MTL - Everywhere in Jianghu is Wonderful-Chapter 92 Big Phoenix and Little Phoenix!

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Chapter 92-Great Phoenix and Little Phoenix!

"How much blood can such a little guy drink." Qin Shaoyu was amused by his expression.

"Oh!" Little Phoenix also opened his round black bean eyes, looking particularly innocent!

Shen Qianling shoved the wool ball into the nest at the table, "You must not move!"

The little phoenix held out a claw rebelliously.

Shen Xiaoshou gave him a fierce glance immediately.

"... Hmm." Little Phoenix flinched back, lying down in the nest and pretending to be dead.

Shen Qianling turned and began to educate his man, "You--"

"Can't stop the blood!" Qin Gong host Zhizhi raised his finger.

Shen Qianling: ...

Qin Shaoyu was very serious. "It's like blood flowing into the river."

"Come less." Shen Qianling was angry and funny, sitting on the bed and helping him with medicine.

"Angry?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

Shen Qianling wiped out the blood on his hand. "I bleed so much blood before, but now I can raise a little bit."

"I have seen it in the book, Phoenix will drink blood to recognize the Lord." Qin Shaoyu said, "So I want to try."

"The book also said that Phoenix feeds on Chaolu." Shen Qianling turned her head and glanced at Little Phoenix, but this morning, she just finished eating a large bowl of beef rice!

The hair ball calmly raised his head and looked at the sky-I didn't want to run around at all!

"What are you going to do today?" Qin Shaoyu changed the subject.

"Go clean up the yard." Shen Qianling said, "We have to live here for several months. Even if the rice is delivered by others, the vegetables are not good and we ask them every day."

Qin Shaoyu frowned slightly.

"I want to ask Brother Tian, ​​can you teach me how to grow vegetables?" Shen Xiaoshou was very serious. "It should be very simple."

Qin Shaoyu looked at him and said nothing.

Shen Qianling looked at him wondering, "What is your look, I'm not stealing vegetables."

Qin Shaoyu reached out and took him into his arms, bowed his head and kissed him severely.

Shen Qianling: ...

Qin Shaoyu laughed at himself, "I wouldn't have thought of it anyway, I would have you do this kind of thing for me."

"What's wrong with planting vegetables is not a shame." Shen Qianling patted his chest. "Don't think about it."

Qin Shaoyu squeezed his ears.

"Well, you can rest." Shen Qianling helped him lie down, "I'll cook."

Qin Shaoyu nodded, "Kiss me."

Shen Qianling squinted.

"Then give me a kiss." Qin Shaoyu took his hand.

That makes no difference! Shen Qianling hummed, and bowed his head and kissed him.

"Oh!" Little Phoenix desperately stretched his head in the nest.

Shen Qianling pinched its neck to go out to prevent his man from being attacked again!

Little Phoenix kicks his paw.

Shen Qianling put it on a wooden shelf, "Wait here!"

Little Phoenix jumped and looked very happy!

It's totally rebellious plus ADHD ... Shen Qianling couldn't laugh or cry, and turned out of the yard.

Tian San was chopping firewood next door. When he heard that Shen Qianling was going to plant vegetables, he immediately waved his hands boldly.

"Anyway, the courtyard is idle," Shen Qianling said. "It doesn't take much effort."

"That's all right." Tian Sandao said, "I'll go and help my son plant a slice of melon and vegetables. I don't usually need to take care of my son. I'll be fine."

"Thank you so much." Shen Qianling was embarrassed.

Tian Sanle wiped his hands and walked back with Shen Qianling with a hoe, intending to help him loosen the soil first.

Then when the gate was opened, both were shocked!

"Oh!" Little Phoenix held her head straight, her wings stretched out especially straight!

On the wooden shelf opposite it, two huge colorful phoenixes stood side by side. In the morning light, they were all brighter than gold.

"Eh!" Little Phoenix Lianfei rushed into Shen Qianling's arms with a flutter, smashed into a ball and hid!

"Shen Shen Shen ... Uh!" Tian San looked pale and brushed and hid behind Shen Qianling. After being pecked out of a hole by a divine bird in the chest, he will not be able to accept this terrible picture for a short while!

There are actually two!

Shen Qianling was also very nervous, neither running nor walking, and no way to communicate, he had to stand still.

The fur ball in his arms made a grunt sound, apparently unhappy!

One of the phoenixes flew over and looked up and down Shen Qianling.

Do n’t peck it down ... Shen Xiaoyou is very stiff, and you do n’t call me because my man is still in a coma!

Phoenix reached out his paw and dialed him.

Shen Qianling: ...

Fortunately, it's not the sister who touches your chest or chops you in minutes!

"Oh!" Little Phoenix opened his fluffy wings to block Shen Qianling. He was really brave!

But even if you are brave, this kind of thing is just a hair ball. Not only is it not domineering, it looks a little stupid!

So the big Phoenix was dismissive, kicked Shen Xiaoshou's chest again, and flew to the kitchen under the eaves to pick up a salty fish, and began to tear and share food with another Phoenix.

"I, I, I, I can, can ..." Tian San felt that his entire individual was going to suffocate!

Shen Qianling nodded sympathetically, "Yes."

Tian San immediately ran fast.

Shen Xiaoshou helped him pick up the hoes and put them away, and carefully looked at the two big phoenixes, but he was glanced coldly.

Shen Qianling: ...

Don't make such a proud look with a fishbone hanging on the corner of your mouth!

"Well!" Little Phoenix opened his mouth and looked up at him-hungry!

"How can it be so." Shen Qianling poked at his belly, went to the kitchen to help him take the minced meat bibimbap made in the morning, and put it on the other end of the wooden stand.

The little fur ball immediately leaped to the bowl and ate it. As a result, before being pecked twice, the big phoenix lifted his neck from his neck and turned around next to a pile of fish bones.

Shen Qianling: ...

Originally thought it was father and mother now look at it must not be biological.

"Well !!!" Little Phoenix stared with black eyes, and the whole bird was about to collapse!

The big bird still looked down and ate calmly.

"Well !!!" The fighting strength between the two sides was very different, and Mao Qiu had no choice but to jump into Shen Qianling's arms.

Shen Qianling couldn't help crying and had to help him chop some bacon and find some corn to mix together.

Little Phoenix stretched out his wings to protect the bowl, and started to eat, faster than that. Obviously, he was extremely afraid of being robbed again.

After the big phoenix had finished eating, he slowly moved to Shen Qianling's side and struck him with his head.

It doesn't seem very fierce ... I don't know if it was the one who took himself off the cliff, Shen Qianling reached out and touched it.

Unlike the fluffy little phoenix, the big bird's feathers are completely brocade-like, and under the sun, it seems to be slightly hot.

"Linger." Qin Shaoyu called inside the room.

"You guys are good." Shen Qianling scratched Phoenix's neck and turned into the bedroom.

"Well!" Little Phoenix twisted and tried to follow up, and was naturally intercepted halfway.

Furball was angry and continued to turn around to eat.

Brother is really annoying!

"What's wrong?" Shen Qianling sat beside the bed.

"Here is the big phoenix?" Qin Shaoyu leaned against the wall.

"Um." Shen Qianling helped him put the cushions on his back. "But not fierce at all. He is eating."

"When I woke up, I saw the shadow from the window." Qin Shaoyu said, "After all, it is an ancient venomous bird. I can't protect you completely. Be careful.

"I know." Shen Qianling said, "Will you come to take Little Phoenix?"

"Perhaps." Qin Shaoyu said, "If you take it away, it's a pity. It looks good to you."

"That's no help," Shen Qianling said. "You can't force it to stay."

As soon as the voice fell, the window was opened with a claw, a big phoenix stuck his head in, and screamed seriously.

Shen Qianling: ...

Qin Shaoyu frowned slightly, holding the sword handle under the pillow calmly with his left hand in case it suddenly went crazy.

After the big phoenix finished calling, he shrank his head back; instead, another phoenix reached into his head and held a ball of small hairs in his mouth.

"Oh!" Xiao Maoqiu protested weakly.

The big Phoenix's head fluttered, throwing his brother exactly a parabola.

Shen Qianling quickly reached out to catch it.

"..." Little Phoenix's hair was all messy, very wronged!

Two big phoenixes rose into the sky, mottled light and shadow on the ground, and soon disappeared into the sky.

Xiao Maoqiu broke away Shen Qianling's hand and went back to his nest to begin to concentrate on the pre-depression.

Shen Xiaoshou looked at Qin Shaoyu blankly-so what is the situation now?

Qin Gongzhu laughed and said, "Now it is not only the villagers who want you to raise, but even the big phoenix wants you to raise it."

Shen Qianling has a god.

What an amazing race!

So from this day, the two people and one bird began a harmonious and cohabiting life.

The open space in the yard was opened into a vegetable field, and soon green cabbage and loofah grew. The brothers of the Tian family did not know where to find a large growing grape vine, and put it up in the yard-but only You can look at the leaves and take advantage of it. If it comes to grabbing grapes, Shen Xiaoshou is obviously not an opponent of wool balls.

"Oh!" Holding the grape, Little Phoenix swung to bed and fed Qin Shaoyu's mouth.


Shen Qianling stood in the door with a mixed mood.

That's my man.

The wound on Qin Shaoyu's shoulder also gradually healed. Although he still couldn't exert force, the wound was no longer as stingy as before. He was not inflamed and infected. Shen Qianling was already content.

Injured by the soul killer, Qin Shaoyu spends most of his day working and adjusting his breath. Shen Qianling took the little Phoenix to do his housework, removing weeds and washing clothes, and she couldn't bear to look straight.

"Little boy." This afternoon, Datou of the village headed into the house with a pot of stuffed buns.

"Tian Yan." Shen Qianling quickly put down the thing in his hand and stood up. "Annoying you to send something over again."

"It's not worth anything." Auntie put the buns in the kitchen and looked at him with a smile.

Shen Qianling was chilled by his back, what a sense of rhythm!

"Don't blame the sister-in-law." Tian Dazhen held his hand. "Ask a question, you have to answer honestly."

"Um." Shen Qianling nodded. "What happened?"

"Are you married?" Dasao uttered a shock.

Shen Xiaoshou: ...

"Say." Grandma urged, "If you are not married, I have a good girl here!"

Shen Qianling laughed, "Thank you for your good intentions, but I have a family."

Ma'am immediately showed an expression like "I don't believe it!"

"It's true." Shen Qianling said, "My elder brother and I are married on the same day." So don't **** my man!

"That's it." Auntie looked very disappointed, thinking for a while without thinking, "then let me take a look."

Shen Qianling: ...
