MTL - Everywhere in Jianghu is Wonderful-Chapter 109 Really moving!

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Sovereign Of The Three Realms-SOTR Chapter 109

"What shit?" Shen Qianling asked curiously.

Hua Tang told the matter roughly with him again, and said, "What happened to Lord Ye Gu?"

"It's a lot better, but sometimes I cough in the middle of the night." Shen Qianling glanced inside. "I'm still sleeping now."

"Then I'll come back later," Hua Tang said.

Shen Qianling nodded, although he also wanted to solve this problem at an early date, after all, Ye Jin had been weak recently, and it was not easy to make him too tired.

"It's okay." Just as Hua Tang turned to leave, Ye Jin heard the conversation between the two, and stood up.

"Wake you up?" Shen Qianling hurried back to the room.

"Of course not." Ye Jin smiled. "You can't sleep all day, what are you talking about?"

"Red-eyed hunger with claws, can the owner have a solution?" Hua Tang asked.

Ye Jin frowned slightly when she heard the words, "Who got stunned?"

"It was the heads of the martial arts that were previously captured by Feng Jiuye." Hua Tang said, "The palace owner asked us if there is a way to relieve it. I have never seen this kind of tapeworm before, so I want to ask Ye Guzhu about this type Are tapeworms familiar? "

"I've seen it a long time ago." Ye Jin thought about it, "It's not difficult to solve, but it takes some time to dispense."

"But as far as I know, if there is any omission in the process of antidote, it is likely to have life concerns." Hua Tang frowned.

"Anyway, I have a sense." Ye Jin coughed twice and lifted the quilt to get out of bed. "I'll see what medicine is left."

"But my elder brother wants you to do nothing and just take a good rest." Shen Qianling reminded.

"Resolve things earlier, and I can go home earlier." Ye Jin said to Hua Tang, "Can you do me a favor?"

"Master Gu, please." Hua Tang nodded.

"Help me find some nagging, just seventeen or eight." Ye Jin said.

It is not good to let the girl dig the mud. Shen Qianling just said that it was better for me to go. Hua Tang nodded.

Shen Xiaoshou shut up wit immediately, this opportunity to please his wife must be left to Xiao Wu!

Ye Jin took the medicine chest out of the cabinet.

"Master Ye Gu." When Hua Tang went out, Shen Qianling stood beside him.

"Just call my name." Ye Jin bent his lips at him. "These names are for outsiders."

Actually, I want to be bitch! Shen Qianling helped him take out the medicine bottle, "How long does it take to dissolve the medicine?"

"If you can find all the medicine, you can make an antidote in one day." Ye Jin looked at the bottle in his hand. "It's just a few pills now."

"Check what, although let the elder brother find it." Shen Xiao was warmly recommended.

Ye Jin smiled and poured a glass of water to drink.

"Brother went to help you fight pheasants," Shen Qianling said, "but I'm not allowed to tell you."

Ye Jin looked at him, "Then you still say."

"..." Shen Qianling coughed, well I just have a lot of mouth.

Ye Jin did not speak anymore, and the room was a little too quiet for a while.

"I have asked Brother, why did he leave without saying goodbye." After a short while, Shen Qianling cautiously.

Ye Jin's men were slightly stiff.

"You raise your body first." Shen Qianling looked at him, "Brother said he will tell you personally after the matter of Qianyu Shuizhai is resolved."

Ye Jin hesitated and nodded.

"Oh!" The fur ball twisted in and ran, and the fur on the body was messy, and there was a pinch of white fluff on the corner of his mouth.

"Going to fight with the big white goose again?" Shen Qianling picked up the fur ball and was almost speechless.

Mao Qiu proudly leaned his head, obviously very powerful!

"It shouldn't be a big white goose." Ye Jin took the little fleece and twisted it gently. "It's a ferret."

Alas, vixen's pet? Shen Qianling heard the words for a moment, and then quickly picked up his son to check it. After he was sure that there were no injuries anywhere, he immediately praised him fiercely.

"Yeah." The hair ball jumped into Ye Jin's arms and stretched out two short wings to scratch!

"Is there a mountain near here?" Ye Jin teased the ball while asking-because he had never been out, he was not familiar with the terrain around it.

"Yes." Shen Qianling nodded. "Just behind the house, there is a very high mountain. Brother is going there to help you hunt."

"I want to see it at night." Ye Jin said.

"Evening?" Shen Qianling was taken aback. "You are not well ill, what are you going to the mountain in the middle of the night?"

"Go and see if there is a full moon flower." Ye Jin said, "It is reasonable to say that the climate here is hot and humid, and it should be found."

"Medical medicine?" Shen Qianling asked.

Ye Jin nodded.

"It would be good if my brother wanted to do this kind of thing." Shen Qianling Da La La waved, "You just wait for news at home."

"He doesn't necessarily recognize the moon flower." Ye Jin said.

"Who said I didn't recognize it?" Shen Qianfeng walked into the room.

Ye Jin stood up, "I'll take a break."

Shen Qianling: ...

Can't you just sit down and talk.

"I've heard Hua Tang say it." Shen Qianfeng said behind him, "What else is there besides the moon flower?"

Ye Jin climbed into bed and covered her head with a quilt.

Shen Qianling looked at his brother with sympathy.

Shen Qianfeng sighed in her heart.

"Oh!" The fur ball rushed all the way, and got into the quilt.

"It's Baiqicao," Ye Jin said sullenly. "And red hearts, nine-footed snakes, blue leaves, and lake mussel beads."

Shen Qianfeng frowned slightly. As soon as she was about to speak, Shen Xiaoshou raised her hand seriously, "You can rest assured that my elder brother will find it, and he will go now!"

Then dragged Shen Qianfeng out alive!

After the two arrived in the hospital, Shen Qianfeng was confused, "What the **** is it?"

"I bet you just didn't understand." Shen Qianling narrowed his eyes.

"Know me and drag me out." Shen Qianfeng bounced his head. "I just didn't understand it, so I just wanted to ask."

"No, doesn't it seem like you're stupid!" Shen Qianling is there. "You must be aggressive in front of Brother Ye, it is best to know everything, then it is best!"

Shen Qianfeng looked at him helplessly, "Then how can I help find medicine now?"

"Of course I asked Zuo Hufa!" Shen Qianling patted his chest seriously, "Remember the name of the medicine, right? I am optimistic about you!"

Shen Qianfeng smiled and shook her head, turned and walked outside the hospital.

Shen Qianling cheered fists behind him.

Bitch must catch up!

A few days later, Shen Qianfeng, with Huatang and several dark guards, had been searching for herbs in the mountains, and the remaining herbs were also purchased by secret guards from other places. However, only the blind mussel pearls were not found. After spreading a few nets in the mountain lake, there were no gains. So this morning, Shen Qianfeng tied a rope around his waist and dived into the bottom of the lake to look for himself.

Emma is so touching! The dark guards are standing on the shore with emotion, and it is even better now that it is winter. In the snowy weather, in order to help the loved one find medicine, he jumped into the piercing ice water alone. This is simply a myth!

Lord Ye Gu will surely be so impressed that he will cry and hug Master Shen!

"What are you laughing at again?" Hua Tang's eyes were full of disgust.

The dark guard returned to his heart, and then he couldn't help but chill, "I don't know if there will be an old fairy with a white beard, holding a silver master, Shen, and asking if we fell."

Hua Tang: ...

"You must say no!" The other Dark Guard was serious.

"That's right!" The third dark guard rubbed his hands. "We have to wait for the young master who took out the gold, and then said yes!"

Hua Tang turned silently, resisting the urge to kick these people into the water!

Time passed little by little, and the dark guard began to lose heart, "Why so long?"

Hua Tang tried to pull the rope three times. After a while, the underwater person also pulled back three times.

This is a previously agreed secret code, which means that Shen Qianfeng is fine. The party put a little refreshment and continued to wait on the shore.

After half an hour of incense, Huatang stood by the water, looking down slightly frowning.

"Left guarding the law." The dark guard cautiously, "will you not want to go down?"

Hua Tang squatted down, reached out to test the temperature of the water, and felt that the water temperature had slightly increased.

After pulling the rope three more times, there was no response under water. The crowd immediately changed their faces. A dark guard pulled up a spare rope and was about to launch. However, a huge wave suddenly appeared on the lake.

"Back!" Hua Tang commanded aloud, a cold light came out of his hand.

A water column soared into the sky, and Shen Qianfeng jumped out of the water and threw a large black object in his hand to the dark guard, "Catch!"

Two dark guards rushed at the same time, holding the thing firmly in their arms.

Shen Qianfeng Jian took a sharp turn and stabbed towards the water. The sound of bone fracture was clear and audible. A strangely large head burst out of the water, his eyes continued to bleed, and his body was covered with scales.

The dark guard took a breath and said, "What the **** is this, it scares dad!"

Shen Qianfeng stabbed in the past again, the strange fish was even more crazy, but he opened his mouth and bit him in the past.

Hua Tang split and flew half a mountain of rock with one palm, focusing on it.

In the blood splash, the strange fish fell back into the water with their heads covered, and several dark guards flew up, entangled the strange fish with an iron whip in their hands, barbed deeply into the fish, and several people threw together and threw them. The strange fish brought out of the water and fell to the ground.

Shen Qianfeng was standing on the shore with some bleeding from her left arm.

"Master." Hua Tang hurriedly greeted him.

"Scratched by gravel on the water during the fight, it is not a problem." Shen Qianfeng waved his hand and stepped forward and kicked the strange fish.

"What a **** is this." The dark guards also came around to see the strange, like long-shaped deformed catfish, really ugly.

"I don't know." Shen Qianfeng shook his head. "I saw the clam shell shortly after I entered the water, so I pried down with a sword. Then I noticed a slight sound behind me, and suddenly I turned back and saw it rushing open."

"Don't come out scary if you look ugly." The dark guard kicked, "What do you do now?"

Hua Tang stepped forward and poured some medicine powder into its wound.

Emma! The dark guard immediately jumped up and ran his arms around his nose.

"What?" Huatang somehow.

"Human corpse powder is unpleasant to smell!" The dark guards collectively protested, and they must inform us in advance the next time they fall.

"It's a healing medicine." Hua Tang looked at them silently, and then said to Shen Qianfeng, "This fish should have lived under the water for a long time, and suddenly saw that outsiders would have hostility, put it back in the water."

Shen Qianfeng nodded, and brought the strange fish back into the water.

The dark guard immediately applauded violently. Our law-protection is really a well-known temperament. If we change to the palace master, we will definitely cut it and feed it to the young palace master!

"What about clam shells?" Shen Qianfeng asked.

The dark guard immediately carried over.

Hua Tang took a small jar out of his arms, and carefully applied some ointment to its edge. After a while, he saw the big mussel slowly open, and a pearl inside was showing a mild luster in the sky.

Shen Qianfeng was relieved, with a rare smile on her face.

"I help you heal?" Hua Tang pointed at his arm.

"No need, go back and talk." Shen Qianfeng wanted to rush back in time.

Hua Tang nodded, instructing the dark guard to carry the big mussel back, and he and Shen Qianfeng followed him; there were berries everywhere in the mountain, and the dark guard deliberately picked a dozen of them-not busy looking for medicine the other day Taking into account, now that the medicine is finally available, be sure to bring something delicious back to coax the young master!

The red and yellow berries are full and lovely, and the thin peel is full of sweet juice. Little Phoenix will definitely like it! Thinking of Shao Gongzhu's short wings and blank eyes, those dark guards sped up their steps unconsciously, and really wanted to hug them immediately!

"Hurry to collect debts!" ​​The other dark guards expressed their grievances, and we were not envious at all!

"Well, you're back." In the small courtyard, Shen Qianling was sitting under a tree and mixed beef rice with Little Phoenix.

"Oh!" The fur ball hopped around on the table with one foot, looking very happy!

Everyone immediately and fiercely praised the owner of the young palace, and it was really special and naive!

Shen Qianling said silently, "It was hit by a ladder just now." It couldn't be more stupid.

Hahahaha that is also cute! The dark guard spread the berries on the table like a treasure, and the little Phoenix was really happy.

"I go to that bowl." Shen Qianling stood up and went to the kitchen.

"So happy?" Ye Jin heard the call of Mao Qiu and pushed out the door from the bedroom.

"Master Ye Gu." The dark guard greeted one after another.

"How come back so early today." Ye Jin poured tea for them.

The dark guard looked at each other for a while. Naturally, the granddaughter should tell the matter about the pearl, and then the two were excited and couldn't bear to kiss each other. This is reasonable enough!

We must not take away beauty.

So everyone remained silent.

"What's wrong?" Ye Jin looked at them wonderingly.

The dark guard grinned collectively, as if shooting a toothpaste advertisement!

Ye Jin: ...

"I'll take a shower." Dark Guard turned and ran.

"Come back!" Ye Jin rarely raised his voice.

So everyone stood still!

"Where is Shen Qianfeng?" Ye Jin felt a bit ominous.

"Coming soon." An Wei quickly replied, and he would be back soon!

"What's the blood on you?" Ye Jin pointed at one of them, his voice hoarse.

"Blood?" Anwei wondered, looking down, and sure enough there was a large pool of blood on his chest, so Da La La said, "This is a strange fish--"

"This is the blood that Master Shen spit out when the strange fish was fighting Master Shen!" Another dark guard wit interrupted him.

The dark guard froze before, then immediately nodded frantically, "Yeah, that scene is terrible."

"What weird fish, why does he vomit blood, others?" Ye Jin paled.

"Zuo Hufa has healed Master Shen in the mountains, and now the other brothers are carrying him back, and the speed is naturally not as good as ours." An Wei fully summarized the usual small books, "In order to find the river mussel, Master Shen did not hesitate to go down to find it, but unfortunately he encountered a strange fish at the bottom of the lake."

"What then?" Ye Jin held the table.

"That strange fish has such a big mouth!" An Wei raised his arms and drew a large circle. "The teeth are a foot long, blue and faint, and their mouths are scary."

"He was bitten?" Ye Jin asked.

"It's more than a bite." An Wei made a sad expression. "The strange fish bit the river mussel and refused to let it go. Shen Shen struggled with it for a long time, but he still refused to give up after being seriously injured. It's scarlet! "

"When can I come back?" Ye Jin was anxious. "I will treat him."

"Master Gu is assured that Master Shen will be fine." An Weiwei comforted, "It was a bit of internal injuries and hematemesis, and he was bitten a few times."

"That's okay!" Ye Jin stomped and went back to the room to get the medicine chest.

well done! The dark guard applauds himself silently, and we are good at fanning the flames!

One of the dark guards slipped out of the yard and ran fast, intending to stop Shen Qianfeng halfway and make him pretend to be sick!

Ye Guzhu will definitely be very distressed!

"Take me to him." Ye Jin ran out holding the medicine chest.

"In fact, it's all right." The dark guard continued to diverge his thoughts. "After the fight, Master Shen even had the strength to kneel on the ground for an entire hour."

"What?" Ye Jin felt she hadn't heard.

"Because the strange fish refused to let go, we are not its opponents," An Wei solemnly said. "So Master Shen knelt on the ground with all kinds of scales and wounds, and wanted to move the world with his heart."

Ye Jin: ...

"It's a hot sun, it's a whole hour!" An Weiwei was full of emotions, "even her lips were cracked!"

Shen Qianfeng walked in from the door with a sword.

"No matter how we persuade, Master Shen refuses to listen." The dark guard forced his back to the door, and Shen Qianfeng was too strong, so he was totally unaware that he was still saying, "Even tears are falling, saying that if I ca n’t get the river, The clam made him lose his sweetheart, and he knelt by the pool all his life! "It was touching!

Ye Jin threw the medicine chest coldly on the table.

"What are you talking about?" Shen Qianfeng asked with a frown.

"Ah!" An Wei called out!

Can be scary.

"Did you take the wrong medicine?" Shen Qianfeng was puzzled.

The dark guard immediately hahahaha, "Yeah."

Shen Qianfeng: ...

"I'm leaving now!" The Dark Guard turned around and ran quickly.

Who wants to clean up the mess? Gong Zhu usually teaches us to run away after a disaster!

"How to stand in the yard." Shen Qianfeng didn't bother to care about them, came forward to Ye Jin and said, "Now it's drying, please go back to the house."

Ye Jin looked up at him. He couldn't tell what expression was on his face, but his eyes were red.

"What's wrong?" Shen Qianfeng frowned slightly.

Immediately after the sentence was spoken, he slapped his face firmly.

Shen Qianfeng was stunned.

"If you die next time, don't let me know." Ye Jin turned and walked inside.

"Actually, Master Shen's arm was really injured." The dark guard reminded of the weakness of the door frame, "If you don't believe it, you can check it."

Ye Jin closed the door heavily.

"Ah!" Shen Qianling came in holding the bowl and was shocked at the sight of Shen Qianfeng. "Are you injured?"

"It's okay." Shen Qianfeng had roughly guessed the reason, and his head hurt a little.

"It's okay to bleed?" Shen Qianling pulled him to sit down, and there was a medicine chest on the table to open it. Find something that looked like a medicine bottle and opened it. "Can this be used?"

"Can't!" Dark Guard yelled when he saw this, "That's bone meal!"

Ahhhh! Shen Qianling kept throwing the medicine bottle back.

Ye Jin opened the door, angered, "Come in!"

Shen Qianling immediately stuffed the medicine box into his brother's arms, "Hurry up!"

The dark guard immediately froze the chicken.

Shen Qianfeng carried the medicine box into the room.

Ye Jin said nothing, cut his sleeves with scissors and cleaned the cloth sticking to the wound with hot water.

Although it was not a fatal injury, it was still a bit swollen. The wound was blistered to a slight whiteness and looked palpitated.

"Maybe it hurts." Ye Jin grilled the knife over the fire. "Some places are useless, I will help you clean it up."

The Dark Guard involuntarily clamped his legs after hearing it on the roof.

Why this sentence sounds a bit like Ye Gu mainly killed Master Shen!

"Um." Shen Qianfeng nodded.

"No numbness, I can only stand it." Ye Jin sat beside him. "Tell me if you can't stand it."

Shen Qianfeng looked at him, "It doesn't matter."

Ye Jin looked away and helped him tie his arm with a bandage.

Time passed by little by little, Shen Qianling fell asleep on the stone table in the courtyard, leaving the hairballs bouncing around in the courtyard.

"It's okay." Ye Jin knotted the bandage.

"Thank you." Shen Qianfeng's lips were pale and her forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"Go back and rest more." Ye Jin packed the medicine chest.

Shen Qianfeng nodded, but felt dark before standing up.

Ye Jin reached out to help him.

Shen Qianfeng felt sour in the familiar light scent of medicine from the tip of his nose.

"You still owe me an explanation." After a short while, Ye Jin whispered, "When this matter is resolved, I will wait for you to tell me in person."

Shen Qianfeng's voice was a little hoarse, "I'm sorry."

Ye Jin shook her head, her face buried deep in his chest.

The atmosphere in the room was quiet, and the fur ball jumped to the window sill, "Oh!"

Ye Jin laughed and walked over to open the window.

The fur ball immediately rolled in, and his mouth was stained red with berries.

"Go back to sleep for a while." Ye Jin looked back at Shen Qianfeng, "I will cook you red date soup at night."

Shen Qianfeng's eyes smiled, "OK."

"Master Ye Gu." Hua Tang said outside the window, "When do we take river mussel beads?"

"I'll take a look first." Ye Jin went out holding the little Phoenix.

Shen Qianfeng also followed.

The dark guard collectively walked on the roof, looking like a harmonious family.

Our young master is really very versatile!

I'm so proud.

Read The Duke's Passion