MTL - Everyone Pampers the Small Blessing Who Has a Spatial Pocket!-Chapter 5 fall

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   Chapter 5 Fall

   Mr. Liu was in the room, holding a stretcher in his hand and a sewing basket next to it. Half a month ago, she fainted while working. Doctor Hu found out that it was a miscarriage, and she was pregnant for more than a month.

   For the livelihood of the family and for the Liu family to have good things to replenish his body, Wang Chuanmancai went out with his eldest brother and planned to set up prey.

   As a result, the prey was not caught, and the dry food that was brought out was also eaten up, and the two of them suffered starvation for three or four days.

   Instead, he picked up a doll and came back.

   "Mother said, you should also be careful in the little confinement, don't do this, you'll hurt your eyes." Wang Chuanman just came back from shoveling the snow when he saw Liu's sewing clothes.

  Liu said, "I'm already well, so I just want to make a little dress for Ayu."

  The child's body wrap is not brand new, but the material is good, so Liu just used it as a lining, and then cut out his original wedding dress, planning to make two pieces of clothes.

  The wedding dress is also just a very ordinary red cloth, not really red, it is better than cotton.

  Wang Chuanman looked at his wife making clothes seriously, and couldn't help but say, "I still have some regrets in my heart. I shouldn't have brought the doll back. Our family is too poor, and it hurts the family and the children."

   When Mrs. Liu raised her head and looked at her husband with a little surprise, Wang Chuanman continued, "But seeing you all so happy, especially you, your spirits are getting better, and I think it's worth it again."

  The big deal, he eats one meal for two days and can always save the child's stuttering.

   What's more, from the day they picked up A Yu, the family members subconsciously became more economical. Everyone wanted to save the rations that were not much, and earn a child's life with God.

   Liu's tears were about to fall again, but they quickly wiped them away, and lowered her head to prevent Wang Chuanman from seeing: "I just think she should be my baby."

   The doll in her belly has no fate with her. The doll in her dream appeared, and she couldn't say anything to lose it.

   "Well, then we'll take good care of her." Wang Chuanman was still glad in his heart, fortunately, the other brothers in the family understood him and didn't grab the baby from him, otherwise he wouldn't know how to comfort his wife.

   There are seven grandchildren in their family, but there is no granddaughter, which is naturally rare.

  The couple were talking in the room when Liu Shi suddenly felt something and looked at the door of the room.

   A little man at the door was holding something and walking cautiously on the ground.

   [Baby, be careful. 】 The dumplings are simply heartbroken.

  Ayu held the thing in his hand and nodded to the air: "Yeah!"

  The yard of the Wang family is an open field. The snow has just been shoveled, and the ground is exposed. It is the ground after the mud has been compacted.

   There is a half-cut bamboo fence in the distance, which is crushed by the snow. Lao Wang is taking the eldest and the third, planning to tear down all the bamboo fences and use them as firewood.

  Wait until spring, and then chop new bamboo to make it.

   "Ayu." Liu Shi shouted in a hurry, but the people outside were startled.

   turned around and saw the villain in thin clothes, walking in the yard.


   A small chamber pot?

   That is an unfinished small chamber pot. It was originally carved by Lao Wang, and it was planned to be used by Qilang.

  Ayu heard Liu's voice and stopped where she was, her head tilted.

   Seeing that it was Mrs. Liu, she smiled sweetly and called out, "Auntie."

   Liu replied subconsciously: "Hey!"

   Mrs. Wang patted the eldest son next to him on the head: "Still standing still as a club? Go and take Ayu back to the house!"

   In such a cold day, they don’t wear very much, and they can’t stand it even when they are outside!

   On the other side, Wang Chuanman also rushed towards Ayu under Liu's gesture.

  Ayu was a little stunned. She didn't know why people on both sides rushed towards her. She was a little nervous, and her little hand also held the thing in front of her.

   Wang Chuanfu and Wang Chuanman both ran in a hurry, the snow and the ground were slippery, they did not stop, but collided.

With a    "bang", A Yu, who had been standing firmly before, was so frightened that she sat on the ground with a butt.

   His face was blank, he didn't know what was going on.

   The thing in his hand was naturally not steady, and he rolled forward.

   It was a small chamber pot made of nanzhu, which itself was cylindrical. The ground after the snow was cleaned up was extraordinarily smooth, and it rolled all the way for a long distance.

  Ayu tried hard to get up and chase the night pot, but Wang Chuanman didn't care about the pain anymore, so he got up and hugged Ayu in his arms.

   As soon as he was about to leave, he felt that his collar was being pulled.

  Wang Chuanman lowered his head and looked at the doll with light golden eyes.

   Innocent and simple, with a little eagerness.

   Ayu pointed to the small chamber pot that was still rolling forward.


   The water that I want to give to my mother and grandma is still in it.

   Strange, why didn't the water spill out?

  Ayu couldn't think about such complicated matters at all, only knew that it was very important water and couldn't be thrown away.

The    dumpling was also a little helpless.

The    space squeezed out a few spoonfuls, the doll drank two spoonfuls, and she put the rest into the chamber pot.

  Fortunately, the weather outside is cold enough, and the water will freeze into ice as soon as you go out.

  The freezing point of Wanling Water is lower than that of ordinary water, but it can't withstand the cold winter and twelfth lunar month.

   "Go pick it up for your sister!" Wang Laosan shouted to Wang Wulang next to him.

  Wang Goro ran in response, but the thing rolled too fast, and instantly fell into the drainage ditch below.

The    ditch also solidified naturally, and the heavy snow covered it.

  No one noticed that a behemoth was swimming rapidly down the drain.

   As soon as the small chamber pot made of bamboo fell down the drain, the solidified water of all souls jumped out.

  The behemoth swallowed it without thinking.

   Everything happens in an instant.

   Hearing the movement, the eyeballs of the behemoth turned, revealing a cold light.

  【Not good, there is danger! 】 Danzi felt unusual and suddenly made a sound.

  Ayu struggled to get down, but Wang Chuanman just put her down.

  The villain ran forward again.

  Perhaps it was the Wanling Water that played a role, her movements were not as slow as before, and her running was still quite vigorous.

   Everyone doesn't know what she's going to do, so it's not good to stop her.

  Ayu ran a few steps, and was a little tired, and fell to the ground with a "slap".

   Then, like the little chamber pot, Gollum rolled forward.


   "Hurry up!"

  The Wang family rushed forward.

  Ayu rolled, and brought Wang Wulang down in front. Now, the two of them rolled down together.

   Everyone only heard a loud bang, and both fell into the drain.

   "Hurry up, hurry up!" Liu's eyes were splitting when he saw it, and he wished he could fall for the doll.

  Wang Chuanman was the fastest runner. He was just about to jump down the road, but he saw a scene that made him shudder.

   "Mother!" Wang Chuanman let out a strange cry that changed his tune.

  The crowd also just rushed to the front.

   Seeing that the two children were sitting steadily, Wang Wulang was about to pull his sister up.

  Ayu was sitting on the head of a huge python, his hands still trying to reach down, trying to catch the falling chamber pot.

  The boa's head was bigger than the doll's body, and the body blocked the wide drain.

   She didn't see the small chamber pot, and thought it fell under the thing in front of her.

  Because he was too focused, he was blind to the sounds around him.

   However, at the moment, the python was bleeding from the nose and mouth, and the snake letter was hanging outside, his eyes were closed, and he was obviously out of breath.

   Is anyone watching? Let me see you guys with a referral ticket, okay?



   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion