MTL - Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show-Chapter 57

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An Yuan’s words surprised Han Changsheng. It’s no problem for the dog fairy to see the Korean handsome. After all, he is so handsome, but how can he still remember Li’s brother Li Jiulong? Isn't he lost his memory? !

An Yuan looked at Han Changsheng’s expression, and he already had a number in his heart.

However, Han Changsheng's next reaction, surprised Anyuan - Han Changsheng silently reached out and touched Anyuan's head, just like a loving master who touched his apprentice.

Anyuan shocked to the beginning: "What are you doing?"

Han Changsheng withdrew his hand. The bag on the brain after Anyuan has disappeared. it's a pity. Now he stuns the dog fairy with a stone and then packs it on his head. Is it still useful?

Seeing that Han Changsheng was not talking, An Yuan’s hand was put on the hilt.

Han Changsheng said: "Are you, remember?"

Anyuan Emei, do not answer.

Han Changsheng looked deep: "How much do you remember?"

Anyuan raised his eyebrows: "How much do you remember, related to your true identity?"

Nonsense, of course, is related! How much do you remember, it’s related to how much I have to lie to lie to you, idiot! Han Changsheng sighed deeply and continued to put on the big head of garlic: "Some things, you don't know. You tell me how much you remember, I know how to explain it to you."

Anyuan's eyebrows are even more powerful: "You can say everything from beginning to end."

"No!" Han Changsheng said, "You don't understand, as a teacher... I am too deep with you, and you can't finish it for three days and three nights. If you remember something, you can make me a little wasteful. It also allows you to understand the truth more quickly and clearly - so what do you remember?"

An Yuan’s face changed slightly. After a while, he said: “I just listened to them and said, I just remembered that I was the second disciple of Yuehua’s second emperor, Huang Yifeng Xuanxi, and the word Anyuan.”

Han Changsheng immediately said: "Why are you calling me Li brother?"

Anyuan calmly said: "Are you not? Master? I can remember that the trick was to fall off the cliff together."

Han Changsheng immediately got stuck. Mom got a bite, and everything that fell on the cliff was remembered. At that time, 80% of the cliffs also saw their own makeup remover. This is really hard to rely on. It’s a pity that his makeup has been whitened for a few months, and he actually let Anyuan see through it.

Han Changsheng was busy: "I have something to hide!"

Anyuan raised his eyebrows and waited for him to continue to say.

Han Changsheng looked deep and said: "I was a high-ranking person. One day I was on the road. I saw someone fighting in front. When I arrived, several thieves had already killed a dressed Yuekepai suit. Guy. I am kind and kind, I don’t see this kind of thing at all. I think how sad it is to lose the apprentice’s master. How sad it is to lose the brothers and sisters of my brothers, my heart is hurting, oh...” said Xizi Hold the heart.

An Yuan’s eyes twitched.

Han Changsheng said: "I can't sleep, I want to go, I blame me for not stopping it in time. I also have responsibility for this matter, so I will easily become the appearance of Li Jiulong and enter Yuehua School, hoping to help him take care of his old age. The teacher's father and lead the younger brothers and sisters to the glorious future to make up for my mistakes."

Anyuan’s mouth began to smoke: “You mean the real master is dead? What time?”

Han Changsheng said: "Three or four months ago, you went to Nanshan Jianpai to send a letter, and Li Jiulong also went out. In the vicinity of Moliang Mountain, when he met a mountain thief, he was killed."

An Yuan was shocked: "The master is also out of the mountain? Near the Moliang Mountain? I don't know about this."

Han Changsheng's hand: "According to my analysis, your master may follow you all the way, probably because you can't worry about your own younger brother, so protect you secretly." In order to show that he is a pure and kind white lotus, Han Changsheng has no choice but now. Conscience also praised Li Jiulong as a flower.

An Yuan slightly thought about it. What kind of thoughts did Li Jiuji think? He also guessed a few points. I didn’t expect that Li Jiuji finally lifted a rock and licked his foot. It’s actually a fall. It’s a pity to say it, he’s in the mood. Very complicated. However, he looked at Han Changsheng's eyes still full of mistrust: "So, how can you be so clear about the things in Yuehua?"

Han Changsheng has a serious saying: "Before I entered the Yuehua School, in order to complete the wishes of the Li brothers, in order not to show up, I spent some thoughts on investigating the Yuehua faction. I have used Li Jiulong for several days before you came back. The identity sneaked into the Yuehua faction."

An Yuandao: "Why do you use the martial arts of Yuehua School?"

Han Changsheng said: "There is a sword in the room of Li Jiulong. I am also planning two strokes according to the gourd painting."

An Yuan silent for a moment, rationalized his ideas, and said: "Then your dragon sword, mysterious old man and Yuan Fang elders are going on?"

Han Changsheng looked sorry: "Elder Lan Fang insisted on accepting me as a disciple. You know it. The sword was also given to me at that time. I am not a disciple of Yuehua School. I have taught you all the things that Lan Fang’s elders have learned. I have no secrets, and you know clearly. The mysterious old man did pass on all the internal forces to me. It’s not my voluntary, because the mysterious old man and When Lan Fang was a good friend when he was young, Xuanji old man felt that his life was almost exhausted. His good friends appreciated me. He passed on all the internal forces. In fact, it was not suitable for me. I almost went off at the beginning. You have also seen the tragic death of the devil. If it weren't for you, I might not be able to live now. You said, will I have nothing to do to grab him inside? How can I grab it? So those guys It’s simply nonsense. As for the news of the death of Elder Lan Fang, I also knew it with you just now. What is the reason, I am more confused than you!”

Anyuan stared at him hard and wanted to see what was flawed from his face, but Han Changsheng’s acting could make him see it. His face was sincere, and even his own moved to wipe his tears.

Anyuan whispered: "Then, you jumped on the cliff that day, is it intentional? Why?"

Han Changsheng almost stuck. Niangniang, almost forgot this thing, dare to love Anyuan, this stinky boy still remembers this hatred. However, he jumped to the cliff, but he just wanted to get Anyuan out of Yuehua to get rid of the identity of Li Jiulong. Who knows that Anyuan’s lack of heart will follow and jump! Can you blame him? Fortunately, Han Changsheng’s ability to adapt to the situation is extremely powerful. He screamed and said: "How can it be intentional? I don’t think you are going to fall. If you don’t want to push it, you will accidentally roll it down. ?"

Anyuan said: "You hang on the cliff..."

Han Changsheng immediately said: "I didn't expect that there were so many branches on the cliff. I couldn't die, I couldn't die. I could continue to go back to Yuehua and go with the younger brother. You are so happy, too excited, just thinking. Laughing in the sky, I still didn’t laugh, I saw the younger brother and you fell."

Anyuan: "..."

Han Changsheng’s statement actually can explain a series of things. An Yuan did not know that Han Changsheng brag about blowing for twenty years. He knew that the lies were to be credible. The most important thing was to get a three-point true seven-point holiday. True, false, fake and true, others are often Go rounded in. Anyuan will be suspiciously looking at him: "You, after falling off the cliff, why don't you go back to Yuehua?"

Han Changsheng's hand: "You fell down and hurt. At that time, you said that you lost your memory. I am afraid that bringing you back will cause trouble, and I am afraid that you will fall out of the sequelae. So I will find a place to teach you how to practice the sword. And slowly heal your injuries."

Anyuan took a deep breath: "I will ask you another question. Which face are you really?"

Han Changsheng immediately pointed to himself: "This is true!"

Anyuan raised his eyebrows and his face was full of words and did not believe.

Han Changsheng glared at his own skin: "Really, this is true. You see, if it is easy, can my face be torn off?" It must be said that he used the Tianning teachings carefully. The advanced easy-to-contained product developed not only looks like a real face, but also feels like it. He can rip his face, of course, can pull out the real effect, but if you let Anyuan carefully check it, you will find clues.

An Yuandao: "What about Han handsome?"

Han Changsheng said: "You don't mean to ask another one, why did you ask one?"

Seeing Anyuan glaring at him, Han Changsheng immediately said: "That face is also fake, it is a friend of mine, I see you fall off the cliff, afraid that you will fall to death, make up my friend, he is on the rivers and lakes. The power of the network is also relatively large, so you can find a doctor to heal you. I didn't expect you to wake up suddenly!"

Anyuan coldly said: "I don't believe what you said."

Han Changsheng grabbed his head in a difficult way and sincerely said: "Why don't you believe me, I said it's true!" That is to say, he began to consider the possibility of knocking out Anyuan once again to make him amnesia.

Anyuan stared at his eyes and said one word: "You have been busy for so long, and your voice is for others. What are you doing?"

Han Changsheng did not want to, and he naturally blurted out: "I figure you!"

An Yuan Yi, the pupil shrinks slightly. Although I didn’t think about this answer before, Han Changsheng said it in front of his face, it’s really... a little shame...

Han Changsheng said: "I was mixed into the Yuehua School for the sake of Li Jiulong. But after I have been with you for a long time, I found that you are a dragon and a phoenix, whether it is your gentleness, your generosity, your understanding, or Your smile, your serious look, deeply touched my heart, let me want to be close to you, accompany you, assist you. So I teach you swordsmanship, help you find the enemy to kill, every day with you Happy life together, I want to give you a better future. My heart, you really don't understand?"

Han Changsheng heard Anyuan sucking the air-filled voice and saw Anyuan put the veil hanging on the hat down to cover his face, but did not see An Yuanhong’s face like a sunset, and did not hear An Yuan’s plop Jump out of the chest.

Han Changsheng is a little embarrassed. Will the dog fairy believe him? When I was a child, I tried to get through the old masters and the old church owners. Later, in order to get rid of his master guards, his little mouth was trained to be sweeter than the honey, and the sincere eyes could melt the ice. But those people are the ones he teaches in Tianning, the dog is not the same, will the dog Xianjun eat him?

Just listen to An Yuan and whispered: "You can be really thick."

Han Changsheng touched his face and was very nervous. Dog Xianjun This is what it means to see through his lies?

But see An Yuan grabbed the water bladder in his hand, turned and walked away, and stuffed the water bladder into the leather bag hanging on the back of the horse. Then, Anyuan whispered: "I can't answer you now, I can't trust you, and I don't know enough about you."

Han Changsheng is another glimpse: reply? Does he have any answers to the dog Xianjun? Inexplicably saying 啥?

Anyuan turned his back on the horse and tried to calm his tone, but it was still inevitable to show a trace of confusion: "Where are we going?"

Han Changsheng is not clear, but the dog Xianjun does not continue to ask questions, perhaps it means that he has fooled. So he said: "Go back to Yuehua and send it to you."

The author has something to say: thanks to the 芷芷, Ipoh sauce, the land of 12882444 and the rocket of the order

One unfortunate thing, the little students are sick, and the reason for the illness is extremely unbearable, because the ears are too hard to smash, and after the crusting, the niche is smashed, and the crusted and smashed. As a result, the infection was inflamed, swollen and painful, and I slept uneasy during sleep. Half of my face was hurting. I went to the hospital. The doctor said that the external auditory canal was inflamed, and then I got a little fever...

Everyone learns the lesson, less digging ears and less handcuffs, the latest update is probably not very regular t_t