry glass leaned on his chest, with a smile on his lips, and he said infatuation.

"Brother... You hold it tight, there is a little breathless... Brother, your clothes are so strange, and the smell of the air here makes people feel a little uncomfortable... but, as long as there is My brother’s place, I will like it.” Xiao Meng twisted his body in his arms and made a pleasant smile.

The air on the earth is much more polluted than the lost continent. When you are used to losing the air of the mainland, you will feel uncomfortable when you breathe the air on the earth. This is one of the reasons why people will spend more and more time in the world of destiny. Earth's human life span is less than a hundred years. In the world of existence, this number is extremely low, less than one-fifth of the world of destiny. The reason is the air, the elemental composition and the sun's rays on the earth. The pollution of the air affects the physical condition. At the same time, the pollution of the air must also mean that the elements are not pure. It also determines that the level of human power on the earth is low, at least several levels lower than the fate world, and intuitive performance. That is... the abilities of the abilities that can manipulate the elements on the earth are rare, and the sorcerers of the world of destiny are everywhere. Another important reason is the sun ray. This is also the most important reason why people in the celestial world rarely dare to set foot on the earth. The sun that reaches the earth is just as strong as a phagocytic ability. This phagocytic ability is not the life but the power. Devouring is not a mere consumption, but an irreversible deprivation. However, the sun's rays that reach the Earth are not all the power that will be swallowed. When a certain force is less than or greater than the range that it can swallow, it will not affect. Therefore, the special abilities of the people on the earth will not be affected, but once they are exceeded, they will be swallowed up. Therefore, the peak of humanity will end on the edge that can be swallowed up, and it will be difficult to enter. If it exceeds a certain strength, it will not be affected. The power level of the people of the Tianyu is just in this range. If you come to the earth, your own power will be swallowed up by a little bit... The only accident is light, light, and nature. Will swallow the light.

Ye Tianxie, who has a holy mark in his body, will not be affected by the sun rays anyway.

For this reason, Xiao Xi, who came to the earth, had to use the taboo method in order not to lose power, and could never open his eyes.

On the other hand, the world of mortals is a world that God does not allow to set foot on. If God sets foot on the world of mortals, he will be punished by the gods. This is the rule of death established by the creation of the Protoss in a long time, because even a minimum **** can easily destroy any world of the world and destroy the rules of the mortal world. This rule was passed down from countless years ago and became one of the taboos of the Protoss. Of course, this Protoss refers to the creation of the Protoss. When human beings began to multiply, there was only one creation of the Protoss in the world. Because of this rule, even though the goddess of Borneo learned from her own fairy, her daughter is likely to be born again on the earth, and she did not set foot on the earth to find. She can find her daughter's two worlds - the Star of Xiyao and the Earth. For her, it is a forbidden place.

Star glass enters the earth, apparently violating the rules that God cannot enter the world of man. Star Glass does not belong to the creation of the Protoss, even if she knows this rule, naturally will not comply.

"Well, they saw you, they will be screaming in surprise... Speaking, we have two more chopsticks on our table."

The door opened and the girls who were already sitting at the table turned their heads at the same time. "Hah, the evil spirits, finally got it, and never come out, we can... ah??"

Sophie’s words said that half of it would stop, and see the starry glass and little dreams around Ye Tianxie. She was sluggish for a while, and she subconsciously licked her eyes...not only her, Chen Xinchen Xue, Situ Falling rain, even the dreams of the cold clothes are always full of mistakes, looking at the two girls around Ye Tianxie, none of them dare to believe their eyes.

"Star Glass... Little Dream..." Sophie was born in a dull, even the chopsticks in his hands slipped to the ground without knowing it.

"Sisters are good, welcome us!?" Xiaomeng smiled and said to them happily as they shook their hands.

A call, let them wake up from the mist, suddenly, they all got up from the table, came to their side, to make sure that all this is not an illusion.

"God, it’s really a starry glass and a little dream... What's going on, how come you..."

The people in the game world are living in the real world, and their impact on them is undoubtedly extremely huge, completely contrary to their cognition.

Some things can't be explained clearly to them for a while. If they say to them that the world of destiny is a real world, they will only be more confused. However, the incredible things will be slowly accepted by the time. What's more, the arrival of Star Glass and Xiaomeng shocked them, but it was not an unexpected surprise.

Therefore, in the state that Ye Tianxie is vague and difficult to explain, Sufifi can only let go of the thousands of doubts in her heart, first entertain these two young guests who came to this world for the first time... Of course, the biggest possibility They will be their future family.

Today's dinner is much more lively than before. The focus is naturally two unexpected small guests, the quietness of the star glass, the innocence of the little dreams, all of which make them deeply like. Everything in this new home is full of freshness for Star Glass and Little Dream, and curiously asks the most common sense questions for the Earth.

The two worlds have been completely intertwined, and what the consequences will be, Ye Tianxie does not know. But at least for now, this is an accident, but also a surprise... a surprise created by the power of God. Of course, there is another thing that makes Ye Tianxie a little headache: his house seems to be getting smaller and smaller.

At night, Star Glass and Xiao Meng naturally stayed in the home of Ye Tianxie instead of going back to the world of destiny. When the night was deep, a problem that caused Ye Tianxie’s headaches appeared...

Sophie Fei and Chen Xin packed up the room for Star Glass and Xiaomeng, because there were not enough bed tables, so they could only let them sleep in the same room first. However, Xiaomeng insisted on going to sleep in the room of Ye Tianxie. Even if she told her that Ye Tianxie’s bed could not sleep, she insisted on insisting that when she proposed to exchange with Chen Xue, she was usually well-behaved. Chen Xue is not willing to compromise on this matter, and will never give up his position next to his brother. Xiao Xi is even more impossible to compromise... A little dream is also okay. If it is not possible, Ye Tianxie’s bed can be reluctantly added with a small dream. However, Star Glass also wants to live in Ye Tianxie. In the room...

In the end, Ye Tianxie had to use a method that could not be used... Moved the bed prepared for Star Glass and Xiaomeng into his room, and was with his own bed, which finally made several girls Satisfy. However, Feifei, falling rain, Chen Xin... Even when Meng Yuyi is looking at these girls, there will be a little bit of color in the eyes... Girls are born with the right to be coquetry and willful, not to mention the two from another A distinguished guest of the world. As sisters, of course, they can't compete with them.

This night, Ye Tiangengen did not sleep well. In the past, Chen Xue and Xiao Xi left and leaned on him, and the sleep was exceptionally sweet. Nowadays, all four girls want to rely on him to sleep. In order to compete for various positions and fight against each other, Ye Tianxie is happy again, and it is a headache...

The night is like ink, and everything is quiet. No one in the sleep can know that there is a real **** above the earth. Those who have been trying to destroy Ye Tianxie, the forces and even the country, no one knows that there is a true God around him who can easily destroy them and even their country. If they know, give them a hundred courage, they will never dare to appear in front of Ye Tianxie. The arrival of the star glass also gave Ye Tianxie's home a real patron saint. With her, there is nothing in the world that will hurt him and the people around him.

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