MTL - Everywhere in Jianghu is Wonderful-Chapter 145 No one will dislike you!

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Chapter 145-No One Will Dislike You!

Because seeing Master was still very grand, Shen Qianling stood up straight without realizing it, and his expression was very difficult to describe!

Because he is really really nervous!

"What are you afraid of?" Qin Shaoyu patted his shoulder. "No one will dislike you."

"Who said it." Shen Qianling retorted quickly, "Yin Wushuang didn't like me."

Qin Shaoyu: ...

The dark guards praised in their hearts. At this time, they still don't forget to be jealous. My wife can't help but want to touch her little hand!

What a cute one!

"Why not?" Shen Qianling felt tired after standing for a while! But the sound of flute still came on and off, without any intention of stopping!

"Otherwise, let's go back to the house first." Qin Shaoyu helped him to get his whole clothes. "It's too cold outside, and if it's cold, it will have poisonous hair."

That must not work! Shen Qianling refused, and he had to be sincere in welcoming Master. If he was angry and didn't like himself, it would be over, and there would be more trouble in the future!

"What the **** are you nervous about?" Qin Shaoyu looked at him with a smile.

"Of course you are not nervous!" Shen Xiao is furious, and you don't have to face this complicated situation similar to the relationship between mother-in-law and mother-in-law, is it just a world problem?

"Otherwise, kiss?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

Lying down! Shen Qianling quickly ran to the other side. You are really fluent and naturally unconnected.

"Master is here!" The dark guard standing high reminded them.

Shen Qianling immediately stood next to Qin Shaoyu, looking smart and sensible without eating fireworks, just like a small lotus-like freshness!

The dark guards collectively rubbed their hands, and said that my son was not a mortal. He was still having a small temper with the palace master the moment before, and he became so loving in the blink of an eye, I couldn't stand it!

Qin Shaoyu gently held his hand and called Master Sheng into the vast sea.

Shen Xiaoshou took a deep breath, trying to calm down, but accidentally lost his breath, and began to snoring frantically.

Qin Shaoyu: ...

Darkguard: ...


"Hurry up for me, cure me, I can't be so embarrassed, see Master!" Shen Xiao was extremely anxious.

Is it stupid?

Qin Shaoyu scratched his armpit, Shen Qianling continued to burp while hiding and laughing, but also trembling even harder!

"Useless, ah!" Shen Qianling flushed.

Really flattering ... Qin Shaoyu took his chin, bowed his head and kissed deeply.

The dark guard bites the back of the hand with tears in order to avoid accidentally making a sound and being cut by the palace master!

Shen Qianling was startled with wide eyes, but originally wanted to push away, but then thought that maybe he could cure the snoring, so Wan Fenhe raised his head and kissed his tongue, a lingering comparison! After panting, Shen Qianling waited for half a minute, then breathed a sigh of relief, "No more snoring."

"Um." Qin Shaoyu calmly rubbed the corner of his lips with a little water.

"Why isn't the master playing the flute?" Shen Qianling wondered. "It's not going to go."

Qin Shaoyu pointed up.

"Huh?" Shen Qianling was puzzled, looked up, and saw an old man sitting on the mast, frowning and reaching for the flag.

Shen Qianling fainted for a moment. Looking at Qin Shaoyu with a particularly tense look, the whole person hit a shock!

"It's okay, it doesn't matter if you look at it." Qin Shaoyu whispered in his ear.

nonsense! Shen Qianling was almost in tears, but she was actually kissed by Master!

"Master," Dark Wei Qi Qi saluted to the elderly.

Qin Shaoyu hugged Shen Qianling and leapt to a high place.

Shen Qianling felt faint and her knees were a little soft!

The ghost hand doctor jumped down the banner, and landed in front of everyone steadily.

"Okay!" The dark guard immediately applauded, his expression very frozen!

Shen Qianling: ...

"Master." Qin Shaoyu took Shen Qianling and took two steps.

The ghost doctor didn't even look at him, and looked up and down Shen Qianling with some doubts, "You are Shen Qianling?"

"Yes." Shen Xiaoshou was very well-behaved. "Good old man."

"Is it human?" The ghost-handed doctor looked behind him.

Shen Qianling is messy in the wind, let alone you are looking for a tail.

The dark guard stood behind the ghost-handed magician, and collectively looked at Shen Qianling with eyes full of expectation and encouragement-quickly turn the little round tail out to Master Meng!

Shen Xiaoyu was in tears. You have to say a few times before you believe it. I really don't grow long!

Then he saw the ghost-handed doctor pulling out a book from his arms. So my brain was blank, and I even wanted to jump into the sea! I really ca n’t believe that kind of book. I never hang around during the day and I do n’t even feel mad at the full moon night. Is it even better to have a bird when pregnant?

And as a martial arts champion, how can you read such a book? It's not scientific!

"The writing is vivid and lively, when you really found me a fairy." The ghost-handed doctor looked at Qin Shaoyu and sighed, and threw the book into the sea.

Shen Qianling was in a mixed mood. What kind of disappointed expression is it going to make? I am not a fairy, shouldn't I celebrate!

"Oh!" The fur ball chewed beef jerky, and came running around, very messy!

The real person immediately took a breath!

"I wasn't born." Shen Qianling was nervous about the relationship!

Qin Shaoyu laughed loudly.

Laugh! Shouldn't this be a good explanation at this time, Shen Qianling reached out and stabbed him!

"Speaking of which, I have seen your brothers before, but I have never seen you." The real person continued to look at Shen Qianling. "It looks like the appearance of the Shen family."

"Well, I often hear my family talk about seniors." Shen Xiaoshou exaggerated a bit.

This is called the art of getting along with mother-in-law!

After some confirmation, the ghost-handed magician finally believed that Shen Qianling was the real little boy of the Shen family, not a strange weird fairy, so he expressed his disappointment again without concealing it.

He is really a mortal!

Shen Qianling had painful words and swallowed tears into her belly silently.

Several people entered the cabin, and the ghost doctor poured a cup of tea for himself, wondering, "What's going on with money in a warehouse in Jiangnan?"

Lying down! The dark guard immediately rushed in front of Qin Shaoyu and replied, "The prince of the palace has long heard of the danger of pirates, so he specially ordered this flag. He wanted to lead the pirates out and wipe them out, so that he could kill the people and do his duty . "Wise, very fluent!

Qin Shaoyu touched his chin, shamelessly acquiesced.

"It's a coincidence." The ghost-handed doctor said, "Recently these pirates have indeed been robbed. Even the ships that supply the island have been robbed several times. Even if you don't do it tonight, I will come to capture them."

"They are all strapped under the cabin." Qin Shaoyu said, "A total of dozens of people, I will send them to shore tomorrow to the government."

"Sent to the government to do anything!" Guishenyidao said, "Keep me picking it first, and then escorting to Frost Island."

"Why?" Shen Qianling wondered a little, didn't he want to raise a bunch?

"I have nothing to do with lately. I got a lot of flowers and plants on the island." Guishou Yidi said, "Originally I hired someone to take care of it. Unfortunately, ordinary people do n’t understand martial arts, and sometimes they are inevitably stung by bees. For these pirates You can use it a lot, and you don't have to pay for it. "

Therefore, learning to calculate accounts is indeed an indispensable skill for previous owners of the shadow-seeking palace.

"Alright." Qin Shaoyu smiled, "It is their blessing to be able to do things for Master."

"Go out and talk a lot when you come back." The ghost-handed doctor looked at him.

"Naturally," Qin Shaoyu said, "otherwise, how could he coax the child back, Master knows how many people on the river and lake are waiting to grab me."

Shen Qianling: ...

Don't just drag the subject on me, there is no preparation!

"As a mortal, then there is nothing to choose from." The ghost-handed doctor looked at Shen Qianling. "It looks good, the family is innocent, and it is not stupid to look at, I have no opinion."

Shen Qianling was in a mixed mood. Your senior's requirements for your daughter-in-law were really very low.

"This time I brought Linger, there was something I wanted to ask Master." Qin Shaoyu said.

"Her cold?"

"Yes." Qin Shaoyu nodded. "How will Master know?"

"Read it in the book." The ghost-handed doctor was calm.

Shen Qianling was red with red ears again, and that little yellow book full of ahhhh ...

Will the appearance rate be too high?

"Yeah!" Mao Qiu felt a little sleepy, so he jumped to the table and yawned.

"Well, I'll go see the pirates and pick a few good ones." The real person stood up. "You should rest early, and say something tomorrow morning."

"Yes." Qin Shaoyu nodded.

"Master also rests early." Shen Qianling also followed sensibly.

The ghost doctor picked up the little Phoenix, "I am making fun of it tonight."

The fur ball looked slightly blanked when it was suddenly held up.

"Well." The master of the Qin Palace immediately betrayed his son shamelessly. "Master is funny."

Shen Qianling had to shut up.

Seeing that they had no objection, the fur ball was relieved, lying lazily in the arms of a real person, looking very cute and clean and flattering!

So the ghost-handed doctor walked and figured out how to keep this little thing on the island and raise it for himself. It looks more advanced than the thrush!

"Master," a dark guard ran up from under the boat, and just met him.

"What are you going to do?" The ghost-handed doctor frowned. "Humbling."

"Brothers just examined the pirates and knew that there was an incredible piece of news." An Wei panted. "The group's master is General Kyung Lee, who has been secretly connected with the East Korean Party, and there seems to be rebellion. Will. "

"This is a serious matter?" The ghost-handed doctor frowned. He hadn't stepped into the secular world for many years. He didn't understand the situation, and even less who this General Li was.

"Natural is very serious," said Wei Wei, "General Li in the pirate's mouth is named Li Weiyang and is the emperor's close general of the town and state. This time, he led the army in Pingding, Mobei.

"That has nothing to do with the Palace of Shadowplay." The ghost-handed doctor still disagrees. "The emperor has used people carelessly. This situation has existed since ancient times, even if he died, it was destiny."

Who cares for him? Anwei hurriedly stomped his feet. "But this time, Master Shen is his lieutenant!"

There is a tummy thief lurking secretly around him, in all likelihood | Nine will suffer

The author has something to say: It seems that the last paragraph is not displayed?

Who cares for him? Anwei hurriedly stomped his feet. "But this time, Master Shen is his lieutenant!"

There is a treason with a belly full of secrets lurking secretly around him, ten out of ten | Nine will suffer!

Just in a hurry!

Post it again ~