MTL - Everywhere in Jianghu is Wonderful-Chapter 103 Dive Into Qianshui Water Village!

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Chapter 103-Sneak into the Qianshui Water Village!

"No more nonsense!" After entering the room, Shen Qianfeng placed the person on the bed, and there was a faint anger among the eyebrows.

"When I said go, I have nothing to do with Lao Tzu now!" Ye Jin slaps him away, pulling the quilt over his head, "Go!"

Shen Qianfeng's lips moved, but she still did not speak. After sighing silently in her heart, she turned and walked out of the door.

The dark guard was disappointed when he saw this. How could he come out so soon? Too fast! How do we diverge our thinking!

It was dark, but Shen Qianfeng was completely sleepless. So he jumped up to the treetop and watched the starry sky shine.

The breeze blew and flowers fell. The dark guard throws away a jug of wine, and looks at him with "a man understands" eyes!

Shen Qianfeng smiled and shook her head, "Thank you."

That must not be thanked! The dark guard couldn't help but raised his chest. We are really a group of intimate cotton pants.

Half a pot of sake was in the throat, and Shen Qianfeng's mood was quite calm. Looking at the courtyard, he saw Ye Jin's house was dimly yellow, and a mottled silhouette was reflected in the window.

The dark guard dragged his cheeks and sighed collectively. He could see such a gentle look through a window, and his heart was really broken!

In Qianzhui Shuizhai, Qin Shaoyu was lurking in the large courtyard with the real star, looking through the gap in the window, with him and Zhao Wu and the two dark guards.

There were seven or eight people sleeping on a chase shop, old or young, even men and women were not separated. The room was incredibly sweet and disgusting.

"The man inside is named Zhou Da Beard. He is a handyman who helps the kitchen pick water." Qin Shaoyu said in a low voice. "I'm similar in height to him, and he should be able to play an eight |

The real person nodded, "Who is the oldest man out there?"

"I don't know, but if you look old, you shouldn't be a hard worker."

"Find a way to get the two of them out," the truth said, "you and I will act like these two."

"But the old man seems to be humpback." Qin Shaoyu said, "It doesn't look tall."

"Anyway." Reality said, "Although older, it is more than enough to put on a humpback."

Qin Shaoyu nodded, and added a requiem for the sake of insurance. After confirming that everyone would not wake up any time soon, he jumped into the room.

Zhou Beard's beard shouted, his mouth was still vaguely talking. Qin Shaoyu raised his palms and stunned him sturdyly. He changed his clothes and changed his clothes at the fastest speed and handed the beard to Zhao Wu. "Take it out to Huatang and see if it can be cured. "

Real people did the same, posing as a humpback cook.

Zhao Wu and An Wei picked up two people and jumped out of the window, and soon disappeared into the night.

"The palms are black, all of them are stunned." Qin Shaoyu checked for a bit. "The poison and the soul-inducing incense, Feng Jiuye even guarded these unarmed miscellaneous servants."

"So now ten out of nine | nine, the heads of those martial arts have also been hit." The real person sighed, "I'm afraid we have a headache."

There was a voice in the hospital, Qin Shaoyu looked at the real person and quickly lay back on the bed.

The room was kicked open by a few people, and several demon cults came in and ordered a few people, then kicked the middle man, "Get up!"

Qin Shaoyu's brows frowned slightly, and the house was previously lightened by Anhunxiang himself. The man was afraid that he would not be able to wake up for a while.

"Don't sleep, wake up!" I called a few times and saw no response. The demon cults suddenly became impatient and choked people up.

Qin Shaoyu clenched the hidden weapon in his sleeve, his brain was still thinking about the countermeasures, but the man who had been taken out just woke up, stumbled, "Is something wrong?"

"Go make five bowls of fried noodles, hurry up!" The urges urged.

The man responded with a muffled sound, then slowly went out of the door and stiffly headed for the kitchen next door.

"I can't see that the old lady's poison has some uses." The devotees sat at the table and chatted while waiting for the fried noodles. "After being poured, they are more obedient."

"That's it," the other said sharply. "Ten days and a half months later, when the leader is ready, we will be able to level up Baekdo Martial Arts."

"By that time, the leader is in charge, and it is not difficult to break into the capital." Another person said, "What is the order for Wulin?

Qin Shaoyu heard that he was full of distaste, and it was clearly the life of the grass bag, but he still had the heart to swallow the sky.

"Ask another person to help him over and make a good deal for my brother. I've been busy grabbing toads in the middle of the night, and a bowl of fried noodles is enough." Some members of the church casually lost a copper plate and just hit it on the face of a real person. " The old man, get up and go cook a few dishes and make a soup. "

The real person hobbled up, his eyes blanked.

"What are you doing, go quickly!"

The real person turned slowly and went out as stiffly as the previous man.

"I am clumsy. If I didn't see that he could cook a good dish, I would have chopped him with a knife."

"After a while, there is a chance to make you addicted to murder." Another said, "Baidao has been arrogant for so many years, this time can be regarded as eating."

"The master has accomplished his magic, and he has arrested so many factions in charge. Baekdo is afraid it will be harder to turn around this time."

Qin Shaoyu was lying on the side of the bed, and Ning Shen wanted to hear them tell the place where the Baidao crowd was detained. It is a pity that those members of the church have already changed the topic and started to discuss what position they could take if Feng Jiu Ye unified the martial arts in the future.

A 40-year-old chef yawned around him and turned to embrace Qin Shaoyu.

Qin Gongzhu: ...

In summer, the clothes were thin, and the cook had had five or six children. Therefore, her chest was extremely majestic. Qin Shaoyu was tightly held in her arms by her. In degrees and seconds, Shen Qianling's face flashed in his mind.

If you see this scene in your own small vinegar jar, you might be fainted ...

Fortunately, it wasn't long before the food was ready in the kitchen. Earlier the man fell back to bed and slept, and the real man came into the room with his arms folded.

"Go away, it ’s getting cold, eat and go to bed early!" Several demon cults noisily went out, the house door was locked again, Qin Shaoyu was relieved, pushed the cook away and sat up-soon bored to death.

Real person: ...

"Don't tell Linger." Qin Shaoyu said in pain.

The real man coughed twice.

"I just heard them say that the heads of a dozen sects should not be dead yet." Qin Shaoyu said, "Also, they seem to have caught toads in the middle of the night. Master knows what to do?"

Xing Dou Ren did not answer his question, but patted the previous man, "Get up."

Qin Shaoyu was slightly surprised.

The man was lying motionless on the bed.

"Be careful, I'll beat you!" The real man threatened.

The man still didn't move.

The real person sighed. "Then I'll just kill someone."

Man: ...

"Not up yet?" The voice of the real man was dissatisfied.

The man had to sit up, and his eyes were no longer as obsessive as before, and there was no such thing as a slaughter.

"Are you all right?" Qin Shaoyu frowned, glancing quickly at the others.

"Don't watch, they're all poisoned, only I'm fine." The man looked at the two by moonlight, with some precaution in his eyes, "Who are you?"

"Why are you okay?" Qin Shaoyu did not answer his question.

"Tell me who you are first." The man was very alert.

"The idea managed to mix in, of course, to deal with Feng Jiu Ye." Reality said, "Unless you want to rely on demons, you can only trust us."

The other party is still hesitating.

"You should recognize me." Qin Shaoyu lifted off his face mask.

After seeing who he was, the man was immediately surprised, "Master of the Qin Palace? I saw you at the banquet."

"Can you tell now why you are not poisoned?" Qin Shaoyu put the mask back on.

"I don't know, maybe I was born in good health." The man finally took off his defense. "After Feng Jiujiu killed that day, he tied us together and forced him to take pills. He felt faint in the abdomen and woke up. Then I saw that the rest of them were already stupid, so I pretended to be like this, and wanted to find a chance to escape. "

"You just didn't faint him because of your smoke. I want to be born with an unusual constitution." The real person looked at him, "What's your name?"

"Zhang Dafu," said the man, "is this old gentleman?"

"My name is Sai Guishou." The real man pointed at Qin Shaoyu, "It's his master."

Qin Gongzhu: ...

Forget it now is not the time to care about this, Master people would probably not know in Nanhai.

Bear it.

"How did the seniors see that I was acting?" Zhang Dafu wondered.

"When I went to the kitchen, I saw you spit into the pot." The real man shouted. "Good job."

Zhang Dafu smiled awkwardly and asked, "The two are here to help everyone out?"

"Do you know where the dozen or so heads caught by Feng Jiuye are locked?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

"I don't know," Zhang Dafu said. "We have been imprisoned here, and it is difficult to go out, let alone to hear the news."

"Do you remember what they said on weekdays?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

Zhang Dafu shook his head. "In fact, they rarely come here on weekdays. They come to hurry and order us to cook. It is rare to stay in the room to talk about the sky like today."

The situation was more clueless than expected, and Qin Shaoyu frowned slightly.

"What did you say toad just now?" Star Doudou suddenly said.

"While the devotees were waiting for dinner, they said they caught the toad in the middle of the night." Qin Shaoyu said, "I don't know what Feng Jiuye will do again."

"What else can you do to catch these poisons." The real person said, "Nine out of ten | Nine are ideas to do poison."

"By the way, I seemed to have heard them vaguely last time, and I was going to dig a big pit in the north." Zhang Dafu remembered one thing. "To cook for those people, we were busy all night. "

"Qianyu Shuizhai is a swamp in the north, and there must be poisonous fog and gas in the ground." Qin Shaoyu said, "I will look for a chance tomorrow."

"I can only act by chance." The real person looked at Zhang Dafu. "Would you like to join us in eradicating demon religion?"

"Of course I do." The man nodded desperately. "The devil teaches a lot of evils, as long as the two don't hate me, they will definitely help."

"Tell me first, what kind of dishes does this old man excel at?" The real person pointed to his face.

The man said, "Uncle Zhang is the best chef in Zhaizi. He is proficient in Sichuan, Fujian, Guangdong and Hunan, and is best at making spicy roasted pheasants and drunk fish lips."

The real person calmly said, "I have never heard of such dishes."

Qin Shaoyu sighed, "Yes, I picked the one with the highest camouflage." Even if it is similar on the surface, how can we mix cooking?

"This is not a big problem. Uncle Zhang is my master. Originally, when he was old, the chef position was mine." Zhang Dafu said, "His specialty dishes, I have learned that there are 80 | 90% similar , Most people ca n’t eat it. "

"It's so good." The real person breathed a sigh of relief. "Then if they ask me to cook, then you will join me."

"Okay." Zhang Dafu nodded, and was curious again. "Where did you get your original Uncle Zhang and Zhou Da Beard?"

"Rest assured, they will not be in danger, and there will be doctors to treat the disease." Qin Shaoyu said, "It is you, if you are against us, you will be in danger."

"Afraid?" Asked the real person.

Zhang Dafu honestly said, "Afraid."

Instead, the real person was teased by him, "If you regret it, you can continue to be stupid, and we will definitely not force you to cooperate."

"No more, I'll do it with you," Zhang Dafu said. "If you don't come, I'll probably pretend for a lifetime, but now that I have a way out, I'll fight even if I'm afraid.

"You young man is so nice." The real person patted his shoulder. "After the matter is over, I will take you to the Imperial Palace Chef."

"Really?" Zhang Dafu was pleasantly surprised.

"Naturally, I can do it." Reality said, "I'll ask you for a daughter-in-law, which is more beautiful than the maiden princess."

Zhang Dafu grinned, "That would be nice."

Qin Shaoyu couldn't help crying or laughing, and didn't want to listen to him anymore and leaned on the bedside.

The sky gradually turned bright, and the silence of Qianshui Shui Zhai was quickly broken. A silver bell came from the courtyard, and everyone in the large courtyard slowly got up, his eyes stuck out of the house.

A man in white is standing outside the door, and the placket still has the words "I am a White Lotus" written cursively. Qin Shaoyu was funny when he saw it. At first, this man was secretly let away by Yao Qian, but he did not expect to meet again here.

"Go to cook." Bai Lianhua lowered the silver bell in his hand. "Get more steamed buns and roast chicken, prepare them by noon!"

Zhang Dafu snorted in a sigh of relief, and led everyone slowly to the kitchen.

The sound of frying and frying sounded, and White Lotus turned his head out of the large courtyard, leaving only two members of the congregation watching the crowd.

Within the main hall, Feng Jiuye leaned against the purple-red soft couch, looking through a booklet in front of her.

"Leader." Bai Lianhua came in and reported, "The manpower has been sent to the north to dig a pit, and it should be completed within seven days."

"Good." Feng Jiuye smiled coldly, "What about a dozen people?"

"Gold Snake's mother-in-law has been putting smoke in the secret room where they were imprisoned. She will never wake up bad things halfway." At that time, they will multiply their martial arts and lose their minds, for my use. "

Feng Jiuye shook her tea cup, her smile was cold and strange.

In Zhou's home, a group of people are gathering in the courtyard, waiting for Hua Tang to heal the two people brought back by the dark guard last night.

"How?" After waiting for her to come out, everyone hula hung up.

Hua Tang looked a little tired. "The young one has a good foundation and I can still wake up; it's just another old man who is afraid of some difficulties."

"What about him now?" Shen Qianfeng asked.

"I have given silver needles and will not wake up for the time being, and I will not worry about my life." Hua Tang said, "Jomo will wake up at night."

"You take a break first," Zhao Wudao said, "I didn't sleep all night, and it's not like that."

The dark guard shook his head one after another, this tone is really not affectionate at all. Shouldn't it be the tears in the eyes that support Zuo Hufa's shoulders, and say some touching sentences like "I see you being so embarrassed, I'm like a knife"

"Go to sleep for a while, we will take care here," Shen Qianfeng also said, "Don't be too tired."

Hua Tang nodded and walked to his residence.

The dark team collectively looked at Xiaowu with special anxious eyes—what were they doing, hurry up with them, and don't have a daughter-in-law!

Zhao Wu: ...

"Well!" Little Phoenix woke up lazily, twisted and yelled out twice, happily stepped his calf to chase Huatang.

Then in the next instant, it was rushed down by the dark guard and hugged it back to the roof-he couldn't grab the daughter-in-law with Xiaowu!

"... Oh." Little Phoenix was slightly at a loss.

An Weiwei desperately waved at Zhao Wu, we all kidnapped the master of the treasury, you do n’t hurry up!

Xiao Wu had a headache and helplessness and had to turn around and follow.

"Oh!" Little Phoenix opened her mouth for something to eat.

Shen Qianling reached out in the yard, "Come down."

The hairball rushed down in the form of a cannonball.

"Fat is dead." Shen Qianling held it on the table, took out beef jerky and peanuts from his pocket to feed it.

The dried meat was sweet and spicy, and Xiao Feng howled while pecking, fully expressing his inner joy. Then the next second, it was pinched by his uncle.

Shen Qianling looked at his brother somehow, "What?"

"Eat and eat, what's the name of your throat!" Shen Qianfeng coldly released his hand.

Shen Qianling has Shinto, "Do you care too?"

As a little too little Phoenix, shouldn't it be lively and cute! This is normal!

"Oh!" Mao Qiu screamed again, and then quickly hid in Shen Qianling's arms.

Shen Qianfeng: ...

A wooden door on the side was squeaked and pushed open, Ye Jin came out wearing his robe, and yawned lazily.

Shen Qianling stunned and whispered to his elder brother, "Are you afraid to wake up Lord Ye Gu?"

Shen Qianfeng snorted, "I was troubled by myself."

Just install it, Shen Qianling expresses his contempt with his eyes.

You hypocrites ...

"Why are you all in the hospital?" Ye Jin was a little surprised.

Xiao Zhan said about what happened last night.

"Yindu?" Ye Jin frowned. "I'll go and see."

"Hua Tang has already seen it, what are you going to do?" Shen Qianfeng said coldly, "I'm not well, so don't make fun of it."

"I don't have the same genre as Huatang girl teacher. Why can't you watch?" Ye Jin looked at him and said lightly, "You are nosy."

Shen Qianfeng's face was very gloomy.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you look at it." Shen Qianling rounded the field, "Maybe Ye Guzhu can heal."

Ye Jin walked into the room by pushing the door.

Shen Qianling kicked his elder brother, "Follow up."

Shen Qianfeng turned around out of the yard


Shen Xiaoshou almost wanted to worship him, and he was obviously a normal person on weekdays. Why did he become such a ghost every time he faced Lord Ye Gu.

The medicine can't stop!

Inside the house were two simple wooden beds with two people lying side by side.

Ye Jin sat on the bed and checked the two for a moment, then turned to look at Shen Qianling, "Can you help me borrow a silver needle from Zuo Hufa?"

"You can borrow, but does your body matter?" Shen Qianling worried. "Don't be too tired."

"I have a sense." Ye Jin said, "This old man is very old, and it will be dangerous to drag on."

"Well." Shen Qianling put the little Phoenix on the table. "I'll borrow it for you."

Even if Hua Tang's martial arts is still high, after all, she is still a girl, so Mrs. Zhou prepared a small yard for her intently, a little far away from the rest of the residence. When Shen Qianling ran, she just hit Shen Qianfeng.

"Where?" Shen Qianfeng asked.

"Go and ask Zuo Hufa to borrow silver needles, Lord Ye Gu said he can save the old man." Shen Qianling said.

Shen Qianfeng frowned.

"If you have an opinion, you can tell him yourself, I don't make a microphone." Shen Qianling ran quickly.

Shen Qianfeng's face was even more ugly, and she threw her sleeves back to her residence.

Ye Jin was coughing as she rolled up her sleeves and washed her hands. She raised her head when she heard the movement at the door, dismissed after seeing the person, "Did you go?"

Shen Qianfeng said nothing, pulled the chair and sat in the center of the room.

Ye Jin didn't bother to care about him anymore, and used a small bowl to mix powder at the table.

"The silver needles have been borrowed." After a short while, Shen Qianling ran back with a puff of gasps.

Shen Qianfeng reprimanded, "How old a person is, not at all stable."

Shen Qianling: ...

Hey, do n’t you dare to say that the sister-in-law does n’t shoot me!

It's so speechless!

Ye Jin took off the old man's coat and tried the direction of the lower meridian.

Shen Qianfeng continued to stare at his brother.

Shen Qianling had to speak for his brother, "Start now?"

"Well, it's okay to be idle anyway." Ye Jin pointed the medicine powder at the needle. "Keep the door for me. Don't disturb anyone for an hour."

Shen Qianling immediately looked at his brother-did you hear that, let you keep the door!

Shen Qianfeng coughed twice, Shen said, "Are you sure?"

Ye Jin didn't hear it, she bowed her head and continued to fiddle with the medicine bottle at the table.

Shen Qianfeng looked at his brother unhappy.

Shen Xiaoshou was silent, and I was really lying down. "You are not good at yourself, if you can't, don't force it."

"Rest assured, I have a sense." Ye Jin took a small bowl and then cut her wrist with a knife.

"Hey!" Shen Qianling was surprised.

His brother's response was even more exaggerated.

The always calm heroine Shen directly lifted the table.

It's really impossible!

Read The Duke's Passion