MTL - Everywhere in Jianghu is Wonderful-Chapter 94 Xanadu!

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Chapter 94-The Supreme Master!

After flying over a long and narrow valley, the Phoenix fell on a meadow and shook Shen Qianling from his back.

Shen Xiaoshou was sitting in a sea of ​​colorful flowers, his face was pale, his hands and feet were cold, his eyes were very dull, and he seemed to be unconscious in the next second.

He was really scared!

Phoenix whispered and poked him gently with his head, like an apology and comfort.

Shen Qianling collapsed with energy and weakness, because he thought of another thing-although now he fell to the ground, but he will have to go back when he will, so why not fly again!

It's better to die!

The big bird arched up to him, and screamed with a long bow on his neck.

There was a faint reconciliation in the valley, Shen Qianling looked at the surrounding sea of ​​clouds and flower fields, and was afraid to think how high he had been.

Phoenix leaned forward on his sleeve.

So is this going to bring you a guest? Shen Qianling's knees were soft, as if stepping on cotton wool!

After walking a short way, a cave appeared in front of me when I turned around. Several huge phoenixes were hovering low, and the evening glow reflected a colorful streamer, which was more unreal than dreams.

Shen Qianling was stunned in the spot for a moment, how could there be so many unscientific!

When seeing outsiders, seven or eight phoenixes gathered around and stood in front of him.

Shen Xiaoshou was stunned, "In fact, I don't really want to come." So don't look at me with this strange look. Am I forced? Okay, my man is still waiting for me to cook !!

There was a laugh from Lang in the cave, and a gray-haired figure came out, "I asked them to ask the son to come."

Home! Of course! Have! people! Shen Qianling was dizzy, wasn't this really a dream?

Myth story what I haven't prepared for.

"My son doesn't know me anymore?" The old man came to him.

Shen Qianling swallowed hard, and her head was stunned!

Especially nervous!

The old man looked at him with a grin. "My son has also received my gift."

Shen Qianling was silly looking at him for a moment, and suddenly remembered something!

"Are you ... really a fairy?"

At first glance at the noodle booth, I saw that I did not belong to this world, and I also gave myself blue crystal jade, so it really is not mortal!

The old man stroked his beard and laughed, "I'm no fairy."

"So can you go down the mountain now?" Shen Xiaosheng took his hand warmly.

"My son is in trouble?" The old man asked.

"My elder brother was injured by a bad guy. Can you save him?" Shen Qianling wrote his expectations.

The old man frowned, "Brother?"

Shen Qianling: ...

Well, it's actually the same man, but as a fairy, don't gossip like that!

"How many spirit stones have been found?" The old man asked slowly, sitting on the stone bench.

"Four." Shen Qianling honestly said, "In addition to blue crystal jade, there are Xuelinglong, green pupil, and chiyan stone. "

"If you haven't been able to find Qi Lingshi and miss the opportunity, you may never return." The old man reminded.

Shen Qianling froze for a moment, but did not speak.

A purple phoenix flew over and placed a purple bead in his palm.

Shen Qianling opened his eyes in surprise.

"Purple Phoenix Blood," said the old man, "you saved Little Phoenix, and power should be a gift."

Shen Qianling shook her hands and didn't know what she was feeling.

"Not wanting to go back?" The old man looked at him.

"... If he is here, I won't go back." Shen Qianling looked at the beads in his hand, and hesitated to put it back on the stone table, "I don't want to."

"OK?" The old man asked with a smile.

Shen Qianling nodded.

"But it can cure some people's injuries," said the old man.

"Thank you!" Shen Xiaoshou hid the purple beads in her arms. The speed was faster than that, for fear of being taken away!

The old man laughed and said, "My son is really a funny person."

Shen Qianling was a little embarrassed, so wit changed the subject, "How are you in the fairy world recently?"

The old man laughed with tears.

Shen Xiaoshou: ...

"Do you want to stay here for dinner?" The old man finally managed to laugh.

"No more, thank you." Shen Qianling didn't give up. "Can't you really go down the mountain? I can stew delicious trotter soup and fried lotus white!"

"Purple phoenix blood and fried detox grass can be done with less effort," said the old man. "Rest assured, Qin Gong rarely achieved success in the main year, and God would not accept him."

"Well." Seeing that he was reluctant to go down the mountain, Shen Qianling didn't make it any stronger, "Thank you."

"If there is a chance in the future, drink tea with the son and talk about the sky." The old man said, "Go back."

Shen Qianling's eyes were bright and stood still.

The old man was puzzled, "Is there something wrong with my son?"

"Don't you send me back?" Shen Qianling wondered.

The old man shook his head.

The big phoenix flew over and lay on the ground to signal him to ride.

Shen Xiaoshou burst into tears and took hold of the old man's hand. "Can't you really cast me back?" Just slammed a finger spell and the like!

The old man stunned, and then laughed, "If my son does this again, I really can't bear to let you go back."

Shen Qianling is alert, I, I, I still want to go back, I want to be with my man!

"If I had fought with a ghost-handed old man at the beginning, your husband is now my apprentice." The old man was a little sorry in his words.

Xianggong ... Shen Qianling blushed, but this was obviously not the point, the point was ... the apprentice?

"I have retired from the rivers and lakes for years. I don't want to mention these things." The old man handed him a bottle. "I can do nothing for your cold poison, but this bottle of dew is collected from flame flowers. Drinking it is better for you."

"Thank you." Shen Qianling was grateful, but still a little puzzled. "If it was not a fairy, how would I know that I am not a person in this world?"

"Astronomical divination and divination, if the son wants to know, why not stay here and learn slowly?" The old man asked with a smile.

Shen Qianling shouted, "I, I, I'll go back."

"I will go to the foot of the mountain to see him after the Qin Gongzhu is cured." Said the old man.

"... Um." Shen Qianling moved.

"I'm looking for him for the sake of martial arts." The old man saw his mind, "As for the origin of the son, I will naturally not talk."

Shen Qianling's ears were hot.

It's so terrible to be seen!

"It's not early, let's go back," said the old man. "It should be anxious later."

Shen Qianling nodded, and lay obediently on Fenghuang's back, reaching out to clasp his neck.

The big phoenix spread its wings and slowly flew down the mountain.

Presumably, with caution, and Phoenix was flying very smoothly, this time Shen Xiaoshou did not feel too scared, but felt that he was home soon. When the crowd gathered at the village saw Shen Qianling, they shouted with excitement, "Hurry up and tell the granddaughter, the younger son is back on the divine bird!"

It was like tears.

"My brother knows that?" Shen Qianling jumped from Phoenix.

Everyone admired that the figure was really light.

"Yeah." Tian San said away from the crowd anxiously. "After hearing that the son was flying away by the Phoenix, he vomited blood."

"Who told you to tell him." Shen Qianling hurried back.

The villagers kept up, all feeling particularly worried.

"I'm back." Shen Qianling pushed open the gate.

"Oh!" Little Phoenix threw himself into his arms, apparently in a hurry.

Shen Xiaoshou burst into the bedroom.

The big phoenix flew behind him, blocking the onlookers from the gate, his eyes were extremely cold and arrogant.

The villagers held their heads and ran back.

We just want to see the excitement!

It's scary!

In the bedroom, Qin Shaoyu was sitting on the bed and coughing, without any blood on his face.

"Are you okay!" Shen Qianling was frightened by a pool of blood on the ground, and quickly sat beside the bed to support him, "I just--heh."

It's really worthy of a praise to be kissed without saying a word!

"Where did you go?" Qin Shaoyu held him in his arms, his voice hoarse and almost speechless.

Shen Qianling felt that his bones would be severed by him, and it was difficult to breathe with his face buried in his chest. "Phoenix took me to find an old fairy!"

Qin Shaoyu said nothing and hugged him tighter.

Shen Qianling felt that he was about to suffocate.

"Well!" Little Phoenix jumped into bed, struck him with a furry head.

"Are you okay?" Shen Qianling managed to break away a little.

Qin Shaoyu shook his head, his arms still not released.

"I don't know if they will fly away with me suddenly." Shen Qianling leaned against his chest. "I have no time to say hello to you, but it's all right, don't worry."

"I thought I was going to lose you." Qin Shaoyu's voice was very low and deep.

"How come." Shen Qianling hugged him comfortably, "I will come back to help you wash and cook."

"Oh!" Little Phoenix was squeezed between the two people, and finally managed to crawl out with a rough hair.

It's really tight!

"I met an exorcist." Shen Qianling repeated again.

"Who?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

"There is a high mountain north of the village, and there are so many phoenixes on it." Shen Qianling said, "There is also an old man who said he knew your master."

"My master?" Qin Shaoyu was surprised.

"Well, he said that if you could fight your master back then, you should be his apprentice." Shen Qianling said, "Do you have an impression?"

Qin Shaoyu shook his head. "I followed Master at the age of two and he never mentioned it to me."

"But he can tell fortunes, and he is quite accurate!" Shen Qianling said.

"Fortune telling?" Qin Shaoyu thought for a while, "If so, then there really is someone on the river."

"Who?" Shen Qianling asked.

"At that time, there were two masters on the rivers and lakes." Qin Shaoyu said, "Master is a divine doctor, and the real star is a god.

"That must be him!" Shen Qianling's eyes glowed. "He was very accurate, and he gave you medicine, and said that he would discuss with you about defeating the cult after he is good!"

"What's the matter for you?" Qin Shaoyu squeezed his face. "So excited."

Shen Qianling: ...

How to say this is not ready yet!

So he clenched his fists and reached out to Qin Shaoyu, "Guess what it is!"

Changing topics must be natural!

"How do you guess?" Qin Shaoyu laughed. "The medicine from a real person? You just said it yourself."

"That's right." Shen Qianling spread his palm proudly. "Zifeng blood, I have another bead!"

"Oh!" Little Phoenix stretched his neck, expressing his envy strongly.

Qin Shaoyu picked it up and looked at it, "Just say that you have a relationship with these stones. When I go out, I will find you the golden eye."

"The real person also said that Lingshi and detoxification grass can be fried together, which can do more with less." Shen Qianling said, "I will help you decoction at night!"

Qin Shaoyu took his hand and kissed him with his lips. "You must not scare me in the future."

It ’s not that I want to fly! Shen Xiaoshou pinched his neck. "But I brought back good things, and good news!"

"Um." Qin Shaoyu helped him straighten his hair, his eyes were very gentle.

"By the way, the real person gave me a bottle of medicine." Shen Qianling took out the small white porcelain bottle. "It is said that it is the honey water of the flame flower, which can cure cold poison!"

"It can't be cured, but it can make you a lot better." Qin Shaoyu uncovered the bottle and smelled it. "It is said that the flame flower will only open when the phoenix is ​​nirvana, and the nectar can detoxify and prolong life.

"Really?" Shen Qianling was generous, "then I don't need it, I will support you."

Qin Shaoyu laughed loudly.

"My chill is okay," Shen Qianling said. "It's not cold recently, it should not happen." And um, it's really much better after that!

Qin Shaoyu drank his head.

"Oh!" Little Phoenix looked a little longingly.

"I'll get you some brown sugar water." Shen Qianling went out with the wool ball.

Qin Shaoyu held his waist and kissed deeply.

Shen Qianling was forced to open his mouth, and felt a sweet honey water was spent.

"Little fool." Qin Shaoyu rubbed him into his arms and chuckled, "Why would I want your medicine."

Shen Qianling's ears were a little hot.

His own man is really gentle!

Must like it.