MTL - Everywhere in Jianghu is Wonderful-Chapter 124 It's heartbreaking that Shen Gongzi is sick!

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Chapter 124-This is really heartbreaking!

"Want to go out and see?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

Shen Qianling refused decisively, no matter who wants to go out for a visit, I am not a monkey!

"Then rest for a while." Qin Shaoyu squeezed his face, "I will deal with it alone."

"Um." Shen Qianling nodded, yawning and retracting into the bed.

Ye Jin, who was next to him, was awakened early. After getting up and washing, he squeezed a bun, and went out to watch the fun while eating. As a result, the public was treated as Shen Qianling as soon as half of his head was found out. He rushed to the face, and some even had flower stems with soil!

Ye Jin was frightened and turned decisively back.

The people burst into tears when they saw this, and they felt that Shen Gongzi was even weaker than the legend. It was so cute that he didn't even dare to come out of the door. Maybe even the little round tail was shaking, making people especially want to line up to touch their little hands.

Behind the screams intensified, Ye Jin was dizzy and darts fast, almost hitting Qin Shaoyu's arms.

"Hell?" Qin Shaoyu frowned.

"How busy are those people outside?" Ye Jin was baffled, and blocked in the door of the inn in the morning without any work, what a strange sense of rhythm.

Qin Shaoyu's expression was very calm. "It has always been this way along the way, and I have long been used to it."

Ye Jin: ...

Do you have to speak in such a tone of contempt that I haven't seen the market!

"I'll take a look." Qin Shaoyu went out.

Be careful of being hit by a flowerpot! Ye Guzhu gave a very dark rub, and then went back to Shen Qianling.

"I didn't wake up." Shen Xiaoshou covered himself in the quilt!

"Don't sleep." Ye Jin dragged him out. "Do you know? There are at least a hundred people waiting to see you outside."

It ’s okay not to say it, Shen Xiaoying immediately became sorrowful when he said, “What do you think I have in mind? They have nothing else to do!”

"You are one of the best beauties on the rivers and lakes, and it is understandable for people to want to see it with their own eyes." Ye Jin sat across from him. "It's also good for you. If you change to Yin Wushuang, it will certainly not be caused by people.

Don't mention the name of that vixen in the morning! Shen Xiaoshou is very careful about his love rivals.

Between the two of them, the fur ball ran into the room quickly, dragged a jade card in his mouth, and the little black bean eyes were full of spirit, apparently filled with the joy of making money!

"No!" The Dark Guard followed, hurriedly chasing. "That's a subordinate's token. It will be punished by the palace master."

Shen Qianling's head buzzed.

The fur ball jumped to bed and plunged into the bed!

Darkguard: ...

Do n’t dare to borrow ten more darings to go through his wife ’s bed, okay?

"Don't make trouble." Shen Qianling pulled Little Phoenix out of the bed.

The two small claws of the hair ball are twisted together, and their eyes are firm to show that they are really innocent!

Shen Qianling cried and laughed and couldn't find the jade card, and threw it to the dark guard at the door.

The fur ball immediately showed a heartbroken expression.

"Thank you son." An Wei sighed with relief.

"Don't play with it next time," Shen Qianling said seriously. "These things are important."

"Yes." Dark Guard nodded and left. Of course, we know this, but no one can resist the innocent look of love and innocence of the Meng Shao Meng Meng! I'm still holding my head up, it's almost a distraction!

Seeing that the jade card was taken away, Mao Qiu jumped out of bed silently, squatting in the corner without saying a word, feeling that the birds were extremely dim.

"Is it angry?" Ye Jin asked.

"It's not right to take other people's things!" Shen Qianling said, "don't worry about it first, or you'll have trouble next time." It's very, very strict!

Ye Jin laughed. "You really seem to be teaching your son."

Son or something ... Shen Qianling thought of his elder brother instantly, so he took the opportunity to "carelessly" and said, "It has been more than ten days since I came out. Do you want to be a little Shen Ye?"

Ye Jin nodded. "I dreamed of him last night."

"Really?" Shen Xiao was surprised by the words, which was clearly the rhythm of his own father and son!

"Um." Ye Jin smiled. "When I was in Qionghua Valley, I occasionally adopted some children, but few people were as good as him."

"Then do you want my brother?" Shen Qianling asked quickly.

"No!" Ye Jin answered quickly.

Shen Qianling complained, "You think about it."

"Why should I miss him." Ye Jin's mouth was very hard!

"Because my elder brother must miss you very much." Shen Qianling Duding.

"He thinks I'll miss him?" Ye Jin disdain, "There are more people missing Lao Tzu!" Really narcissistic.

Shen Qianling sighed in his heart, why is his sister-in-law so awkward?

It's not hot at all!

"Yeah." Mao Qiu squatted in the corner for a long time and no one came to coax, so he whispered, saying "I'm still angry here, I really need seeds and throw high."

"I don't know what Master left Brother doing on the mountain." Shen Qianling said, "I haven't seen him here for so long."

"It's best not to come!" Ye Jin fell to the bed holding the quilt. "He comes to Lao Tzu!"

Shen Qianling: ...

Do you dare to be more proud of yourself.

I'm looking forward to it!

"Oh!" The fur ball squatted slightly in a corner, so he raised the tone appropriately. How can he not look here? It is really annoying!

"Let's go, let's have breakfast." Shen Qianling got dressed and got out of bed.

The fur ball slumped back to the corner in an instant, and turned itself into a cute little group, ready to greet the high!

But in the next second, Shen Qianling went out with Ye Jin and ignored it at all!

This is too decisive, okay!

As a fragile and sensitive little phoenix, Mao Qiu felt that he had been seriously injured, and even his future became confused.

It's very, very melancholic.

Outside the inn, when the people saw Qin Shaoyu coming out, they immediately stepped up to sing and dance, ready to welcome Shen Gongzi!

Only then did he show his face and only shyly ran back. As a result, he just stepped on his right foot with his left foot, and fell into the arms of Qin Gong's arms very weakly. He blushed and said, "There are so many people outside, you should go out and take a look" Such cute scenes are really loving, and we have no random association at all!

Qin Shaoyu stood on the steps in front of the restaurant, patiently appreciated the whole dance, and then applauded twice. "Thank you so much for Linger, but he is unwell, and only Qin thanked everyone here."

The people were disappointed when they heard what they said, but they were more worried. The matter of Shen Gongzi's illness made people's hearts broken.

"Is it really because Emperor Shen is punished by the Emperor because of the rain?" Someone in the crowd asked loudly.

The dark guard squatted on the roof and bit his fist. This is a new bridge section. There is a version we have never heard of. It really shouldn't be!

Qin Shaoyu smiled slightly, his eyes were bitter, and he indirectly defaulted.

You must like your face.

"You need to give Son Shen more rest." Grandma sent a basket of salted duck eggs with tears. "Don't be tired for the people."

The others also nodded one after another, saying that the drought would be a little bit drier. Don't let Shen Gongzi clash with Emperor Tian for the rain.

We are distressed!

"Zhaizhu is here!" The sharp-eyed people shouted.

The crowd turned around, and it turned out that a few tall Malaysians were galloping towards this side. The man with a beard headed by it was Li Tiehand, the owner of Huantian Village.

"Why didn't Qin Gong come, why didn't he pass the news in advance?" Li Tie's hand laughed and flew off the horse. "I should prepare early."

"Li Zhaizhu is out of sight." Qin Shaoyu laughed. "Just passing by along the way, I never bothered to have Brother Li come in person."

"The master of the Qin Palace is one of the best young talents on the rivers and lakes. It is Lee's fortune to get acquainted with him." Li Tieshou looked behind him, "I wonder where Shen Gongzi is?"

"Ling'er is unwell and is resting in the inn." Qin Shaoyu felt a little worried between his eyes. "He has always been weak. If he is not well-adjusted, I am afraid that he will be bedridden for another ten days and a half months."

After hearing the words, the people were heartbreaking again. The slender beauty was lying in a large quilt, her lips were pale and her eyes were pinched, and her little hands clung to the quilt. This scene was very sad just thinking about it!

"Well let Shen Gongzi stay here first!" The daring people suggested, "Wait until you have a good body before leaving."

This statement was immediately approved by everyone present, and everyone said that it was not important to rush on. It was important to raise a body first. If Shen Gongzi has three strengths and two weaknesses in Huantianzhai, then we will not live.

That's right, brain powder is so brain-bleached, proper, and stress-free.

The people had already spoken, and Li Tie-shou could not pretend to have heard it anyway, not to mention that there was no reason to hear it—unless he was deaf.

So he had to say, "After all, the inn is not as convenient as his own home. Would it be better to ask the master of the Qin Palace and Shen Gongzi to stay in the cold house for the time being?"

The people also looked at the Lord Qin Gong with special expectations, and promised!

"It's so good, it's just that I'm traveling this time, and there are a lot of people." Qin Shaoyu's face was slightly difficult.

What people are afraid of, there are no problems at all! This time without waiting for Li Tie-shou to speak, the people behind them scrambled to express their horror, and it doesn't matter how many people live there!

Li Tiehand: ...

"That being the case, it would be better to be respectful than to obey him. Thank you, Lord Li Zhai." Qin Shaoyu was very polite.

"The Lord Qin Palace is polite." Li Tie broke his teeth and swallowed his stomach. "This is Li's blessing."

That's right, not everyone has the opportunity to let Shen Gongzi live at home? The people expressed their envy with jealousy and hate.

Qin Shaoyu smiled lightly, "I will tell people to pack their luggage, and I can leave in half an hour!"

As soon as the words fell, the people immediately applauded violently.

Good for half an hour! Then we won't go! Must see Shen Gongzi!

"Then I'll go back to prepare first," Li Tie said, "I don't know what Shen Gongzi has for the residence?"

So the people started to stir up again. Is it too much for Shen Gongzi to ask? Especially delicate!

"A blanket woven from peacock feathers is not yet a feather feather!"

"Drink only the dew on the petals!"

"The lighting must be a pearl of the deep sea night, no candles!"

"Use good snow satin for the sheets, or you won't sleep!"

"The sharp corners of the table must be wrapped in spar, because they will fall!"


Noisy and noisy in the ear, the master Li Zhai headache.

"Going out, Ling Er is not so picky." After watching enough fun, Qin Shaoyu finally came out to round the field, "just clean and quiet."

"I'll go back and prepare." Li Tie's hand turned away with relief, and if he went down, he would be noisy.

After thanking the people, Qin Shaoyu also turned into the restaurant.

As soon as Shen Qianling had finished his breakfast, he was about to walk out to see what was going on outside. Qin Shaoyu was halfway around and returned to the room.

"What the **** is going on outside?" Shen Qianling curiously, "have been noisy."

"Want to know?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

Nonsense don't want to know what I ask you to do! Shen Qianling nodded desperately.

Qin Shaoyu squeezed his cheek, "Take ten kisses."

Shen Qianling was furious, "You see that you're so successful!"

"Mrs. doesn't think I'm doing anything good?" Qin Shaoyu touched his chin. "Also, as long as the ten relatives are really not showing something, it's better--

"I was talking about the young man!" Shen Xiao was interrupted by tears. "Ten kisses are extremely pursued!" Don't do strange things early in the morning! It's really annoying.

"Um." Qin Shaoyu put his mouth to him.

Shen Qianling bargained, "Three."

Qin Shaoyu shook his head. "Eight."

Shen Qianling clapped, "Five can't be more!"

"It's okay." Qin Shaoyu nodded, "I barely make a loss for five, five for five."

Is it clear that I am at a loss? Shen Xiaoying took a deep breath, and went up to kiss him quickly.

"One." Qin Shaoyu's mouth cornered. "Sweet, just eat sugar?"

"No talking." Shen Qianling interrupted him coldly, then kissed again, this time for a long time.

Qin Shaoyu praised, "There is progress."

"Shut up!" Shen Qianling was extremely domineering, and then intended to quickly finish the last three times to end the battle. As a result, Qin Gong realized the plan, kissed him for a long time, and pinched his belly!

What a loss of blood!

Pinching is annoying! Shen Qianling pushed him away with red ears and red face.

"I still owe two." Qin Shaoyu was still thinking, "I will make up next time."

Owe your sister! How about the top one hundred just now? Shen Qianling took his cheek and said fiercely, "Come on, what are you doing outside just now!"

Qin Shaoyu shook his head with a smile and said something about the talent.

"Living in Li Tie-shou's house?" Shen Qianling heard a whisper, "Let's not go to Luoping Town to find a Primary Five?"

"Naturally," said Qin Shaoyu, "but it may be faster to start from Huantian Village."

Shen Qianling was a little bit bottomless. "But we are so fanatical. If Li Tiehandu really has something to do with the kidnappers, will he strengthen his defense?"

"Of course." Qin Shaoyu nodded, "unless he is a fool."

"Isn't it harder to find?" Shen Qianling frowned.

"Li Tie-shou does not know that we have noticed his relationship with King Miao Jiang, and you are sick again. He should not have guessed that we live here to check Xiaowu." Qin Shaoyu rubbed his head. A team of people will be sent to Luoping Town to look for Xiaowu, one to help Huatang, and the other to disturb their vision. Just to make you pretend to be sick again. "

"No problem at all!" Shen Xiaoshou was very serious. He was best at acting in this life, without any pressure!

"Then I'll go out and deploy some people." Qin Shaoyu kissed him, "Don't run around, wait for me in the room."

"Um." Shen Qianling nodded and watched him leave the room.

"Oh!" Furry ball moved over, Leng Yan stood at the door, her eyes full of complaints!

"Come here." Shen Qianling reached out and called him.

As a little phoenix, the fur ball stood still!

Shen Qianling found a handful of seeds from his pocket.

The hair ball still hasn't moved, but the eyes have been slightly mellow!

Shen Qianling added two more beef jerky.

The fur ball unconsciously moved a small step.

Shen Qianling clapped her hands and threw them high.

"Oh!" Mao Qiu was seduced by his success. He came over and lay on his feet, very cute!

Shen Qianling was amused and picked it up and dropped it into the sky.

The hair ball spreads its short wings in the air, and it smashes back into his hands, feeling very light!

Shen Qianling's palms were numb.

How can you be so fat!

"Oh!" Furball opened his mouth.

Shen Qianling tore the beef jerky into small pieces and held it on the table.

The fur ball immediately concentrated on eating and started eating, and ate while eating, apparently in a very good mood!

When Qin Shaoyu returned, Mao Qiu had just finished eating the last piece of beef and was satisfied with kicking.

"Let's go." Qin Shaoyu bent over and kissed Shen Qianling. "Let's go."

The fur ball leaned on his head. "Well."

Qin Shaoyu scratched its wings, and the fur ball swelled into a ball.

It's really carefree.

"How serious is the illness?" Shen Qianling was very professional.

Qin Shaoyu pulled him to his feet and stood up, "Weakness is better, I can't bear to let you stay in the house all day."

This is even more difficult! Shen Qianling thought and felt a little regretful. "Unfortunately, Zuo Hu Fa is not present, otherwise I can borrow some powder and make my face pale!"

"I have!" Ye Jin pierced his head through the door.

Shen Qianling: ...

How can his sister-in-law listen to someone else's speech!

But Ye Jin was very wronged, he just passed by accident.

"I can't see, you still have the need for grease and powder." Qin Shaoyu said.

"Paint your head!" Ye Jin fiercely, "I use it for easy-looking!"

"Yi Rongcheng woman?" Qin Shaoyu nodded. "Presumably better than now."

Ye Jin patted the table, "Besides, be careful of Lao Tzu's poisoning so you don't lift it!"

"Still not." Qin Shaoyu had not spoken yet, Shen Qianling had turned pale.

Can't uh, this kind of thing is terrible when you think about it!

Qin Shaoyu laughed.

Ye Jin couldn't help crying and turned back to the room to get the powder box for him. Within a short while, Shen Qianling successfully made himself a sick seedling.

Qin Shaoyu bent over and hugged him, striding out of the door.

"Don't start acting so early?" Shen Qianling said, "I can walk to the door myself."

"I want to hug you." Qin Shaoyu looked down at him. "This complexion is not allowed to appear on your face in this life."

Shen Qianling heard the words for a moment, then felt a little warm in her heart.

Qin Shaoyu stepped closer, and gently put a kiss on his forehead.

Ye Jin looked at Mao Qiu in the room and sighed. "Look, the two of them have forgotten you."

"Oh!" The fur ball spreads its short wings and is very cute!

It's so cute. Ye Jin poked at it with a smile, hugged and went out.

Because the fact that Shen Gongzi was ill was so heartbreaking, the people who beat the gongs and drums outside have long stopped. Everyone stood quietly in front of the inn door and felt very distressed. Even the masses who were too full of emotions took the initiative. The brain made up the scene where Shen Gongzi was burned by the industry fire, so that tears fell down!

Ta Xuebai walked out of the backyard with no hair, and even glare in the sun.

The people took the initiative to distance themselves, because it is said that Qin Gong ’s mount would spit fire.

"Son son!" There was a commotion in the crowd.

Qin Shaoyu stepped out of the door holding Shen Qianling, trotting all the way through the snow,

Actually can't even walk the road! The people groaned a lot and planned to go home and find some eggs and bacon for Shen Gongzi and send them to Li House.

"Thank you very much." Qin Shaoyu took Shen Qianling and turned over, "When Linger gets better, Qin will host a banquet for you!"

Shen Qianling leaned in his arms and smiled pale, looking smart and sensible.

The people burst into tears, how could they be so flattering, it was really unbearable.

In the embroidered building of Li's backyard, Du Zheng was dreaming by the window. Suddenly, a little girl ran upstairs.

"Have you found the news of Wen Han?" Du Zheng glanced under his eyes.

"No." The little girl shook her head. "But I heard another amazing news."

"What?" Du Zheng asked.

"Miss still remember the Qin Gong Lord you told me?" The little girl asked.

"Qin Shaoyu?" Du Zheng nodded, "Naturally remember."

"When we just passed the guest room, I saw a lot of people busy cleaning, so I asked curiously." The little girl said, "They all said that it was the Lord Qin Gong who brought Shen Gongzi!"

"It's really a big deal." Du Zheng sat back to the bed. "But it's only the guest he invited, and it has nothing to do with you and me."

"You said, will the Lord Qin Gong save the lady out?" The little girl was a little excited.

Du Zheng shook his head with a bitter smile.

The little girl was anxious. "But the lady said earlier that she had the honour of meeting Qin Gongzhu."

"Just listening to a few small songs I sang on the flower boat, what kind of acquaintance can I get to know." Du Zheng shook his head. "Only one side."

"That's it." The light in the little girl's eyes dimmed. "But the master will have to marry him in a few days. It is said that Xie Gongzi will not be able to return. Even if he returns, who can he beat? Is it true that Miss is going to marry in such an unknown way? "

"How else?" Du Zheng laughed and laughed. "The reason why he is willing to redeem me is not to give me someday."

"Miss, don't be discouraged." Seeing her embarrassment, the girl-in-law consoled, "Maybe things will change for the better."

Du Zheng nodded. Although he didn't say it on his lips, he knew better than anyone else. The word turn around was simple, but he was afraid he couldn't wait.

Read The Duke's Passion