MTL - Everywhere in Jianghu is Wonderful-Chapter 166 Mr. Shen is very lucky!

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Sovereign Of The Three Realms-SOTR Chapter 166

Along the odor in the air, the two quickly found the warehouse where the oil was stored. Many people were watching around, and the defense was very strict.

"What to do next?" Shen Qianling whispered.

Qin Shaoyu fluently said, "Let me tell you."

Shen Qianling: ...

Are you really serious undercover?

Qin Shaoyu rolled his face.

Although Shen Xiaoshou wanted to call him a slap, he finally compromised angrily and kissed him quickly!

Qin Shaoyu's mouth raised, "Really good."

"Can we talk now?" Shen Qianling held his face, "What shall we do next?"

Qin Shaoyu calmly said, "I don't know."

Shen Qianling was instantly angry!

I wonder if you let me kiss!

What a traitor is really too much!

"Go to the north first to see those woods." Qin Shaoyu picked him up, and turned toward the north.

As the distance is gradually shortened, the aroma of the logs in the air is getting stronger and stronger, and it is incompatible with the surrounding desert. Qin Shaoyu led someone to avoid the guard and entered a felt room where debris was piled up.

"It's so dark." Shen Qianling's voice was very low.

"No one." Qin Shaoyu held him in his arms. "Don't be afraid."

"Where is this?" Shen Qianling asked.

Qin Shaoyu bowed his head and kissed his face. "The Treasury."

Shen Qianling: ...

Speak well and talk!

"It will take a while for the eyes to get used to it." Qin Shaoyu pinched his chin. "Time cannot be wasted."

Shen Qianling said angrily, "You are not right like this, do ... hey."

Qin Shaoyu clenched his waist and slowly deepened the kiss. When the two finally separated, Shen Qianling Xiaoshou was desperate again for him, a man who can be hum and kisses anytime, anywhere.

In the darkness, Qin Shaoyu looked at him with a smile, his eyes clear and handsome.

Shen Qianling kicked him angrily, his face red and red.

His eyes had adjusted to the darkness, and he saw that there were piles of wood around, and some wooden frames assembled halfway.

"Chariot?" Shen Qianling asked.

"Not like it." Qin Shaoyu crouched down and looked closely. "Also, no chariot is needed in the desert."

"What's that?" Shen Qianling looked at the two ends of the wood. "The shapes have been cut and they should be put together."

A piece of parchment was nailed to the half-finished wooden frame. Qin Shaoyu took out the fire and glanced at it.

"Blow it off after watching it!" Shen Qianling opened his clothes and blocked the light for him, very nervous.

"It's a pity that it blown." Qin Shaoyu lit the sheepskin roll and threw it into the gap of a pile of wood.

In the mind of Shen Qianling, the four words "killing and setting fire" immediately emerged, very suitable!

"Go." Qin Shaoyu took his hand and slipped out from the other side, his body was like a blast, and he hid in the night with a blink of an eye.

"It's a fire!" A moment later, an exclaiming sound came from behind, and it became noisy all around instantly.

"Where are we going now?" Shen Qianling asked.

"Hot oil depot." Qin Shaoyu hugged him tightly. "Send another gift to Gulihan."

Due to the fire in the place where the wood was stored, the guards of the oil depot were alarmed. After all, the burning of the wood only destroys the property. If the oil is burned, it will be fatal. So the guards went into the warehouse to check. Qin Shaoyu saw the timing and flew to kick the large stone pier used to insert the flag in front of the camp, smashing straight into the nearest warehouse.

After a loud noise, more than a dozen oil barrels grunted out, and the hot oil simmered into the sand, and then the air was filled with acrid smell.

"Who?" Shouted the guard.

Qin Shaoyu hugged Shen Qianling tightly in his left hand, withdrew a knife in his right hand, and cut down the Mobei soldiers who rushed up with one stroke.

"Come here! There are assassins!" Mo Beibing knew that this man had martial arts, so he clenched his arms, thinking that more people could come to help. Unfortunately, as soon as the timber storehouse caught fire, most of them ran to the other side to help, and they would not be able to come at a short while, so they were killed by Qin Shaoyu after a while. The barrel fell in all directions and rolled everywhere.

"Assassin!" There was a trembling cry from the distance, apparently the large army arrived. Shen Qianling was so nervous that his palms were sweating coldly. Qin Shaoyu hugged him and jumped flat, turned on a war horse, and galloped in the direction of the army.

The gale hunting hurt his cheek, Shen Qianling even stopped breathing, shouldn't he try his best to avoid the enemy, then don't make such a directional mistake!

The Mo Beibing was probably the first time that he saw someone retreat in this situation, so they were a little confused. Qin Shaoyu rushed with a single-handed sword, the sharp blade shone faintly in the moonlight blade, and the air was filled with **** smell and explosive smell. It was not like a human, but more like a ghost with red eyes.

"Punch me!" One of the chiefs issued a command.

Qin Shaoyu raised the corner of his mouth, and grasped the handle with his right hand.

The war horse was like a red-hot iron fork, stabbing into the enemy's clan obliquely, screaming everywhere, killing everywhere, Shen Qianling closed her eyes tightly, but still felt the hot liquid splashing on his face. With a blank mind, I just hope that the injured person will never be him.

"Get it!" Qin Shaoyu shoved something into his arms.

Shen Qianling quickly hugged, and opened his eyes to see a bow and arrow.

The horse's leg was cut, Qin Shaoyu clenched his waist, stood up in the black hawk, and stepped on his head with his toes, heading northward.

"Catch him!" When Gu Lihan heard that Zema was coming, he saw that the storeroom was in a mess, so he was so angry that he took out the knife and chased it.

Qin Shaoyu hugged Shen Qianling and jumped onto the lookout platform, kicked the Mobei soldiers above, tore the battle flag into a cloth and tied it to the arrow, and then ignited the fire and oil storehouse.

The three sharp arrows meteors generally line the night sky, leaving light and shadow in the air.

"Get down!" Mo Beibing guessed his intention and exclaimed suddenly. Qin Shaoyu hugged Shen Qianling and jumped off the high platform, killing all the way out.

Behind the fire flew up into the air, and then dyed red half the sky. There were constant explosions in the ears, and the enemy camp's porridge was usually in a mess. Hundreds of warhorses were frightened. The Mo Bei soldier, who was originally guarded at the gate, saw these two blood-covered people from a distance. Shura usually flees, for fear of losing his life accidentally.

The warhorse was on four hoofs and took the two men out of the door of the enemy camp. The long ancient winds of the northwestern desert rushed forward, blowing off the **** and killing smell. Shen Qianling sat on his side and immediately looked up at him, his eyes were shattered.

"Afraid?" Qin Shaoyu asked him.

Shen Qianling shook his head, "I know, you are the best."

Qin Shaoyu laughed, spurred the horse to whip northward, and along the way, Populus euphratica, reflecting mottled shadows on the sand.

In the Mobei military camp, Gulihan looked at the embarrassing camp, and his throat became sweet.

"Khan takes care." The ghost monkey stood beside him, looking as if it was rainy.

"Who the **** is it, and how did you come in!" Gulihan shouted. "There are heavy soldiers at all entrances to the barracks. Why should two outsiders come in!"

"Why doesn't Khan ask the princess?" The ghost monkey said coldly. "No one but her can easily bring strangers in."

"Khan." A Mobei sweated over, "Princess, the princess was stunned."

"What?" Gulihan was surprised.

"My subordinate heard that an assassin was coming in, so I wanted to pay more attention to the princess. No one would say that he called several times outside the account." Mo Beibing knelt on the ground. The princess was unconscious, and the person lying beside him turned out to be Abei. The previous eighteen feet had disappeared. "

Gulihan turned pale.

"No wonder the princess can be fascinated." Ghost Monkey sneered. "It turned out to be a man of real ability."

Gulihan didn't say a word and strode towards the camp.

"Ghost Division." A leader of Mo Beibing asked, "What shall we do next?"

"What do you think?" The ghost monkey asked back.

The leader 讪讪 dare not speak.

"It was carefully prepared for the loss of women's power. It really didn't kill them." The ghost monkey's eyes were cold.

The leader resigned, and no one dared to speak around.

The night passed quickly, and Shen Qianling yawned stupidly, and drew back into the arms of those around him.

Qin Shaoyu laughed and said, "Pig."

"Huh?" Shen Qianling opened his eyes.

"It's almost dawn." Qin Shaoyu said, "Is it cold?"

"It's not cold." Shen Qianling looked at him. "You didn't sleep all night?" The whole body was warm, apparently because he was afraid of catching cold.

"Not a night, you haven't slept for less than two hours." Qin Shaoyu said, "Let's go, we should be able to chase the hill today."

"Looking for him?" Shen Qianling stood up.

"We'll take him back." Qin Shaoyu said, "If you are a smart person, naturally you should know who to follow."

"Well." Shen Qianling asked, "What about the mark on the tree? Did you find it?"

"It should be the dents of these triangles." Qin Shaoyu said, "It is not difficult to find."

"Let's go." Shen Qianling stretched his waist. "Go home early to take a shower." The blood-covered incident was very appetizing.

Qin Shaoyu's mouth rose.

Shen Qianling looked at his man with very speechless eyes. You don't have to look at this expression every time you hear a bath. It's really abnormal. Last night, the hero who was domineering and leaking must be two of you!

What a fine division is really terrible ...

Although the Mobei War Horse is not as good as treading white, it is also used to running in the desert, and the footwork is not slow. As they approached the evening, they ran into a hill under a Populus euphratica forest on the side of the road.

"..." Because the two had taken off their camouflages and were covered with blood, it was inevitable that Koyama gave a little sting, but soon he returned to his mind and swallowed the scone in his mouth.

"You slow down." Shen Qianling looked worried. "Be careful."

As soon as the words fell, the hill coughed violently.

Shen Qianling: ...

It turns out I'm so crow beak.

Then be sure to make good use of it.

Gulihan will soon be hung up and hung up, this must be spiritual!

Qin Shaoyu picked up the water sac on the ground, unscrewed it, and passed it.

Koyama drank the atmosphere, and finally slowed his breathing, watching the two men alertly.

Shen Qianling simply said, "Your master is not a good person. You can't learn anything from him. Would you like to go back with us?"

"Who the **** are you?" Oyama asked.

"We are from the Chu Army." Shen Qianling said, "If you promise to stop helping and be abusive in the future, you will be better off than you are now."

"You're here for me?" Koyama frowned.

"No." Shen Qianling shook his head.

Oyama pointed in the opposite direction. "Then you have gone the wrong way. You should go there when you return to the Chu barracks."

"What about you?" Shen Qianling asked, "Let's go with us, you're not bad, why should you follow the ghost monkey. And you said it yourself, he didn't really want to teach you anything, but he just used it as a messenger. That's it. "

"Of course I'm not bad." Koyama skimmed.

"The two of us are still good friends, right?" Shen Qianling was patient and sincere.

"What's your name?" Oyama asked.

"Shen Qianling." Shen Xiaoshou told the truth this time.

"It's you." Koyama widened his eyes in surprise. "I've heard you before."

"Really?" Shen Xiaoshou was embarrassed.

"Do you really turn thunder and lightning into the wind and rain?" Koyama looked around him.

Shen Qianling: ...

You think too much I really don't.

"Then you are the master of Qin Palace?" Xiaoshan looked at Qin Shaoyu again.

Qin Shaoyu nodded.

Xiao Yan's eyes were envious, "Do you have a Phoenix?"

Qin Shaoyu continued to nod.

"So come back to the barracks with us?" Shen Qianling took his hand. "After finding Wangguihua, we will go home together. At that time, I will help you find a real master. I will stop using you and will teach you Real skill. "

Looking at his sincere eyes, Koyama nodded at last.

The night was full of water. Three people and two horses continued to move towards the depths of the desert. The horses' hoofs flew and splashed with yellow sand.

In the Chu barracks account, Ye Jin was feeding rice **** with wool balls.

"Why are you eating again?" Shen Qianfeng frowned as soon as she entered the room.

"Of course you need to eat a lot of body." Ye Jin squeezed a few pieces of beef and put them in.

"Hey!" Furball was in a good mood, and raised his head cheerfully.

"It can't last longer than five meals a day." Shen Qianfeng couldn't help laughing and crying. "Besides, Ling Er urged before leaving to let him eat too much."

"I'm a doctor, naturally I know how to measure." Ye Jin rubbed the ball of fur.

Little Phoenix was suffocating, apparently very supportive.

Ye Jin: ...

"Well, don't eat any more." Shen Qianfeng picked up the wool ball and turned on the window sill. "Go and play by yourself."

Mao Qiu nostalgically looked back at the rice cereal bowl, opened his short wings and was hugged by the dark guard to the room.

"Did you have a good meal?" Shen Qianfeng sat back to him. "I've been busy with military affairs in recent days and I can't take care of you. Everyone told me that you are thin."

"Who is so busy!" Ye Jin was furious when she heard what she said. Everyone reported that she was fat or thin!

"Take you to supper." Shen Qianfeng took his hand and went out.

"Don't eat." Ye Jin hugged the door frame. "I want to sleep."

The dark guard squatted down on the roof and sucked in the air. It was great when Lord Ye Gu became so unrestrained!

"What do you want!" Ye Jin glared at the roof, "Oh!"

Darkguard: ...

It ’s not okay to think about it. How can Lord Ye Gu be so fierce and I do n’t know how Master Shen can bear it, so in the final analysis, it ’s still good for the lady to jump and jump.

I don't know when I will be back.

"Hmm!" The fur ball lay on the roof, and Xiao Heidou stared at Shen Qianling and Qin Shaoyu's room without blinking.

The dark guard saw tears in his eyes, and the owner of my house could be filial, maybe he would lie here all night and the wind and rain would not move the nest. This kind of picture just makes people choke.

"Come down." Yun Juege stretched out his hand in the yard.

The fur ball rushed down in high spirits immediately, and stumbled to the softness, "Oh."

The dark guard froze for a moment, then proudly stood tall.

That ’s right, the owner of my house is really very filial, only the inner pain will leave as soon as I cry because it really needs comfort!

This is really touching.

It's gratifying to see that the level of residual brain powder has increased again.

A few days later, Qin Shaoyu finally took Shen Qianling back to the barracks. Everyone was eating in the dining room. After hearing the news, they hurried over, but was informed by the guard that the palace master and Shen Gongzi were bathing.

"Not hurt?" Chu Yuan was concerned.

"Of course not." Dark Wei shook his head. How my palace master would be injured is very mysterious.

"That's fine." Chu Yuan asked again, "Is something found?"

"Here." Dark Wei Yangyang's bag, "was originally intended to be sent to Lord Ye Gu."

"Really found it?" Ye Jin stepped forward to open it and gave a glance, surprised. "Really hope to return flowers!"