MTL - Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show-Chapter 88

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Everything is bought well, and the three are ready to go to Shadowmoon Gate before departure. Shadow Moon Gate is a killer organization. Their nests are not easy to find, but it is hard to find Han Changsheng. Before going down the mountain, Han Changsheng specially asked for a small stinky egg to confirm the shadow of the moon in the middle of the door, opened this plug, want to find It is not difficult to have a shadow moon gate.

The three people are on the road together, but the relationship between them is extremely strange. Anyuan didn't put Han Changsheng in his eyes. His attention was always on the body of Xiaoshuang. The flowers were small and right, while he was licking Anyuan, while he was facing An Han’s face in the face of An Chang’s cold, left. Hold on to the right, one does not fall; Han Changsheng has been secretly watching Anyuan, constantly giving flowers to Xiaoshuang, hoping to quickly drive him away.

In the evening, the three were sleeping in the wild.

Hua Xiaoshuang lost some firewood in the fire, touched his stomach, and said with emotion: "Hungry, Luo brother, you are martial arts, it is better to go to the game to get back to today's dinner?"

Han Changsheng glanced at him: "Is there a dry food?"

The small double-mouthed corners evoke an arc of sorrow: "But the dry food is not good."

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes straight. This confusing thing will take advantage of this opportunity to ride on his leader. It is clear that he wants to open him from the mouth of Anyuan, he will not be fooled!

Han Changsheng didn't have a good air: "Go yourself, when is it your turn to instruct me!"

Hua Xiaoshuang shrugged and looked helpless: "Okay, okay, then I will go to the head office myself."

Han Changsheng snorted and said that it was almost the same.

Hua Xiao double just got up, An Yuan also followed up: "I will go with you."

Han Changsheng was a sigh of relief, and he was so angry that he was mad.

Han Xiaoshuang sullenly spread his hand to Han Changsheng, saying that this is not what I meant, it is the meaning of Anyuan, and I have no choice.

Han Changsheng quickly got up and said: "That is the three of us going together."

I never thought that An Yuan was born to Han Chang: "Luo brother, sorry, I have something to say and spend alone, so..."

Han Changsheng was dumbfounded.

The flower double is also a glimpse, and almost laughed out loud.

Anyuan said so, Han Changsheng had no choice but to watch them leave. However, Han Changsheng was also a person who easily compromised. When the two went away, he immediately caught up with the atmosphere.

Hua Xiaoshuang and An Yuan did not go far and stopped. Hua Xiaobi said: "What do you want to tell me?"

Anyuan calmly said: "What do you mean?"

Hua Xiaoshuang looked at his face with a pure face: "What do you mean? I don't understand what you are talking about."

An Yuandao: "What is your relationship with Luo Xin?"

Hua Xiaoxiao smiled and said: "I didn't say it, I grew up with a good brother who grew up with him."

Anyuan sighed in his chest: "Does the brothers hug you like this?"

Hua Xiao's face slowly opened a bad smile: "Why, are you jealous?"

An Yuan opened his eyes and said, "What do I care about? You two, private relations are good, I can't control it. Why should I be in front of me in the daytime, I am uncomfortable!"

Hua Xiaoshuang Yuyou said: "If you are jealous, you will say jealous. You like him... I have my heart, I want to be with me, I can’t watch my intimacy with others, just say it, don’t say anything like revenge. !"

An Yuan stunned, his face seemed to be on fire, and he was red when he licked it. Han Changsheng, who was hiding behind the stone, was stunned and his heart beat faster. How did this flower double double suddenly say this? But... does Anyuan really like him? Really jealous? He couldn't help but erect his ears and wait for Anyuan's answer.

Anyuan was ashamed and angry, saying: "You, what are you like me! Do you like women who are jealous? You do this, if you want to irritate me, you are too naive!"

It’s a bit of annoyance, or a rogue like: “I’m just irritating you, what is your answer?”

Anyuan’s expression suddenly became a bit weird. He stared at the flower double and looked at it for a while, saying: “You...had changed. You used to be like shameless. Although you used to be shameless. ”

Hua Xiaoshuang: "..."

Han Changsheng hiding behind the stone: "........."

Anyuan suddenly remembered something, slammed forward, and his hand quickly hit the small ears. Hua Xiaoshuang was shocked. He didn’t have time to stop it. He called An Yuan to touch the number behind his ear.

Hua Xiaoshuang: "What are you doing?"

An Yuan retracted his hand in confusion. The face of Hua Xiaoshuang is real.

Hua Xiaoshou is still calm, Han Changsheng was shocked, subconsciously grabbed his ears, as if to wear a helping person is him.

Anyuan did not find clues, gave him a look at it, turned and left.

The flower double shrugged and reluctantly followed.

It didn't take long for the two to return to hunting. Han Changsheng had already returned to the fire in advance to sit down. Anyuan threw a rabbit and a pheasant to Han Changsheng. Han Changsheng used the branches to string and put it on the fire.

Anyuan said: "On the way I just came, I saw a small stream on the road. I went to get some water back."

Hua Xiaoshuang waved his hand inadvertently: "Go."

Han Xiaosheng immediately glared at Hua Xiaoshuang. Hua Xiao double said: "You eavesdropped?"

Han Changsheng said: "Why are you..."

"Hey!" Hua Xiaoshuang stopped him. "If you don't want to be dismantled, let's see if there is any eavesdropping madness nearby."

Han Changsheng: "???"

A moment later, An Yuan came out from behind a tree and ran towards the stream.

Han Changsheng: "..."

Hua Xiaoshuang said: "It’s really eavesdropping. You two are really quite good."

Han Changsheng pinched the cold sweat. If it is a genius, let Anyuan listen, and his long-term disguise can be lost.

Han Changsheng said: "It turns out that you are close to me during the day and deliberately mad at him? Why?"

Hua Xiaoshuang snorted: "If you want to use my face to do things, I naturally have to retire, if not, isn't it a waste of the road you laid for me?"

Han Changsheng muttered: "Be careful!" He also knows in his heart that Hua Xiaoshuang is born with his anger, deliberately giving them a sigh of revenge.

The flower two-way Han Changsheng moved closer, and he looked at him and looked at him. Han Changsheng said: "What do you look at?"

Hua Xiaoshuang said: "That Anyuan is a single twister. Then, when did you tweak it? When you lied to me and defrauded Du Yuefei, wasn't it so cool?"

Han Changsheng groaned and was silent. A few years ago, Hua Xiaoshuang’s father, Hua Laotang’s master, died in a battle with the martial arts. The flower double was once disgusted with the things on the rivers and lakes and wanted to leave Tianning. Black and white impermanence has also said that according to the original life of Hua Xiaoshuang, he will become the world's richest man with his excellent business talent after leaving Tianning. However, Han Changsheng and Hua Xiaoshuang grew up together. He was reluctant to spend a small double to leave. It was a stalker, but he left the flower double. Du Yuefei and others were not originally born in Tianning, but they were also seen by Han Changsheng in soft-hardening or forcibly returning to Tianning. From small to large, he can't easily give up when he doesn't get the hand. However, Han Changsheng’s attitude towards Anyuan now makes Hua Xiaoshuang feel very strange. If he likes Anyuan, he is afraid that he has already robbed people back with strong, but he has not said anything to Anyuan yet; if he doesn’t like it, it’s not like watching his performance. .

Han Xiaoshou met Han Changsheng without saying a word, and yelled at him with his elbow, saying: "Why don't you talk?"

Han Changsheng is hungry in the hand-baked rabbit, hurry to eat! ”

Hua Xiaoshuang blinked his eyes and looked at Han Changsheng. He was a seven-handed and unconscionable one. He saw that Han Changsheng did not want to say it, and he no longer asked him. He took the hare and ate it.

Han Changsheng sighed silently. Maybe Anyuan likes him, he doesn't want to say it, and he likes Anyuan, can't say it.

Not long after, Anyuan returned to the water.

Hua Xiaoshen stretched out a lazy waist: "I am full, you go on. I am tired today, I will go back to pick up the firewood and go to sleep." Then he got up and left.

Only Han Changsheng and An Yuan were sitting next to the fire. Han Changsheng silently handed the roasted meat to Anyuan, and did not know what to say.

Anyuan took the barbecue but didn't eat it. He looked at the fire and was in a daze. After a while, he said: "Luo brother, what kind of person do you think is a flower?"

Han Changsheng said: "It is a very good person."

Anyuan smiled bitterly: "Luo brother does not think that this is too perfunctory?"

Han Changsheng bit his lip. In fact, except for the accident that night, things were developed according to his expectations. He is easy to accommodate himself to accompany him to help Anyuan around Anyuan, let Anyuan remember their virtues, and when the day when black and white impermanence is said, Anyuan will not be embarrassed to teach him. Let Anyuan have a good impression on Hua Xiaoshuang, and it is also what Han Changsheng hopes to happen. But at this moment, Han Changsheng’s heart is not so extreme.

He doesn't want Anyuan really like Huanxiao. At least, not the current flower double. But this is contrary to his intention.

After a long time, Han Changsheng said: "I heard him mention it, he likes you very much."

An Yuanyi.

Han Changsheng said: "He is a guy, sometimes his temper is a bit worse, but he is a very good person. He refused to return to the door for half a year, causing our bad big brother to be angry with him."

Anyuan picked up a branch and picked up the fire. He whispered in disappointment: "You know, I know... After the martial arts conference, I suddenly felt that he was like a personal... He looked at me. The eyes are very strange."

Han Changsheng laughed twice, and his mind made up his mind to hurry up and drive away Xiaohua. He said: "He should have a hard time to say it. Our martial art is something you can't imagine. Our big brother has a medicine in his hand that can control. People, after taking the medicine, the person who takes the medicine will lose a memory, and lose his mind and obey the big brother. Therefore, the people in our martial art are always very fickle."

An Yuan was shocked: "Is there still this medicine under the sun?"

Is there this medicine under the sun? ! The flower double that was hidden behind the stone was also shocked! What is the abacus of the leader, what is the bad big brother? What is the evil medicine that I have never heard of? What is Han Changsheng’s so-called conspiracy?

Han Changsheng added some firewood to the fire and said: "There is no firewood." He stood up and stopped answering Anyuan’s question. He fled and left. "The flower has not come back yet, I am going to find him."

Today's eavesdropper quickly left the stone and sneaked into the night.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the six mines in the cloud last month, thanks to Xiaoxiao, the rotten snack mines.

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