MTL - Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show-Chapter 80 ⊙org

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Han Changsheng's sword style is fierce, the sword is as fast as the wind, and a sword is attacking Yue Peng. Yue Peng is quickly caught in a difficult situation. The more he fights, the more he is confused, and the things that shock him are too much. The face of Huangfu’s roots, the missing dragon sword, strong to the incredible internal force, quite the swordsmanship of Lanfang’s legacy... All this makes Yue Peng feel scared and the moves are more and more chaotic.

Who is this person? !

The martial arts people in the audience gradually became more and more stunned by watching the fun. An old man murmured: "His swordsmanship... seems like Lanfang that year."

As soon as this statement is made, many people are like a donkey. Elder Lan Fang is famous for his skillful and simple swordsmanship. He has never seen Lan Fang with his sword, and he has heard about his descendants. Han Changsheng's sword is not gorgeous, but it is fascinating. Every sword is in the right position. Some swordsmen who are practicing swords can't help but follow suit and measure their gap with Han Changsheng. Is this situation very similar to when Lan Fang pressed the enemy?

Yue Peng's chest was cut open, revealing his milk | first, then his crotch was also broken by Han Changsheng's sword, revealing pale yellow pants. Two more moves, Han Changsheng cut a large piece of cloth from Yue Peng's ass, and Yue Peng's half **** was exposed outside to blow the cool breeze.

From the beginning of his hand, Yue Peng has discovered that he is not an opponent of Han Changsheng. He was worried that he would be redeemed immediately. No one would help Han Changsheng kill him. After a few strokes, he found that Han Changsheng did not want to kill him, and he didn’t even want to win him. Whenever he was stretched, Han Changsheng I will relax a little and give him the opportunity to adjust. But when he slows down, Han Changsheng immediately beats him to find the North, and cuts the clothes that cover his key parts, leaving him in thousands. The squad in front of the martial arts in the same way - the purpose of the opponent, is very clear, is to let him in front of the martial arts in the face of shame! I want him to be the head of the Yuehua School to become a small flower in the whole world!

Yue Peng only felt a blood rushing to the top of his head. He is the head of the Yuehua faction, and he has to be more wronged. He has been looked down upon by the martial arts for many years. He is clearly one of the top ten swordsmen, and they are proud of them. Law, but no one cares, laughing at his head, the martial arts is low. Just because there was a freak Lanfang before, although he was a Yuehua faction for Lanfang, he lived in the shadow of Lanfang for a lifetime, and could not get the dragon sword that can represent the head. No one. To serve him, everyone knows only Lan Fang Lan Fang Lan Fang! Now, he is still humiliated by this guy whose origin is unknown and probably his own disciple!

"Ah!!" Yue Peng shouted, murderous, and rushed toward Han Changsheng.

Han Changsheng caught his sword without hesitation, and his expression became more serious. Gradually, Yue Peng felt that the pressure was not so great. I don’t know if he used all his strength. Han Changsheng is no longer oppressive to him, but he can’t turn defeat into victory. At the moment, opponents are very cautious, just like... Seems to be guiding him in general.

The stage was completely quiet. Lu Honghua, who had seen Han Changsheng smashing Yue Peng’s clothes and felt indecent, wanted to stop and stopped. He looked at Yue Peng.

After several moves, Han Changsheng suddenly made a force, and took the sword in Yue Peng’s hand. His sword was on the neck of Yue Peng. He sneered: “Yue old thief, what else can you say?!”

Yue Peng has not yet returned to God, and he is afraid to look at Han Changsheng.

The stage has already blasted the pot, people whispered, and countless burning eyes spurred Yue Peng. Anyuan grabbed the sword in his hand and nailed his nail into his palm.

Han Changsheng sneered: "Yue Peng! Fifteen years ago, you killed the Huangfu Muggen and snatched the secrets of Tianyuan Mountain Villa in order to get a heart that allowed you to repair other martial arts. In the past fifteen years, You have killed countless people, robbed them of their martial arts cheats, and blamed them for the devil. What else do you say?!"

Yue Peng opened his mouth and fell down when he was cold and sweaty. Han Changsheng did not deliberately let him go out in order to humiliate him. The real purpose of Han Changsheng is to anger him! When he lost his senses and angered, Han Changsheng guided him again. He did not check for a moment, forgot to restrain his countless ways, and used a lot of kung fu that was not the sword of Yuehua! Nowadays, thousands of people are watching it. He is really unable to argue. Han Changsheng is so dangerous!

Lu Honghua finally came to power, frowning and screaming: "Yue Zhangmen, what happened just now, please explain."

Yue Peng was dry for a moment, and suddenly made a madness pointing to Han Changsheng: "He framed me! He is a fake, he can't be Huangfu, I used to check the body of Huangfu, he obviously Already dead! This counterfeit goods framed me! Don't listen to him nonsense!"

Lu Honghua looked at Han Changsheng without any confusion. Fifteen years ago, the Tianyuan Villa was the assassination of the roots of the emperor. He had heard that it was the entire mountain village that was let people slaughter. It took fifteen years. The person who claimed to be the root of the emperor suddenly appeared in At the Wulin Conference, it was indeed suspicious.

An Yuan, who was under the stage, finally couldn’t bear it and rushed to the stage.

At the same time, Han Changsheng sneered and reached out to touch his own ear, carefully removing the first mask on his face.

Everyone watched a mask slowly peeling off Han Changsheng’s face, just peeling off half of it, and there was a voice full of anger behind him: “Yue Peng! Not today, I can’t imagine you’re like this. People! You deceived me for fifteen years!"

When Han Changsheng turned around, he suddenly shook hands and almost smacked a few blood marks on his face. How did the dog Xianjun come? ! Was he not sealed by his own sleeping in the inn? !

Yue Peng shocked: "Anyuan?!" His gaze returned to Han Changsheng's face. The exposed face under the half of the face was also Anyuan’s face. He thought that the emperor Anyuan, who had just wanted to avenge his father, had suddenly emerged an Anyuan.

Han Changsheng reacted quickly, and immediately picked up the straw hat that Anyuan had thrown on his head and put it on his head.

The people underneath were waiting for a glimpse of the true taste of the master. Only when they saw one eye, this guy suddenly covered the whole face again. Stopping at this crucial place is simply scratching the heart. Suddenly a mourning and snoring.

Han Changsheng lowered his voice and said, "How come you?"

An Yuandao: "Thank you for your heart, but this is a big event for my family. I can't do it for you. I have to personally finish it."

Han Changsheng’s heart is crying. He just played handsome because he prepared this second mask. In the face of the heroes of the whole world, the face of a hypocrite disguised for fifteen years, revenge for his own father, and martial arts to pressure his former master, how handsome and savvy the plot is, he has planned it all, so die. Not dead, the dog Xianjun ran out himself and destroyed his script! ! ! Since I met the dog fairy, it seems that there is no one thing to complete according to his plan! ! !

An Yuan didn't know Han Changsheng's thoughts. He stepped forward and looked at Yue Peng. "Master, this is the last time I called your master. The fertility of these fifteen years, I remember it, but you are evil. I can’t help but kill the father’s hatred. Today, in the presence of all the heroes present, I will be with you!” Anyuan finally revealed his true appearance in front of the heroes of the world. If it was normal, the first time he saw Anyuan’s people would inevitably hold back, but now, how many people still squint Ready to see the true content of Han Changsheng, the appearance of the fairy tales on the day of Anyuan is not so shocking.

Lu Honghua heard that Anyuan Guan Yuepeng called Master, and he couldn’t help but look up and down him. He said: "You are... the birth son of Huangfu Zhuangzhu, Huangfu Anyuan?"

An Yuandao: "It is exactly below."

Lu Honghua also looked at Han Changsheng: "You are..."

Lu Wenlin jumped on the stage and said: "Hey, he is the brother of Anyuan, Li Jiulong!"

Lu Honghua stared at Han Changsheng, and Han Changsheng could only default. In addition to the identity of Li Jiulong, he really does not know what identity to stand here.

Yue Peng is still making the final struggle, and he screams in amazement: "Reverse! You... you killed the elders of Lan Fang and the mysterious old man, and they also tried to frame them as teachers. Their hearts are awkward and their hearts are awkward!" Pointing at the dragon sword in the hands of Han Changsheng, "You see, you are going to see, this is the symbol of my Yuehua sentiment dragon dragon sword. These two thieves killed the elder Lan Fang, took the sword, not happy. Grab them!"

Anyuan went one step further and sneered: "Don't install it again, Yue Peng! This sword is the elder of Lan Fang personally gave to the brother! He received his brother as a disciple before his death, gave him martial arts, passed his sword. This matter, the Yuehua faction all knows! You have been discovered by me and repaired martial arts, and there are signs of ignorance, lest we take it apart, then I thought about this drama, my brother, your heart is so vicious!"

The stage was picked up again. Many people have seen that Han Changsheng’s swordsmanship and Lanfang’s elders are in the same vein. Indeed, the sword may be stolen, but how can the sword be stolen? Who is telling the truth, who is telling the truth, at a glance.

Suddenly there was a high voice in the audience: "Li Jiulong? If I remember correctly, the yin and yang eyes seem to have been arrested by Li Jiulong!"

Immediately, many people voiced and said: "Yes, yes, it is him! It turned out to be a young hero!"

"The elders of Lan Fang have both ability and morality. The pro-disciple of his selection, character and martial arts are absolutely credible!"

"I was surprised at that I was surprised that the young disciples of Yuehua School could kill the two peerless elders, Lan Fang and Xuanji, how to do it? It really is Yue Peng, a child who believes in her own disciple! It is hateful, it is hateful. !"

Lu Wenlin stepped forward and stared at Han Changsheng with his eyes brightly. He said: "I thought you were a person of injustice. Unfortunately, you are a good martial art. It turns out that you were framed by people. It’s great! I will Continue to work hard to practice martial arts and challenge you!"

Han Changsheng’s heart twitched, and there was a bad feeling.

Sure enough, Lu Wenlin’s words came out, and no number of lights came. Lu Wenlin, the only son of the current martial arts lord, the famous Wu idiot in the world, how many people dreamed of having a trick with him. What Lu Wenlin just said is... to challenge Han Changsheng? !

Lu Honghua did not know the past, but also looked blank: "Lin?"

Lu Wenlin returned to Lu Honghua and sighed: "Hey, I have played with him. He only used one trick to beat me down. I believe that he just said that people with bad minds can’t practice martial arts. !"

Han Changsheng almost planted it from the stage.

The entire summit instantly exploded.

"One trick?!" "This guy actually defeated Lu Xiaogongzi!" "Wait a minute, isn't there a pair of masked heroes in the previous stage? The sword is very similar to Li Jiu..." "Yes, they both It’s the masked pair of heroes! Li Jiulong is the more powerful one, able to defeat An Yuan and Lu Xiaogongzi!”

Yue Peng is also a bit embarrassed about the development of the matter, but he understands that his general trend has gone. From the beginning of the death of Han Changsheng, who lost his sense of reason, his defeat has been irreparable. When everyone was surprised at Han Changsheng, Yue Peng suddenly turned and jumped to the stage, ready to escape.

Han Changsheng wanted to catch up, but he stopped at the moment when he saw Anyuan stepping forward. Anyuan flew toward Yue Pengfei, a sword stabbed to Yue Peng, Yue Peng's sword had been hit by Han Changsheng, but he saw his wrist turned over, actually took a dagger from his waist and slammed into Anyuan. Han Changsheng’s heart immediately smashed up, and it’s too late to get help. However, although Anyuan had no borrowing power in the air, he used a sword on the ground to successfully shun the past, and jumped up a mountain to stop Yue Peng to go. Yue Peng has no weapons in his hands, his hands are broken into claws, and a move locks to An’s throat. Anyuan is a big one. Anyuan’s martial arts is also his friendship. In fact, he has a lot of secrets to Anyuan. Every set of swords has almost disappeared. The most essential part has not been handed over to Anyuan. This day, only Anyuan talent is outstanding, so it is still outstanding among the many disciples of Yuehua School. Yue Peng saw that the person who chased him was Anyuan who was somewhat discouraged. He was confident that Anyuan was not his opponent. He did not expect Anyuan to retire half a step. His chest hurt and Anyuan’s sword was already in his heart.

Over the past six months or so, Anyuan’s martial arts has improved rapidly, and it’s not his second disciple.

Anyuan hides the dark weapon, and the several strokes of surrendering Yue Peng are also very beautiful. It is quite popular with Lan Fang. Unfortunately, Han Changsheng had already robbed the limelight, so not many people applauded for his wonderful moves.

An Yuan stared coldly at Yue Peng, but the sword in his hand did not move forward. After a moment, he opened his eyes and said: "Lu Mengzhu, Yue Peng is a mischievous, in addition to my father, there are many murders on the show and other murders on his body. Please handle it impartially." He still can't get it. Blade killing the enemy.

Lu Honghua gestured to his men, and several people rushed to tie Yue Peng up.

Lu Honghua walked past Anyuan, nodded to him, patted him on the shoulder, and then went on stage to come to Han Changsheng. He looked at Han Changsheng’s gaze as an undisguised applause and slammed his shoulder. : "Okay, okay! Young talent, the future of martial arts is on your generation!"

Han Changsheng did not speak the tears first. It’s really hard to be a bad person.

The author has something to say: Thanks lwxs520-->

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