MTL - Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show-Chapter 98

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When Han Changsheng returned to the station, the crowd had already dispersed, and Anyuan stood still and waited for him silently. Han Changsheng walked up to him and said: "The horse has not bought it. We are still going tonight in the city tonight, and we will leave tomorrow."

Anyuan nodded and walked with him toward the inn and asked, "Have you caught up with the old man?"

Han Changsheng shook his head guiltyly: "His light work is too good, I have not been able to catch up."

Anyuan hesitated and whispered: "Does he know you?"

Han Changsheng immediately denied: "I don't know!"

Anyuan was silent for a while and said: "I thought you were really..."

Han Changsheng simply turned his head into a rattle: "How is it possible! Of course not! Impossible! Just kidding!"

Anyuan lived.

Han Changsheng realized that his reaction was too intense, and he laughed twice and shut up.

The two went to the inn to find a room to stay, Anyuan asked: "Since the old man is looking for trouble, will he find it again?"

Han Changsheng licked his lips and explained dryly: "With a talented person, many people are looking for him. He should not find it again."

An Yuan still feels confused. He can see that Han Changsheng must have something to look at him, but Han Changsheng does not want to say that he can't ask, he can only sigh.

In the evening, Han Changsheng lay down and slept. He slept very lightly. He suddenly heard the movement around him. He woke up in a blink of an eye, opened his eyes and saw a dim candle in the house. Anyuan sat in his place. At the bedside, looking at him.

Han Changsheng resisted no movement, continued to sleep, and only peeked at Anyuan through the slit that his eyes opened slightly. The candle was dim, and Anyuan did not find that Han Changsheng was awake.

Suddenly, Anyuan reached out and carefully explored Han Changsheng’s ear. Han Changsheng was shocked. When Anyuan was about to meet him, he pretended to snoring in his sleep, then turned over and put his face in the bed.

An Yuan’s hand was taken back in midair and recovered.

Han Changsheng turned his back to Anyuan. He couldn't see the expression on Anyuan's face. He only heard the sound of the plop, but he didn't know whether it was the heartbeat of Anyuan, or it was transmitted from his chest. pain.

"What the **** are you..." Anyuan whispered, "Who is this?"

Han Changsheng resisted the urge to swallow and adjusted the frequency of his breathing to cover up his panic.

I don't know how long it took, Han Changsheng heard footsteps behind him - Anyuan went out.

Early the next morning, there were two more horses outside the inn. The innkeeper of the inn said that it was sent by an old man and designated to give the two horses to Han Changsheng and Anyuan.

An Yuan looked at Han Changsheng with amazement: "Is the horse sent by the old man? Is that the old man yesterday?"

Han Changsheng looked at the sky and looked at his toes: "Haha, I am really sure. Maybe it was yesterday that the old man had a question, and sent us two horses as a sin. Anyway, the horses are there, let's go early."

People also came here, and the horses were there. There was no reason to turn back. When the two men packed up, they rode in the direction of Jiuxian Valley.

The place where Jiuxian Valley is located is not far away. They arrived in the vicinity of Jiuxian Valley that afternoon. Han Changsheng thought that Lu Honghua’s words at the Wulin Conference were spread, and Jiuxian Valley must be extremely lively. Whether it’s a real master or a three-legged cat, you’ll have to try your luck, so the wine fairy valley should be overcrowded. queue. But in fact, this is not the case.

There are people near Jiuxian Valley, but there are not many people. When Han Changsheng and An Yuan arrived, they were seeing three people leaving in a dejected manner. Besides, there was no one.

"Hey." Han Changsheng can't help but be surprised. Is it not difficult to find someone who is challenged by the wine fairy?

In fact, Han Changsheng and An Yuan did not know about this matter. The rules laid down by Lu Honghua seem to be simple, everyone can try, but it is not so simple, it is more difficult than the selection of the people through the martial arts. Not to mention how difficult it is to annihilate the evil forces on the rivers and lakes. The eyes of the Northern Tigers and Huayue Niang are more savvy, but it is said that the wind comes to people, Lu Honghua will use him as the benchmark, because his martial arts is high enough.

This wind is called a wine sensation, because he is addicted to alcohol, he is a drunken sword, the more drunk, the more savage the sword, but when he is awake, the martial arts is not so deep. But when he was drunk and when he was awake every day, no one could touch it. In any case, he is considered one of the best players on the rivers and lakes. Although there are people who don't know how to live and come to the wind to challenge people every day, if the level is not enough, being defeated is only a matter of moments, and it takes a lot of work. These people have come to the hand with the wind, and they know that they can’t hope for more years, and they will retreat. As for the masters, there are not many masters on the rivers and lakes. It is rare to be able to come in three or five days. Many masters are still entangled in evil things, so Han Changsheng and An Yuan are so easy to make Shadowmoon Gate The cannon fodder was too late to come over.

Han Changsheng stopped the horse. After Anyuan discovered it, he stopped and looked at Jiu Xian Gu. Looking at Han Changsheng, there was some speculation in his heart: "Why, you want to try?"

Han Changsheng shook his head: "I won't, why don't you try it?"

An Yuan said indifferently: "I don't want to be a martial arts lord, what do you do?"

Han Changsheng smiled and said: "I heard the flowers and said that your sword is practiced with him. They all have the true biography of Elder Lan Fang. This is also a swordsman. You don't want to be taller than the sword. ?"

Anyuan is hesitant. The wind is famous in the rivers and lakes. Which martial arts person does not want to compare with him? There is really no chance for people to practice this way. The most taboo of the martial arts is that there is no opponent. At the moment, I have arrived at the Wine Valley, which is really a bit itchy.

Han Changsheng said: "Try it. It is really winning. It is not so easy to be a martial arts lord. It is a practice."

Anyuan thought for a moment and said: "You are also a martial artist and a swordsman. You don't want to practice?"

Han Changsheng’s face was stunned and he smiled and said: “I... I think too, but I don’t have a bottom in my heart, so I want to see you first and explore the road. I know what the wind is and what the level is.”

Anyuan glanced at him and finally jumped off the horse and took the horse to the wine fairy valley. Han Changsheng quickly followed up.

There are two children outside the wine fairy valley, Han Hansheng and An Yuan stopped, and they are born: "Sorry, only one person can enter the valley at a time."

Han Changsheng and An Yuan looked at each other. This is also to ensure that the latecomers study the number of martial arts roads that are tempered by the wind to specifically study the response, in order to ensure fairness. Or people who are afraid of getting the wind to come to people to be hated by others, one by one, and no one in the valley knows, can avoid this situation.

Han Changsheng said: "Then go out first, tell me the results after coming out."

Anyuan had no words, handed the horse to Han Changsheng, and went alone.

Not long after entering the valley, Anyuan saw a man lying down on a rockery. He saw the man’s clothes wide open, holding the jar, his face was ruddy, his eyes were blurred, and the smell of the wine was spread across several tens of meters. In the nose of Anyuan, if there is no accident, this guy should be the wine fairy.

Anyuan arched the ceremony: "In the lower Emperor Fengxuan Xichen, I have seen the predecessors."

The wind came to open a slit and stretched out: "Is there another one?" Shantou thought for a moment, "You are the Emperor Anyuan of Yuehua School?"

An Yuandao: "It is under. The predecessors are wine sensation?"

The wind came and laughed: "The wine singer doesn't dare to be a man, but a drunkard. You really feel like a rumor. How do you want to be a martial arts lord?"

Anyuan was busy: "Don't dare, I just admire the seniors for a long time, I want to ask the seniors to give me one or two."

The wind came to sway and climbed up. Anyuan saw that he was faltering, and the road was not stable. It seemed to be drunk, and he was worried about whether he could really learn from him.

The wind came to ask: "Have your brother Li Jiulong come?"

An Yuan stunned, silent for a moment, shook his head very lightly: "I don't know."

"Oh." The wind came to look like a little disappointed, swaying and pulling out his sword, his hand still groaning, it seems that even the sword is not stable. He said, "Kid, let's move."

Anyuan hesitated and did not dare to go forward. The wind is drunk like this, can you really do it with him? It’s won, and some wins.

When the wind came to see Anyuan, he did not take a shot, and snorted, kicking the empty wine jar with his foot and kicking it toward Anyuan. Anyuan quickly evaded, just as he turned his eyes back and turned back, the cold light flashed, and the sword of the wind came to his eyes. He was shocked, but the reaction was fast enough, and the body fell backwards, and the danger avoided the sword. The wind came from the nose and gave a slamming sound. The Jianfeng turned and stabbed down.

Anyuan didn't have time to think about it. He borrowed his strength from his feet and turned his body. He flashed from the wind and came down from the sword. He rolled on the spot and pushed a few feet away.

This is a trick, Anyuan scared a cold sweat. It’s strange to blame him for being underestimated. I didn’t expect the wind to come so suddenly, and almost ate a big loss.

The wind came to humanity: "Good boy!" Just then, the two sides looked at it. Although Anyuan was careless and careless, he was quick to respond and could be seen as a master.

Since it has already started, Anyuan is not very polite. He adjusted it for a short time, and then rushed to the wind.

"Hey!" The two swordsmen collided and rubbed a spark.

After the two men had two or three strokes, An Yuan discovered that this windman was different from any swordsman he had played against. His swordsmanship was really "drunk sword." The sword of the wind comes quickly and accurately, and it is creepy, sometimes dull and full of loopholes. But if you want to drill his loopholes, his moves suddenly change, and you may become his cage bird. Those seemingly drunken moves are exactly what he deliberately gave to his opponents or are really drunk, Anyuan can't see, but Anyuan knows that this opponent can't be taken lightly.

Suddenly, Anyuan’s sword stabbed the wind, and the wind came drunk with an exaggerated wine cellar. It seemed that suddenly the wine was on the head, the body leaned back, and the feet did not move. There was no meaning to escape. Anyuan was shocked, afraid of stabbing him, hurriedly collecting the sword, but seeing the wind coming from the back of the qualifier, kicking and kicking the wrist of Zhong Anyuan, his sword flew out.

Anyuan ate his hands and screamed, and the sword of the wind came to his nose. He stepped back half a step and sighed: "Predecessors, then lost."

The wind came to "hmm" and walked back to the rockery to lie down and picked up a new wine: "You, martial arts are OK, but the heart is not strong enough, and there are too many things to worry about. If you learn from each other, you have to point it." Only when the martial arts person, the martial arts is higher, can not save the temper of your mother-in-law. Go, practice for a while, maybe come back to me."

Anyuan shyly shyly: "Thank you for your predecessors, the younger brothers will leave."

The wind came and waved, and began to pick up the jar and drink.

Han Changsheng kept walking outside the valley and saw Anyuan coming out. He quickly greeted him: "How?" He naturally hoped that Anyuan would win, and he would save a lot of trouble.

Anyuan shook his head slightly.

Han Changsheng was disappointed in his heart, but he did not show it on the surface. He only laughed two times: "Ah, even you can't beat him. It seems that the wind is really a bit of a thing."

In fact, if the two really come up with all the strength, Anyuan may not lose, at least not so easily lost. Just because he always has doubts about a drunken opponent, and he has too many concerns when he is shot, that is, the so-called light enemy, he will even be unloaded.

Anyuan said: "Are you going?"

Han Changsheng nodded: "I will meet him when I go in!"

The author has something to say: Thanks to Xiaoxiao's mine.